International Purple-White Plate


Cai Songpo continued: "Don't be afraid of her, and don't have any concerns either. As long as you are a pearl, you will be able to shine wherever you go. It's hard to know what spies and conspiracies they have, if you don't put it that way. Now I have a premonition that those Japanese spies will definitely cause us harm when we attack from the north. On one hand, Japan will sell us arms and win us over; on the other hand, we will interfere and stop us, preventing us from completely overthrowing Yuan Shikai. They want our country to have multiple regimes side by side, to divide to the end, to make it easier for them to monopolize and rule. So it is very necessary to have control over their activities and plans. "

At this moment, the staff officer, holding an official document in his hand, rushed in and said, "Someone from the Japanese side has arrived. Let us immediately prepare to send someone to pick up the goods." Cai Songpo read the document and was startled: "They came so suddenly."

The staff officer said, "I think this is a deceitful aspect of the Japanese side. They purposefully did not say anything first, afraid that the news would leak out and affect the smooth handover of the goods. "

Cai Songpo said: "We just received their greetings letter. "Unexpectedly, they arrived so quickly." After which, he passed the letter to the staff officer to have a look.

Li Liejun asked: "How many people are there? Where is it now? " The staff officer said, "There aren't many visitors, just a group of five. A female envoy led four entourage. It was the Duke of Tang who sent them. I looked at their papers and put them in the hotel. "

Cai Songpo felt that something had happened, and was at a loss of what to do. He said to the staff officer: "Let them rest here for a while. We'll meet with them after we've arranged for the delivery. " The staff officer turned around and left.

Li Liejun said to Cai Songpo: "The arms issue is extremely important, I will personally bring people to receive them."

Cai Songpo said: "I have already chosen the person to receive the goods. Guild Leader Zhu was experienced and steady, taking the goods and letting him go, he wouldn't make any mistakes. In a moment, you will come with me to meet Japanese guests. They've helped us a lot, and anyway, we should be welcoming them with the gift of hospitality. "

Li Liejun nodded his head in agreement before asking again, "Are we still letting them come here today?" Cai Songpo said: "We won't let them come here today, but after we prepare a bit, we'll let them come here. I want them to see a strong defense force. Let them know that we have a big battle in the North. The more public opinion they create, the better. " Li Liejun nodded in understanding.

Cai Songpo called the servants over and instructed, "Quickly head to the vanguard camp and find the guild leader of the Vermillion Jade Order. I have urgent business with him. " When the orderly said yes, he immediately went out and mounted his horse and hit it like the wind. Soon, he found Guild Leader Zhu from the vanguard camp.

Guild Leader Zhu reported to Cai Songpo, "General Commander: Zhu Yu Chi has arrived under orders. "If there's anything, please instruct me." Cai Songpo returned the greeting: "The arms we bought are here. I'll ask you to bring a enhancer to pick up the goods. There are many bandits along the way, so you should be extra careful. "

Upon hearing that the ammunition had been delivered, Zhu Yu Chi was already happy, standing straight and said: "Commander, vice commander do not worry, I will definitely bring the goods back safely."

Cai Songpo handed over the documents to him and said: "According to the date and location, you have to hurry here." Zhu Yu Chi took the documents, happily said "Yes", saluted again, and left the house on his horse.

Cai Songpo and Li Liejun tidied up their military uniforms and came to the hotel on horseback to meet their Japanese guests. By this time, the staff officer had come back to explain to the Japanese guests how the two generals had arrived. The secretary, Miss Liu, and the secretary, Miss Zheng were drinking tea and chatting with their guests. For some unknown reason, the female envoy appeared somewhat uneasy. From time to time, she would think about it and secretly frown. After a while, he asked the staff officer: "Do General Cai and General Li always seem to be so busy?"

Staff officers said, "The two of us generals are always busy with our daily chores. Sometimes I'm too busy to eat or sleep. Now the final preparations are being made for the invasion of the North. " After hearing that, the female envoy asked again, "How are the preparations going?"

The staff officer said, "It is ready. It can be said that everything is in place, and only the east wind is left. " The female envoy was a little depressed, but she asked again, "What do you mean by 'east wind'? Are there any more difficulties in your uprising? "

The staff officer said, "It is not difficult, nor is it difficult. Just not enough ammunition. If we had enough weapons, we would have gone north long ago. "

The female envoy was enlightened. "Oh, so this batch of firearms is that important to you."

The staff officer said, "Yes." We two generals have never fought a battle without confidence or preparation. The arms problem has been haunting us. If this batch of weapons arrived half a month earlier, we would have already crossed the Yellow River. " The female envoy nodded silently.

Just then, the Miss Liu pointed out, "Look, the two generals are here." The Japanese guests couldn't help but be shocked and turn their heads to look outside. Seeing that General Cai and General Li were dressed neatly, they alighted from their horses in front of the door, followed by a young military officer. The three of them walked gracefully and in a respectful manner. Everyone was filled with respect when they saw this. The female envoy hurriedly stood up and led her entourage to welcome him.

General Cai Li and General Li, seeing the guests come out, also felt a sense of respect. The two of them beckoned each other forward and quickly approached. Upon seeing the envoy, the duo was shocked. She was wearing a black top hat, a black suit with a pink lining and a white tie. She wore a small cherry flower emblem on her chest. Her face was pale, her eyebrows were curved, her lips were white and her teeth were white.

It turned out to be a young lady in her prime. The other gentlemen were all dressed in suits and suits; they had bad teeth, varied in height, and had different shapes. "The Japanese government is truly extraordinary to have such a young and beautiful female diplomat," they thought.

Cai Songpo said first: "I've made the envoy wait for a long time, young misses and gentlemen! We welcome all of you here! " Li Liejun also said: "Welcome!" The female envoy extended her hand and held Cai Songpo's hand, smiling: "I have heard a lot about you, General. I am honored to meet you today."

Cai Songpo said: "Young miss is too courteous!" The female envoy immediately shook hands with Li Liejun. Cai Songpo shook hands with the other four masters one by one. The female envoy immediately shook hands with Yijie again. Upon seeing this, the two of them were shocked. The female envoy was actually Shan Kouzhenlizi. While shaking hands with her, Yijie said to himself, "This female agent is very brave and has come here to gather information. I must warn the two generals to be careful of her. "

Zhen Lizi thought: "Why did we meet here? So he's actually an officer under Cai Songpo's command. No wonder his actions are so mysterious. " She looked at him affectionately as she squeezed his hand. One of them smiled and said, "Special Envoy, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Zhen Lizi immediately calmed down and laughed: It's my pleasure to meet you! "Nice to meet you!" He whispered again, "How have you been?" Yijie nodded and asked, "Is Miss safe?" The two of them were clearly greeting the results of their escape from Shanghai that night.

Unexpectedly, the woman was meticulous. Their actions were seen by the Miss Liu and the Miss Zheng at the side, causing them to become suspicious. The two of them exchanged glances and immediately whispered to each other.

Miss Zheng said: "Look, they seem to have known each other for a long time. You listen to those greetings. "

Miss Liu was suspicious: "It can't be? The female envoy was Japanese and she was here for the first time. Or where had they met? Why are you so full of love? " The two of them were suspicious again, so they carefully observed.

Cai Songpo shook hands with the other four, then turned to Zhen Lizi and said, "Miss envoy, please come inside to discuss." Zhen Lizi immediately broke up with Yijie, turned, and politely said, "Generals, please enter first." Thus, Li Liejun was in the front, Zhen Lizi and the rest were in the middle, with Cai Songpo and the others following behind.

So it turned out that ever since Miss Zheng came to this place, she had always felt lonely and helpless. Knowing that she was lonely, Miss Liu suggested that she fall in love with Yijie. Miss Liu also indicated that he was willing to work with them. Miss Zheng was very happy to hear this. Her relationship with the Miss Liu had also reached a tacit understanding. Apart from their work, the two of them were inseparable from each other at other times. Because Yijie often went out, he had very little contact with them. Miss Zheng always felt that there was no chance for him to meet another one and felt troubled in his heart.

This time, Miss Zheng was very happy to be back. At this time, the Miss Zheng was moved. She was determined to make love. Just as they were about to enter the house, Miss Zheng could no longer hold himself back. He stopped them and whispered: "Please hold on."

Yijie stopped and turned around, asking, "Is there something you need, Miss?" Miss Zheng thought, and his face blushed as he asked: "You knew her before? How could he be so kind? Answer me honestly. " Yijie just laughed and did not answer.

Miss Liu also came forward and said, "Yijie, what are you laughing at? "You should confess to me as soon as possible." A jie said, "Don't be in such a hurry. Please listen to the report in detail." Miss Zheng still had to ask. Miss Liu said, "Then allow him to explain in detail to us."

Cai Songpo realized that the three of them had suddenly stopped talking in a low voice, and also turned around to ask, "What are you planning to do? Why don't you go and entertain the guests? It's not polite. " Miss Liu and Miss Zheng both anxiously replied, "Nothing, nothing." The duo hurriedly followed him.

Yi Jie took this opportunity to tell Cai Songpo: "Commander, be careful. This female envoy is the special agent Shan Kouzhenlizi I told you about. She is taking this opportunity to find out what we really are. "

Cai Songpo nodded, "Alright, I'm here to investigate. Let her see if she can see it. I want to take this opportunity to build up the momentum of my uprising. " He added, "Just now, I was just thinking, these Japanese people don't even use translators. All of them are fluent in Chinese and speak it as well as ours. It can be seen that they are a group of highly qualified special agents. " After which, he quickly walked up.

Everyone went to the guest hall and sat down. Cai Songpo and Yi Jie remained expressionless as they continued to greet them with smiles on their faces. Zhen Lizi became even more lively. She opened her briefcase and took out an official document. "These are the documents of the envoy that we have come to visit. Please have a look, generals." Cai Songpo took the certificate and looked at it. He knew that she was here as the envoy of Japan.

Cai Songpo said: "On behalf of the Government and the National Guard Command of Yunnan Province, I welcome you once again! I wish you success in your visit! At the same time, we express our sincere gratitude for your country's assistance! We will never forget this friendly act of yours. I hope our friendship continues. "

Zhen Lizi said: "We thank the two generals and everyone else for the warm welcome. Through this visit, we must deepen our friendship. There are some political differences in China's transition to a republican monarchy. We do not interfere in your internal affairs, and we do not side with any of you. If the two generals are in trouble in the future and need our help, we are willing to help. I wish the two generals a successful career! "

Cai Songpo said: "We appreciate the fact that the Japanese government does not interfere in China's internal affairs and is able to see our national defense movement in the right light. We are also willing to develop long-term friendly relations with Japan on such a basis. "

Li Liejun continued, "We have already expressed our willingness to develop equal and friendly relations and trade cooperation with the countries of the world. This includes Japan. I think that we would welcome the Government of Japan if it had the sincerity to develop an equal and friendly relationship with us. China has always been a civilized nation and a hospitable people. Now and in the future, we are all about equality and mutual respect. We firmly oppose the signing of a private treaty between the Government of Japan and Yuan Shikai. I hope that the Japanese government will make a wise choice and rescind the treaty that they have privately signed with Yuan Shikai as soon as possible. We solemnly declare that the private treaty between the Japanese government and Yuan Shikai is null and void. It has not been recognized by the Chinese Government and people. We are no longer a corrupt Great Qing dynasty, we are a democratic republic. No individual or group has the right to conclude any treaty with a person in private, let alone sell the interests of the State. In order to achieve his goal of stealing and reclaiming the country, Yuan Shikai had sacrificed the interests of his country and nation in order to obtain Japan's support for him, it was a crime. He had already met with strong opposition from the entire country. Therefore, his treaty with Japan is illegal, null and void and will never be recognized by the Chinese people. It is hoped that the Special Envoy will return to convey to your Government our attitude and correct views on this matter. "