International Purple-White Plate


Everyone finished their banter. Gao Jian said, "Half a month ago, General Li Liejun came here secretly. He went to work at the Japanese consulate. " He took out another letter and handed it to Yukio, saying, "This is from the Japanese consulate in secret. I just got it last night. The letter was addressed to the two generals. The contents of the letter were probably what General Li had come to do. I am preparing to send someone to deliver it to the General Cai in Yunnan. You can take it back with you. The letter said that the general was in a hurry and should not be delayed. I'll be at ease if I hand it over to you. " Yijie took the letter and placed it on his body.

At this moment, the sun had already risen. Everyone then arranged a banquet to welcome a guest. Everyone sat around the table, and Gao Jian said, "This table is not ideal. Due to the lack of time, he didn't manage it well enough, so he might as well use it as a welcome wine. You don't have much time, you have to leave for Kunming soon. I'll have to deal with you this way. Brother, please forgive me! "

Yijie laughed, "The banquet is not important, what is important is our friendship. I can talk and laugh with you, and everything is satisfied. Actually, not only am I not hungry, I'm not even awake yet. In a single day, Zhen Lizi and I drank twice. It's already midnight, and I'm still drinking with her. " Everyone continued to chat and laugh as they ate.

Gao Jian said: "Right now, the situation in Kunming is very good. General Cai began to train his troops in public and was preparing to set up a government to protect the nation. The National Guard Command has been officially established. It looks like the time for Yuan Shikai to be punished and for an armed uprising to be held is not far. "

"That's good, that's what we hope for," said Yijie happily. If we do not overthrow Yuan Zhai's rule of selling his country, we will not be able to restore democratic republics, and there will be no hope for the country to prosper. "Let us toast the success of the rebellion!" Everyone laughed and toasted each other as they drank. It was a very enjoyable wine. Afterwards, everyone began toasting to Yijie one after another. The scene was very lively.

After the meal, Yijie said, "I can't stay any longer, so I'll take my leave. I'm going to the docks to take the boat south. At the end of our departure, I wish you all the best of luck and good health! "

Everyone said as well, "We wish you a pleasant journey, Boss. Your wish is always the same!" Everyone was reluctant to leave, afraid that it would affect their official business. They did not dare to urge one of them to stay.

Gao Jian took out a suit and said, "Could the boss please change into this suit to prevent the French from chasing us." After Yijie changed into his clothes, Gao Jian found a few other cars. After that, Gao Jian led more than twenty brothers to send one of them to the dock.

Everyone came to the dock and got off the car. Seeing the carts all over the place, there was the sound of people hawking their wares. It was a bustling scene. The ships of the various countries were docking and waiting, and the merchant ships were loading and unloading their cargo.

Gao Jian looked at the surroundings and said, "You can take the French passenger ship. It's safer than any other ship. The French would never get into trouble on their own ship. " Yijie nodded in agreement. The two of them embraced again and said their goodbyes.

The ship's whistle sounded. He boarded the French passenger ship. Gao Jian led his men and watched the boat leave. He waved goodbye once more before bringing his men back with him. Yijie left Shanghai safely.

On the way to Xiamen, a seaman was called down and asked, "Sir, are there any more ships heading to Guangzhou?"

The sailor said, "The ship to Guangzhou is from Britain, France and Japan. The Japanese and French ships were already sailing. The British ships were still hesitating. When the British heard of a strong wind at sea today, they did not dare to set sail. If you are in a hurry, there is still the ship to Zhelin. "

"Since there's no ship to Guangzhou, I will take the ship to Zhelin and return to Chaozhou first." Yijie thanked the sailor and decided to take the ship home first.

One jie got on the boat, and after several days of wind, the boat had to walk and stop, and it took them several days to get to Zhelin. Yijie disembarked at Zhelin, burning with impatience, and rented a fast horse to ride. He continued to travel for a few more days, and only at noon that day did he arrive at the side of the Han River which was across the river from Chaozhou. Seeing his hometown, Yinjie was very happy. He dismounted and stood on the shore, looking out over the river, waiting for the ferry. They saw the torrential river flowing past. There were no boats upstream or downstream.

The owner of the horse said, "Sir, I am sorry that I am unable to send you home. You wait here for the ferry. I have a long way to go, so I will take my leave. " Yijie turned to thank him and paid him the silver. The man put the two horses together and rode away.

Yijie stood by the river bank alone, his eyes looking at the familiar river, feeling touched by the scene and thinking back to the happy scene when he and Lin Qiuhua were rowing and playing. Lin Qiuhua's figure immediately appeared in front of him. He once again remembered that this was the last time Lin Qiuhua bid him farewell. Lin Qiuhua's attached gaze seemed to be on him, affectionately waving at him. One of them felt pain in his heart, and his eyes began to water.

He took out his handkerchief and wanted to wipe his tears away, but seeing that the handkerchief was Zhen Lizi's, he threw it into the river. He said angrily, "Why did you bring her things back?!" He felt for his handkerchief again, but it was nowhere to be found. "My handkerchief must have been changed by her some time," said Jeanne. He had to lift his shirt to wipe his tears away.

Suddenly, he saw a small boat floating on the surface of the river. Upon closer inspection, one could tell that it was the fisherman, Zhang Tong, who was rowing the boat. So she covered her mouth with her hands and shouted, "Is that Big Brother Zhang on the boat? Come over here and cross me. I am Dongfang Yijie. " Hearing that, Zhang Tong tried his best to shake the boat as he promised, "Here we are!" It's here! " After a while, the boat arrived at the shore. Zhang Tong looked at Yijie and said happily, "Yijie bro, where did you come from? We haven't seen each other in a long time. "Get on board quickly." "I just came back from Beijing," said Yjie. Has Big Brother Zhang always been well? " Zhang Tong said, "Thanks to you, brother, I'm not bad." He rolled up his trousers and waded into the boat.

Zhang Tong opened up the boat path. "Brother, you are often not at home. Now we are different too. The tyrant from Pirate Zhu died. His army had pledged their allegiance to General Cai Songpo and was in the midst of training. He said that he was going to participate in the armed suppression of Yuan Shikai. When people heard that they were happy, young people jumped to be soldiers. General Cai had personally come here before, and he even sent some young and strong military officers. Now I see them training soldiers every day. The soldiers were all in high spirits, and their morale was high. The day of Yuan Shikai's downfall is soon. "

Yijie and Zhang Tong chatted as the boat reached the other side. "Brother Zhang, please come to my house tonight." Goodbye! " Zhang Tong agreed and added, "Brother, please come to my house too." The duo clasped their hands in farewell. One of them hurried off the shore.

He went to his door. Mrs Zhang was cleaning the corridor. Mrs. Zhang looked up and saw him. She put down her broom and hurried to report. Mrs. Zhang cried out, "Old Mr. Li, Miss Li: Young Master is back. "Almost home." Li Zhanyi had just arrived and was having a talk with him. Li Zhanyi didn't even have the chance to tell Dongfang Liang about his encounter with a prodigy in Beijing. Dongfang Liang, Li Huayi and the others brought it out at the same time.

When Yijie saw his happy father, the anger in his heart had long since dissipated. Jie said happily, "Father, I'm back! How are you? " Dongfang Liang said happily: "Father is very well. I was hoping for some anxiety. My son is proud to return, I am happy. " He pointed to the Li family's Kunzhong and said, "My son has come to pay his respects. These two are your uncles. We'll talk about it when we get inside. "

One of them had seen Li Zhanyi before, but not Li Huayi. Seeing that the two of them looked the same, it was hard to tell them apart. "Hello uncles!" He thought to himself, "Strange today, how come they look the same?" Which one of them is the Li Zhanyi that came looking for you? " The Li family's Kunzhong said to Yijie with a smile and nodded.

Li Huayi said: "My nephew is indeed handsome and elegant, a genius at looks. Brother Dongfang, I really congratulate you! " Dongfang Liang was overjoyed: "Same to you! Let's go back to the house for a chat. " The group of people walked towards the house.

At this time, Li Qian was in the house making tea for a young man. When Yijie entered the room and saw Li Qian, she no longer had any impression of being with him in her childhood. Seeing Li Qian dressed in Chaozhou clothing, her complexion was rosy, her eyebrows were pretty, her posture was dignified, her movements light, faintly revealing her valiance. One of them could tell that she was practicing martial arts, which was completely different from Lin Qiuhua's quiet personality.

"She must be the Li Qian that I have an engagement with." Yijie was stunned for a moment before sitting down. Li Qian poured himself a cup of tea and offered it to a young man: "You must be thirsty from the journey, right? "Drink some water." One of them thought of something and said, "Thank you!" He picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

Li Qian saw that Jie Jie was really handsome, and he rejoiced in his heart when he saw this. He then took a towel and said, "You must be tired from the journey. Wipe your face." Yijie took the towel, took off her hat, and wiped her face. Li Qian took the hat and towel and put them on the clothes rack. Li Qian turned around and smiled, "Do you still remember me?" He shook his head.

Li Qian said: "We changed our appearances when we were young. Actually, I don't recognize you either. " As he spoke, he poured some more tea for the host.

Jie took the teapot and said, "Sorry to trouble you. I'll do it myself. "

Li Qian laughed: "What you're saying is too polite. If that's the case, then I should say sorry for disturbing you when I came to your house. " One of them laughed and said, "That's not necessary. I treat you as a respected guest. "

The three old gentlemen at the side saw this and were delighted. Dongfang Liang laughed: "These two kids are too old, they know how to be polite. It's not like when I was a kid and I was trying to get some milk from a mother. " Recalling the past, the three of them laughed.

Li Qian was smart enough to see through one of their thoughts, and said: "You guys go ahead and talk, I'll go cook." With that, he left and went upstairs to hide.

Zhang Ma followed her upstairs and said, "Miss Li, I've congratulated you! Our young master is interested in you. Look at how handsome he is! The two of you are a match made in heaven, a pair made in the earth. "