International Purple-White Plate


The Japanese were all brave and killed the patrolmen in an instant. Inspector shouted in fright as he fired: "Scatter our encirclement, don't let any of them escape!" The patrolmen used their guns to parry as they retreated, surrounding the Japanese. The patrolmen fired again, knocking down the Japanese. The Japanese fled in all directions. The patrolmen went around killing people. The Japanese had suffered heavy casualties.

Zhen Lizi knew that the French patrolmen were colluding with the British. Gritting her teeth in hatred, she dragged her brother along and said, "Let's go! I won't be able to leave if I don't. "

The two of them had just jumped over the wall when they were stopped by the ambushed patrolmen and the British. Zhen Lizi panicked. He hid behind one of the elites and shouted, "My lord, quickly save me!" One of them went up and beat down the patrolmen and the British. Zhen Lizi took the chance and ran towards the north. One of them didn't want to waste time with them, so he took the opportunity to run towards the south.

Zhen Lizi was so frightened that he went into the alley and ran far away. Only then did he dare to stop and look back. Seeing that Yijie wasn't following her, she looked back anxiously and angrily. And she said to herself, "It was the French and the English who colluded again. They sincerely want to destroy us. I don't know where our boss and consul went to dispatch their troops, but they almost got me captured. " She was anxiously looking around when she suddenly saw someone running in frantically. Zhen Lizi quickly looked around and thought: "Dongfang Jun, you're finally here!"

Before long, that person was right in front of him. It turned out to be the special agent that served Zhen Lizi. Zhen Lizi stopped him in his tracks and said: "I'm here."

The spy was shocked by her actions and heaved a sigh of relief, "So it's Miss." I looked around for you, anxious. It was great that the young mistress managed to escape unscathed! This is a joint attack on us by Britain and France tonight. Look at the momentum, they're going to kill us all. There's not much left of us. "

Zhen Lizi said: "I was able to escape all thanks to that Mr. Dongfang. His martial arts saved me in the face of danger. It was only because of him using his martial arts and bravely fighting against a group of enemies that I was able to escape to this place. " The spy said, "No matter what, as long as Miss is safe. Tonight's incident suddenly occurred, and we did not expect that someone would sneak attack us. "

Zhen Lizi looked into the distance again, and when he saw that Yi Jie was not around, he asked, "Did you see Mr. Will something happen to him? " The little agent shook his head and said, "Other than searching for you everywhere, I don't care about anything else. I leaned against the wall and looked out. When I saw a person running towards me, I caught up with him. A patrolman blocked my way with a rifle and I cut him. I was almost caught. " Zhen Lizi was anxious, he kept looking ahead, hoping to see the figure of a hero.

The little agent said, "Mr. Orient is a man of martial arts, and neither the English nor the French can catch him. He had fled to a safe place. Don't wait for him now. Tomorrow, I'll find him for you. It's not safe here. The Frenchman might catch up. I will send you to Mr. Sato's place. He had too many people and no one dared to mess with him. You are the safest person to go. "

How come you have so few people here?" I can't even guarantee my safety. " The special agent said, "It's not that there are few people here, it's just a coincidence that we came in time. During the day, the owner took half of his men to the Chinese military camp for dinner. Otherwise, your safety won't be a problem. " He stared straight ahead, hoping that Yiping would catch up. The special agent said anxiously, "Miss, come with me quickly, don't wait for him. The Frenchman has caught up. " He saw a group of patrolmen approaching with guns. Anxious, the agent pulled on the real ion and left. True Ions turned his head a few steps back, hoping that one of them would catch up. She's still in love.

Just then, Yijie ran a little way south and slowed down. He thought to himself, "This idiot priest, he's risking his life to save me today. I have to thank this dead man. " Relieved, he picked his way, turned the corner, and ran in the direction of the Russian restaurant.

It was almost dawn when Yijie arrived at the Russian restaurant where he used to work. Yijie looked up at the familiar house, then looked around at the surroundings, feeling very close. He went up and knocked on the door. "Open the door, guys," he said. Dongfang Yijie is back. " When the people inside heard the boss's call, they all came out to welcome him.

Everyone surrounded him as they laughed and cheered, bringing him inside. Someone ran to a nearby Austrian restaurant and reported to the new owner, Gao Jian. Gao Jian was also jubilant about running over to see the prodigy. When the two of them met, they embraced each other in delight.

Gao Jian said, "Boss, I was worried about your safety because I couldn't find your whereabouts. Where did you come from? Why did he suddenly appear here? "He also didn't say anything and just told me to go pick you up."

"I came from Beijing to go to Yunnan province," said Yizhi. I heard in Beijing that you went to see me, so I especially stopped by to see you and to learn more about the situation. The situation here has always been complicated and volatile, so I'm worried that something might happen. " Gao Jian said: "I came to Beijing specifically to contact you because one of our men was captured by the Black Dragon Society and pledged allegiance to it, becoming our traitor. He leaked our secret words to the Black Dragon Society. I was worried that you might be in danger, so I went to Beijing to tell you myself. Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived in Beijing, I was spied on by the people from Black Dragon Society. Our traitor, he went to Beijing. I almost fell into the hands of a spy the day I arrived in Beijing. Four female spies from Black Dragon Society were monitoring me; it was Sect Leader, Fa Hai, who caught up to their tricks and saved me. Master Fa Hai took me to the Temple of State. Repatriation Temple had a lot of people, so spies from Black Dragon Society did not dare to go over easily. I live there in the dark, and during the day the monks will escort me out to find you. I've been looking for a few information stations and no one knows where you are. Someone actually said that you didn't go to Beijing at all. I couldn't find you, so I came back in a hurry. Through this trip to Beijing, I learned that there are more people in Japanese spies than in Shanghai; they are more people in Beijing, rampant behavior. I sent someone to the General Cai to find out about you. The general said you were in Beijing. Therefore, I am very worried about your safety. "

"By the time you went to Beijing to look for me, it was already too late," said Yijie. At that time, I had already been tricked by spies from Black Dragon Society to capture him. They tormented me by threatening and luring me into a confession. They got nothing from me and decided to take me into the wilderness and kill me. Two spies escorted me to the edge of the Qing Shui River and coincidentally bumped into Master Ru Feng. He saved me. We also killed the two agents. From then on, I lived with Master Ru Feng in the State Protecting Temple. So it turned out that Ru Feng's master was sent to Beijing by the General Cai to deal with those Black Dragon Society Of Japan spies. He even led the monks of State Protecting Temple, attacking the Guandi Temple at night and exterminating the spies. "

When Gao Jian heard this, he was both surprised and happy. "That traitor of ours was captured by me and exterminated. But unfortunately, because of him, we lost another three good brothers. "

One of them said, "spies from Black Dragon Society is always going against us. You have to be careful in the future. The Black Dragon Society hidden in Shanghai is great and has many nests. If you guys are not careful, you will have to deal with them. " Gao Jian nodded. "I will follow Boss' teachings. In the future, we must be very careful to ensure that our intelligence agencies are not in danger. "

"This time, I was also unfortunate on the road and fell into the hands of Japanese spies. I escaped from the Secret Service overnight. "

Hearing that, Gao Jian immediately became angry, "Where is the spy nest? I'll lead people to copy it. "

One Jie said, "There's no need to copy it down for now. Listen to the results. "

Everyone said, "Boss, quickly tell us, why is this so? "What's the result?"

One of them said, "Everyone, don't be in such a hurry. Listen to me in detail." Thus, one of the elites recounted how he met Zhen Lizi along the way, how he was pestered by her, how he was captured along with his Patrol House, and how he escaped into Zuo Mu's Trading Company, all the way until Shorty brought his men to assault his Black Dragon Society. Everyone was both surprised and happy when they heard this.

"I had originally planned to coax Zhen Lizi and investigate everything there before coming to tell you to go plunder it. Unexpectedly, the Shorty brought people to do it for us. There were about forty or fifty people he brought with him to the British and French armies. Fierce and well done. Shorty died there, and the spies there also suffered heavy casualties. "

When Gao Jian heard this, he was overjoyed and began to chat happily again. "Bro, no wonder you were being pestered by a female spy again. Because you are too handsome and dashing. If any of us were a woman, we'd be after you. "

Yijie laughed and said, "I don't think I'm handsome or elegant, but I do look like an ordinary person. I am often puzzled by the bewilderment of beauty. "

Gao Jian continued, "In the future, you should be more careful. The number of people chasing after you will increase. "You are in your youth, loved by all, and have had a long time to make love." He continued, "I don't know where the Japanese enemies obtained those beautiful women. As special agents, they would always cause trouble for people. I've seen it. "

Someone said, "Our two bosses have been pestered by female agents and have been embraced and kissed by them. The taste of youth has been tasted. "

Someone even asked in detail, "Then Zhen Lizi must be very beautiful, right? How did you hug and kiss her? "No matter what, you have to let her feel a little bit like you."

When asked, Jie blushed and said, "That female secret service agent is indeed very beautiful. She was a good talker, and her behavior was unexpected and astute. If it wasn't for Shorty attacking Black Dragon Society at night, it would have been difficult for me to get rid of her. She was still holding on to me as she jumped over the wall, afraid that I would take the chance to run away. We went outside the wall and faced a large group of Western devils; she panicked and hid behind me. She took the opportunity to run away from me when I was fighting with the Western Ghosts. I am serious about my life and I have nothing to do with her, so don't let your thoughts run wild. "

When everyone heard this, they did not believe it and burst into laughter. Someone said straightforwardly, "Our boss is playing a fool. He is unwilling to tell us the truth. How could he not hug and kiss such a beautiful girl who was so entangled with him? Maybe he was just acting recklessly. If I say that I didn't cross the line, I wouldn't believe it. " Another person said, "At that time, the boss was emotionally moved."

One of them laughed and said, "What you say makes sense. Let me explain slowly. Don't worry, brothers, I really didn't do anything out of line with her. How could she be charming? She was a spy, a political whore. Why should I be in love with her? However, he only teased her for a bit. I confess to you that I was coerced into a corner by her teasing while I was drinking with her. I did hug her and kiss her. It was all to get out of his predicament; it was not easy to deal with her. Afterwards, I used my words to coax her. How far do you think she was coaxed to? "

Everyone laughed and said, "That's easy to guess. Before the banquet was over, I went to bed. " Jie shook his head and said, "No, no. If I go to bed with her, I don't have to coax her. "Looks like none of you can guess." Everyone said, "If that's not the case, then it's hard to guess."

"Later on, she was actually coaxed by me into revealing her true feelings. She was going to elope with me to Europe. " When everyone heard this, they laughed out loud. Gao Jian asked again, "What happened next?"

One of them said, "I continuously used words to provoke her, causing her to have a headache. Have the doctor give her a needle and medicine, and she'll have a headache. " Someone was still asking, "Where did she go after that?"

"After she and I jumped over the wall to leave the hospital, I didn't know where she was going," said Yijie. Under my cover, she certainly did not fall into the hands of the French and the English. "

Gao Jian laughed. "After she recovers from this crisis, she will definitely miss you. Use not half a year may be harmful to the scene of homesickness. Because if you hadn't protected her, she would have been killed if she had fallen into the hands of the Westerners. "

Yijie shook his head and said, "Stop joking. A prostitute, how could she have any true feelings? In the past, she had forgotten everything. Actually, I didn't do it to protect her and the Westerners. I did it to save my own life. She can just borrow some light. "