International Purple-White Plate


Yuan Keding was not in the mood to listen to his questions. "Sir, once Feng Guozhang arrived, don't you plan to meet him?" Yuan Keding was trying to find out his bottom line.

Yama Takashi had an idea, and laughed bitterly: "Eldest Young Master, how did you forget? Feng Guozhang has always been hostile to the Japanese, how can I please him? Meet him at the station, temporarily. I will kill him here! "

Yuan Keding did not know that he was lying, and thought: "This is still okay. It's good that you can be here. "I'll hide out for a while." To be honest, you Japanese are the only ones who are good at this kind of thing. to be able to do it efficiently and effectively. "

Hearing that, Yama Takashi was very dissatisfied, but he laughed: "Eldest Young Master, don't worry, be careful of me. Anyone could kill a person. You Chinese are no exception. How did Song Chuangren die? " Yuan Keding knew that she misspoke, causing him to return the compliment with dissatisfaction. He didn't know what to say.

Yama Takashi laughed again: "I will work with you seriously. To tell you the truth, I'm afraid it's too late for me to please you. After searching through that treasure, I had even planned to take it from Guo Chengliang. I used to ask you for this person, but you wouldn't give it to me. I believe that I've done this for you. You should have already given me the person, right? You think it's time to change your mind and thank me? "

Yuan Keding would not beat around the bush and said seriously: "Sir, please don't make things difficult for me anymore. Didn't I tell you? Guo Chengliang didn't even know about the matter of the treasure. I've asked him a few times. Why are you still after him! If this person didn't have my father, I definitely can't give it to you. "

Yama Takashi continued to stutter: "I'll keep my word, no more, only borrow from you for three days okay? Can't you just not let your father know? "

Yuan Keding was annoyed by him, she lowered her head and thought, then suddenly became flexible, laughing: "If Master is serious, I can secretly give you three days. However, I'll tell you this: you want to use that beautiful woman's soul drowning trick, but it's useless against this person. He is a very serious person and eats nothing. " Yama Takashi laughed: "That's because the lady used is not beautiful enough. As long as you give me the person, I will have a way to make him speak the truth. "

Yuan Keding made him anxious on purpose, and said: "Other than you, there's still someone else who wants this person from me, I'm still considering." Yama Takashi immediately guessed who it was and said: "Is the person you're talking about, Zhen Lizi?"

Yuan Keding nodded his head: "Miss Shan Kou has told me a few times, she is already the most beautiful. She also said that she had a way to get him to talk to her. Can you find a lady more beautiful than Miss Yamaguchi? "

Hearing that, Yama Takashi panicked, and begged: "We are friends, you better not give her the person. When that treasure fell into her hands, I lost all my face. "

Yuan Keding laughed: "Mister, you don't need to worry. If you really do something for me, I won't give her the person. " The two of them feigned feigned love, both of them felt that they had grasped the other's power. Then the two went out to the palanquin and out into the street.

Just then, Ru Feng finished his meal and left. Seeing the two carriages leaving, Pu Xian quickly spoke to the little monk: "Quickly go and follow them." The young monk said, "They must have gone out to eat. The others did not leave. It's fine if I don't follow. "

Pu Xian said anxiously: "Yama Takashi is very cunning, if anything happens here today, he will definitely run. I asked you to go with me because you know the city well enough to know its name anywhere. Go and keep an eye on them. I'll hear from you. I'll go back and see how many of them there are. " The little monk turned and followed the sedan, Pu Xian turned and walked towards the back.

Pu Xian came to the front of the house, saw that there was nobody guarding the door, and pushed open the door and entered. It turned out that the door was opened in the middle of the room, and the items were stored inside. Pu Xian looked at the west wing first, seeing that it was empty, two teacups on the table still had half a cup of tea left, and the floor was covered with cigarette butts. Pu Xian said in his heart: "Yama Takashi and Yuan Keding will definitely be staying here last night."

Pu Xian then turned around and went into the east room to take a look, and was secretly shocked when he entered. There were no spies, only ten bald monks dressed in muslin. Some of them had just been dressed, while others were wearing them bare-chested. Seeing Pu Xian coming in, they were all panicking.

Pu Xian immediately understood and said calmly: "Everyone friend, the food before is already ready, aren't you going to eat?" Hearing that Pu Xian was here to get food, everyone became calm, and one of them said: "Thank you friend, we are not going to eat here. Someone will bring us food later. "

Pu Xian had a plan in his mind, he took his leave and went back to the old monks: "The special agents have finished their makeup, and are disguised as the monks of your place. There are ten of them. "

An old monk said anxiously, "I have some homework to do today. All of our monks went to the main hall." You have something to tell me. I'll go back and have a look. "

Pu Xian stopped him and said, "You don't need to go, in case we alert them. I want to say a few words to the monks here. "

The old monk accompanied Pu Xian to the great hall. The monks were all sitting on the ground, their order clear, their fishes were beating their drums, and they were praying for peace in front of the Buddha.

The old monk panicked and said, "Everyone, stop chanting, the special agent is going to kill people. The spies at the back have already finished their makeup and are all pretending to be us monks. Pu Xian's master had something to tell you, so they all stood up and listened attentively, then did what he said in all seriousness. When we make a move, everyone must be brave. "

The monks immediately stopped their lessons and got up from the ground, panicked. Pu Xian said: "Everyone, do not panic. They have a thousand brilliant plans and we also have a rule. Once Master Ru Feng went out, he would definitely be able to solve their conspiracy. We'll keep an eye on them first. All of you go out right now and pretend to clean the yard and keep them all under house arrest. Wait until Master Ru Feng comes back to deal with them. "

The monks were still asking, "Are they planning to commit murder and assassinations here today?"

Pu Xian said: "It's very possible." The monks came out one after another, took up buckets, shovels, dustpan, brooms, earth baskets, and carrying poles, and came back to scour the courtyard.

Furthermore, Ru Feng, since he came out from the State Protecting Temple, he had basically come to the train station. Seeing that there were only a few people at the station and no train, he walked until it was hot. Wiping the sweat off his face, he sat on the bench waiting for the train. He waited until noon and saw that there were a lot of police officers at the station. Ru Feng looked out of the door as he saw the police team patrolling the area, sizing up all the pedestrians. Soon, another group of soldiers arrived from the south. In the middle of them was a palanquin. As they entered the station, they lined up in a row and stopped in the middle of the square.

A group of soldiers and police quickly sealed off the station. There were armed soldiers and police standing guard at every entrance and exit. Ru Feng looked at the palanquin in detail, and noticed that there were many Open Seal officials, gentlemen, etc. It turned out that Zhang Xun had brought along the bureaucrats and guards of Open Seal to come and fetch Feng Guozhang. Feng Guozhang was also very cunning, before he left, he first sent a telegram to Zhang Xun. Zhang Xun was still in Open Seal and had not recovered her Xuzhou yet.

Seeing this scene, Ru Feng thought in his heart: "Zhang Xun is preparing to pick Feng Guozhang up. Looks like Old Feng is about to arrive. " Ru Feng stopped thinking and went outside. Suddenly, he heard the sound of a train whistle in the distance. He whispered again, "Old Feng is here, he's here!" When the policemen heard the sound of the train, they nervously drove the passersby away. " Go to hell! Don't look around. All of you go into the waiting room, and don't come out. " The pedestrians were in a flurry, throwing all four things aside and drilling into the house.

Soon, the train came smoking. The policemen shouted again, "All passersby and passengers, retreat for now! "Station martial law, thirty minutes!" Ru Feng did not want to avoid them, so he approached an old policeman: "Sir, my humble self is disturbing you. May I ask why it is so rigid? And to drive the masses out of the way. "

The policeman stopped and gently said to Ru Feng: "Master, quickly hide! The Nanjing Governor, Feng Guozhang, will be here for a meeting today. The telegrams we suddenly received were all for him. While maintaining order, we were also worried that he wouldn't blame us if he came to see us. Now, they were not afraid of anything else. They were all afraid that the southern rebels would take the opportunity to assassinate them. There were many hidden talents among the masses. Do they even know who was inside? "If I don't kick him out, which row will I be …?"

As the two spoke, they saw that the train had slowed down and was slowly entering the station. The policeman stuck out his tongue and bid farewell to Ru Feng before he left as well. Just as the car came to a stop, five officers alighted from it. All the military uniforms looked majestic and neat. Two people looked at the scene and stood guard in front of the door.

The officer that came down first waved to the officers and officers, and said loudly: "Thank you for your hard work, everyone! I am Wang Zhanyuan, and I thank everyone on behalf of Master Feng. Now the south was riotous, and everywhere. You must ensure the safety of your superior. Captain Feng had said that he would personally comfort everyone. This time, he wants to inspect your situation. You all are also honorable people! " All the policemen then shouted in unison, "Warmly welcome Master Feng to Open Seal for inspection!"

"We will absolutely guarantee the safety of our Lord Feng!"

Wang Zhanyuan was extremely happy to hear such a deafening roar, and raised both of his hands to pay respects to the crowd. A police officer ran towards Wang Zhanyuan and stood at attention, then said: "Reporting to Sir: Don't look at the telegram late. The full force of our organization will definitely be able to ensure the safety of Captain Feng. Before the car arrived, this place had already been cordoned off by us. Please rest assured, Captain Wang! " Saying that, he hurriedly saluted again. Wang Zhanyuan returned the greeting and became even happier as he got on the car.

Just then, Feng Guozhang's guards stepped down from the carriage. The two squads of one hundred and twenty soldiers, led by the Guard Captain Jiang Jiao Long and Lu Wenhu respectively, valiantly lined up in the middle from the two sides.

Ru Feng watched the scene and thought, "How awe-inspiring is this Old Feng! I don't want to save him and see him die. " He was watching the guards get out of the car and waiting in line, not knowing how to use a meter.

Seeing that the guard who jumped down at the end looked familiar, Ru Feng's heart moved, and he shouted: "Hey! Do you still know me, Monk? " The guard turned to look at him, not daring to stop. Ru Feng immediately said: "Why are you still not stopping, do you not recognize me?"

The guard stopped and looked Ru Feng up and down. Ru Feng walked forward and said: "Aren't you the one from Dengfeng County, Zhao Tianzi? You don't recognize me anymore? " This person had been mischievous since he was young and loved to use force. As a child, he would often go to the Shaolin Temple to secretly learn martial arts and fight with the little monk. Ru Feng knew him, and had even taught him a few moves. The man grew up to be a soldier.

When the guard saw Ru Feng approaching, he approached Ru Feng, his face filled with panic, and said quietly: "Master, I recognized you a long time ago. How dare you come to this place. There's a bounty on you everywhere, don't you know? "Leave quickly while no one knows you!"

Ru Feng indicated to him with his hand and said: "I came here on a risk to save Elder Feng Marshal."

Hearing this, Zhao Tianzi's expression changed as he asked in shock, "He's in danger?"

Ru Feng said: "Elder Feng has been tricked. This time, it is someone who deliberately tricked him to come here to Open Seal. They are waiting to kill him." Zhao Tie was stunned again, and said, "In that case, don't go. I'll report it to sir. Our captain is from Sichuan, and he doesn't know you. You say to him in a moment. If Elder Feng accepts you, you don't have to be afraid. He is a high ranking official and doesn't know you. If he asks you for your name, pretend to be some other name. I will ensure your safe passage. "