International Purple-White Plate


After One Jie left, Ru Feng felt a sense of relief and joy. He carefully analysed the two soldiers and said to Pu Xian: "One Jie, the two people that one saw might not be people from the Revolutionary Party. The enemy must have misunderstood their own soldiers. The enemy was currently in a state of panic. The purpose of their public action was to suppress those soldiers who wanted to join in the rebellion and, by doing so, stabilize the morale of the army. Let them kill as they please, there's no need for us to care about them. "

He continued, "In the blink of an eye, we have been out for a long time, and we haven't seen Master Fa Ming yet. It's time for us to do our own thing. We will stay here for the night, and rush to Shandong Chaoyang Temple tomorrow. "

Pu Xian was looking forward to leaving for Shandong as soon as possible, and said: "What Martial Uncle said is right. This is a good time for us to track down "International purple-white plate". If Master Fa Ming returned to Beijing one day earlier, he would be able to find out where Guo Chengliang was one day earlier, and the other day, he would be able to find out the whereabouts of《 International purple-white plate》. Because of this matter, the abbot was extremely anxious. From now on, we don't need to care about anything else, we will wholeheartedly go to Shandong Chaoyang Temple. "

Ru Feng pondered deeply: "Right now, those ferocious Japanese rogues have all gone to the area of the Chaoyang Temple, so there must be a lot of enemies that Master Fa Ming faces. If anything happens to him, we'll be even more sorry for him. Now, I too wish to see Fa Ming and the others there for a while … "

Just as the two were deep in thought, the young monk that served the old monk came in with a panicked expression and said, "Senior Brother Ru Feng, you're finally back! Something is about to happen to us in the temple. The elder sent people to search for you, but they couldn't find you. Go and advise our elders and save the monks! " After saying that, he stepped forward to grab Ru Feng and said: "Senior Brother, let's go! Our elders and fellow disciples are waiting for you to go. " Ru Feng and Pu Xian were both shocked when they heard it.

Ru Feng asked: "Junior brother, do not be anxious, we have something to say slowly. What exactly is happening here? " The little monk pulled on Ru Feng and said: "Senior Brother, let's leave quickly. I can't say for sure right now, but you will know by now."

Ru Feng did not continue asking, and anxiously followed him to the Division Lord's Zen Hall. Seeing that the abbot was sitting in the middle, more than thirty monks of various ages gathered and were discussing countermeasures.

The old man was also over ninety years old. When he saw that Rufeng had come in, he quickly gave up his seat and said, "Rufeng, I know you have a lot of ideas. When something happens, quickly think of a way to save us. "I'm in for a disaster right now.

Ru Feng calmly asked, "Elder, do not be anxious. Tell me what's going to happen here. You even want a calamity to befall you? I will definitely try to save you. "

The old man let out a phlegm sound and said, "We had a sedan chair and a group of people this morning. We thought they were here to burn incense and worship. A young man came in and looked for us. I just found out that it was Yuan Shikai, the eldest son of President General. The old monk did not dare to be negligent, so he gave them the meditation room for me. I also sent my little monk to serve them. Unexpectedly, he colluded with the Japanese in an assassination attempt. They were prepared to use some tricks to lure the Nanjing governor, Feng Guozhang, here to kill him and then frame us monks. They still want to take advantage of the chaos and shoot down some of our monks to silence us. They were in the house talking about these things, and my little monk went to fetch water, and they all heard it. "

Ru Feng muttered to himself after hearing it, "This Yuan Keding brat is completely shameless."

The old man continued, "Think about it, with such a big character like Feng Guozhang, and such a powerful force, if we die here without knowing why or what, who would be able to escape responsibility? This would allow their scheme to succeed. Isn't it a great disaster for me? " This was the truth: 'My son will never be as foolish as my master in the past'. Ru Feng was furious, he wanted to control this group of people.

After the old man finished speaking, Pu Xian knew that the Japanese spies was moving again. Pu Xian said angrily: "When Yijie and I saw this group of people on the street, I had expected them to run over here and cause trouble. I guessed it right. Eldest Young Master Yuan only knew to listen to Japanese spies and do whatever he was told. How stupid! Now that he dares to kill Feng Guozhang, it can be considered as his father's, son's, mountains being lost as well. "

Ru Feng nodded his head and said: "Son of a general, destroying your own reputation is called bringing about your own destruction. Serves Yuan Shikai right to be annihilated. "

Pu Xian said, "Senior Master, please decide. Not only can we not let their scheme succeed, we also have to spread the news of this matter, and also eliminate this group of Japanese spies on the spot. "

Ru Feng nodded and said confidently: "We cannot go and touch them first, we can't risk getting caught in the fire. Since we know their tricks, then let's think of ways to break them. " At this time, Ru Feng had a plan to deal with this group of people.

Ru Feng said to the old square head, "Don't worry Elders, I have a way to save you. Tell me more about how those people came here, and I'll think about how to deal with them after listening. " Everyone had faith in Ru Feng, so they all had a plan in mind. They pulled themselves together and started to speak to Ru Feng one sentence at a time.

Originally, Yuan Keding was riding on a palanquin in the morning, bringing over a dozen people with him to this place, he had first parked the palanquin in the middle of the courtyard. In the palanquin, he sent someone to look for the abbot. The little boy of the abbot led the man into the abbot's meditation hall. That person was still very polite and said to the abbot: "Old monk, we are from Beijing. We were surprised that you would disturb us!"

The old man was so old that he couldn't hear clearly. He kept interrupting, "What? Bei Clan? He was still willing to come here. There are people serving the incense within the halls, so there's no need to ask me. "

The man was anxious and said it twice more loudly before the old man realized that the group was from Beijing. The old abbot also said politely, "Ah, so you are all officials. "Don't be surprised, I'm too old to listen to anything." Seeing that Fang Shen knew, the man shouted again, "We are from the present Yuan Shikai's President General's house. The master who is waiting outside is Eldest Young Master Yuan Keding. "

Hearing that it was the president's eldest son, the old man thought, "This man is like a crown prince." He immediately stood up and said: "Ah, the Eldest Young Master has arrived at our temple. I have to go out and meet them. "

The man stopped him: "Elder, there is no need for you to take it. It's hard for you to walk in old age. Our Eldest Young Master is a well-informed person, he won't blame you. He came to the Open Seal, and hated staying in the library. He knew that it was quiet here, and easy to rest. He wants to stay with you for a few days, so I'll trouble you to arrange a quiet house for him to stay in. "

The old man clearly said, "That's easy. At the back, there is a meditation room specially for me to cultivate in. There are three rooms in the house, and it is quiet inside, with no neighbors. It can be given to the Eldest Young Master to live in. "

That person was very satisfied and said, "Thank you, Elder! Before the Eldest Young Master leaves, they still need to present their wealth. "

The old man shook his head and said, "I don't dare to accept it, I don't dare to accept it! You're welcome. " He continued, "My movements are really not that easy. I often ask my little monk for help when I have something to do. Let him show you. If you don't like it there, there are a lot of houses here, I will choose another one for Eldest Young Master to live in. "

The man said goodbye to the abbot and went to the back with the young monk to take a look at the house. As expected, the house was easy to handle since they didn't have to rely on each other. Therefore, that person said happily: "Little master, I will be troubling you. We'll live here. " The man turned and spoke to Yuan Keding in a low voice, then brought Yuan Keding into the house.

Seeing their high status, the young monk became more attentive. He returned to the front and reported it to the abbot, who then came back with a pot of tea for them. At this point, those people saw that the environment inside and outside the house was very ideal for the crime, and were only happy to talk in the house. When they saw the young monk run forward without anyone following him, they forgot to defend the door.

Very soon, the young monk came back with a pot. No one saw him and heard the person inside say, "This place is perfect. I already thought of that in Beijing. Once Feng Guozhang has fallen into his trap, you Japanese friends will immediately kill him as planned. After that, you guys hurry up and escape over the wall. I will make use of this opportunity to spread the word of the monks. Amidst the chaos, several monks were killed by gunfire. No one will ever know the truth about this. "

Before the young monk could finish listening, he was so shocked that he did not dare to send any more water. He then took the pot and slipped back to the front, telling the original story to the others.

Hearing this, everyone panicked and didn't know what to do. Fang Shen had the young monk come to discuss with Ru Feng, but was not around. He did not know how many days Ru Feng had been walking for, and had people constantly staring at the houses Ru Feng and Pu Xian were staying, and sent people to look for the two, hoping they would come back and discuss plans.

Seeing that Yuan Keding was resting at the back, they got on their palanquins and went out. The abbot once again had the young monk follow behind, trying to find out what was going on. He thought that Yuan Keding had gone to fetch Feng Guozhang. The monks that went out to look for Ru Feng had not come back yet.

At this time, Ru Feng returned from the Zheng Province, walked out of the train station and caught up to Pu Xian. Seeing that, Pu Xian told Ru Feng about how he had met a genius and how he went to chase Yuan Keding's palanquin. The two of them were both surprised and happy as they slowly returned to their State Protecting Temple to wait for one.

The little monk and Yuan Keding's palanquin followed the little monk to the entrance of the "Yuan Yuan Garden" brothel, and saw the palanquin entering the brothel. The little monk knew that they had come to find some whores for fun and hurriedly ran back into the temple, telling Master Fang what happened to Yuan Keding when he went into the brothel.

At this time, Ru Feng returned to the temple. Once again, Yijie took the report and left. The little monk took a deep breath and came to look for Ru Feng. Seeing Ru Feng's happiness, he held on tightly.