International Purple-White Plate


When Pu Xian arrived at the train station, he was overjoyed to see people coming and going, the business was flourishing, and the place was bustling with activity. He was walking in the crowd when he heard a familiar voice calling to him. " Senior Brother Pu Xian, why is it you! "

Pushin looked in the direction of the voice and saw a merchant in a long-sleeved top hat pushing his way through the crowd towards him. Pu Xian recognized Dongfang Yijie at a glance. "It's you, Yijie! Why did we meet here? "I was just worrying about a person's depression. I don't know anyone around me." "The two of them embraced happily.

It turned out that Yuan Jun, who had finished investigating the situation in the Sanjiang River of the two lakes and three rivers, had hurried over here. He planned to investigate and then return to Kunming.

The two of them were elated for a moment before arriving at a secluded place. Pu Xian said: "Since that day, I missed you so much. I thought you weren't coming back after all this time. Why are you here? "

One of them said, "If it wasn't for us coincidentally meeting today, we really would have had to wait a bit longer to meet. I intend to stay here for two days before returning to Kunming. I just came from the Xuzhou, so I came here to find out about Yuan Jun's defense. General Cai is waiting for this information. "

Pu Xian was surprised and said: "That means the General Cai is going to attack from the north?" Yijie nodded. "That is what the two generals mean."

"Why did you come here alone?"

Pu Xian said: "Since you left, the capital has been safe and sound. Fang Shen asked Master Ru Feng and I to help Master Fa Ming. He actually came to Henan. Along the way, Ru Feng's master only asked him about Yuan Jun's situation. After asking around here, he went back to Zheng Zhou to ask about Ru Feng. Only after searching thoroughly could he bring me to Shandong Province to find Master Fa Ming. He's been gone a few days, and I'm coming to pick him up at the station. I didn't expect that I would receive it. "

Once Yi Jie heard that Ru Feng had also come, and collected quite a bit of Yuan Jun's information, he was overjoyed, and immediately became happy: "Master Ru Feng is truly a lucky man. If we meet, everything about Yuan Jun will be clear. I don't need to run around anymore, I will just wait here for him to come back. "

Pu Xian said: "Master Ru Feng has gathered a lot of information regarding Yuan Jun. "He's about to return from Zhengzhou and send the information to Kunming."

When Yi Jie heard this, he became even more happy. He immediately had a good time and said, "This is the first time I'm here at the Open Seal. I heard that there are a few famous monuments here. I can take this opportunity to tour around."

Pu Xian said: "In the past few days, I have been touring around. Nothing. Only the seventy-two steps of the Dragon Pavilion, the fenced-in stable beast, the corner of the main building with its heavy eaves, and the beautiful lakeshore surrounding it were still relatively visible. The difference between Beijing and other places is like heaven and earth. Open Seal are really not fun. "

"You're from Beijing," said Yijie. "You're used to the scenery there, so of course you won't find it beautiful if you look at other places. But don't be too selfish. You've seen it, and I haven't seen anything. How about forcing yourself to walk with me again? " Pu Xian laughed: "I can also be your tour guide. Where do you want to go first? I'll take you there. "

A jie said, "Since you said that Dragon Pavilion is the most beautiful, then let's go see Dragon Pavilion first." The two chatted as they watched the scenery. Yijie recounted what he had seen on the way out of Beijing and what had happened to him.

Just as the two of them were talking about Japanese spies and Yama Takashi, a palanquin suddenly appeared in front of them, followed by a few people.

A Jie looked at the palanquin and laughed: "Not strange at all, you said that the Open Seal palanquin is the most beautiful. These words were indeed true. Look at that sedan chair, it's dressed up like a flower and decorated too beautifully. Like a bride in a bridal sedan. The person seated inside must be someone's daughter. "

Pu Xian also sized up the carriage, shook his head and laughed: "I see that the person sitting in the carriage does not look like Miss Qian Jin. There must be a big fat pig tied up inside. "

Jie burst out in laughter and said, "You really know how to scold people. How can you sit in a palanquin with a fat pig?"

Pu Xian said: "You are not being careful, look at that palanquin pole which is bent to the point of breaking. How can an ordinary girl be so heavy? " Yijie laughed and said, "You are such a spendthrift that you don't understand family matters. Not all the ladies were slim. Haven't you heard? miss Qian Jin, it must be heavy. " The two chatted and laughed as they watched the palanquin move forward. In next to no time, the two of them arrived at the opposite side of the palanquin.

Pu Xian saw the person in the palanquin clearly, and lightly pulled at a jie and whispered: "Weird, the one sitting in the palanquin is Yuan Shikai's eldest son, Yuan Keding. What is he doing here? "

Jie said in surprise, "Yes, it's him. I saw that the others were familiar with the palanquin as well. like a spy in a Japanese monastery in Beijing. "

Pu Xian immediately became alert: "It's them. I can see it very well, too. Skin peeling, I still recognize their bones. No wonder the capital is so quiet, all these things have come here to cause a ruckus. "

At this moment, the palanquin was far away. The two of them turned their heads to look at the palanquin that was far away. The sedan chair bearers turned their heads from time to time and looked at the two of them. Pu Xian said: "These people have all met us in Beijing, they must have recognized us."

One Jie said, "So what if we recognize him? In this foreign land, we are afraid that he has not! In Beijing, we only allow him to be afraid of us, and we have never been afraid of them! "

Seeing that the palanquin was getting further and further away, Pu Xian said: "Yijie, don't go to the Dragon Pavilion. Take off your coat and follow and see where they live and what they do. When I take off my clothes, I don't have any decent clothes. "

Yi Jie immediately hid behind Pu Xian and took off his clothes and hat to reveal his snow-white shirt. Pu Xian caught all of them with his hands behind his back. One of them said, "If I go too far away from them, how will we meet?" Pu Xian said: "The moment Master Ru Feng and I arrived here, we lived in the State Protecting Temple. "You can look for me there." Yijie hurriedly followed him.

Seeing that the palanquin had turned into the bustling city, it was unknown when a teenage monk had appeared behind it. He was also walking behind the palanquin. "This little monk must have followed me from somewhere when I was taking off my clothes," said a hearty voice. As he walked into the busy city, he saw that the sedan was blocked by the crowd in front of it.

One of them looked at the crowd. There were two soldiers tied to each other with a wooden sign around their necks. The sign said "spy" in large black letters. The wings were held by several soldiers with guns. Behind him was a mounted officer. Behind the officer was a group of soldiers. More and more commoners gathered to watch, countless. The crowd was coming from the opposite direction. It turned out to be a group of prisoners who were touring the streets.

"When we get closer, one of the soldiers behind us is chasing the two tied up with a spear as he shouted." Run! Don't you know how to block the road? Don't dilly-dally, you two spies. After finishing today, I'll let you guys have a taste of 'Lighting the Sky' tomorrow! "

The two people who were kidnapped were not convinced, they could not help but shout out: "We are not spies! We are wrongly accused. The two of us were in the army before you. Just because we haven't taken any leave of absence lately, we went home to take a look. Our family lives in Kunming again. When the two of us returned, someone accused us of having a secret affair with Cai Songpo, and said that we were Cai Songpo's spies, that was none of our business! At most, I won't go home from now on. What right do you have to give us a tour of the streets? Why are you still giving us lights? We will not accept this even if we die! We are going to sue the governor! "...

When the officer on horseback heard the two shouting, he did not show the slightest mercy and shouted, "Insolent spy! If you scream again, I'll slap you. It's useless for you to call him that! I'll tell you the truth, and you two don't have to go. This way of dealing with you is the command of the governor. "Who told you guys to miss your wives and go home at this time." "When the two heard this, they were both dumbfounded and no longer shouted." "Let's go, let's go!" The soldiers behind him pushed and pushed again.

One of the heroes only paid attention to these scenes. It was unknown when the palanquin had taken advantage of them to pass by. One of them hurriedly chased after the sedan chair. He saw that the sedan chair had already gone far away, and it even had an extra seat. He sized up the two palanquins and saw that they were exactly the same, and that there were people following behind them like palanquins. One of them couldn't tell which one he was following, so he panicked for a moment. He saw the palanquin walk up the street and turn. One went east, one went west.

One of them hesitated and saw the young monk leave with the palanquin. Jie turned a corner and chased after the palanquin to the west. He saw the palanquin turn towards the south. After walking for about a mile, it entered a long and narrow alley and stopped in front of a yard in the depths of the alley. A noble lady walked down from the palanquin and was helped into the courtyard by two maids. Knowing that he was following the wrong way, he hurriedly ran back to catch up with the sedan. By the time they reached the fork in the road, the sedan had long since disappeared.

"May I ask Miss, where did you see that palanquin just now?"

That young miss laughed, "Which one do you want? "Just now, three sedans went by."

One of them said, "I asked about the man in the palanquin." The young lady shook her head and said, "I didn't see it." One of them walked forward and asked for more people. He asked a few men and women, but they all shook their heads and didn't know what was going on.

"In such a large Open Seal City, there are many identical sedans. I will stop looking for it and quickly go back to find Pu Xian and Ji Ning to save the two Kunming soldiers who were wandering on the street. They both have wives and children in their homes, so we can't let them die for nothing. " One of the elites asked others for the way to State Protecting Temple, and then, walked towards there.

When he arrived at State Protecting Temple, Ru Feng and Pu Xian had already returned, and were waiting for him. One of them first greeted Ru Feng and asked, "When did Master return from Zhengzhou?" Ru Feng said: "I heard from Pu Xian about your situation. In fact, we arrived on the same train at the same time. We didn't see you at the station. "

The three of them laughed at the same time. Yijie recounted the story of how he had missed the sedan and how he had seen the two bound soldiers.

Ru Feng said: "If there is a fish in the water, there must be a bubble. It was easy to find them in the Open Seal. However, if no one is able to save the two soldiers who were roamed the streets, then it would be a disaster. " Yi Jie said, "I'm afraid these two are our people. They had to divert their attention to lose the palanquin. I think we should save these two. "

Ru Feng calmed down and said: "Whether or not we should save them, how we should save them, let me think about it first, and then decide. It was time to gather the most important military intelligence. You must quickly return to Yunnan to report to General Cai. Pu Xian told me what you mean. "

"Apart from this place, I have a thorough understanding of Yuan Jun's situation in other places," a jie said. Most of the officers and soldiers of the Yuan Army were low in morale and lacked fighting spirit. Yuan Shikai risked everything to become the emperor. He secretly signed a contract with Japan to sell his country, which broke his heart and military morale. Even Yuan Shikai's right arm and left hand, Feng Guozhang and Duan Qirui both had different intentions and were acting negatively, so they were not as loyal to Yuan Shikai. All along the way, I've only seen Zhang Xun with his Xuzhou, this braided commander is still following Yuan Shikai closely. Every region under his control has the mood to prepare for war. "

Ru Feng said: "I have already understood the situation of Li Li, Henan, Shandong and Anhui Yuan Jun. I have compiled the information and am about to send it to Kunming. You can take them back with you. Go back and tell the two generals that this is the best time to attack Yuan Shikai. I wish the two generals victory and success! "

Ru Feng then handed over the materials that he had arranged to Yijie. Yijie looked through the materials one by one and then immediately bade farewell to the two. He then returned to Kunming the next day without mentioning anything.