Infinite Evolution

Chapter 900

The situation on the battlefield, as Chu ten and others initially expected, with the blood essence of mosquito blood evil being intercepted by Chu ten, the sea people finally began to withdraw and retreat towards the direction of Southwest alliance.

However, Chu Xun did not immediately take back his alien army, but gave them a new order, that is, to block the progress of these sea people.

After all, the people of the southwest alliance are innocent. What he really wants to deal with is the fallen dragon and the angel behind it. So he now sends aliens to intercept the sea people and delay their progress today, which will give enough time for the innocent people of the southwest alliance to evacuate, and also give them some time to prepare for the fall of the dragon.

Of course, he is not a woman, but the more prepared he is, the greater the harm he will do to the sea people. Maybe he can even force that Insect Kingdom Royal family to fight. Once that guy does, it is likely to lead to the angel hiding behind the scenes.

No matter which side of the angel and the royal family of the insect world wins, it will be beneficial and harmless for Chu Xun. Even by this way, he can know the strength of the angel, so as to make a more perfect battle plan!

And under the order of Chu Xun, those aliens also immediately took action. Compared with the huge sea people, they are more flexible, smarter and stronger. What's more, their purpose is only to harass and block, not to fight, so this task is not difficult for aliens today.

In addition, the alien's powerful recovery ability, which is derived from the core of life and the alien gene, will not cause too much loss to the alien corps when carrying out the mission.

Therefore, under the encirclement and various traps and ambushes of these aliens, the speed of the sea people's army's advance was also pulled down. However, they don't care about this. Anyway, they have an absolute advantage in military strength, so it doesn't matter whether they are moving fast or slow. It's OK to gather a large army to crush them!

They don't believe that even a Southwest alliance will have monsters like aliens!

However, the sea people, who are full of resentment and murderous spirit and are rushing towards the southwest alliance, don't know what a terrible killing and disaster they are waiting for!


Chu Xun has absolute confidence in the wisdom of aliens, and it's no exaggeration to say that these guys with high intelligence will only be stronger than Chu Xun in marching. So when he gave the order, he stopped taking care of the war there and began to deal with other things.

Like the icetown immigration program, and the killer League

Before the mosquito blood appeared in the moment, sunflower water to snatch the essence of blood almost angered everyone. Although she soon paid the price of her life for her stupidity and greed, it was entirely because he never thought that the master of blood essence would be a god level power.

In kuishui's view, she is already the peak of strong celestial position and has magical spatial powers, so even if the owner of this blood essence is a strong man of fast celestial position, she is sure to take it into her hands.

As for the gods?

Ha ha, because Chu ten and others concealed the detailed process of the first World War in the center of the earth and did not reveal Chu ten's strength at the same time, even the leader of the killer trade union, Xu Di, did not know that there was a real God power on the earth. In their view, the so-called God level, that is, Taitian position, is just a fantasy!

But no matter whether they misunderstood or not, and what the final result was, the motivation of sunflower water's behavior itself was despised. After all, this battle has never been fought. At the critical moment, she even wanted to pick peaches?

This guy is really shameless, damn it!

From what kuishui did, we can also infer the attitude of the killer Trade Union towards chuxun and others, even the Supreme Council. This kind of people may make a contribution to their own safety in the face of the disaster of extinction, but no one is sure that they will fight back for their interests at the critical moment, or run away in fear of war!

So maybe their attitude towards the killers' Union will change. These people can use it, but they can't use it very much, let alone trust them completely!

In addition, about sunflower water, we must also discuss a statement in order to avoid this kind of thing in the future.

Therefore, after opening up more space doors in the ice city and starting to transfer more human beings to his kingdom of God, Chu Xun also saw the president of the killer trade union, the virtual emperor, through the communication device left by the killer trade union.

However, after seeing emperor Xu, Chu Xun found that things may not be as he imagined.

In fact, Kui Shui was sent to ice city by Emperor Xu. Although Chu and others have sent news to sky city and killer trade union before the battle, claiming that they do not need any assistance, as long as they stick to sky city and ensure the safety of sky city and Supreme Council. However, in the view of emperor Xu, kuishui went to the ice city only because Chu and others were afraid that they might not be able to defend the ice city. Once the ice city was in danger, kuishui would open the door of space, and they would arrive immediately.

But the problem is, no one thought that sunflower water would act without permission after finding the precious blood essence.

Perhaps, in her view, as long as she received the blood essence, with the mystery of her spatial powers, even if Chu ten and others want to find her trouble, they may not be able to find her. What's more, once she used the power of blood essence to further achieve the position of fasting heaven, then even in the face of the virtual emperor, she would not be half afraid. What's more, they were in Chu ten days?

Therefore, under the wrong inference, sunflower water also made the wrong choice at the wrong time, and finally paid the price for the wrong choice.

Of course, this is just one side of the empty emperor. But chuxun's intuition told him that the man didn't lie. Because Chu ten days did not see from empty emperor's eyes have half to hesitate or flurried, some are only serious and a trace of indignation.

Obviously, Emperor Xu also has a headache for the mess left by sunflower water!

But whether it's true or not, Chu Xun only wants a statement this time. Since emperor Xu gave us an explanation, he would not continue to talk nonsense. In the next battle, he would not have relied too much on the power of the killer trade union.

The reason why he came here is that he doesn't want the killer union to drag him down!

It seems that the lucky goddess especially favored Chu ten during this period. After getting the essence of mosquito blood, so as to further strength, and also forcing the sea people to change their strategy according to the plan, Chu ten got a good news again.

The good news comes from the tower of Babel!

After a long period of research and development, as well as the supply of a large number of materials, the aliens in Babel Tower finally succeeded in creating a new core of life.

And after learning this news, Chu ten day heart also immediately a joy, then immediately with Chu hang and others came to Babel Tower.

"Is this the core of life?"

Looking at the blue crystal nucleus the size of a walnut delivered by No. 1, Chu Xun was stunned immediately, and then a little surprised color appeared on his face: "how can it look like crystal nucleus?"

"Master, in essence, the core of life is very similar to the crystal core, because they are the aggregation of life power."

Hearing Chu Xun's words, No. 1 immediately replied: "but the only difference is that the crystal core is a dead object, its energy is limited, but it is extremely complex, and even there are many harmful things in it. These things will interfere with the energy balance in the human body, and even lead to the variation of the human body, thus hindering the improvement of the user's strength. "

Here, number one paused a little, and then went on: "but the core of life is different. The core of life is alive. It's more like an artificial biological organ. After being integrated with the human body, he can not only continuously wash and practice, strengthen his own body, but also protect his own soul. So after having the core of life, it will have a certain improvement in physical strength, power cultivation and soul strength. But the specific promotion is different from person to person! "

"That's a good thing!"

Hearing the words of No. 1, Chu ten day and Chu hang and other people around him couldn't help but have a bright eye.

Their current strength has almost reached the bottleneck. If they can implant the core of life, they may be able to further break through their own bottleneck with the power of the core of life!