International Purple-White Plate


While the other patrolmen were panicking, Li Gao, who went to intercept Zhen Lizi, returned with two other people. "What's the matter with the priests?" asked Rigaud, alarmed.

The Inspector said: "I brought some people to assist you in capturing Zhen Lizi and a Chinese. The priest was being interrogated in the house, and we were guarding it from the outside. "Somehow, that man and woman managed to make a person run away like this." Li Gao stepped forward and looked at Shorty lying on the ground. He knew that all five of them had been poisoned by the Japanese ecstasy. Rigaud knew that the Shorty often carried this and the antidote. He hastily searched Shorty's body. Soon, he found a small glass bottle of red powder.

Riko did not dare to sniff it, so he held it in his hand and looked at it again and again, deciding that it was the ecstasy's antidote. Li Gao took out the powder and smeared it into the noses of Shorty and the other three. Then he said to the crowd, "Everyone, don't panic. Father, they will wake up soon. They all fell victim to the Japanese ecstasy. "

Li Gao then asked about how they caught Zhen Lizi. All of the patrolmen then told the story of Zhen Lizi and Yijie that they had been caught walking on the street outside the restaurant. Li Gao and the other patrolmen looked at the path that Zhen Lizi and Jie Jie had taken to escape. The Inspector said: "That man and woman were bewitched by the Priest and left the house through the window. They jumped over the wall and ran away." He found the handkerchief with the antidote under the wall. Li Gao looked at his handkerchief, blaming Shorty for being careless. He then went back into the house and shook the Shorty as he shouted, "Father Chalie! Wake up! "

So the Englishman and the Frenchman were at once at war and at peace. They were all drug makers, drug dealers, and drug dealers with a long history. The invasion of the colonies is the king of the world. They make drugs with great skill, and the antidotes are made accordingly. Their ecstasy s and antidotes were at least a hundred times stronger than the Japanese ecstasy s and antidotes.

Shorty and the rest of the five were awakened by Li Gao in less than half an hour. Moreover, the five of them didn't feel any nausea and vomiting when they woke up. The five of them looked just like they had fallen asleep. Shorty still remembered clearly that she was tricked by Zhen Lizi and got bewitched by her using her ecstasy. She ran away.

Shorty deeply regretted that he had been careless at the moment. He said angrily: "This bitch Zhen Lizi, can be killed but not allowed to live. Why didn't I kill her right away! " He then said to the patrolmen, "Quickly go and check on her whereabouts. You must find her for me. I will capture her and personally kill her! " And helplessly said: "Sigh! The cooked duck flew away. "

The Inspector said, "Mister Priest, please do not be anxious. This was the territory of the French, Zhen Lizi could not escape. You just wait and see. We'll find out where she is soon. "

Inspector immediately took action and interrogated the passersby on the street. Some of the patrolmen were more skillful in interrogating passing carters. As Zhen Lizi and Yi Jie were in a hurry when they were escaping, they were not concerned with hiding their whereabouts. They changed their cars a few times along the way and after going through eight people who were pulling them, they were easily found. In the end, they were caught and interrogated by the police when they dragged Zhen Lizi, the carter, and told them that Zhen Lizi had entered Zuo Mu's Trading Company. When the Inspector found out where Zhen Lizi was, he first sent someone to monitor the Zuo Mu Merchant House, then reported it to the Shorty.

At this time, Zuo Mu also received a report from the consulate saying that she was not by train to Shanghai and that she was not at the train station. Hearing that, Zuo Mu became anxious and personally went to pick Zhen Lizi up from the dock. As he was walking, two spies from Black Dragon Society stopped his car, and reported: "Not long ago I saw a man and a woman being captured by the French patrolmen on the street. I think it's Zhen Lizi and the bodyguards. "

Zuo Mu then asked in detail about the woman's appearance and what happened at that time. He was certain that the person caught was Zhen Lizi. Zuo Mu anxiously brought his soldiers and rushed into the Patrol House to speak harshly to the people. Zuo Mu glared: Why did you capture our Miss Shankou? Hurry up and release them! I strongly protest to you all! "

The French Inspector also stared at him and denied it. "I wonder what kind of Miss Shan Kou is like? You led your troops to barge through here and there, this is armed provocation! We only caught a couple who got drunk and messed up and carried out the kidnapping. Before they could get to the bottom of the matter, they had already knocked out the interrogator, causing him to jump over the wall and escape. We're in the process of catching him. This is a matter of our tenancy, and you have no right to question it. Get out of here! This is the French Empire's Patrol House, you are not allowed to trespass. If you don't leave now, you'll end up being conceited. This is my final warning! "

Zuo Mu didn't know whether he was happy or angry, and didn't know if it was true. He then anxiously withdrew his people from the Patrol House and drove alone to Zuo Mu's Trading Company to take a look. Seeing that Zhen Lizi had safely returned to the trading firm, Zuo Mu felt at ease. He hurried to the consulates of England and France to protest and negotiate.

Shorty was extremely happy when he received the report and found out where Zhen Lizi was. "This is the French Concession," he said. Shanghai is also a British and French territory. There was no place for the Japanese to decide. How can we allow others to sleep peacefully in front of our beds! These Black Dragon Society Of Japan secret agents were acting arrogantly everywhere. If we do not eliminate them, we will be in trouble in the future! "

Therefore, he ignored the protest and reprimand from the Japanese consul, and immediately called for a group of people to plot an operation in the night to ambush Trading Company, which was a stronghold of the Black Dragon Society. If Tou Shanman and Zuo Mu did not start a business journey in time, the two would not have survived.

The plan for the day was completed, and they only needed to wait for the night people to decide on their course of action. Due to the abnormally busy streets of Shanghai, the pedestrians are late at night. Shorty patiently waited for people to decide before he personally led the allied British and French forces to aggressively pounce towards Zuo Mu's Trading Company. After arriving here, the Shorty had first set up a encirclement. Then, he personally led his subordinates, all of them holding swords and sabers, concealing weapons. They leapt into the wall and launched a sneak attack on, capturing him. This was how the slaughter began, leading to this gang fight. That's it: if you hit someone first, they will surely be dealt a heavy blow. Shorty's move came fast, it was indeed powerful.

Zhen Lizi was truly cunning, he seemed to have seen through Yijie's thoughts of taking the chance to leave. On one hand, she was worried that Yijie would take the opportunity to leave, on the other hand, she was worried that the many people Shorty had brought would be dangerous to her. She was so scared that not only did she not dare to go out, but she also grabbed onto one of Ji Jie's arms. After listening for a long time, she realized that the bandits were not very powerful. The people who came were surrounded by the people from the yard, and were currently fighting a bloody battle.

Relieved, she pulled him to the window and looked out. Seeing that there was no danger outside, she opened the window, gripped her pistol, and jumped out of the window. One of them also jumped out. The two of them went forward and examined the corpse carefully. Zhen Lizi could not help but cry out, "Ah! So it was him. "To truly resolve the hatred in my heart!"

One Jie was also shocked to find out who the deceased was. The one who died was Shorty Chalie. Zhen Lizi was overjoyed, he kicked the corpse and cursed: "This Western Dog, stupid! He's finally not out of my grasp. " Looking at the corpses of the two Japanese people beside Shorty, they were both killed by him.

It turned out that these two special agents were guarding outside the window together. The two of them only peeked at Zhen Lizi and one of them flirt inside the house, while the Shorty sneaked behind them and killed them with a slash. The Shorty came to kill the remaining one, this was already very surprising. Shorty covered his mouth first, afraid that he would scream. While the little spy was struggling desperately with the Shorty, he was stabbed to death again by the Shorty's blade. Zhen Lizi and Yi Jie saw the latter scene from the house.

Shorty brought his men into the courtyard. Due to the huge courtyard and the many houses, his men were scattered for a moment. When Shorty did things, he took the lead. He wanted to personally capture Zhen Lizi and make up for his mistakes in the day. He saw that there was light in the room and two people standing guard by the window, he thought: "I'm sure there are eight or nine of them, Zhen Lizi will be living there." He looked behind him and saw no attendants. Relying on his martial arts skills, he drew his dagger and groped towards the two by the window.

After killing the people, the Shorty looked inside the house and saw Zhen Lizi and Yi Jie inside. He said in his heart: "Zhen Lizi, this time you will definitely not be able to escape from my grasp." Just as he was proudly turning around, unexpectedly, Zhen Lizi moved quickly and shot towards him from the house. The shot was really accurate, the bullet had pierced through Shorty's heart. Shorty was still feeling pleased with himself when he was hit so hard that he did not make a sound, his body swaying twice as he fell to the ground and died.

After Zhen Lizi and Yi Jie finished looking at Shorty's corpse, they looked elsewhere. Seeing that people were fighting from the north, south, east, and west, the sound of fighting from the courtyard had become chaotic. Zhen Lizi could not differentiate between the enemies and his own people, hence he did not dare to shoot recklessly. With one of them by her side, she had no fear of such a scene. She took another pull and looked around.

There were less people in the Shorty, and almost twice as many Japanese. The English, though tall, were passive. For a moment, they were surrounded and attacked by the Japanese coming from behind. These Japanese were all young and strong Black Dragon Society members that were covered with martial arts techniques. The more they fought, the braver they became. The British could not resist. Some of the Englishmen shouted to the French patrolmen outside the walls as they fought: "Come on! Someone come quickly! "How powerful are they here?"

The French patrolman, who had heard the shouting outside, knew that the British in the courtyard were on edge. Interesting. Inspector used the excuse of maintaining law and order as an excuse and knocked on the door as he shouted, "Open up, open up!" What are you doing in there? How dare they gather troops and disrupt the law and order! This is the French Concession, it's definitely not allowed! " No matter how much he yelled outside, no one came to open the door for them.

The people of Shorty could only retreat as they fought their way to the door. Only then did a Japanese man run forward to open the door. The man then turned to Inspector and said: "Mr. Inspector, I wonder who it is that jumped over the wall into our courtyard and is committing murder right now. We were forced to defend ourselves against them. I request that Mr. Inspector uphold justice and punish these murderers. "

The Inspector pointed at the people fighting and asked, "Who are those people? "Why do I think it's a gang of Chinese gangsters!"

The person who opened the door said, "Sir, that is because the people from our courtyard are fighting with the murderer to defend themselves." Inspector's face sank, his eyes stared, and he said: "Nonsense! It is obvious that you do not follow your duty to collude with the forces of the underworld. Stop, and follow us to the Patrol House to talk! "

This was his secret saying. When the English heard this, they all jumped over the wall and fled in accordance with their predetermined plan. Just then, another Japanese man ran over to Inspector and explained, "Mr. Inspector, the people who came here to carry the weapons and commit murder are a bunch of British people, not local gangsters."

The Inspector glared at him, raised his gun, and shot the man: "This man is speaking nonsense! How dare you lie to me in front of me? Do not slander the English! I can clearly see that you are all gangsters! " After which, he hastily waved his hand. The patrolmen fired a volley of bullets, knocking down another group of Japanese. The Japanese were immediately enraged.

Someone took the lead and shouted, "The French and the English are colluding with each other to harm us. Don't argue with them. Fight with them!" The Japanese swarmed forward and began another fierce battle with the patrolmen.