International Purple-White Plate


The female teacher had been waiting for a long time and was extremely dissatisfied. "I came to call you over for dinner." "Hurry up and pack it up."

Yuan Ming thanked Grand Preceptor Xie and hastily went to wash up. Grand Preceptor Shi turned around and saw Chang Jing behind him. "What are you doing here?" he asked angrily. Didn't I say you weren't allowed here? "

Chang Jing's face reddened. "Master, I'm here to look for you." The Mentor scolded again, "Nonsense, I just got here, are you afraid of losing me? "Why are you looking for me?"

Chang Jing said in a low voice, "Master, I came to tell you: Yuan Ming went out for an entire night and didn't come back. He did not return until daybreak. When he returned, he looked flustered and covered in dirt. He didn't know how he had done it. I'm afraid he's out to make trouble. "

The Mentor became even angrier as she asked with a sunken face, "How did you know? Did you sneak up here at night? "Speak!" Chang Jing was flustered, feeling wronged. Grand Preceptor Shi said, "Come with me." "From now on, do not secretly interact with him again."

After taking a few steps back, he said quietly, "I really did not come in contact with him in secret." The Mentor reprimanded him, "You are still quibbling! If I didn't interact privately with him, how do I know that he hasn't returned for an entire night? "

Chang Jing replied, "Daybreak, I'll go get some firewood for cooking. He saw Yuan Ming covered in mud and flustered, and had no idea where he had come from. He must have gone out at night to stir up trouble. "

The teacher's wife replied with joy, "Good disciple, Master has wrongly blamed you. I know. You can't just walk around in the back. " The two calmly entered the house. She acted as if she didn't care in front of Yuan Ming.

After having dinner with Madam Shi and having not slept, Yuan Ming secretly went to wash his clothes. Sitting by the river, washing his clothes, he thought about what he had seen last night, and said to himself, "I've asked twice, and from what I've heard, the men at the guard camp and the guardhouse still don't know the bottom line of the church murder case. That treasure was actually the root of the entire case. In order to get the treasures, the British Malys would use any means at his disposal to kill and assassinate the Temple of the Protector of the Kingdom. It seemed that the treasure, the "International Purple White Plate", was not in the hands of the yamen. It must have fallen into the hands of the martial arts people. The three people who fought on the street last night were all people from the martial arts world. Their competition might be related to the treasures. If I can find one of those three, I'll have a clue to track down the treasure. " He thought back to the scene of being chased and his heart still throbbed. Yuan Ming was so frightened that he didn't dare to go out for two days.

After breakfast that day, he recalled the actions of the three people by himself. Heart said: "That man is easy to find, he has a Southerner accent. The two women spoke like Northeast and Beijing people. Fortunately, I remember the voices of the three of them. If I could hear them anywhere, I would recognize them at once. I'll just walk around the city and see. Yuan Ming quickly came to the city and strolled around the Sky Bridge looking for the three men. Noticing the people walking on the street, the sound of people hawking their wares could be heard. There were people loitering around, people busy. Some carried burdens, some carried baskets.

Some people bought things from the stalls, some said they were going to the theatre; the children played in groups, the old man stopped and smiled; the girls talked and dressed and the boys pulled their carts in a hurry. The men and women they saw were not martial artists.

Yuan Ming saw them and thought to himself, "I met those three people in the North City. It is too far away from here, so I should go there again. Perhaps I might have some clues." Although the times had changed, the pursuit of the patrolling soldiers had become a sensation. It's hard not to talk about it. " He was on his way to the North City. As they walked, they suddenly saw four nuns coming from the opposite direction. Yuan Ming saw that the four people wore strange hats. Shoulder covering neck, only exposing two eyes. He didn't know if it was put on or if there was a crack in the middle.

Seeing the four of them walking along, Yuan Ming was shocked. He said to himself, "When these four people walk, their heads are straight, their steps light, and their feet are full of wind. They are definitely martial artists." The four of them quickly passed by Yuan Ming. Yuan Ming turned around and looked at the background of the four people. They were all tall, slim, and young. As he followed them, he wanted to hear what the four of them were talking about.

Yuan Ming followed them back to the Sky Bridge. Unexpectedly, the four of them didn't say anything. Yuan Ming was suspicious, "All four of them are mute? How is that possible? Say something to them. " Yuan Ming called out, "Four dao friends, please wait. I have something to ask of you. " As expected, the four stopped and turned around.

One of them said: "Dao friend Shifu, what do you want to ask? Please speak. " Suddenly, Yuan Ming hadn't thought it through properly and was somewhat flustered by the rhetorical question. He casually asked, "What's the name of this place?" When the four of them heard this, they looked at each other and laughed. Someone said, "This is a crazy monk, he doesn't even know about the Sky Bridge." Yuan Ming touched his bald head and said, "Monk is not crazy." I came from outside the country and just came to Beijing, so I don't know the place name. "

The four elephants seemed to believe him. Another person said, "This is the Sky Bridge in Beijing's South City. To the north was the True Sun Sect. After the True Sun Sect, there was still the Gate of Heavenly Peace. It was a magnificent and luxurious place to look at. The President was there. You can take your time. "

Hearing her voice, Yuan Ming felt joy in his heart. He thought to himself, "The one who said that was the person who saved me at Miao Ying Temple." Was she a nun? Which temple? " That person was none other than Lotus Seed. She had also recognized Yuan Ming. He said to himself, "This monk deserves to die! He is clearly making fun of me here without saying anything. "How could I take him for a weed that night!" At the same time, she saw the two men looking at each other and thought to herself, "How come this monk and the lotus seed are eye to eye?" Did they already know each other? I also find this little monk very interesting. " She was happy.

Yuan Ming looked at how Lotus was constantly measuring him up and down as he spoke, acting a bit arrogantly as he said, "Thank you for your advice, Brother! "Trouble as much as possible!" Lotus said no, and took the three of them away. Yuan Ming thought that he was smart and stealthily followed behind the four of them. When Lotus noticed that Yuan Ming was still following her, she said to Wu Tuo, "This monk is suspicious." That night at the Temple of Miaoyin I took him for you and saved him. I don't know why he followed us. "

"Either you did it on purpose, or he did it on purpose," she said. What can happen to a monk!? He must be lustful of women. "

Lotus said, "Don't jump to conclusions. Let's play a trick on him and get a feel for him. If he is in love with women, I will introduce him to you. " The four of them understood. When Lotus looked back, she saw that Yuan Ming was still hiding behind her. She winked and walked in front, the four of them purposely moving around in the crowd.

Yuan Ming, who was at the back, saw the four of them pass through the crowd several times and head for the Longjing Tea Garden. He followed again. After seeing the four of them pass by the teahouse, they went to the Pear Garden. Finally, the four of them stopped in front of the theater, went up to the ticket seller, bought their tickets, went up the steps, and entered the house. Yuan Ming then came to the door and thought, "Watching a play is the most boring. You have to buy a ticket to get in. It would be better for me to wait here and slowly find out which temple they are from. "

The ticket seller saw that Yuan Ming was hesitating and called him over, "This is going to be a good show!" A good show went on, but the good show was yet to come! "First, he played the golden branch, then he played the teabag, and now he's acting like he's visiting his mother."

When Yuan Ming heard that he had a quick mouth, he smiled at him. The ticket seller said, "Little master, don't hesitate. Come and buy your ticket. There's still time to watch the show. " Yuan Ming stepped forward and said, "I don't like to watch shows the most. "It's better to just watch and play around."

The clerk would say, "Little master, this is called wearing clothes and wearing a hat. However, it was good to go in and take a look. One can't wear a cotton jacket in winter and summer and eat chilli peppers every day. How can one not change clothes and taste? This hobby was also changed according to one's mood, changing anywhere. In the temple, there were green lanterns and ancient buddhas, quiet all year round. "You only know how to be interested in a play when you watch it …"

He made Yuan Ming happy so he wanted to enter after buying a ticket. At this moment, four beautiful ladies came out of the door. Each of them was beaming with happiness as they slowly walked towards Yuan Ming. That's right: Don't look at the indecent view, but instead come out with peach blossom powder noodles. From this, it could be seen that his demonic art was extraordinary. The four of them were beaming with joy as they descended the stairs to play with Yuan Ming.

The four people were beaming with happiness as they approached Yuan Ming and started to feel around him. Yuan Ming began to panic as he dodged. A chubby young lady laughed, "Little master, do you want to watch a show?" When Yuan Ming heard her sweet voice, he became a little distracted and hurriedly said, "We're not going to watch the show, we're not going to watch the show. We're waiting for someone." She brushed a hand across Yuan Ming's face and asked, "Are you waiting for me?"

"I don't dare to think, I don't dare to think! "Miss is putting me on a pedestal." After Yuan Ming finished speaking, another lady grabbed Yuan Ming and said with a smile, "Really, who are you waiting for?"

Yuan Ming shook his hand off and said, "Have the four young ladies seen the four nuns that just entered?" The four of them looked at each other and laughed.

One of the ladies laughed and asked, "Young Master, why are you looking for them? Do you need to meet them secretly?"

Yuan Ming said with a flushed face, "We are all fellow daoists. We can wait for her whenever we like. There is no hidden meeting." Another young miss secretly laughed and sweetly said: "There are a lot of people inside, so we haven't paid any attention to them. You can go in and look for it yourself. " The four of them left together.

These four were the four nuns. They were the lotus seeds, the atrazine seeds, the lotus flowers and Fan Jing in the monastery of Japan. The four people took off their dao uniforms and modified it once again. When they came out, they hid it from Yuan Ming.

When Yuan Ming saw the four of them strolling away, he had the intention to linger here. As he gazed at the backs of the four people, he had no doubt about it at all. After the four of them left, Yuan Ming turned around and entered the house.

When Lotus turned around and saw that Yuan Ming had indeed gone inside to look for him, she said to the three of them, "This monk is suspicious." He didn't follow us for pornography. He must have discovered our secret. Find out his background and prepare to kill him! " "You should hide first to prevent him from recognizing you. The three of us will kill him with our eyes! "

Lotus said, "You love to steal relationships, so it's easy for you to make mistakes. You hid with me. "It is enough for you to keep your eyes on him."

Atreus was displeased. "That night you and I caught that revolutionary in the street, and at the same time we were pursued by soldiers and soldiers. If that monk can recognize me, he can't help but recognize you. " Only then did Atreus and Lotus run away. Shou Wan and Fan Jing stayed behind, wedged in the crowd, staring at Yuan Ming.

Yuan Ming was inside. He looked around at the people on the seats, but he could not find those four people. He was still confused, so he asked someone inside, "Sir, is there a back door to this house?"

That teacher said, "There's one on stage. It's for the singer to leave."

Yuan Ming said to himself, "Did the four of them leave through the back door because they didn't sing well? How come there's no one left? " He thanked the gentleman and hurried out to the back street. He looked around the back street, but still couldn't see the four nuns. While Yuan Ming was deep in his thoughts, he suddenly saw himself being short. Looking up, it was noon in the middle of the sky. He stepped into a restaurant.

After Yuan Ming finished his meal and left the restaurant, he didn't walk very far. He came face to face with Yi Jiang and Fan Jing. Their voices and smiles had yet to disappear from Yuan Ming's mind. Yuan Ming saw the two of them and thought to himself, "These two ladies are not bad, just that they are too romantic." It's so generous that it's unbearable. "

Before Yuan Ming could even open his mouth, Fan Jing smiled and said, "Young Master, we are destined to meet again." Yuan Ming said, "It's fate! It was fate! "Nice to meet you!"

"Have you found the four nuns?" Which temple are they from? What are you trying to find her for? "

Yuan Ming started the fight, "I won't hide it from the two misses. I haven't found them yet. I wonder which temple they came from. I have nothing to do with them. "

And she said to him, "Who are you deceiving? "Idiot!" She smiled at Yuan Ming, and with a flash of the autumn, the two of them left.