International Purple-White Plate


After the crowd dispersed, Ru Feng asked Pu Xian: "What methods do Yama Takashi and Yuan Keding have to deceive Feng Guozhang? I'm not sure about that. I had a good view of the house in the back during the day, and now I want to go to the back and listen to it.

Pu Xian heard and laughed, thinking: "This monk is really bold. I just got back from a scouting session and I still have to go listen to it. "

Pu Xian said: "If a spy wants to do something secret like that, they must be well-guarded. I'm afraid that they will find out before you even get close to the house. I don't think I can eavesdrop. "

Ru Feng said: "Otherwise, you are overestimating them. In my opinion, they are a bunch of idiots. I have to go and listen! "

Pu Xian said: "If we shock them, it will be detrimental to us. Think about it before you go. If you don't have complete confidence, you might as well let me investigate. "

Ru Feng came back to reality and laughed: "You damned thing, you're trying to scare me, trying to steal my business. That won't do. It's not that I don't trust you. I'm familiar with that place. The time for you to use you has not come yet, so you don't have to worry about not having anything to do. "

Pu Xian said: "I have been here for the past few days, and I have familiarized myself with everything in the courtyard. There is a skylight on the spine of the house at the back, and it is very convenient to hide there and eavesdrop. " Ru Feng said: "I was also thinking of eavesdropping from the crowd." Seeing that they had thought of something, the two of them laughed.

Ru Feng immediately began preparing and called over the little monk to quietly instruct him. The young monk nodded as he listened. Ru Feng asked: "Do you dare to go? The young monk said, "You dare? Why wouldn't I dare to do that if you were behind me?" I might as well beat him up. I'm not afraid. "

Ru Feng looked at his expression and comforted him: "I'm not asking you to take a beating, just to not reveal your weakness. They won't beat you up. "

The little monk said, "Don't worry, Senior. I will definitely do what you have taught me." "It depends on whether or not you are nimble and capable of exposing yourself." Ru Feng said: "Hurry up and prepare, I still want to see if you're really capable or not."

The young monk's temper was aroused. He turned around and came back with a pot of water and said, "Senior Brother, I'll be going now." Seeing him so energetic, Ru Feng was satisfied in his heart. She nodded her head to let him go quickly.

The young monk turned around and walked to the back of the house, intentionally coughing a few times to create some noise. The spy who was hiding in the shadows immediately came out and asked, "What are you doing here?"

The young monk said, "Bring some water. Didn't our abbot come personally during the day? When he returned, he told me to take Mr. Yuan seriously. I'm afraid Mr. Yuan will be thirsty at night and send him some water to drink. "

Another agent appeared out of nowhere and scolded, "Why are you sending me water in the middle of the night!?" Are you trying to eavesdrop on something? "

The young monk deliberately made a fuss and said, "You really don't know what's good for you! I have come to serve you with good intentions, but have been slandered by you. If it wasn't for Mr. Yuan's sake, I would kick you out of the temple if you were to be so disrespectful to me! I'm not here to bring you water, I know who you are! "I've served Master Fang, and you can't even afford to bother me."

Hearing the commotion outside, Yama Takashi rushed out to stop them: "What are you arguing about?"

The young monk said, "I'm here to bring water. They stopped me from scolding." When Yama Takashi saw that the little monk was really here to bring water, he dismissed all the spies and let the little monk in.

Yuan Keding said: "Little master, you are feeling wronged. The water you gave me was just in time. We drank during the day and were thirsty. "

The young monk did not say anything and just took the teacups and washed them one by one. Then he made tea for them, put down the kettle and left. As he left, he spat at the three people at the door. By this time, Ru Feng had already gotten close to the house while the special agent was being attracted, and used the Lightness Exercise on the house, hiding in a favorable position.

Just as the little monk left, Yuan Keding praised, "Mister's people are really shrewd. I don't blame you for saying that there's a hundred percent certainty in this matter. With these people of yours by my side, my heart is much more at ease. "

Yama Takashi said: "These people are the best among my top disciples! Pull it out to help you. I guarantee your success. " Then he said: "I congratulate Eldest Young Master, you are about to have military power." Hearing that, Yuan Keding's heart jumped, and he kept quiet.

Yama Takashi sized up his expression and said: "Eldest Young Master, why do I see that you're hesitating? I did it for you. This is the best way for you to take control of the military. Though thou art high and mighty, thou shalt not inherit the throne without military power. Your father is very old, and half of the military power he holds is in Feng Guozhang's hands. Feng Guozhang resides in Nanjing, he's a man of his own right, and he's been trying to usurp the throne to your father for a long time. He defied your father's orders many times and refused to listen to his commands. If he didn't get rid of them as soon as possible, how long would it take! You need to be confident and do not hesitate. " Yuan Keding still hasn't spoken. The more Yama Takashi speaks, the more panicked he becomes. "

Yama Takashi continued: "With the death of Feng Guozhang, your father allowed you to take over his position, and took over Nanjing, that is perfectly justified. You have half of the forces in your hands, so Duan Qirui and the rest do not dare to have any ill-intentions. I came up with this brilliant plan for you because I was thinking for your future. " Yuan Keding said worriedly: "Sir is right for me, but Uncle Feng is my father's favorite general, like his right arm and left arm. Once I kill it, I will make a grave mistake and leave behind a legacy of hatred. That is why I am worried. "

Hearing that, Yama Takashi became irritable: "Feng Guozhang has been hiding his evil intentions for a long time, you still can't make up your mind, it's hard to be a real man! Do you still have to wait for the day he bullies you! Do you know what he's doing now, with you and your son behind his back, colluding with the United States and the United States? "

Yuan Keding was startled by what he said, and asked: "What did he do? I knew he had something in common with the United States and I didn't see any ambition in him. "

Yama Takashi seized the opportunity to lie: "The United Kingdom and the United States have decided to bring your father up onto the stage."

Yuan Keding muttered to himself, "Oh, I haven't heard of that."

Yama Takashi continued, "To tell you the truth, the United Kingdom and the United States had this intention a long time ago. Yuan Keding believed it, and said: "Elder Feng has always been cautious towards Elder Duan, afraid that he would not come after receiving the telegram? It's not easy to trick him out. "

Hearing his determination, Yama Takashi laughed and said, "Rest assured, Young Master, he will definitely come. I sent the telegram to him in the name of your father's waiting here. There is no reason for him to not come. "

Yuan Keding was shocked: "Sir, how can you be like this? Wouldn't that ruin my father's good name? "

Yama Takashi laughed sinisterly: "To achieve your goals, no matter what, I'll do it! This is because you are in charge of the military, so you have no choice but to do this. "

When Ru Feng heard this, he was so angry that he did not have the heart to listen anymore, and thought: "Yama Takashi is truly sinister, if you listen to me any longer, I will not be able to control myself. "Let's go, let's go!" He gently descended from the room and went around to the front.

Returning to the house, he was still angry and told Pu Xian everything he heard. Pu Xian also said when he heard: "This scum is truly infuriating! Absolutely terrible. His head was full of pus! We have to kill him. "

Ru Feng said: "This damned Eldest Young Master, it's all his fault for having too much desire for power, allowing the evil spirit to grab onto his weakness." The two of them lay on the bed and argued for a long time before they slowly fell asleep.

The next morning, just as Ru Feng woke up, the monks gathered around once again. Ru Feng comforted them, "Don't worry, all of you. I'll go out after dinner. I have something to entrust to you, too. You guys must help Pu Xian keep an eye on this Yama Takashi for me. I've been looking for him for a long time. This guy is very cunning, we can't let him escape this time! "

Pu Xian replied: "Don't worry Junior Master, it won't be difficult to keep an eye on Yama Takashi. I alone will be enough to keep an eye on him. You have to take care of yourself. Don't forget that this is a place under Yuan Shikai's rule. You should be extra careful when you go out and deal with the officers. "

Ru Feng nodded: "I know about that. Even if he has thousands of men and horses, he can forget about capturing me. " Pu Xian continued: "If I find that Yama Takashi wants to run, I'll kill him first."

Ru Feng rolled his eyes and said, "We can't kill him now. Killing him would cause trouble very soon. You just need to know his address. "

Pu Xian nodded: "Understood."

Ru Feng continued to elaborate: "Although Feng Guozhang has always been inclined towards the United States and British, and was also involved with selling his country, to Japan, he can still be considered a bit unyielding. He hated Japanese enemies the most. Once he knows the truth behind killing him, he will definitely chase after him relentlessly. There is no need for us to take action, none of these Japanese spies will survive. " With that, everyone went to eat.

At this time, Yama Takashi had also woken up. He stood outside and breathed in the fresh air as he calculated in his heart, "Yesterday, I sent a telegram to Feng Guozhang, telling him to come here at noon. He got up from Nanjing. He had to bring his guards when he went out. These assassins would not be able to escape if they killed him. There was bound to be a vicious battle going on here, and it was extremely dangerous. I can't accompany Yuan Keding here. I have to deceive him and try to get out. " It could be seen that Yama Takashi was sinister and cunning.

He began to think again about how to find an excuse. He thought to himself, "Yuan Keding is pestering me in every possible way, afraid that I'll leave. Without a reasonable excuse, it would be hard for me to get away. " He thought long and hard, but he couldn't come up with a suitable excuse. His heart was also a little anxious. In the end, he pretended to be at ease, returned to his room, and said to Yuan Keding: "Eldest Young Master, it's getting late, and it's time for us to eat."

Yuan Keding was so flustered that he didn't sleep well the whole night, and had just gotten up to put on his clothes. Hearing Yama Takashi talk about going to eat, he said: "No need, let them bring us here, the two of us will eat here. I've already given you my instructions. "

Yama Takashi said to himself. "This brat is really not going to let me go, I've already arranged everything yesterday." So he laughed: "What's the point of eating here? Are you afraid that I've left? Feng Guozhang wouldn't come today; he would only come tomorrow. I have some business to attend to and won't be back until I'm done. So we'll eat on the street. "

Yuan Keding was afraid that Yue Yang would take the chance to escape and panicked, "Sir, you can't go out. What is it that matters to you now, it is not as important as what is happening here. You are the mastermind in this matter, and he is also yours. You left me behind, so I won't be able to handle it. Once things go wrong and Feng Guozhang escapes back to Nanjing, the consequences would be unimaginable. "

Yama Takashi saw that he was being pestered and laughed: "Don't worry Eldest Young Master, you think too much. How can I leave you behind at this time? "I will help you to the end, send Buddha to heaven, don't worry!"

In order to ease Yuan Keding's nervousness and gain his trust, he pretended to be kind and went to the great hall with Yuan Keding to burn incense. He said, "Eldest Young Master, don't worry. After this is done, I still have something that I need your help with. I heard Zhen Lizi say that Shorty was shot dead by her in Shanghai, and my opponent was eliminated. I can go back to Beijing. I also want to track down the treasure that your father gave to our envoy. The last time we found some clues, it was all messed up by the Shorty. "