International Purple-White Plate


After eating, Feng Guozhang did not let down his guard against Zhang Xun. He said quietly: "Yuan Shikai has always been trying to push me out of his way, to the point of wanting to kill me. Zhang Xun and his relatives, how could he side with me? Don't fall for his tricks. We have to return to Nanjing as soon as possible. "

So he said, "I drank my wine and ate my food. Thank you for your hospitality. Now that the world is not peaceful, I will set out for Nanjing. Please ask Director Zhang to send me on my way. On the way, I have something to discuss with you in detail. "

Zhang Xun knew what he was thinking and didn't feel at ease with himself. In order to prove that he had no ill intentions towards Feng Guozhang, Zhang Xun also put on an act and said, "This brother has returned in a good time, Zhang Xun should be sending him off. "Please!" The two of them, escorted by the crowd, got into the car outside. The front and back of the carriage were being followed by Lu Wenhu and her men. Zhang Xun set up his own bodyguards in the pavilion, and only De Sheng followed. The group left the building and headed for the station.

The car had just left the South Gate when a group of people blocked their way. Wang Zhanyuan and Lu Wenhu anxiously urged their mounts to the front of the line to take a look: Only to see that there were dozens of soldiers lined up horizontally, standing there, there was an officer standing at the front of the line. The soldiers held guns in their hands and stood up straight. They were all dressed in military uniforms and were in neat formation.

After which, for some unknown reason, the two of them decided to take a look. Lu Wenhu turned around and reported to the carriage: "Old Marshal, Regional Commander Zhang, who knows what group of people are in front blocking the road. It seems like you don't want us to come. " Feng Guozhang and Zhang Xun were both shocked. Feng Guozhang immediately suspected in his heart: "This must be a scheme that Zhang Xun had set up to harm me."

Feng Guozhang had his suspicions about me, and yet this happened!" He flew into a rage and cursed in the car, "I really saw a ghost today! Who dares to block their way? I'll go down and take a look.

Feng Guozhang was afraid that he would take the chance to run away, so she pulled him back and said: "Take a seat, brother. Let them ask." Zhang Xun anxiously sat down again. Wang Zhanyuan was afraid that something might have happened, so he immediately stopped the carriage and drove the men away, surrounding the carriage. Lu Wenhu ordered the soldiers: "Prepare to fight!"

All the soldiers immediately raised their guns and loaded their bullets, ready for battle. Wang Zhanyuan and Zhang Xun's guards De Sheng urged their horses to move forward to interrogate the convoy. When he got near, De Sheng reined his mount and asked in shock: Who are you to block the way?

The military officer in front of him was even more imposing than him. He didn't answer him and instead arrogantly asked, "Who's driving the car opposite us?" De Sheng said: "Imperial Governor of Nanjing, Feng Guozhang, Elder Feng's commander's carriage." He said again: "You still haven't moved out of the way!" The officer asked again, "Who are you? Talk to me like that! "

De Sheng was startled by the question, and stammered: "I am Zhang Xun, the Guard Captain of the Zhang Xun Capital." Zhang Xun heard it clearly from inside the carriage, he thought that his subordinate was about to get into trouble and could no longer hold it in, he stuck his head out of the car and said fearfully, "Who is the brave one opposite us, daring to stop the carriage? Zhang Xun is here! "

Feng Guozhang also peeked his head out to size up the group of soldiers: All of them were young and strong, all of them looked imposing and awe-inspiring, with 40 plus people pointing their guns at the carriage. Feng Guozhang was so shocked that he closed his eyes and retracted it back, staring at Zhang Xun.

When the officer heard Zhang Xun's question, he became serious and said: "Pardon me for being disrespectful! We are the guards of the presidential palace. " That was it: Old Feng was determined to escape this perilous situation, yet he encountered another obstacle in front of him.

It turned out that this officer was none other than the assistant commander of the Beijing Guards Camp, Xu Jin. Ever since Battalion Commander Guo Chengliang was innocent and imprisoned, the Guard Camp had always been under the control of Eldest Young Master Yuan Keding. He was in charge of everything himself. He had a subordinate relationship with the Deputy Xu. The two of them got along very well. Since the new Battalion Commander, Guo Songling, had been transferred over, only then did Yuan Keding remove the seal on the guards' camp.

Before Yuan Keding came out of Beijing, he had thought that if he tried to assassinate Feng Guozhang, he would encounter an unexpected danger. He specially requested Battalion Commander Guo Songling to send forty soldiers from the guard battalion, led by the commander of the Deputy Xu, to serve as his bodyguards.

Guo Songling and the Deputy Xu both did not know why Yuan Keding had come from such a far distance. Because of Yuan Keding's special identity and position, the two of them could not ask.

Ever since Deputy Xu followed Yuan Keding to the Open Seal, he had lived in a hotel together with the soldiers. These soldiers he brought, had all been personally trained by Battalion Commander Guo Chengliang. All of them had martial arts skills, and all of them could capture or scatter. Even though they were small in numbers, they were a well-trained and powerful team. If they were compared with Feng Guozhang and Zhang Xun's guards, one top five was a little weak, while the other top three was not.

Deputy Xu suddenly received a secret report from the police that Yuan Keding had been captured and beaten up. Deputy Xu was shocked, he asked for the reason in detail and anxiously led his troops to ask for them. He hated that he had to take Yuan Keding back. As they walked, they met Feng Guozhang and Zhang Xun's carriages. Deputy Xu was sure that it was Feng Guozhang and Zhang Xun inside the carriage. He stopped the group and stood in front of them.

Deputy Xu thought: "It is the duty of a soldier to obey orders. I am here to protect the Eldest Young Master. No matter what, if something happens to him, I can't tell you. " He also relied on the power of the guards camp and his prestige, and sincerely wanted to bully Zhang Xun and his subordinates.

As for Feng Guozhang and Zhang Xun, they were in the car, listening to the report about the presidential guards. The two of them immediately knew that this was Yuan Keding's bodyguard. They both panicked.

Deputy Xu continued, "Just now, someone reported to me: Eldest Young Master was kidnapped by an unknown group of people. I came to ask for someone. "Excuse me: was this done by one of Zhang Du's subordinates?" Zhang Xun said angrily: "You guys get out of the way first, I'm the one who grabbed him. I'll argue with you when I send the guests back. You guys know what the Eldest Young Master is thinking, right? "

The Deputy Xu replied, "Soldiers only know how to obey orders. We do not know about other matters. We only know how to ensure the safety of Eldest Young Master. Please return that person to me as soon as possible. Otherwise, no one will be able to escape! " When Deputy Xu finished speaking, he waved his hand and his soldiers immediately ran and spread out a circle, surrounding Feng Guozhang and Zhang Xun's car and all the people there. They all held their guns and moved closer. Lu Wenhu was enraged and was about to give the order to shoot, but Wang Zhanyuan anxiously stopped him: "Don't use force! The old marshal's safety is more important. " The two armies glared at each other furiously. The atmosphere was extremely tense as they confronted each other.

Seeing that, Zhang Xun's heart was in panic, and he shouted at the Deputy Xu: "Do you know what the Eldest Young Master wants to do? He was going to kill him! Get out of the way! I'm going to take him to the capital myself and find the President. What else do you have to say? Now that the Elder Feng Marshal is in the carriage, are you not even going to give him face? "

Deputy Xu said: "Please forgive me for offending you! We are only concerned for the safety of the Eldest Young Master, we cannot give way. "

Zhang Xun was helpless, he shrunk back into the car and whined: "Ah! For a moment I thought that nothing was wrong, that my guards had stayed at the library. They did not want to be captured by Yuan Keding, this beast, midway. "What should I do, what should I do!"

Feng Guozhang's face also turned pale. He had no idea what to do. Zhang Xun said to Feng Guozhang once more, "If something were to really happen to you here, wouldn't it be impossible for me to wash my innocence throughout my entire life?!" No matter what he said, Feng Guozhang did not believe him and was afraid that he had some tricks up his sleeves.

Wang Zhanyuan then walked up to the Deputy Xu and asked, "What exactly do you want us to do?" Deputy Xu said: "If you do not hand him over, then don't even think about leaving. When you have met the Eldest Young Master, everything is fine. " Wang Zhanyuan was speechless. He then turned around to discuss a way with Feng Guozhang. Hearing that the Deputy Xu wanted to seize the carriage, Ru Feng came up with a plan, and said to Feng Guozhang: "Commander Elder Feng, I think it would be better this way: We will leave a group of people to negotiate with Commander Zhang, and we will take our own. We telegraphed home, and we left the party to withdraw. This way, there won't be any danger. "

Feng Guozhang was clever, upon hearing that, he immediately understood what Ru Feng meant. He turned to Zhang Xun and said: "Brother Zhang, get out of the car and negotiate with them. My Guard Captain will lead people to assist you.

Zhang Xun still did not understand the meaning behind his words, and sighed: "Aiya, if you had trusted me long ago, you would not have trusted me at all. So, what's wrong with me? I am only thinking of your safe return to Nanjing. My safety is not at stake. "

Feng Guozhang was deeply moved, he cupped his hands and said, "Brother, take care." At this time, Wang Zhanyuan had already instructed Lu Wenhu to keep him here: Take this opportunity to continue abducting Zhang Xun.

Zhang Xun jumped off the car, feeling relaxed, he said to Deputy Xu: "I am Zhang Xun, tell me what you want to say. Yuan Keding is in my hands, it has nothing to do with Feng Guozhang. You move out of the way and let him pass. "

Deputy Xu said, "What you say is not good. I am only thinking for the safety of the Eldest Young Master, and no one can leave unless I see others. Please forgive me, Lieutenant Zhang! " With that, he turned and ignored Zhang Xun.

Zhang Xun flung his sleeves and sighed, "Cough!" He returned back to the side of the carriage to discuss countermeasures with Feng Guozhang. Helpless, Feng Guozhang said: "Give the person to him first. "Let's see what else he has."

Zhang Xun said: "I am afraid that once I start fighting, both jade and stone will be destroyed together, and something will happen to you. "Even if we give it back to him, he won't be able to run away from the temple." Therefore, he instructed De Sheng: "Go back and tell Zhang Biao to bring Yuan Keding here. "Bring more people." Hearing that, De Sheng immediately replied, "Yes!" Get on the horse and go back.

Feng Guozhang also called out a soldier's instructions, "Go to the station and have Jiang Jiao Long bring all our men over for help. If they don't let me go, I'll take the risk and destroy them! "

The soldier got on his horse and hurried to the station to transfer troops. Feng Guozhang said to Zhang Xun once more, "Make them retreat first, this is too much of a threat to us." Zhang Xun turned around and said to the Deputy Xu: "I'm going to return the person to you and send someone to bring him back. "You should withdraw from the group and wait for them to come back." Deputy Xu stuttered: "No, Young Noble cannot retreat before returning to my side! Do not be afraid, Commander Zhang. Without my order, they will not shoot at you. "

Seeing Deputy Xu's serious expression, Zhang Xun did not show any kindness, and was helpless; he returned to the side of the carriage and sighed: "Cough! I've really had a bad luck today! " Thus, Feng Guozhang and Zhang Xun could only accept the supervision of the Deputy Xu and sit in the carriage and wait for De Sheng to return.