Infinite Evolution

Chapter 903

Click! Click!

Although the ice of eternity is very strong, it's hard to avoid anger and others. Soon, under the cover and burning of the black flame, the blue ice wrapped with the eggs of the stars began to melt, crack, and send out bursts of crackling ice.

And as the eternal ice gradually melted and cracked, a strong pressure suddenly surged out of the crack of the eternal ice.

This pressure is so powerful, almost in a moment, it makes the angry people around the giant egg feel a kind of terrible illusion like the rolling of a mountain, like the waves. And with their cultivation will feel so pressure, you can imagine how powerful the creatures in this giant egg are!

What's more strange is that this pressure is still rising and falling rhythmically, just like the breath or heartbeat of a creature!

"I'm afraid that once the monsters in this egg grow up, they will exist at least in immortal level."

Feeling this terrible pressure, the greedy eyes flashed a trace of excitement, and then clenched his fist, said: "it seems that we have good luck this time!"

"Don't get excited, be careful not to hunt, but to be eaten by the prey!"

Looking at the excited look of greed, the desire on one side could not help reminding him.

As greed said, it's just an egg, but it can make them feel such terrible pressure. It can be imagined how terrible the power will be once the giant star grows up.

And even if not counting his future strength, according to their estimation, once the star beast is hatched and successfully born, it will have the combat power comparable to the ordinary God level powerful!

In the face of such a powerful enemy, without using Alice, even if they join hands, there will be no small pressure and risk!

"Let me come first, just in case!"

Hearing the reminder of desire, I have already prepared the ability, summoned the laziness of the five elements to make the devil squint, and then manipulated the five elements to make the devil surround the sodium giant egg, and used the power of the five elements to create a match to suppress the giant egg!

In this way, even if the starry monster in the giant egg breaks the shell, the first thing to face is that these five elements make the monster. At the same time, angry people can also have more time to prepare against the starry monster.

At the same time, anger and other people have also gathered their spirit to prevent the giant beast in the starry sky from fighting back!

Click! Click! Click!

As time went by, the eternal ice on the giant egg was dissolved more and more, and the cracks became more and more thick.

However, before the eternal ice was completely dissolved, a clear crack suddenly came out of the huge egg. Then, I saw a crack suddenly appeared on the blue gray smooth shell.

Hiss! Hiss!

As the crack appeared, a stream of hot steam suddenly gushed out of the crack on the egg shell, just like a boiler filled with hot steam. At the same time, the ups and downs of the pressure also increased abruptly, almost forcing people hard to breathe!

"Coming out!"

Seeing the crack on the eggshell, his angry eyes suddenly coagulated, and then he shouted: "be careful!"


There's no need to be reminded of anger. Everyone here knows that it's not the time for carelessness. So they also become more careful. Not only are all their minds highly concentrated, but all their forces are mobilized by them, and they are ready to suppress this giant egg in the moment when the eternal ice dissolves!

But they still don't know much about the stars. So when anger and others gathered their strength to fight against this giant egg when the eternal ice dissolved, the accident happened suddenly!


Only when the eternal ice on the surface of the giant egg has been dissolved by nearly two-thirds, and cracks are everywhere, the cracks on the giant egg suddenly increase. Then I saw the eternal ice on the surface of the giant egg, as if it was under the control of some kind of force. Suddenly, it exploded together and turned into countless pieces of ice crystals with sharp edges, shooting towards all sides at an extremely fast speed.

This sudden outbreak of eternal ice, an instant hit anger and others a surprise. In particular, the five elements around the giant egg caused the devil to be pierced by the eternal ice, which is sharp as a knife and contains frightful cold air. Each body surface was frozen with ice. Although we haven't lost our fighting power completely, we are also very slow in action!

Although the reaction of anger and others is faster than that of the five elements, they are still in a bit of a mess and hurry. They have to dodge and parry, which wastes a little time.

In the blink of an eye, the crack on the huge egg suddenly burst, and then a stream of amazing and hot steam gushed out of the crack. In a moment, the whole chamber was filled, almost invisible.

"Be careful, this guy has hatched!"

Due to the lack of information, anger and other people lost the first chance, suddenly became everywhere subject. The steam filled the chamber not only contains the terrible high temperature, but also has the effect of blurring people's perception. In the steam shrouded, the angry and other people could not even notice the location of the starry beast, and suddenly became extremely nervous.

Creak, creak!

And at this time, a soft sound suddenly came into the ears of angry people.

It sounds like someone is chewing crisps or crispy things like egg rolls!

"He's eating eggshells. Stop him!"

Hearing the clear voice, anger seemed to suddenly think of something, and then his face changed. He snapped out: "gluttony, get rid of these damn steam for me!"

"I hate eating this kind of food!"

Hearing the words of anger, gluttony immediately left the corner of his mouth dissatisfied. At last, however, he opened his big mouth and inhaled in accordance with the angry order.


In a flash, an amazing suction suddenly emerged from the gluttony mouth. Then the hot and full-bodied steam filled the whole room was swept into the mouth of gluttony and disappeared.

Later, the whole room was restored to Qingming again, and the star monster born from the giant egg appeared in front of the angry people.

This is a giant silver wolf, more than 10 meters long, covered with bright silver hair and two heads. The two heads as like as two peas are left. The pupil of the left side is red and red, but the pupil on the right side is blue and ice.

At the same time, a strong wave of fire elements and ice elements also surged out of the two heads of the star behemoth. Obviously, this is a very rare, fire and ice like creature!

Ice and fire are the same creatures, either because the ice and fire forces counteract each other and become particularly weak, or because they are good at using the element conflict of ice and fire forces, so that they can play an unparalleled terrorist destructive force!

As a giant beast in the starry sky, this double headed wolf is obviously not the weak one!

At the moment, the two headed giant wolf, just as anger had just expected, was staying at the edge of the egg shell, which was almost completely broken. Then he opened his two mouths and devoured the hard egg shell like a potato chip.

As the two headed wolf chewed the eggshell and swallowed it, the breath on the two headed wolf became stronger and stronger, and the body began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Don't let him finish the eggshell, otherwise he will be more difficult to deal with!"

Seeing this scene, the anger suddenly snapped, and then took the lead, sprang up, turned into a ray of black light and shot at the two headed giant wolf.


Looking at the fierce anger, the two headed wolf seemed to be enraged, and suddenly made a roar. Then the head on the right continued to chew the eggshell, while the head on the left opened its mouth, aimed at the anger, and spewed out a blazing fire!

The temperature of the flame is so amazing that the eternal ice on the ground has been dissolved casually, and the temperature in the whole chamber has soared sharply. Even the walls, ground and ceiling of the chamber have cracked because of the terrible high temperature!

However, in the face of this amazing flame, anger did not dodge, but still rushed forward!

While anger was about to collide with the flame, the not so big figure suddenly stopped between the anger and the flame, and then the chest and abdomen suddenly cracked, turning into a huge mouth full of sharp teeth, directly swallowed the blazing and terrible flame into the abdomen!

At the same time, the anger also accelerated abruptly, bypassing the overeating which became red all over because of swallowing the flame, and emitting the smell of blue smoke and barbecue. Continue to speed up and rush towards the two headed wolf!