International Purple-White Plate


When everyone told Ru Feng what happened, the young monks that went out to look for Ru Feng had also returned. Seeing Ru Feng already sitting in the middle, they were all very happy. They all asked Ru Feng: "Senior Brother, how do you think we should settle this matter? If we fight with them, we will definitely suffer. If we alarm them, they won't be in a good mood. "

Ru Feng said, "Junior brothers, do not panic. As the saying goes, 'One foot higher on the path, one foot higher on the devil'. I have my ways of handling them. At least, I can't let them kill Feng Guozhang here. It has nothing to do with you guys anymore. Now that this group had gone to the brothel to play, it was likely that they would not be able to act today. Wait till I get a feel for them, watch me tease them, make a little joke with them. Teach them what they want. " Ru Feng said with a face full of smiles. When the newly returned monks saw his confidence, they all let out a sigh of relief.

The old man continued, "Ru Feng, I know you have a lot of schemes. You are the number one person among our Henan monks. I entrust this matter to you. This old monk's death is not to be regretted. You must protect the monks and the thousand-year-old temple from any mishap. If you want to hire people, I have over a hundred monks here, you can call for help. "

Hearing that he was a little worried, Ru Feng added, "Thank you for the trust of Reverend and the other junior brothers. There's no need for one or two of you to die. Just us two alone is enough to disrupt Yuan Keding and the others' scheming. If I am sincere in dealing with a foolish person like Yuan Keding, it would truly be a small effort. "

The old abbot instructed again, "The ones who come are not kind, but the ones who are kind will not come." I figured they were all dressed in martial arts and hiding guns. To deal with them, you must be careful. "

Ru Feng replied: "Master Fang, don't worry, we do not need to fight with them, we are not afraid even if they have guns. I'm wise to them. " When the monks heard this, they all calmed down and prepared to see how he would act.

Ru Feng did not tell anyone about his plan, and returned to his own room with Pu Xian, as the two of them started discussing. Pu Xian said: "Senior Master, I really didn't think that Yuan Keding was such a foolish person. Seeing that the General Cai is about to attack us from the north, he actually wants to kill his father's beloved general. "

Ru Feng said: "Right now, the internal situation of Yuan Shikai's government is extremely complicated. On the surface, it seemed that Yuan Keding was an idiot. How could he not know the consequences of killing Feng Guozhang? There must be a reason for him to do so. It was also possible that he was forced to do so. I expect the roots to still be in the empires. Under the control of Japan and the United States and Britain, Duan Qirui and Feng Guozhang respectively became more and more incompatible. Japan and Yuan Shikai had signed a contract to monopolize China. Japan has to rule out the Anglo-American forces. Right now, their power struggle was also very intense. With Feng Guozhang's death, Japan had obviously eliminated the Anglo-American power and monopolized Yuan Shikai's forces. Therefore, Yuan Keding must be supporting Feng Guozhang's murder from a Japanese side. No matter who the Japanese were talking to in China, they were not sincere. They only used the greedy Chinese to achieve their goal of monopolizing and invading China. Yuan Shikai and his son were actually played by the Japanese enemies. "

Pu Xian continued: "I've thought about it, we've cracked their trick, it's equivalent to saving Feng Guozhang. Is there a need to save him? "

Ru Feng said, "It is necessary. We must take this opportunity to save Feng Guozhang and make a statement to him. We must expose the conspiracy between Yuan Keding and the Japanese. Feng Guozhang must hate Yuan Shikai and his son, and the Japanese Empire even more. When the south was fighting together, the first thing that they encountered was Feng Guozhang's army, so Feng Guozhang would definitely not seriously resist and risk his life for him. With his passive hand, the National Guard would soon reach the Yangtze River Basin. In order to conserve his strength and deal with Feng Guozhang, Duan Qirui would not seriously resist him either. He and Feng Guozhang wanted to watch and see what would happen. In this way, the collapse of Yuan Shikai's government became a foregone conclusion. The General Cai would soon be able to develop its influence into the Yellow River Basin. In less than a year or two, General Cai will be able to overthrow Yuan Shikai and take over Beijing without any problems. " Pu Xian suddenly felt enlightened and was extremely happy.

Unknowingly, the sky had already darkened. An old monk anxiously came to Ru Feng and said, "Senior Brother, we have bad news! That group of people are back, and there's one more person sitting in the palanquin. "

Ru Feng also muttered in shock: "Could it be that the person sitting in the palanquin is Feng Guozhang? If it's him, it's really bad. " He then asked, "How many people are coming?"

The old monk said, "There are twelve or thirteen of them. They are all young people. I think they all have martial arts skills. " Ru Feng relaxed and said: "I understand now, the person in the palanquin is not Feng Guozhang."

Pu Xian said: "Martial Uncle, why is it not him?"

Ru Feng said: "Right now, Feng Duan and are very close, so Feng Guozhang should not be on guard against others. He couldn't possibly have brought only a few people with him. If Feng Guozhang comes, he must have at least a hundred guards protecting him. " The two of them felt that this made sense and nodded their heads.

Ru Feng continued: "To prevent any mishaps, I'll disguise as the deacon monk here to go to the back to see what's going on. If it really is Feng Guozhang, I will expose my confusion and rescue him here. Then we'll all work together to eliminate these agents. "

Ru Feng quickly called for the foreman to look for the forsaken monk, changed his clothes, and spoke some thoughts. Then he secretly instructed the little monk to lead the way, and the two of them walked over.

When he reached the back door, he saw that there was someone standing guard there. The young monk stepped forward and said, "Benefactor, our abbot has come to greet your master." Ru Feng said: "Amitabha, please inform the others that my humble self is here to greet Eldest Young Master."

The man looked at Ru Feng and said: "Wait." He turned around and said, "Mr. Yuan, please come in." With that, he dodged to the side.

When Ru Feng and the little monk entered, the one who saw them was not Feng Guozhang, but the leader of the spies from Black Dragon Society, Yama Takashi. He was currently sitting opposite of Yuan Keding on the armchair, talking to him. Seeing Ru Feng coming in, Yama Takashi did not move.

Yuan Keding stood up and said, "Master, please take a seat." Ru Feng began to speak, "Eldest Young Master, my humble self has asked for information. Our temple is simple and crude, condescending to your presence! If there are any mistakes, Eldest Young Master please advise me in time. "

Yuan Keding said hypocritically: "Master is too polite, I am sorry to bother you. Please sit down. " Ru Feng sat down and saw that Yama Takashi did not say a word. Ru Feng deliberately asked: "This sir is —"

Yuan Keding said: "This is a Japanese friend of mine." Yama Takashi then sat down and nodded to Ru Feng.

Ru Feng said: "My apologies." Then he turned to Yuan Keding and said: "Eldest Young Master, may I ask, what business do you have with my temple? Are there many days to live? If my humble self wants to arrange a meal for us, I have no choice but to ask. "

Yuan Keding said: "I will be here to prepare a meeting for guests. The guests will be here in two or three days. As for the meal, Master doesn't need to worry about it. We're all arranged on the street. "

Ru Feng said: "That's good! my humble self was relieved. If the house is not warm, if there is not enough tea, and if sleeping is not comfortable, please let Young Master scold my humble self. " Yuan Keding said: "I don't dare! I'm satisfied with everything here. After I leave, there will be more incense. "

Ru Feng said in his heart: "This is for nothing." He also hurriedly said, "I don't dare to accept it. Doesn't that mean we have to pay Young Master's room and expenses? " Yuan Keding replied: "It's not a lodging fee. It's a wishful wish, and I should be paying for it. "

Ru Feng thought: "Why is his guest here?" Then he thought for a while and asked, "Young master, if you would like me to arrange a meeting with the guests? my humble self is willing to help. "

Yuan Keding said: "I won't trouble you with this. When my guest got off the bus, there was someone to take him. For the time being, my guards will be coming here. "

Ru Feng snickered in his heart, and said: "This is extremely good, so as to prevent us from seeing the world and doing things unwisely. my humble self will take his leave. " When the two of them came out, Yuan Keding sent them to the door.

Why did Yama Takashi come here? So it turned out that when Yama Takashi returned to Shanghai from Nanning, he was immediately called over to Zuo Mu's Trading Company. Just then, Zuo Mu's Trading Company was brought back by Boss Fu Tian and recovered completely. Fukuda and Tou Shanman were continuing their fight with the French.

Tou Shanman said to Yama Takashi in the secret room of Zuo Mu's Trading Company. "Yuan Shikai is a cunning person, according to our research, he has experience in politics and politics. He used to use deceit and was very good at using people. Don't look at the fact that he signed the contract with us. We have to prevent him from going back on his word. Right now, Cai Songpo was creating a rebellion against him. His internal organs were in pieces, and whether or not his empire could be built and the treaty could enter into force, all of that depended on the situation between the two sides. So we must keep a firm hold on him and achieve our goal. Even if his empire is not built and the treaty does not come into force, we can still monopolize China. Let him feel our pressure on him, disobey us, do not move an inch. Go back to Beijing immediately and try your best to rope Yuan Keding in. Let him kill Feng Guozhang with you. We need to take control of all of Yuan Shikai's forces. This way, Yuan Shikai will have no way to go back on his words, and neither the Americans nor the heroic would be able to win against us. " The way Japanese spies wanted to kill Feng Guozhang was similar to Ru Feng's analysis.

Yama Takashi received the secret order and rushed back to Beijing. He suddenly gathered a dozen or so special agents and went back to Yuan Keding's residence to speak to him in a soft and hard manner, using a swindling technique to deceive Yuan Keding. Behind Yuan Shikai's back, he actually managed to convince Yuan Keding. Yuan Keding was afraid that his father would take responsibility in the future, hence he did not dare to use his own men to kill Feng Guozhang.

Yama Takashi immediately agreed to use the Japanese to kill Feng Guozhang. Just like this, Yuan Keding led the guards and came to the Open Seal with Yama Takashi in his heart. After arriving at the Open Seal, Yama Takashi decided to separate with Yuan Keding. He went to the small trading company in Japan to arrange a place to hide. Yuan Keding was afraid that the alarm would be too big, hence he hid his own guards in the library. Afterwards, he brought a few of his trusted aides and disciples, along with his Japanese spies, to the place where he arranged the assassination attempt on Feng Guozhang. After the location was arranged, Yuan Keding's heart was unsettled. He once again went to the brothel "Yuan Yuan Yuan" in a sedan to find joy and worry. Xiaoshi Trading Company and the neighbors in front and back of "Yuan Yuan Yuan".

After Yuan Keding played around for a while, he felt uneasy and sent someone to find Yama Takashi. Yama Takashi accompanied Yuan Keding in the brothel again, eating, drinking and playing until the sun went down in the west. It was only then that the two of them separated in a sedan chair and came to State Protecting Temple.

Yama Takashi originally did not want to come to the State Protecting Temple, he knew that this matter was extremely dangerous and wanted to take control of it from the back. Yuan Keding felt that he was not the main culprit, and killing Feng Guozhang was not his original intention. Without Yama Takashi by his side, he kept feeling uneasy in his heart. Yama Takashi was brought here using the palanquin.

As for Ru Feng, he went back to the front, where there were many monks gathered. When Ru Feng entered the room, everyone asked: "Is that Feng Guozhang?"

Ru Feng secretly told everyone: "The new person's name is Yama Takashi, he is Japanese. He was the Chief Secret Service Officer with Black Dragon Society Of Japan in Beijing. I know him. It's definitely going to be fine here today, you can all rest assured. Don't look panicked and show it to others. Feng Guozhang could only come to the Open Seal tomorrow, and they had to go to the train station to greet him with false feelings. There's plenty of time for us to mess around. We've messed up their schemes. " All the monks focused their gazes on Ru Feng with hope.

Seeing that it was dark outside, Ru Feng was afraid that the spy would eavesdrop on them. Thus, he did not talk about proper matters, and instead chatted and laughed with the others as he told his story. Thirteen monks from Shaolin Temple, save Li Shimin. " The monks were in a good mood, relaxed, and mustered the courage to kill the agents.