International Purple-White Plate


Yuan Ming was even more certain that they were staring at him, and he headed north to search for those four people. As he was walking, he suddenly saw the four little Daoist people of the State Protector Temple chasing each other as they walked towards him. Pookie was running ahead, and Pushin was close behind.

Afraid of being seen by the four of them, Yuan Ming turned around and slipped into the crowd, thinking to himself, "These four people are good, it's very easy for me to be seen by them." If they see me, they will take me back to the temple. If I end up in the hands of Master, that would be terrible. " Yuan Ming did not dare to stay in the city for long.

It turned out that the National Protector Temple had found all the temples in the Western Mountain, but Yuan Ming could not be found. They were all disheartened. Fang and the others believed that Yuan Ming had left Beijing. They had placed their hopes of finding Yuan Ming on his shoulders. The four little Daoist people had the time to play today, so they came to the Sky Bridge to buy groceries. They were only enjoying themselves. Yuan Ming was not far away, but none of them saw him.

When Yuan Ming returned to the temple, Wu and Fan Jing followed him back to the temple. Yuan Ming didn't even notice that someone was following behind him. He went back to his room, still thinking, "Where are the four nuns? In broad daylight. I've never seen anything like it. Grand Master is an old nun, I'll ask her. "

Yuan Ming turned around and walked out of the door, heading towards the Grand Preceptor's room. When Shou Wan and Fan Jing saw him leave, they went to his house and looked in. The two of them thought of Ruo Feng, where they had lived before.

"Ever since Monk Ye Ru ran away from here, there has been no one staying here," said Fan Jing. Suddenly another monk came and followed us. Not only did he discover our secret, he must have had something to do with Monk Rufeng. Catch him and we'll find out where he is. We can't kill him that easily.

He said, "You are right. Let's go back and report to the lotus seed. " Fan Jing said, "Guan Di Temple is close to here. Let's go there to find Du Bian Jun and let him lead his people to capture this young monk. Then we'll go and report to the lotus seed. " The two of them were working together when Changjing walked in and saw them. She and Fan Jing hurriedly walked away. Chang Jing did his job steadily and didn't report it to his mistress. He began to pay attention to what was going on behind him.

Yuan Ming went to the front and ate at the same table as the Mentor. "Mentor, I saw four nuns in the city. They are dressed differently from ordinary nuns. They put on that strange hat. Front to the chest, back to cover the neck. Without showing his face, only exposing his eyes. I don't think they look like nuns. Who are they? Is it from the temple? "

Grand Preceptor Xie stopped his chopsticks and asked, "Do you see their attire, their height, their age, and their neatness?"

Yuan Ming said, "They are very well-dressed, tall, and young. They are all people who train in martial arts. "

The Mentor said, "The people you're talking about are all from the monastery in Japan. They were all cultivating. Don't provoke them. Their sign said 'Moral Assembly.' It was full of Japanese. Don't look at them coming in, they look civilized. They all had very high martial arts skills and were tyrants in the city. They beat the English in the street, and the English dared not provoke them. Not to mention ordinary people, no one dared to offend them. They beat the men hard and committed the crime in groups. Your master, Ruo Feng, used to live here. They came in the middle of the night and thirty or forty people grabbed your master, and they forced him away. Since your master left, there has been no news of him, so I did not tell you. "

Hearing this, Yuan Ming refused to accept it and thought to himself, "How can the people from the monastery be so powerful?" Grand Master's words were too mysterious. Who is my master? He had such high level of martial arts, how could he be scared away by them? It was a bit mystical. Not trustworthy. "I will go to the monastery tomorrow."

After the missus had finished her meal, Yuan Ming asked again, "Missus, where is this Japanese monastery? Is that place really that amazing? " The master was afraid that he would cause trouble, so he said, "Don't you dare barge in. I won't tell you. If you still can't find your master, then go back to Sichuan. Don't make trouble here. I know that every time you go out at night. "

Yuan Ming concealed his reply, "Master, please be at ease. I will not provoke them. Just asking. I went out at night to practice in the west woods. "

The teacher's mistress was concerned about him, so she said, "If you ask and don't cause trouble, I can tell you. Actually, even if I didn't tell you, you would have been able to find out. I want to tell you about the prowess of the capital. Chongwen Mentsi is a mosque church in Britain. Something just happened there. Chongwenmen East is the abbey of Japan. There was also a Japanese amusement park outside the front door. None of these places are accessible. The people there could not be offended either. Don't think that the young ladies who came out from there were all dressed up in fancy attire. In fact, they were all of different shapes and sizes of demoness. Never be attracted by their looks. "As a monk, you must remember to be on guard."

When Yuan Ming heard this, he did not agree and nodded in agreement. He thought to himself, "Even with my martial arts skills, I still have to go there and take a look." How could it be better than a guard battalion? It was very likely that the treasure had been killed and stolen away by the people there. I must find those four nuns! "

Seeing that Changjing wasn't in the room, Yuan Ming cleaned up the tableware. Seeing that the sky was dark, the teacher's mistress held the lamp in her hand. She could see that Yuan Ming was unable to keep his mouth shut and was worried that he would barge in. The mistress made Yuan Ming sit down and told him a few dangerous stories about the martial arts world. To teach Yuan Ming in a roundabout way so as to prevent him from causing trouble outside his home.

The teacher also patiently said to Yuan Ming, "There are many examples of newborns who are not afraid of tigers and barging in randomly, causing their own death. I've told you only two of them. You have to be careful. You are young and your martial arts are not good. You must be careful in everything you do. He was in a hurry and couldn't get anything out of it. He would only become famous in the future if he diligently studied the scrolls and trained hard. You want to be a high monk like your master. " Yuan Ming nodded and agreed.

Only then did the mistress ask further, "You went out that night and didn't come back all night. You came back in the morning and covered yourself in mud. What were you doing?"

Yuan Ming then covered up and said, "I went out to various places to look for Master. I accidentally fell into a dirty puddle in front of a house at night. That's why I was covered in filth all over my body."

She continued, "You have just arrived in Beijing, I don't know what makes you so strong. Today, I told you everything. You must be careful when you go out later. On the surface, the capital was calm, but in reality, it was filled with an evil aura. Yuan Shikai did not even dare to walk on the street lightly. Ever since the murder at the mosque, it has caused a sensation outside the city. There were more patrols in the street. Yuan Shikai was afraid that the rest of Bai Lang would seek revenge on him, and he was also afraid that the Revolutionary Party would enter the city together, so the security of the inner city had long since been tightened. There were rumors saying that Cai Lai was organizing a rebellion in the south. Yuan Shikai, who lived in Zhongnanhai, was scared out of his wits. Now, the capital was suffering from internal and external troubles. "To be honest, if they were not afraid of Guo Chengliang, the Japanese people hiding in the capital would have gone to the sky."

The teacher's mistress suddenly saw that the lamp oil was running out, so she let Yuan Ming take the lamp oil. The two of them sat down firmly after they had just finished applying it. Suddenly, Chang Jing shouted from behind, "Don't move! Who are you? Why do you keep spying on my temple? " The sound of swords clashing could be heard. Stunned, Grand Master Shi hastily took the sword from the wall and handed it to Yuan Ming. Then, he took the cane and blew out the light. At this moment, the sounds of fighting outside became even louder. Chang Jing cried out in fright, "You can't leave! "Watch my sword!" Grand Preceptor Xie and Yuan Ming hurried to the back to watch. He saw Chang Jing brandishing his treasured sword and was filled with energy. His sword was facing two opponents at the same time.

Yuan Ming said in his heart, "Changjing is always quiet, and the killing is fierce. Fighting two people head on, his swordsmanship wasn't chaotic at all, and he was adept at swordsmanship. Who are you fighting against? " Seeing that the two of them were dressed in green and had the exact same stature as Chang Jing, their swords seemed as though they were dancing in the wind. The two of them were forced to retreat by Eternal Rest and didn't even have the chance to turn around.

Mistress saw the panic in the two's hearts and did not intend to fight, wanting to escape. "Stop!" Grand Preceptor Xie cried out in fright. Who are you? Disturbing my temple for no reason? "

Seeing that there was someone helping them, the two of them panicked even more. Afraid that they would be attacked from the front and back, the two of them tried their best to fight back against Changjing. It also forced Chang Jing to retreat. Chang Jing suddenly leaped up and landed behind the two men, blocking their path of retreat. Changjing Hengjian said in fright, "You won't be able to escape! Quickly surrender! "

The two saw that they were being attacked from both sides, so they became angry and attacked the quiet once more. Yuan Ming was about to step forward to encourage silence. The Mentor stopped him, "You don't have to go. Each of us will stand guard, preventing them from escaping. " The two kept their distance, guarding the east and south.

The Long Silence Killing technique was valiant, blocking the west side. Seeing that they were unable to escape from the west, the two of them turned around to attack the Grand Master from the east. "You guys are even worse than my disciple, do you still dare to compete with me? Quickly stop your sword and surrender! "

The two of them truly kept their swords, and cupped their hands in salute: "Old cultivator, we well and water do not disturb the river. Please clear the way and let us out. We have no intention to harm you and your disciple. "

When the Mentor heard that the two of them were women, she knew that they were from the Japanese monastery and said, "Go!" The two men clasped their hands again, thanked him, took a few steps to the north, and left. He was afraid that they would catch up with him in the future, and that a hidden weapon would be fired from the roof, which would then fly towards the three of them like a cloud of smoke. The Mentor hastily shouted, "Hurry and get out of the way! There are concealed weapons! " The three of them hastily retreated.

The three of them went back into the house and quietly said, "During the day, I discovered that they were spying on us at the temple. As expected, they came again at night. Why did Master let them go? " The Mentor said, "They are from the Japanese monastery again. Our little temple cannot afford to offend them. " Yuan Ming asked, "What did they beat before they left?"

The Master-in-Law said, "That thing is very powerful. It's called 'Eye Fantasy'. It's specialized in the eyes of enchanting people." Once the eye was captivated by it, it was sure to go blind. It was something that was specially beaten from high to low. "The Japanese are crafty, and they are able to study all the things that kill or kill."

Yuan Ming said with hatred, "How hateful that they did this. Mistress should not have let them go."

"It's easy to say, but hard to do. The two of them must have had a variety of hidden weapons to protect themselves. It's not easy for us to capture them together. I don't want to offend them too much. Once I have offended them, they will come to plunder my temple. If that happens, my master and disciple won't be able to live here anymore. Letting them go is actually our advantage. "

Yuan Ming thought to himself, "Why does the voices of these two women sound like the voice of the young miss he met earlier in the day at the Sky Bridge?" He thought back and confirmed it. Yuan Ming then realized and thought to himself, "Those four young ladies must have been disguised by those four nuns. I fell for their trick. These people are truly hateful. I didn't provoke her, but she actually followed me here. "Don't listen to Grand Preceptor Xie saying that they are powerful. I will definitely not forgive them!" He wanted to tell her everything that had happened during the day, but he hesitated.

It turned out that Fan Jing was the one who had leaked the news and made Yuan Ming realize the truth. In the evening, she and Tuojiao went out from the temple to the temple of Guandi to tell the hidden Japanese Black Dragon chief, Du Bian.

Du Wei was very happy to hear this. He grabbed the two of them and kissed them one by one. I was struggling to keep up with my superiors, but I couldn't catch up with Rufeng. You two also sent me a little monk, which really helped me succeed. "When I capture Ruo Feng, I will thank you both greatly."

He continued, "That night, the old nun said that you had returned to the Central Plains. I have always suspected that there was a trick. Tonight, I brought some people to capture that young monk, and everything was settled. I've got another lead on international purple and white discs. " Then, he laughed and ordered the two of them to get some wine. He still wanted to keep the two of them for the night.