International Purple-White Plate


Before she left, Cai Songpo and Li Liejun came to send her off. Cai Songpo said: "The mission of the Special Envoy's young miss has already been successful. I congratulate you! "I hope that young miss will come back to Yunnan again at any time, bringing her friendship with her as a guest." Zhen Lizi said in his heart: "It won't come, I don't want to come again. Those marchers almost lured me out of Yunnan. " Therefore, she smiled bitterly and said, "I thank the two generals for their invitation and hospitality. I also hope that the two generals will visit Japan at a convenient time. We very much welcome you! " Cai Songpo nodded and happily accepted her invitation.

Li Liejun clearly knew that Zhen Lizi was unhappy, so he reminded her, "You saw the visit of the Special Envoy. The people here are demanding democratic republics, opposed to foreign aggression and foreign interference. The crowd was in an unprecedented uproar. This is the future trend of China. Mademoiselle is an influential figure, and I hope you will go back and make a positive impression. "

Zhen Lizi could only say: "Please rest assured generals, I will definitely do everything I can for our friendship when I return." Cai Zongpo nodded and said, "We will remember your words. I wish you a pleasant journey. " Cai Songpo and Li Liejun then shook hands and said their goodbyes to Zhen Lizi. Cai Songpo even intentionally sent a hero and a Miss Liu to send Zhen Lizi off.

Although that Zhen Lizi was cunning and deceitful, she was definitely a water prodigy. When she heard that a hero was sending her off, she was especially happy, and actually forgot the displeasure in her heart for a moment. Just as she was about to get on the carriage, she turned around and said to Cai Songpo and Li Liejun: "Goodbye generals! I still have to come back. "

Just as Zhen Lizi was about to get on the same carriage as Yi Jie and Miss Liu, she was called over by her entourage, Mr. San Ling, from the Japanese Consulate in Shanghai. Zhen Lizi got on San Shi's carriage, and the convoy immediately set off. It turned out that this Mr. San Leng had discovered that Zhen Lizi had seduced Dongfang Yijie multiple times and seemed to have fallen in love with him. He was deeply worried.

San Ling quietly said to Zhen Lizi: "Miss, are you suitable to be with this Chinese soldier? Doesn't this violate our rules? If you really fall in love with him, what secrets will we have in the future? "

Zhen Lizi heard him lecturing her and became very angry. "I am a member of Guan Dong Jun, and I am under the jurisdiction of the Guan Dong Jun Headquarters. I will not be under the jurisdiction of your consulate, nor will I be under the jurisdiction of the Black Dragon Society. We have our ways. I have my own ideas about what to do and what not to do, and I know it. "Thank you for your reminder, mister!"

Sanlang was still asking in detail, "Could it be that Miss has another motive in love?" Isn't our consular system, along with our Black Dragon Society and its organs, a common goal for China? "

Zhen Lizi said with a dark expression: "It's not the same! We women have been sent to China to take advantage of our own strengths and manipulate the people we need to achieve our goals. The more of these things we do, the more victorious we will be. You won't understand. "

San Ling said: "I've been in China for a few years, what don't I understand?" When Zhen Lizi heard his tough tone, the meaning behind his words was still to say that his actions were inappropriate, she felt wronged in her heart. She felt that what she had just said was not enough to appease her. "What I have done is relatively more civilized than trying to assassinate, set fire to, or deceive you."

San Ling was completely speechless. After a while, he was not convinced, and tentatively retorted, "Aren't you women using a soft knife to kill people? Isn't it just as despicable! "

Zhen Lizi was so angry that he laughed bitterly: "What do you know! Those people at your consulate are fools. You can't do anything! What makes you say we kill with a soft knife? The Chinese government has signed a treaty with the Japanese government, and it won't be long before the Chinese chief of police, Gertrude, cooperates with us in Japan. Half of China's power is in our hands. These Chinese officials, of course, have to be manipulated first, in case they don't cooperate and disobey us when the time comes. "

Sanlang forced a smile, sarcastically said, "You are still the smart one, Miss. You think too highly of me. Please forgive me for offending you."

Zhen Lizi continued: "Our Guan Dong Jun Command predicts that in the future, the Imperial Protectors have the possibility of obtaining half of China's rule. We must hold them firmly in our hands before the Westerners take them seriously. That's why the boss sent me here this time to visit you. "

After Zhen Lizi finished speaking, he didn't look at San Leng, instead, he felt that he was awkward and shouted: "Stop!" As soon as the car stopped, she jumped off and got on top of it.

Seeing that she has left, Sanlang left himself in the car and scolded: "This bitch! I've worked in China for a few years, and I've always been loyal to the Emperor. He actually got reprimanded by her. You are so young and yet you dare to be so domineering in front of me! They were all people with brains from Guan Dong Jun, people who were playful and spoiled her. All of you have only received the grace of her beauty, why are you spoiling her so much! "I don't believe that these bitches can conquer China without using any military power and without relying on us!" That Sanlang used to make his wife so. He spat again and glared out of the car.

When Zhen Lizi arrived at the car, Miss Liu was whispering to Yi Jie, "The car has stopped, she's definitely coming back, she can't leave you …" Seeing that, Zhen Lizi picked up the conversation: I thought that San Leng wanted me to get on his car, what serious matter did he have? I didn't like to hear him nagging, so I came back. "

Miss Liu got up and made way, saying, "Please take a seat." Thus, he sat down. Zhen Lizi felt a little guilty, he turned his head to look at Miss Liu, as if he had to say something. The Miss Liu said, "Please have a seat Miss Shankou. I was hoping you'd come back and talk to me. "

Zhen Lizi did not stand on ceremony and immediately sat down, saying, "The two generals are truly amazing people. I can see that everyone treats you very well. "

One of them said, "Of course. We are not only related to each other, we are also good friends. "

Zhen Lizi said: "Oh, I was wondering. I can see they care about everything. " After which, he became very excited. She asked, "Where are you going to take me?"

One Jie said, "Nanning. There's someone there to pick you up. You'll be safe there, too. We have the Commander of the Tang Dynasty there. I think he's ready by then, just waiting for you to arrive. "

Zhen Lizi said again: "Can you send me up the ship again?" One of them said, "That won't do. Miss Liu and I have a mission. We're not in charge of Nanning anymore. This is an order from the headquarters. "

Hearing that, Zhen Lizi was very disappointed, and sighed: "Sigh, then I can only gloomily ride the boat back to Japan." The Miss Liu stood at the side, the more he heard, the angrier he got, cursing inwardly: "This person must be a bitch, if not, he wouldn't be so worthless." She wanted to avoid it, but there was nowhere for her to do so.

One of them guessed that Zhen Lizi saying that he was going back to Japan was just a cover up, and said: "Miss got hired in Shanghai, why would you say that you are going back to Japan?" Zhen Lizi said: "I was hired in Shanghai. Report the results of your visit to Japan. Which Japanese diplomat in China is eligible to receive a report from the Japanese government envoy? " Hearing that she had a point, Yijie nodded. Because he had Miss Liu by his side, Zhen Lizi was not allowed to use it. She had no choice but to pass on the good news to Yijie and pass on the good news to him. That day had arrived in Nanning.

When the car stopped, one of the officials looked outside and saw that Governor Tang was leading a group of Nanning officials to pick it up. Zhen Lizi got off the carriage first and shook hands with Lieutenant Tang and the others. Yijie observed the crowd in the car and saw that Chief Secret Service Officer from Beijing Monastery, along with, Lian Zi, You Zi and Fan Jing were also in the crowd. "This is really a narrow path for enemies. I accidentally bumped into him here. Since he dared to come here, he must have a name. I wish I could just go down and kill him! "

Miss Liu saw that Yi Jie was stunned looking at the crowd, and guessed that there was another reason behind it. She quietly pulled at one of them and said, "What are you blanking out for? Get out of the car. The Governor of the Tang Dynasty will salute you. "

"The fat man and the four women in the crowd are all special agents of the Japanese monastery in Beijing," he said to her, pointing to the crowd. We searched around Beijing for them, but they were nowhere to be seen. Why did they all come here today? "

Miss Liu said: "They are the same as Zhen Lizi, and are here to visit. The Governor said so in a telegram to the Commander-in-Chief. No matter how many evil deeds they had done, they couldn't alert them today, much less kill them. "When you come out of here and meet them again, you can do as you wish." The two of them got out of the car.

"I received a telegram from the headquarters, telling me to send you back as quickly as possible. I have horses ready for you. "You guys should rest for a while and work hard to return to Yunnan." When the two of them heard this, they hastily went to eat, then travelled day and night back to Kunming.

It turned out that as soon as this batch of firearms arrived, they were about to start attacking the enemy from the north. Unexpectedly, the warlords who were preparing to join the rebellion started to have different thoughts. Some people continue to create difficulties, ask headquarters for arms pay, and procrastinate. Some people, seeing that they couldn't get their weapons and military pay, decided to go back on their word and go back on their word. Several troops from Sichuan were preparing to join the uprising, and one after another, they announced that they would withdraw from the National Guard.

Cai Songpo was anxious and angry. He risked his life to personally go to Sichuan to solve their problem. Since coming out of Kunming, Tang Jiyao has been staying at Lu Rongyan's place in Guangxi. Cai and Li were also very worried for him. If Tang then goes back on his word, the intifada will face even greater difficulties.

Ever since Cai Songpo came to Kunming, Tang Jiyao had always been disobedient and did not get along well with him. On one hand, Cai Songpo wanted to make use of Tang Jiyao's abundant strength, and on the other hand, he wanted to prevent him from going against him. As a result, Cai Songpo deliberately added oil to the fire, causing his lung disease to worsen. Wait a minute.

When Yi Jie and Miss Liu returned to the Heavenly Imperial Guard Army Command, only Li Liejun was waiting for the two of them. One of them and Miss Liu were the first to report to Li Liejun about their journey to their guest. Then, one of them reported on how they had seen Yama Takashi, Lian Zi, You Zi, Fan Jing and the others in Nanning.

When Li Liejun heard it, he replied: "Before you guys returned, Regional Commander Tang also sent a telegram from Nanning saying that Zhen Lizi and his group had arrived in Nanning safely. He still doesn't know that the ones who have come to us and those who have gone to Nanning are all at the Japanese spies. " He continued, "These spies have obviously come to investigate us and try to win us over. Now Japan has stepped up its monopoly of China. They are most afraid that we will lean towards the western empires and become enemies with them. "

The staff officer passed a glass of water to Yijie and the Miss Liu. "The Tang Governor just telegraphed from Nanning that all the Japanese guests have safely boarded the ship and returned," he said. Li Liejun listened and nodded, he had long stopped worrying about this matter and was planning for an uprising.

The staff officer then said to Yi Jie and Miss Liu, "The two of you came back really quickly. It must be hard on you two to travel day and night. One of them and the Miss Liu were completely worn out and were hungry and thirsty at the same time. The two of them drank the sweet water.

One of them said, "I estimate that with the arrival of the weapons, the troops will soon begin to march towards the north. There is a lot to be done during this period. So we hurried back after hearing what Commander Tang said. Together, we haven't slept a night. " Miss Liu did not see Cai Songpo so he asked: "Where is the commander in chief? What are you busy with? "

Li Liejun said: "Ever since you left, something has happened to the people from Sichuan. The commander in chief himself went to Sichuan to deal with it. " He opened a drawer and took out a letter. "This is what the commander in chief left for you," he said. He wants you to do as you're told. "

Yijie knew that this was the new task assigned to him by the commander in chief. He took the letter and began to read it. Li Liejun stopped her: "You don't need to look at this right now, I have something that I want to talk to you about. Put the letter away and slowly read it when you are resting. "

After Li Liejun finished speaking, he brought Yi Jie into a secret room, and gave him many new missions. He memorized every single one of them. Li Liejun was busy with military matters again. Jie Jie hurriedly returned to the resting room and laid down to rest while reading the letter Cai Songpo left him.