International Purple-White Plate


Zhao Tianzi anxiously said as he ran off to see Lu Wenhu. In front of him, Lu Wenhu glared at him, and chided him first: "At what time is this, if you fall behind, you will randomly meet guests!" Zhao Tie whispered, "Captain, that person is here to inform us." They say that someone wants to murder the Elder Feng Marshal. "

Hearing that, Lu Wenhu was startled, he immediately became angry and asked: "Is this for real?"

Zhao Tiezi nodded, "That person would never lie." Lu Wenhu immediately became anxious: "Quickly go, don't let him go. I will go and report this to Officer Wang to stop Elder Feng Marshal from getting off the carriage. " Lu Wenhu got on the car again to report to Wang Zhanyuan. Zhao Tie turned around and looked at Ru Feng.

Just then, Feng Guozhang put on his hat, tidied up his uniform and was about to get off, but when he bumped into Lu Wenhu, he saw that his expression was bad and immediately retreated, asking: "What's the situation?"

Lu Wenhu could only report to him: "Old Marshal, don't get off the car for now. There's a situation down there. We'll talk about it when we get to the bottom of it. " Lu Wenhu was afraid that someone would assassinate him, hence he was afraid. He once again called Wang Zhanyuan and whispered: "There is a monk that came to report that inviting Elder Feng to a meeting this time is fake. Someone is waiting to kill Elder Feng. "

Wang Zhanyuan turned pale with fright and said to Feng Guozhang: "Old Marshal, please wait. Allow me to come back and decide whether to get out of the car or not. " Feng Guozhang did not know what happened and sat down in a daze.

Wang Zhanyuan and Lu Wenhu got off the carriage and led Ru Feng and Zhao Tianzi into another carriage to interrogate them, "How did Master know that someone was going to stab us? "Who was the assassin?" Ru Feng said: "Eldest Young Master and Yuan Keding are in the same group of Japanese. They came to the Open Seal yesterday and stayed in the State Protecting Temple. It was them who were plotting to kill Elder Feng. The telegram to the Elder Feng had been sent under the guise of the President. I overheard their plot. "

Hearing that there was the President's son and the Japanese here, Wang Zhanyuan knew that it was inconvenient for him to punish them and asked Ru Feng: "Are you from State Protecting Temple?" Ru Feng nodded vaguely.

Wang Zhanyuan said to Lu Wenhu: "This matter is extremely important, and must be dealt with personally by the Old Marshal. Bring this master to see the old marshal. " Lu Wenhu first searched Ru Feng's body, then brought him to the carriage Feng Guozhang was in. These were: the number of days the superstar should die, and the time before the end of his life.

Wang Zhanyuan returned to the carriage first and said to Feng Guozhang, "Old Marshal, there is something very important that I do not dare make a decision on. Please decide for yourself. "

Feng Guozhang asked in shock: What happened? The troops have changed? " Wang Zhanyuan replied: "It's not a mutiny. It's even more serious than a military mutiny. "

Just then, Lu Wenhu brought Ru Feng along. Feng Guozhang saw that he had brought a monk, and was a little confused. Wang Zhanyuan said: "Old Marshal, listen carefully to this master."

Ru Feng then raised his hand: "Salute Elder Feng Marshal!"

Feng Guozhang said: "Master, please take a seat, we have something to say."

Ru Feng was very good at pandering to people, and said: "my humble self looks up to the Old Marshal's character, and has specially come today to save you. You came to Open Seal, and fell for it. and Eldest Young Master led many of their forces, hiding their weapons, hiding in the State Protecting Temple, ready to stab you. The telegram you received inviting you to the meeting was false. It was sent to you under the guise of President General Yuan. my humble self, seeing that this group of people had come sneakily, had eavesdropped on their plot last night and found out the truth. I came to the train station specially to wait for you and inform you of this matter. "

Hearing that Yuan Keding and the Japanese were joining hands to harm him, Feng Guozhang was furious, and scolded: "This beast, I will not forgive him!" Then, he asked Ru Feng: "Where are Yuan Keding and that Japanese Yama Takashi?"

Ru Feng said: "When I arrived in the morning, they were still in State Protecting Temple. I don't know if they're still there. However, I have already sent my disciples to monitor them. "

Feng Guozhang did not doubt it, and scolded again: "This playboy, he is really a bastard, he can do anything. See what else he has to say if I catch him. " Wang Zhanyuan said: "Old Marshal, please calm your anger. For your safety, let's turn around and head back."

Feng Guozhang glared: What are you afraid of, old marshal? Don't we have you people? Get out of the car! "Let's see what he can do to me."

Wang Zhanyuan advised: "Old Marshal, you can't get off the carriage. This place was still unclear, and was Zhang Xun's territory. If he and the Eldest Young Master colluded, the consequences would be unthinkable. Don't forget that they are relatives. " Lu Wenhu also said: "Old Marshal, let's go back quickly! Unlike Jiangnan, we are responsible for your safety. I'll get even with them in the future. " Feng Guozhang was also afraid that Zhang Xun would participate in the conspiracy to kill him, hence he had no idea what to do next.

Just as Wang Zhanyuan was about to get off the car, he ordered them to turn around and head back. Unexpectedly, Zhang Xun was the first one to greet them. Seeing that Feng Guozhang's men were in a hurry, Feng Guozhang did not get off the carriage. He was getting impatient and thought to himself, "He kept me waiting for so long and still hasn't gotten out of the car. He's too old for this!" Let me see. Ask him: "Since your new daughter-in-law has entered the account, what are you going to do about the bounty for the van?" Zhang Xun angrily rushed onto the carriage to see what was going on. Seeing him, Wang Zhanyuan was startled, and everyone including Feng Guozhang was shocked.

Zhang Xun immediately asked: "I've been waiting so long, why aren't you getting out of the car? What's wrong with sincerely trying to make things difficult for me? Are you mad at me for not giving you the money to escort the carriage? " Zhang Xun and Feng Guozhang had a good relationship. Zhang Xun said the usual words. He did not know about the matter of the Eldest Young Master and Yama Takashi preparing to assassinate him.

Feng Guozhang was suspicious of him in his heart, and angrily said: "You came at just the right time, I won't get off the car, and I don't need the payment for the carriage, send me back to Nanjing right now!" Feng Guozhang glared at him as he spoke. Zhang Xun was startled, and asked: "Why are you going back?" Lu Wenhu came over quickly and pressed the muzzle of the gun against Zhang Xun's chest.

Zhang Xun was enraged, and scolded: "Feng Guozhang, you're not a thing! What the hell are you doing? I came to pick you up with good intentions, and you did this to me. Don't forget, this is Henan, and I'm in charge of it! I, Zhang Xun am afraid that you have not! You truly do not know how to appreciate favors! " The more he cursed, the angrier he got, and the more he talked. This scolded Feng Guozhang to the point that he spewed blood.

So it turns out that Zhang Xun, Yuan Shikai, Feng Guozhang and the others were all warriors of the Great Qing Dynasty, and had the same status as him. Their official positions and qualifications were equally high. Yuan Shikai had disguised himself as a revolutionary and stole the power of the Republic of China.

Zhang Xun, Feng Guozhang, and Duan Qirui had all become Yuan Shikai's trusted aides and the right hand men. Zhang Xun had another special characteristic: he especially missed the Great Qing Dynasty. It had been a few years since the end of the Great Qing Dynasty. Zhang Xun and his soldiers still had the symbol of the Great Qing Dynasty — Plaits. So, they called Zhang Xun the Braid Commander and his soldiers the Braid Soldier.

Look at that braid. He's wearing a white field coat, a long silver-gray skirt, and a squire's cap. His hair is tied at the hips." Looking at the back, he still looked like a graceful young girl. He felt deeply wronged, and his braids trembled in anger. The more he cursed, the braver he became, and he wanted to fight to the death with Feng Guozhang. He did not care that the muzzle of the Luminous Tiger was still pressed against his chest, he rushed forward and extended his hand to grab Feng Guozhang. Lu Wen Hu did not dare to shoot, and hastily hugged him again.

Zhang Xun shouted loudly, "What are you doing? Using force! This is my territory! Someone come! " He struggled as he shouted. Feng Guozhang was scolded to the point that she did not say anything. She kept on observing his actions and it even felt good to be scolded.

Zhang Xun's two bodyguards heard the shouts outside and knew that Zhang Xun was fighting with someone inside, thinking that his life was in danger. The two of them opened the door and were about to enter the car. The two of them were pulled down by Feng Guozhang's other guard captain, Jiang Jiao Long. Jiang Jiao Long was scared and asked, "What are you guys trying to do?" You can't go in without an order! " The two of them shouted to Jiang Jiao Long, "What the hell are you guys doing inside? Why did you kidnap our Commander Zhang!? "

Jiang Jiao Long didn't know why he made such a move inside the car. He held onto the door and ordered the guards, "Tie up the two of them!" The guards rushed forward to catch the two of them, and the two of them began to fight with the guards. The two fought as they shouted to their team: "Men! Commander Zhang was kidnapped by them! "

Zhang Xun's guards all rushed over with their guns after hearing the shouting. Feng Guozhang's guards immediately stopped Braid Soldier and hit him with their braids. Some of them were twisted together while others rolled on the ground. The entire train station was thrown into chaos. All the policemen were dumbfounded, not knowing which side to defend. The policemen on guard in the distance also came to watch. None of them knew what was going on.

Someone even asked: "Zhang Du Du Du dressed up, sitting in a palanquin, as if to marry the bride. Why did they start fighting when everything was fine just now? "A relative isn't easy to deal with."

Wang Zhanyuan heard the chaos outside and quickly opened the door to stop them: "What are you doing? Stop! The two lieutenants are discussing things inside. Are you two going to rebel? " The soldiers on both sides stopped.

Braid Soldier began to interrogate everyone: "Since you have discussed things, then why did you, Jiang You Zi, capture our people?" Only then did Wang Zhanyuan look down and see Jiang Jiao Long carrying two of Zhang Xun's guards on his back. He ordered, "Who did it? "Release him!"

All the Braid Soldier took the opportunity to surround the carriage and shout: "Quick, release our Commander Zhang! If you don't let go, none of you can leave! " Seeing that there were a lot of Braid Soldier, Wang Zhanyuan was ready to take action. He also panicked. He looked at Jiang Jiao Long, frightened, and said, "Who told you to casually capture someone!"

Jiang Jiao Long said, "Captain Wang, there was no message just now. The two of them forced their way into the car. They're going to do it. " Wang Zhanyuan said: Let them get on the carriage. The two had been released, but they were still in full fury. Pulling on the door, the two of them got into the car.

The rest of the officials from the Open Seal all panicked and immediately asked, "What happened?" Wang Zhanyuan said: "The soldiers are causing trouble for no reason, and nothing happened. The two lieutenants were inside discussing confidential matters. Hurry and maintain order, get these people into position! "

The bureaucrats heard nothing from the car, and the two people who went in did not come out. They knew it was going to be fine. They all shouted at the Braid Soldier: "Brothers! Do not be rude or disorderly, leave the train and return to your original position! Do not disturb the conversation between the two Governors. " Only then did Braid Soldier return to him. The commotion finally subsided with great difficulty.

The crowd of Braid Soldier were still suspecting in their hearts, when they saw a Braid Soldier and Lu Wenhu who were getting on the carriage, getting off and going through the crowd, the two of them went on a rampage, no one knew what they were doing. Only then did the Braid Soldier settle down, and they looked at each other, then watched the two leave the station and go far away. They even asked each other, "Where did he go?"