International Purple-White Plate


Zhen Lizi nodded and thought: "So powerful!" She started to get nervous. She had forgotten her emissary status, as if she were sitting on a bench.

She calmed herself down and said, "This time, I came for the delivery of goods and to deepen our friendship and understanding. We will seriously convey what the two generals mean when we return. "

Cai Songpo said: "Through Miss's visit, I believe that our friendship and understanding will deepen."

Zhen Lizi laughed, then asked Cai Songpo about the situation in Yunnan. Cai Songpo introduced each and every one of them to her. He also explained the purpose and significance of the National Guard Government's revolution to her, and happily told her about the unprecedented situation of the National Guard. Cai Songpo's words moved every single one of the Japanese guests.

Cai Songpo also invited Zhen Lizi and said: "Miss Special Envoy and gentlemen, if you have time, please come to our army and the citizens to have a look, and also to enjoy the beautiful scenery of our Yunnan Province. We welcome you. "

Zhen Lizi said: "I am also preparing to stay here for a few days, walk around, and see more. To understand the local customs, to take a look at the beautiful scenery here, and to improve your understanding. I hope our visit is a success. "

Cai Songpo said: "Yunnan has a long history and is very famous in ancient China. In addition to the beautiful scenery, there were also many historical sites. The young miss must have enjoyed it and was very happy. Let them walk around with the young miss. " Zhen Lizi laughed: "Thank you for your invitation, General. I've seen a lot of beautiful things along the way, and I'm really happy about it. But in addition to being happy, I am also worried. "

Li Liejun immediately asked: "I wonder what Miss is worried about?" Zhen Lizi said: "I am worried that the two generals have a close relationship with the empires in the west, allowing them to extend their invasion claws to this beautiful land."

Cai Songpo said: "Miss, you misunderstood. As I told you earlier, I won't repeat myself here. We are only overthrowing Yuan Shikai's dictatorship, truly achieving a democratic republic and making our country more and more powerful. We have no private wishes. We are not going to join any empire. We oppose any interference in our internal affairs by any State. We are willing to develop friendly relations with the nations of the world on an equal basis. "

Zhen Lizi smiled and said: "What the general said is right, this is also what we hope for."

Both Cai Li and the other two could tell that Shan Kouzhenlizi had a wild ambition to win over this place. Exactly: because of China's loss of sovereignty, the empire was divided everywhere.

After Zhen Lizi finished speaking, Cai Songpo and Li Liejun exchanged glances, and the two of them immediately understood. Cai Songpo was just about to reply. At this point, the staff officer came in and said, "Commander, Vice Commander, the banquet has been set up. Please accompany your guests to their seats."

Cai Songpo temporarily put the words he had to say in his heart, stood up and said, "Miss Special Envoy, gentlemen, let's talk about this first. "Now, on behalf of the Government of the National Guard and the Command of the National Guard, I invite Miss and the gentlemen to dinner." Zhen Lizi stood up and said, "Thank you for your hospitality, generals. We'll all do it. "

Then, Cai Songpo and the others accompanied Zhen Lizi's group to the banquet hall. Here he saw the four walls of pearl gems, a luxurious piece of land, and a table full of sumptuous banquets. When the host sat down, everyone was at ease. Seeing the wine on the table, Zhen Lizi was especially happy. It was her favorite glass of German brandy.

Cai Songpo said: "Most of these goods are special products of Yunnan, they can be said to be wine and vegetables, there is no respect. I hope Miss and everyone will forgive me. " Hearing that, Zhen Lizi's face was flushed with happiness, and he laughed: "Commander is too polite. The table full of seafood and mountain precious, jade liquid jongkang, lets people dazzle tasteless tasteless. This is really refreshing. " The serving ladies quickly poured out the wine one by one.

Cai Songpo first raised his wine cup and said: "In order to welcome Miss Zhen Lizi here, and to thank Miss Zhen Lizi for bringing me here, let me first toast to Miss Zhen Lizi and everyone else!" Zhen Lizi nodded happily, he picked up his wine cup and said: "Thank you General, thank you everyone!" She clinked her cups with Cai Songpo, Li Liejun, Dongfang Yijie, Miss Liu, Miss Zheng, the staff officer, and others, and then took a light sip. Everyone drank their wine and sat down.

Zhen Lizi laughed again: "I have long heard that Yunnan is rich in natural resources, it is an extremely talented place. I wanted to see it for a long time. I am so happy to be here today and have fulfilled my long-cherished wish. I am honored to be able to meet with the two generals and everyone else here. May our friendship grow deeper and deeper. I also want to toast the two generals and everyone present! " With that, she raised her glass and smiled as she scanned the crowd.

Cai Songpo also picked up his cup and happily clinked it with hers, allowing them to both drink heartily afterwards. When Zhen Lizi swallowed the cup of wine, he was extremely excited and lively, as though he was talking and laughing with an old friend.

When the banquet ended, Miss Liu and Miss Zheng would arrange for Zhen Lizi's group to rest and rest. Cai Songpo and Yi Jie returned to the State Protecting Temple Headquarters.

Cai Songpo said: "For the Japanese Empire to invade China and monopolize China, they are really scheming too much. With such a beautiful and eloquent female secret service in Beijing, how could Yuan Shikai's underlings not be affected by it? They all had to fall under her skirt. This is a worrying development for China's future. This also means that we cannot avoid revolution and overthrow Yuan Shikai's rule. "

He then said to one of them, "When you return to Beijing, no matter what happens, you have to keep an eye on these spies and find an opportunity to get rid of their spy nest! We should be fully aware that this group of agents is currently extremely dangerous to our country. "

One Jie made up his mind and nodded repeatedly. Cai Songpo called over a dozen more officers over and instructed them: "Quickly come to school and the people and carry out your preparations. Starting from tomorrow, Zhen Lizi will take a look at every place. Must shock her. " Everyone sat down and thought out their plan.

All the officers were overjoyed and immediately went off to do their work separately. Cai Songpo then said to Li Liejun: "Vice Commander, arrange the formation of troops personally for Zhen Lizi to inspect. We must let her see it, and leave her with a feeling of invincible grandeur. " Li Liejun also anxiously brought along a young girl to make the arrangements.

The next day, accompanied by Cai Zongpo himself, Zhen Lizi and his group arrived at the National Guard Command first. A solemn and grand scene immediately appeared in front of Zhen Lizi. The layers of arched doors and tall buildings were decorated magnificently. In front of each floor stood a guard with a gun. The flag of five colors and the flag of eighteen stars were suspended above the main entrance. The two sides were lined with colorful banners. Both sides of the corridor were filled with a welcoming crowd.

Zhen Lizi took a step forward and sized him up, then waved his hand and walked in. In her heart, she felt that the dignity of the national army was inviolable. When she saw the profundity and grandeur of the couplet, which was posted on both sides of the door, "To create the future at once, and restore the Republic with a flourish," she felt that the national defense movement had risen, was an irresistible flood, and was sweeping across the country.

On the third day, Zhen Lizi accompanied Cai Songpo to the military arena to inspect the troops. Seeing the groups of mighty soldiers lined up in an orderly fashion and performed with force, Zhen Lizi was secretly shocked. That was it: the swish of movement, the whooshing of footsteps. There was a strategy for advancing, and there was a formation for retreating. The roar was loud and clear, and it was filled with the sound of javelins and sabers. It was awe-inspiring and shocking. People were high-spirited and full of passion. He wasn't an ordinary person; he was a Pixiu in this generation.

Zhen Lizi watched in trepidation as he truly felt that he was facing an undefeatable army. When she looked at the few cold, waiting cannons, she felt the power of the Imperial Protectors even more. It was as if the Imperial Guard were about to overthrow the whole unequal world. Zhen Lizi was even more terrified.

On the fourth day, Zhen Lizi, accompanied by Yijie, Miss Liu and Miss Zheng, began to tour the streets. She was surprised where she went. The buildings along the streets were covered with slogans protesting against the secret contract between the Japanese government and Yuan Shikai. Zhen Lizi was shocked. She also saw groups of Kunming citizens and young students giving lectures while beating gongs and beating drums. From time to time, they would shout out, "Beat Yuan Shikai! To restore the Democratic Republic! "

Zhen Lizi felt that the whole of Yunnan was boiling. It forced her to admit in her heart that this was a remarkable people, not a people willing to be humiliated and oppressed, a people comparable to any other people in the world. Zhen Lizi secretly thought: "That's something, China is becoming stronger!"

Zhen Lizi was in no mood to continue looking around. He didn't even want to tour the famous historical sites and Kunming Lake. She and Cai completed the formalities for the delivery of the weapons and hurriedly took her leave.