International Purple-White Plate


The contents of the letter were agreed upon by both Cai Li and Yu Mu, and were basically the same as what Li Liejun had said to Yi Jie just now. It was used as a final preparation for the start of the army. The letter requested one of them to find out the current situation of Feng Guozhang and his army as soon as possible. This included the current morale of the two armies, the preparations for the war, and the attitudes of some of the senior generals towards the current situation.

"This task is too heavy," he thought to himself as he read the letter. Not counting the provinces in the Central Plains where the two Feng and Duan armies were located, there were garrisons to both the north and south. These two armies were Yuan Shikai's main forces. Defeat one of them, meant that Yuan Shikai had lost half of his family, and break two of their families. And Yuan Shikai was completely done for. How could he ask? If I were to personally travel around these places, it would take at least half a year. "

After thinking hard for a long time, he shook his head and said to himself: "Commander's meaning is definitely not for me to personally travel throughout the provinces. He's clearly for me to use the Revolutionary Party's intelligence agencies in various places to swiftly grasp the required content."

Just then, the Miss Liu opened the door and came in. Seeing him with the letter in his hand, he became lost in thought, and asked: "Yi Jie, what are you thinking about? It must be very difficult. " Jie immediately put down the letter, stood up and said, "You haven't rested yet? Please sit down. " Miss Liu said: I was just about to rest, the Vice Commander went to find me, and asked me to help you prepare for your journey. After speaking, he sat down across from Yijie.

"She came at just the right time," he said. "This man is shrewd, and she is the wife of the commander in chief. She knows his mind and his ways very well." With that thought, Jie showed the letter to Miss Liu and told her his thoughts.

"Although the commander's plan to send troops is confidential, we still have to take over these few locations first. The two lakes, three rivers, and then the Central Plains. These places all had Yuan Jun's main force, and were a place where all the troops would fight for him. These places are your former base of operations, you must have a strong intelligence network there. It's easy for you to get the information you need when you use it. "I see that you will be able to achieve your goal and complete the mission well if you do as I say."

When Yijie heard this, he felt enlightened and smiled. Otherwise, I was at a loss. I am afraid that if I stay longer, I will come back to delay the general's business. " The Miss Liu heard that his mission was urgent, so he hastily went to prepare passes for One Jie.

Miss Liu very quickly returned to his headquarters. He unlocked the secret office, went in and opened the safe, took out a stack of passes, and quickly returned and said to Yijie: "This is the pass from the provincial capital's governor's mansion. There are all the places you want to go. You must take it with you, lest you run into trouble on the way. Right now, Yuan Shikai's special investigation personnel had a wide range of activities, making them extremely powerful. "You don't have any reliable documents on you, so it's easy for them to capture you."

One of them took the pass and looked at it one by one. There were at least twenty of them. Yijie first took out the ones of Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi, put them in his pocket, and put the rest into his pocket. In fact, every time Yi Jie came to Shanghai to do some work, Miss Liu would arrange for him to dress up.

Miss Liu saw that Yi Jie was still wearing his military uniform and said, "If you go out like this again, you won't be able to do anything. Although the military uniform was mighty, it was eye-catching everywhere it went. I think you'd better go out looking like a businessman in a long-sleeved top hat. "Because merchants trade everywhere and can go anywhere without attracting attention."

Yijie nodded in agreement and said, "I already feel that it's not appropriate to go out like this, but I really don't have any suitable clothes to wear, so I might as well buy them on the way."

Miss Liu shook his head. "You mustn't be careless." She went to get a suit of merchant's clothes and said, "This was worn by Lieutenant Li when he went to Shanghai. You can use it first. " He took off his uniform and tried it on. The Miss Liu helped him put on his clothes again.

Immediately, the image of a high-spirited businessman, the Big Boss, appeared in the room. The two of them laughed. Yijie looked in the mirror and was very satisfied. He smiled and said, "Thank you, Secretary Liu. These clothes are just too suitable."

Miss Liu laughed, "From now on, you should call me Big Sis. Don't call me anything else. "

One of them said, "When we meet after work, we can call her Big Sis." The two chatted for a while. Miss Liu felt that he had thought through all the things that needed to be done on the way, and said: "You haven't had a good rest for the past few days, and tomorrow you will be heading back and forth. You should rest early. You don't need to think about anything else. I'll go back and think for you. "

When Yijie heard this, he thanked her from the bottom of his heart, "Big Sis Liu is the most meticulous person. After all, you've thought about it, I don't think you'll be lacking anything else."

The Miss Liu laughed and said, "You can rest now. I'll take my leave. " Miss Liu left the room. After seeing him out, Ji Jie came back to rest.

Due to the fatigue from running and running for so many days, Yijie was truly exhausted. Not long after he lay down, he fell soundly asleep.

The next morning, when he got up, he felt inexhaustible energy in his body. After washing up and eating, he hurriedly wanted to leave. He took his hood and came to the headquarters to say goodbye. Li Liejun saw that Yi Jie was wearing the clothes that he had used before, and laughed: "This set of clothes is really fitting for you to wear. This was given to me by Hu Hanmin in Shanghai. I'll give it to you again. I wish you a pleasant journey! "

One after another, he shook hands and said his goodbyes to his staff officers, Miss Liu and Miss Zheng. Miss Zheng was busy preparing the papers and did not see him yesterday. Seeing that Yijie was about to go out again, she felt somewhat reluctant. She sent Yijie to the street and watched him mount the horse. She waved her hand and said, "I wish you a safe journey!"

One of them said, "Goodbye!" Then he galloped off. Where did Yijie go when he left Kunming? Let's not talk about it for now.

On the other hand, ever since Fa Ming had left, Ru Feng had been leading his people out to search for Guo Chengliang and track down the location of the [International purple-white plate]. Ru Feng found many new suspicious places, but he still could not find out where Guo Chengliang was being held.

"Right now, the capital is peaceful, which is very advantageous for us in our pursuit of the International purple-white plate," said the abbot. Guo Chengliang is the only clue we have to find the location of the treasure, but we can't find out where he is. Right now, there was only one way to find out where Guo Chengliang was. That's what we said before: We should send someone to Shandong to help Fa Ming, and ask him to come back early so that we can find Guo Chengliang's master and Amitayus in the northeast. This will cater to Pu Xian's plans to go to Shandong. "

When he finished, he looked at Pu Xian and smiled. Pu Xian listened and went to Shandong Province. As expected, they all laughed. Pu Xian said: "Thank you for fulfilling my wish! We only want to go to Shandong to fight with those Japanese rogues and see what abilities they have to dare come and bully people in China. " Pu ji clapped happily: "This time, I also have a chance to go out. I'm a Dou Lang and a tourist, killing two birds with one stone!"

Seeing that he was so happy that his hands were dancing, he said, "Don't be happy too early, I'm not done yet. You all left, no need for State Protecting Temple? Pu ji will stay with Master Fa Tong and the other monks to watch the house. " Hearing that, Pu ji was very unhappy, he grumbled: "Master Fang is too biased, how can you not let Senior Brother Pu Xian watch the house!"

The abbot simply looked at him and did not answer. After a long while, he said, "I'm not biased at all. I just want you to take him there. This way, they would have fewer people and be easy to move around. Next time something like that happens, I'll make sure you go. I can only let you down today. " When Pookie heard this, she was really amused and said, "Then it's a deal! I got a short favor. " The abbot smiled and nodded.

At this time, Ru Feng had already thought of this for Cai Songpo, so he wanted to find out more about Yuan Jun. Ru Feng had already figured out the Yuan Jun distribution around the direct disciples. Ru Feng thought: "I am going to Shandong, and am just in time to inquire about the situation of Yuan Shikai's army in the various regions of the Central Plains. "Reverend, your decision is really killing multiple birds with one stone." Ru Feng was secretly happy, he immediately packed up and took his leave, then led Pu Xian on the road.

The two of them took a route through Tianjin, stopping and walking as Yu Lu continued to inquire about Yuan Jun's situation. After walking for more than ten days, the two of them finally reached the Dai Zong Fang. Entering the sect, Pu Xian took a look at the surroundings and said happily, "Master Fa Ming must be here, we are about to meet."

Ru Feng also said: "The scenery here is very beautiful. After meeting Master Fa Ming, I'll bring you to travel Mount Tai again tomorrow to see the sun." Just as the second person said this, the abbot's young monk took it out. The young monk recognized Ru Feng and shouted, "Senior Brother Ru Feng! Where did you come from? " Ru Feng said: "I am here to look for Master Fa Ming."

The little monk said: "Master Fa Ming only stayed here for two days, before he went to the Chaoyang Temple. Now he's not here. " When the duo heard this, they felt disheartened. Ru Feng then asked: "Is the abbot good?"

The young monk said, "The abbot is currently recuperating. He just returned to the temple yesterday. " Ru Feng and Pu Xian entered to meet the abbot. The abbot said to the two of them: "Ever since Master Fa Ming brought people to Shandong, there has been a change in the whole of Shandong. The Dai Zong Fang returned to normal. The Japanese rogues s have all been attracted by Fa Ming from various parts of the Shandong Province to the Chaoyang Temple s and to the places where they are located in the Jiaodong region. "

Seeing that Fa Ming was not here, Ru Feng did not have the mood to climb the mountain to see the sun anymore. The two stayed the night, then bid farewell to the abbot and rushed to Henan. Ru Feng planned to find out the situation of Yuan Jun in Henan before going to the Chaoyang Temple. As soon as the two arrived in Henan, they settled into State Protecting Temple.

Ru Feng had a thorough understanding of the situation of the Open Seal Yuan Jun's garrison, and heard that the Zheng Province still had Yuan Jun's main force. He had also heard that Yuan Shikai had recently given all of his trusted aides and disciples the task of controlling Zhang Xun. Ever since Zhang Xun took over Open Seal and Zheng Zhou and came to Henan to inspect, he urged them to prepare for battle. Ru Feng saw that the Open Seal's Yuan Jun was also prepared for battle. Ru Feng left Pu Xian alone in the Open Seal, and then went himself to the Zheng Province.

Pu Xian waited anxiously at the Open Seal alone for several days. He looked forward to rush to the Chaoyang Temple in a short while, so that he could see Fa Ming and Pu Tuo. Every day he spent his time on the street view to relieve his boredom. In the past few days, he had finished swimming through the streets of Open Seal. He went to visit the Dragon Pavilion again.

There was a beautiful scenery here. That was true: the wild flowers were beautiful, the water in the pool was calm and even. The weeping willow was still green, and the birds were chirping. The Dragon Pavilion had a beautiful overhanging roof. Seventy-two steps, fenced-in beast. And then with the surrounding lakeshore, it was a lot better to look at. Pu Xian was not surprised. Today, he came to visit King Yu's Pavilion again. Since the ground was wide and there wasn't much scenery, he decided to take a look around the Dragon Pavilion. Pu Xian felt disheartened and came to the train station to pick Ru Feng up.