Infinite Evolution

Chapter 902

Close to the final battle, the final time is crucial for everyone.

While Chu Xun and others are busy planting the core of life and strengthening themselves in the second world, seven sins and others are also gathered in a secret base, ready to fully recover their own strength.

At this moment, the powerful and some neurotic doll has been placed properly by the angry people. It is worth mentioning that the one who finally came up with a way to appease the little madman was the most amusing king among the seven crimes.

And what is unexpected is that the solution is the special girl cartoon!

Who could have imagined that a crazy and murderous guy like Alice would like to watch those childish and funny girl comics, and also enjoy them!

Of course, the little madman is the little madman after all. Even if she is watching a girl's cartoon, once she sees something unpleasant, Alice will still be crazy. It's no surprise that she can even throw a few bear bombs directly and blow them up together with the room and TV.

But it's lucky that this guy's happiness and anger are instantaneous. After blowing up the room and TV, as long as someone arranges a new animation for him immediately, she will watch it with interest until the next time she gets angry

Well, although it's very troublesome and doomed to blow up many rooms and TV sets, it's the only way to hold the little madman back

At this moment, angry people are sitting in a circle, and in front of them, there is a huge and incomparable spherical object with a diameter of at least 10 meters, which looks like an egg of some kind of biology!

On the outside of the sphere, it is surrounded by layers of ice crystals. Strangely, judging from the color of the ice crystal and the terrible low temperature it emits, it is the eternal ice!

What's more incredible is that although the ball shaped object is frozen by eternal ice, it still radiates waves of life from the middle. Obviously, this thing is not only an egg, but also a living egg!

"I'm finally going to use it!"

Looking at the frozen giant egg in front of us, the face of desire suddenly showed a touch of emotion, and then smiled bitterly: "if we didn't get this thing, we wouldn't be knocked down to the sky, or even taken away by the corpse emperor. We could only live in a corner."

At this point, the desire can not help but sigh, said: "now think of it, I really don't know whether it's worth it!"

At the beginning, when seven sins ruled the corpse region, there was a big earthquake in one place of the corpse region. And caused a large-scale collapse. Then all kinds of weird and terrible humanoid creatures swarmed out of the cracks caused by the earthquake, and began to sweep and ravage the whole corpse field.

The creatures that gush out of the cracks in the ground are extremely strange. They are not only powerful, but also fearless of death, and have strong combat power. What's more, these creatures have great wisdom. They not only know how to cooperate with each other when fighting, but also know how to set traps to deal with enemies.

The appearance of these monsters immediately caused huge casualties to the corpse region, and even some of the sky powers fell under the siege of these monsters. It is no exaggeration to say that this is almost the most serious disaster in the corpse area after the cataclysm.

In order to solve these monsters, all the seven sinners put their hands in person, and along the direction of those monsters, they dived into the deep cracks caused by the earthquake.

Soon, anger and others found a relic in the deepest part of the crevasse. According to some video and audio materials, this relic is actually a secret base built in the most glorious period of Mesopotamian civilization. The purpose of the base is to protect the giant egg.

According to some information in the ruins, the giant egg came down from the sky and was found by the Mesopotamians. They found that the giant egg contained a very powerful life, but also, because they were afraid that they would damage the life in the egg while destroying the eternal ice, so they did not dare to break the seal forcibly. They could only keep it well and find another way to break the eternal ice outside the egg without damaging the life in the egg.

Unfortunately, before they could find this way, the internal strife caused by Chiyou began, and the Mesopotamian civilization also fell into a long civil war and finally withdrew from the stage of history. And this base has been sealed up indefinitely.

Until the earthquake!

The earthquake damaged the base's disrepair defense system and activated some of the base's armored animals that were specially used to guard the base. Later, according to the original instructions, these armored animals mistakenly identified the damage to the base as the enemy's attack, so the whole army moved out and began to wipe out the enemies within 5000 kilometers around the base.

You know, at that time, within 5000 kilometers around the base, there were absolutely military forbidden zones!

However, when they found the remains and the giant egg, they also touched the final guardian system of the remains. Then, a group of powerful armored animals launched a siege against them under the leadership of an armored animal with the strength of zhaitian level. Although the anger finally entered the state of angry emperor, with the cooperation of all the people, they killed the monsters and took away the giant eggs, but they were also deeply hurt, even except for the bone emperor, all of them fell to heaven.

However, because they protected the security of the corpse region and removed the terrible armor animals, the reputation of the seven crimes in the corpse region has been very high. Even if they fall into the heaven position, but due to their reputation and the prestige they have accumulated before, other powerful corpse regions dare not act rashly, and can only nibble at their power bit by bit.

It can be said that the reason why the seven crimes fell to the original situation, there are a lot of reasons related to this giant egg!

"Whether it's worth it or not, it's all in the past, and now the most important thing is to use the power in this egg to restore our strength."

At the words of desire, anger shook his head slightly, then locked his eyes on the giant egg and said: "according to the information we got from the ruins of Mesopotamia and the shape of the egg. If I'm not wrong, this egg should be the egg of a behemoth

"That's right. Only the eggs of the stars will be sealed by the earth's nuclear energy, waiting for the right time to break the seal!" When he heard the angry words, the greedy one side nodded his head, and there was a dignified color in his eyes.

"But it's almost extinct. It rarely appeared a long time ago. How could it suddenly appear in the remains of Mesopotamian civilization?"

Glancing at the giant egg, he said with some feeling of laziness, "I still wanted to find a few stars and monsters as war pets, but I didn't expect to meet them here."

Speaking of this, there is also a trace of pity on the lazy face: "if you just take the eggs of this giant star as the source of power, it's really a pity. You know, there are not many giant animals in the sky. If you miss this one, it will be difficult to find it later. "

"If we don't get through this, we won't have a future." Looking at the look of laziness, I felt a little hurt. I turned my mouth to jealousy and said, "besides, I haven't heard of anyone who can enslave the giant beast of the sky, a cosmic pest, so you'd better give up that idea."

The great beast of the sky, also known as the great beast of Honghuang or the great beast of the universe. This kind of creature is different from ordinary creatures. They don't live on the planet, but in the universe. The monsters are born with terrible power, and most of them are huge, and they feed on the star's nuclear energy. Once they have drained the star's nuclear energy, the planet will be barren, unable to reproduce, and eventually become a dead star.

In short, it's a real cosmic pest. Not only is the threat huge, but it's terrible. Even the newly born star beasts often have the level of fasting space, and the actual combat power is far beyond the general fasting space. What's more, once they grow up, they can even easily have divine power, even the divine power is not their opponent.

However, this kind of giant beast, after experiencing a great change in a great world, has almost been completely extinct, and rarely seen their appearance. It's just that no one thought that there would be such a big animal's egg in this small earth!

However, although the giant beast in the sky is terrible, it is also extremely precious. They have the purest and most powerful life force in their eggs. That's why they are so powerful at birth. And as long as angry people can fully absorb the power in the egg of the star beast, the purest life power in the egg will surely bring them great benefits, so as to further their strength!

But now the problem is, if they want to absorb this egg, they must first break the eternal ice outside!

Once the eternal ice is broken, the eggs of this giant star beast may hatch at any time. According to what they know, even if it's just born, its strength is the lowest, and it may even break through the divine level, that is to say, they will take no small risk in this action!

But compared with the threat of angels, the threat of the stars is not worth mentioning. So it's clear that there is a great risk to break the eternal ice outside the egg of the giant star, but anger and others have made a decision!

Even if the stars in the giant egg have the power of God, they have the confidence to surrender it by their own power. As long as they devour the power of the giant beast, they will be more confident in dealing with the angel of the southwest alliance!

"Let's go!"

Thinking of this, anger looks at other people, nods, takes a deep breath, and presses his right hand on the egg.

In a flash, the black flame surged out of the angry hands, completely covered the huge egg, and burned up.

Under the burning of black flame, the thick blue ice outside the giant egg began to melt and melt!