International Purple-White Plate


When Fan Jing had finished eating, she went back to report on the lotus seeds. Du Bian had no choice but to send the two of them on their way. The two of them went back to the city and happened to pass the You Dai monastery. When they arrived at the gate of the mountain, Fan Jing was somewhat irrational after drinking so much. She stopped and said, "I'll go in and take a look. If the little monk was still inside, Du Bian Jun would definitely be able to catch him. When we go back to report on the lotus seeds, we have something to say for sure. "

He stopped her and said, "No need to go in. During the day, we took a look and saw that the little monk was living in the back. He won't go. If he was disturbed, it would be unbefitting. I was also worried that if my eyes were calm enough, she would keep an eye on us. She saw us during the day. At that time, she chased us out of the mountain gate to look for us. "

Fan Jing said, "She's stupid and can't be bothered with. Whose temple does not have a few visitors during the day? " Thus, the two of them walked into the mountain gate and headed straight for Yuan Ming's house. Changjing was watching the outside world with a sword in her hand, seeing the two of them hurrying to follow her. Shou Wan and Fan Jing were looking in at the window when Changjing suddenly gave a frightened cry from behind, trying to stop them. The two hurriedly drew their swords and wanted to leave, but the silence suddenly became tense. Only then did the two of them start to fight, each carrying a vicious intent as they tried to retreat in peace. The two of them ran out of the courtyard and said: "This is bad! Du Bian won't spare us once he's gone. That fellow has a short temper. "

Fan Jing said resentfully, "I hate it for not wanting to be so quiet and silly!" I have to teach her a lesson! "Go back and tell Lotus what I want to say, and you have to listen to me."

"You can only blame yourself for going in carelessly. I said Changjing eyes are good. " Fan Jing said, "If you know that she has good eyes, then why are you going in?" It's fine if the little monk runs away, it's easy for us to find him. " As the two walked, they argued and went back to report the lotus seeds.

"You must have offended them by staying in the city during the day," she said. They followed you. They must catch you and find out where the mountain is. If you appear here, it is very easy for them to think of you as their master. Ever since your master left here, they often came to investigate. It's all your fault for ignoring them. "

Only then did Yuan Ming tell her about his encounter with the four people in the city during the day. When Chang Jing finished listening, he said first, "You don't have much luck here anymore. Don't look at how they've been defeated, if it's just for a few days or even a few days, they'll definitely send people to take revenge on us. If you don't leave as soon as possible, you'll definitely be captured by them. " Yuan Ming did not feel that the situation was bad and still disapproved.

The Grand Master was indeed wise. She made a prompt decision and said, "Take advantage of the situation and go find a big temple to hide in. Within ten days, don't go out on the streets, or else they might find you and hurt you. "

She then instructed Changjing to go outside and scout, and Changjing went outside with her sword in hand. The Mentor then instructed Yuan Ming to speak a few more words.

Yuan Ming thought to himself, "Where am I going? It was not easy to find a place in the dark night. If I were to go to the place I used to live, it would be easy for Master to find me. Just as he was hesitating, Changjing returned and said, "Master, it's not too dark outside. I've looked around, and there's no one there. "

The Mentor urged Yuan Ming again, "If you don't leave, then the people who will come will not be able to protect you. "Let's go."

Yuan Ming said, "Grand Master, my mind is in a mess. I still haven't thought of a proper place to go."

Seeing that he was still hesitating, the head teacher anxiously said, "A man of great ambition has no reason to be unable to find a place to stay. If you don't leave, you just sit there and wait for your death. " Only then did Yuan Ming go back to pack up his things and leave some silver coins for Madam Shi before leaving the monastery.

The Mentor then quickly instructed the Elders, "This Yuan Ming is a demon who has caused trouble. He's not afraid of anything, he doesn't know anything. If anything happens to him, we will let down his master. Hurry up and follow him. "You will only be in contact with him from the front and back. If anyone stops him, you come forward to help. If no one stops him and recognizes him, you must not show your face." Changjing respected her master's orders and used her sword to protect Yuan Ming.

Yuan Ming walked along the road and thought to himself, "The missus isn't rushing me. She has a long experience in the martial arts world. When she meets with trouble, she can predict good fortune." If I continue to stay here, I'll be in the light, and I might be ambushed at any time. If I hide, then I'll be forced to take the initiative. "

He walked quickly and arrived at the fork in the road. Yuan Ming stopped and said, "If I go to the Western Mountain to live, I will be easily caught by Master. I have to be on guard against Master. Those people in the monastery, although they say they are powerful, I really don't care. I went to the city to find a secluded inn to hide in, and Master would not be easy to find. There was someone who had died in front of the entrance to the Universe Jade Hall, and the authorities had sealed it off from the murder case. It was quiet, and I went to live there. "To explore the Monastery and find clues regarding treasures. That place is still convenient." Having made up his mind, Yuan Ming turned around and ran in the direction of the city.

At this time, Changjing was not far behind him. She thought that he would rush to the west mountain. Seeing that they had left the city, Changjing became anxious and said, "Yuan Ming didn't run to the west mountain to escape. He went to the city to send himself to death." You can't blame Master for saying that he's not afraid of anything and doesn't know anything. Changjing wanted to step forward and stop him, but she was afraid that she would disobey her master's orders, so she followed closely behind without making a sound.

Seeing that Yuan Ming walked faster and faster, the wind blew under his feet. It was difficult for Changjing to chase him. She shouted, but she did not dare to shout out loud, afraid that she would attract the people from the monastery to follow her. After walking for a while, they saw that Yuan Ming had entered the city. Chang Jing followed him into the city. Yuan Ming turned around and headed towards the north.

Chang Jing rejoiced in her heart as she thought to herself, "Yuan Ming is smart." He must be going to the temple. The temple has many people, and all of them are skilled in martial arts. No one dares to offend them, so it's a safe place. "

Only after walking for a while did Changjing relax. Suddenly, she saw Yuan Ming make a turn through the main street and enter the alley to the east. After that, Changjing exclaimed in her heart, "Oh my god, where is he going? Not to the temple. He's going to live with the president in Zhongnanhai? Other than that, there is no place of safety. "

Chang Jing followed him out of the alley, and saw that Yuan Ming had arrived in front of the wide Kunyu Tang store. He went straight to the door. Chang Jing Xin said, "This place is far away from the monastery. It might be safe. Yuan Ming knocked on the door and went in with the others. Chang Jing was worried, so he followed them to the door to check on the situation.

Yuan Ming went inside and asked the waiter, "Do you have a room to stay in?" The assistant said, "Not only there are, there are more. Our shop has just been allowed to open, business is not doing well, all the rooms are empty. You can choose on your own. "

Yuan Ming secretly rejoiced and followed him to the east wing's door. He stopped and said, "I will stay here."

The assistant smiled and said, "Master will choose. This room is well lit and the air is fresh. " The two entered the house. The waiter wrote down the store book and Yuan Ming paid the five yuan. The fellow left after a few polite words.

In order to understand the environment, Yuan Ming went around the house to check. Seeing that the store's business was very good, only two businessmen, to save money, the two of them lived in the same room. The other rooms were indeed empty. Yuan Ming joyfully said, "I was right! It is very quiet here, and is not inferior to the Serene Temple. If we were to search the monastery, it would be much easier to find clues about the treasure than the Serene Temple. "

Yuan Ming returned to his room and the waiter brought him another key, "This is yours, you have to lock the door to get in and out. I have one, too, to clean the room. You put your belongings away. You don't have to be on guard against me. Don't easily agree to the door being opened by someone else. You remember my voice. There was a gang of false accusations, extortion, and looting of guest property. Don't let anyone break into the store. The store had a rule: You were not allowed to go out on the streets at night, so you had to turn off the lights and go to sleep. This was what the police had instructed the shops to do. We must carry it out. If anything happened, they would capture the boss. "Master, please grant me your wish." Only then did the shop assistant leave. Eternal Rest had clearly seen everything outside, so he too turned and left.

Yuan Ming spread out the bed, took off his clothes and turned off the light. He slept until the sun rose. When he woke up, he felt his whole body was comfortable and his heart was in high spirits. After stretching his muscles and bones, he put on his clothes and made a bed. He suddenly thought, "I must listen to the teacher's instructions." It's just that it's too hard not to go out on the street. The features of my bald head, small eyes, and muslin have long been firmly memorized. "How can I hide it?"

He suddenly laughed again and hurriedly said, "I do. Those four nuns who didn't seem to have any plentiful rhythms became peach-blossom flour after coming out of the theater. They were so beautiful that they had plentiful rhythms. They relied on a better disguise. Why can't I, a monk, submit? If I wear clothes, I will also be able to look elegant, so that they do not recognize each other. "This is called returning the favor back to him in his own way."

He called the clerk over and said, "I have something to do. How about you go out on the street and buy me some clothes? " The assistant said, "You're welcome. This should be. We always shop on behalf of our guests. Master only needs to tell me what to do, I will immediately do it. "

Yuan Ming had not yet thought of how to dress himself, so he took out twenty pieces of silver and said, "Buy me a good, fashionable dress and shoes. I'm not afraid of spending money, but I'm afraid of being rude. "

The assistant laughed. "That's hard." You are a monk, what kind of clothes can you buy? They were all muslin anyway, only the colors were different. What is so fashionable about it? Unless you buy a common home to dress up in, can be fashionable. Common clothes, always have many styles, different styles. There were merchants, gentlemen, rich and poor, and men and women were all different. "Go to the store, and look at all sorts of things. Do you want them?

Yuan Ming said, "I am not familiar with any kind of dressing. You can choose from it. Take a good look at my figure, do not buy mackintosh clothes, buy vulgar home wear. Just let me put it on. "

The assistant said, "That's easy. I will definitely do it." It can make you look cool and beautiful. "You can't wear it if you buy it, so don't complain."

Hearing him say this, Yuan Ming knew that he would dress up, and was already satisfied. He casually said, "Quickly go, quickly go. At any rate, I will do as you say. "I will reward you after everything is settled."

When the assistant heard this, he was overjoyed, "Master, don't worry. I will guarantee your satisfaction. I don't know how to dress up a girl, but I know how to dress up a guy. I can dress you up so that you look at me in a mirror so that I don't recognize you. "

The more Yuan Ming listened, the more satisfied he became. That shop assistant was extremely cunning, and giggled a few times, "Master, if you wear it and return it to the vulgar, then don't blame me. It's not the end of my story. If you spend too much money, buy it back and don't want it. If you don't go back now, I won't be able to afford it. " Yuan Ming felt that he was being long-winded and said, "Quickly go, quickly. I will not blame you in the slightest." Only then did the shop assistant take the money and buy some clothes.

After an hour, the waiter came back with a bag and said, "You can't easily buy something like this. Difficult for me to think along the way, ran a few shops. I was embarrassed. If you buy a common home to wear, and you return vulgarity, I let you down! If you buy monastic clothes, the style is monotonous, you still don't like it. I thought over and over again. Buy a diplomat. Coincidentally, I saw Mr. Yamada at the Japanese embassy. His clothes were not ordinary. I bought it for you, like Mr. Yamada. Do you like it? "

Yuan Ming said, "Good, good, good. Diplomats' attire is also fine. Take it out and let me see. " While showing off, the shop assistant opened the bag and showed it to Yuan Ming one by one.