Infinite Evolution

Chapter 901

According to Atlantis, there are two ways to have the core of life.

The first method is more common in Atlantis civilization, which is to inject and take a variety of related drugs and rare materials, coupled with the assistance of some medical machinery, slowly agglomerate the core of life in their own bodies.

Although the effect of this method is slow, it is the safest, and it does not need to bear any pain, and its body can gradually adapt to the core of life in the process of the formation of the core of life. So once the core of life is condensed, the first transformation can be completed and the whole life can be sublimated.

But for Chu hang and others, they don't have so much time to complete the process of condensing the core of life. So they can only choose the second method, which is implantation.

The implanting method is very simple. It is to cut the chest of the implanting person, and then implant the nucleus of life. Then, the energy fluctuation of the nucleus of life will synchronize with the heart rate of the implanted person within five minutes, and the implanted person's body will be affected by the nucleus of life within ten minutes, resulting in enhanced response.

However, although this method is simple and crude, it has some pain in the process. At the same time, it will take some time for the body to complete the transformation after implantation. During this period, the implant will feel different degrees of pain due to some repulsive effects on the nucleus of life. Until the transformation is completed, the repulsion and pain will disappear.

But in order to become stronger, to survive, and for the future of mankind as a whole. This is a little pain. How could Chu hang be afraid?

Therefore, in the next period of time, Chu and others also performed the implantation of the nucleus of life with the help of doctors. Of course, chuxun is no exception!

However, when the doctor and Chu ten had surgery, they suddenly found a strange phenomenon!

Chu ten days in the process of operation, unexpectedly did not outflow a drop of blood!

Although the doctor used the scalpel from his own powers to cut through Chu Xun's chest, the blood in Chu Xun's body seemed to be controlled by some force, and no drop of blood flowed out. After the implantation of crystal nucleus and the completion of the operation, Chu Xun's wound healed rapidly, and there was no sign of any injury at all!

"What's the matter?"

The doctor is also knowledgeable, so he can see at a glance that Chu Xun did not use any mental power or power to suppress the blood of the wound, but the blood in his body did not overflow at all, which immediately filled his heart with curiosity.

"You should have seen the record of the ice city war. That drop of blood essence has been swallowed by me. After swallowing the blood essence, I found that I could easily control the blood in my body. What you just saw is just part of that control. "

Feeling the discomfort from the chest, Chu frowned slightly, and then said to the doctor, "doctor, I remember you planted the core of life when the catastrophe happened, right? That's how you implanted it? "

There is a lot of things in the chest for no reason, which will not feel good naturally, but this degree of discomfort is still within the tolerance range, and Chu Xun also hopes to use the power of the core of life to further improve his strength.

"Well, at that time, the core of life we got was not as pure and perfect as what you have planted now. It's a defective product."

Hearing Chu Xun's words, the doctor seemed to think back to what happened in those days, and then laughed: "actually, we didn't know that this thing was the core of life, let alone how to use it. At last, we found out how to use it by mistake. And if it's not for the core of life, I'm afraid we old brothers can't live to the present, let alone have the strength of the present! "

Speaking of this, the doctor's face suddenly appeared a little curious, and then said: "but at the beginning, we all planted the incomplete version of the core of life in the ordinary person, but we never implanted the complete version of the core of life in the power person, so I also want to know what benefits your body will get when you implant the complete version of the core of life! ”

"I'll know by then! I don't think it will take long! "

He felt the energy wave from the core of life in his body, which was gradually synchronized with his heart beat. Chu Xun's eyes also flashed a trace of fine light.

When the body adapts to the core of life and completes the transformation, he should also try hard to find out what benefits he has gained from the blood essence of the royal family in the insect kingdom!

"Chuxun, I can't get in touch with the seven sins!"

At this time, Yang Ling, who had completed the operation earlier than Chu Xun, suddenly came over and frowned slightly, saying: "according to the news from the new corpse emperor, after going to the strange desert that suddenly appeared from the edge of the corpse Kingdom, the seven sinners immediately began to shut down. It is said that unless the angels hit the door, the big things would not disturb them "

The new corpse emperor actually killed the hungry Knight of the former corpse emperor, that is, Zhou Yulong's pet "hairball".

Although maoqiu killed the former corpse emperor, he should have been punished by seven crimes, but because of the seven crimes, he was busy recovering his strength, and maoqiu, through his unique parasitic ability, killed and then controlled many powerful corpse regions, and became a force of his own. Therefore, if the seven crimes punish maoqiu severely, then the corpse area will also appear certain confusion. In order to avoid trouble, the seven sins can only let maoqiu temporarily take the post of corpse emperor to manage the corpse area instead of them.

"The sudden appearance of the strange desert, but also shocked all the seven sins?" Hearing what Yang Ling said, Chu Xun frowned at once.

The information from the new corpse emperor made him involuntarily sound the Tsarist family. What's more, the Tsar and the insect king are both from the insect kingdom. Now that the warlords appear in the human realm, it's no surprise that the tsars will appear in the corpse realm.

However, after pondering for a while, Chu Xuan shook his head and said: "in this case, it's OK. I don't need to inform them about the Insect Kingdom Royal family. Anyway, the guy and the sea people are also rampant in the human domain, which can't affect their corpse domain. As for the corpse Kingdom, I think they have their own discretion in the seven crimes! "

No matter whether the desert suddenly appeared is related to the Tsar family or not, since the seven sinners didn't ask for help, Chu Xun believed that they could deal with the corpse area, so he also decided not to disturb the seven sinners temporarily, so that they could cultivate in peace and recover their own strength.

After all, they are the fallen angels who once awed the universe. No matter their strength and inside information, they are beyond the imagination of ordinary people. So the more their strength recovers, the more confident Chu ten and others are to deal with that angel!


Hearing Chu Xun's words, Yang Ling nodded a little, then seemed to think of something, and said: "by the way, there are more and more people migrating to the second world, and some of them are also becoming restless, exploring the world, as if hoping to get some benefits from the world step by step. I'm afraid that sooner or later they will find Babel Tower... "

Speaking of this, Yang Ling gave a little pause, and then continued: "in addition, the temporary buildings that were initially ordered to be built by the aliens are no longer enough, and now more and more people are moving in. How to settle these people has become a problem!"

The tower of Babel is so grand, it's like a pillar supporting the sky. Although the area of the second world is extremely large, even far beyond the earth, with the strength of the powers, if they are allowed to explore, they may not be able to reach the tower for a long time.

At that time, I don't know what else will happen.

"Is that so?"

Hearing Yang Ling's words, Chu Xuan narrowed her eyes slightly, then took a deep breath, and said, "now I have no time to manage these people. I will send a group of aliens to restrain these immigrants with wartime rules, so that they will not run around. As for the population problem, when they have almost all moved, I will come together with the speaker of Parliament and arrange them in Babel Tower. After all, with the space technology of Babel Tower, it should be more than enough to accommodate these immigrants. "

Speaking of this, Chu Xun paused a little, then took a deep breath and said, "now the most important thing is the war between the southwest alliance and the sea army. I want you to be responsible for monitoring the movement there. How is it? How is it now?"

"Not bad!"

Mentioning the most important thing, Yang Ling's expression also became serious, and then said in a deep voice: "under the harassment of the alien army, the speed of the sea army has been slowed down a lot. At the end of the day, they no longer pursue the speed of March, but gather their forces as much as possible. Obviously, they want to use their strength to level off the whole southwest alliance at one stroke. "

Speaking of this, Yang Ling gave a little meal, and then continued: "in this way, the southwest alliance also has enough preparation time. They still gave up the small towns around them. All the townspeople retreated to the largest twelve cities in the southwest alliance and the King Arthur, now renamed as the holy city. It seems that they are ready to fight against the sea people. And according to the marching speed of the Hai people, they will fight against the southwest alliance in 15 days at most! "

"15 days?"

Hearing Yang Ling's words, Chu ten day's eyes suddenly flashed a trace of fine awn.

In 15 days, the southwest alliance will have contact with the sea people. No one can guess how the war will develop. So he has to prepare for the worst, and improve his strength to the extreme within 15 days!

Think of here, Chu ten also slowly clenched his fist.

15 days, 150 days in the second world. This time, it should be enough for him to master the powerful power from the blood of the insect emperor family!