Infinite Evolution

Chapter 899

"How could this happen!"

Feeling that his blood essence was suddenly limited by a kind of strange power, the mosquito blood demon was shocked, and a sense of foreboding rose at the same time.

He did not know how many strong people he had dealt with by using blood essence as bait, but every time he successfully took the other side down and swallowed the other side's blood essence and strength for his own use, otherwise he would not have accumulated such a strong strength so quickly.

Even if it is not for his new promotion, many parts of the country are not perfect, and the accumulation of the power of faith is far from enough, he can even try to break through the immortal realm!

But why, there has never been an unexpected move in this human body, but there are variables?

Think of here, the unease in mosquito blood evil spirit heart also becomes more and more intense. Later, he began to make every effort to control the six winged Black mosquito, which was bound by countless blood threads, in an attempt to break through the shackles and completely absorb Chu ten, so as to avoid future troubles!

But, no use!

Just like the six winged Black mosquito that Chu Xun had transformed from the blood essence before, it seems that the six winged Black mosquito has been assimilated and shackled by some power at the moment. No matter how to flap its wings to struggle, it can't get rid of the shackles of the blood. Even if he used his sharp long mouth to cut off those blood threads, there would be more blood threads entangled and locked in the next moment.

What's even more shocking is that before long, he found that the power in his blood essence was being swallowed by these blood threads. With these blood threads constantly devouring the power of his blood essence, the original blood essence was almost exhausted, and Chu Xun's body Qi and blood, which was about to run out of oil, even his pale and haggard face, became plump and full of blood color!

Obviously, the six winged Black mosquito finally absorbed the blood essence and strength from Chu ten's body, and now Chu ten sucked it back!

And this is just the beginning!

"No, no way!"

Feel their blood essence is gradually out of control, and gradually be drained, mosquito blood evil face also become more and more ugly, even can not help but cry out.

In the vast world, no one can resist the phagocytosis of their six winged Black mosquito family, but these existence are either super strength or special race!

But how can such a common human God power achieve this!

He's just a human being!



At the same time, the mosquito blood evil suddenly flashed a light in his mind.

He suddenly remembered that in his father's memory, it seemed vaguely mentioned that there was a kind of human with special physique, which was the nemesis of their family!

As a family, they put their blood essence into any enemy's body, which is enough to cause a fatal threat to the enemy. Only when we meet people of this constitution, we can only beat dogs with meat buns. There is no return!

And this kind of constitution is the legendary ferocious body!

Can we say that this human being is said to have such a special constitution as ferocious body?

If this is the case, it is not so hard to understand that he can summon and control the aliens. After all, ferocious insects are good at devouring the power of insects, and then summon all kinds of strange insects!

However, mosquitos only think of these now, has no significance. In just a few seconds, the six winged Black mosquito, which was transformed by the blood essence of the mosquito and swallowed the blood power of the endless sea people and the aliens, was finally completely absorbed by the blood filament wrapped around it, and finally disappeared, completely integrated into Chu's body.


With the disappearance of blood essence, the virtual shadow of the six winged Black mosquito behind the blood demon suddenly collapsed, and he could not help spraying a mouthful of blood!

It can make the blood sucking six winged Black mosquito spit blood. It can be imagined that the mosquito's blood essence is damaged to what extent after losing that blood essence!

"Your Royal Highness!"

See mosquito blood evil face suddenly change, spurt blood, stand at his side of the sea emperor suddenly showed a startled color, exclaimed.

"I'm fine!"

Mosquito blood Sha wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, then took a deep breath and said lightly: "it seems that these people are despised. In this case, change the strategy, bypass here and continue to attack other human territories!"

At this point, there was a sneer on the mosquito's bloody face: "when I kill all the human beings in the whole human area and suck up their power, I will come back and clean up these guys!"

Although the mosquito blood evil spirit has been damaged, he dare not show any weakness at the moment. Because he didn't forget that there was a powerful emperor around him who was forced to accept him and had some complaints in his heart!

If at this time he showed any weakness, maybe the emperor's heart would raise any careful thinking. Although he is not afraid of the emperor's mischief, he does not want to further expend his strength at this critical moment!

After all, whether it's the human with the ferocious body or the murphytos, he must get rid of it before they grow up. Otherwise, once they grow up, they will have a lot of bad luck!


Hearing the words of mosquito blood evil, the emperor hesitated a little, then nodded, and sent the order of withdrawing troops through the communication device, and then transferred the front.

As for Huang, he narrowed his eyes slightly, with a complex look in his eyes. Even his fist was slowly clenched by him, and his breath was constantly fluctuating, as if he was hesitating.

But soon the emperor closed his eyes and let go of his fist.

Although the mosquito blood demon seems to be injured, but judging from the various abilities displayed before the mosquito blood demon, the emperor doesn't think it has much chance to win. What's more, they have a common enemy. Before chuxun and others are eradicated and Babel Tower is recaptured, he can't fight with mosquito.

And see some details of the emperor's action, mosquito blood evil spirit heart also slightly relieved, and then eyes become more cold.

It seems that it's more troublesome than he thought to take over the planet and kill those who get in the way.

But it doesn't matter. Even if it's troublesome, the winner will definitely be him!

After all, he has no use for that card!


"Oh, it's dangerous!"

At the same time, the second kingdom of God, the top of Babel Tower, Chu Xun also opened his eyes and gave a long breath.

What a risk!

He had just been drained of all his strength by the blood essence. If he didn't have the protection of ferocious insect body power and could devour all the blood essence and genes of the Zerg, he would have become a corpse and died unexpectedly!

However, the huge risks are often accompanied by huge profits. After the disaster of life and death, Chu Xun also got unimaginable benefits from the blood essence of the mosquito!

It has been mentioned before that whether it's insect body power or ferocious insect body, it depends on the target when it devours genes. If the target of phagocytosis is such a weak existence as ants, then it is natural to lose their lives, phagocytize all of them, in order to get the power of their genes.

However, in the face of such a strong blood lineage, the mosquito blood demon has its own strength, which is amazing. A drop of blood essence is enough for Chu Xun to absorb the gene power of the insect emperor family!

even more, this blood also contains endless blood and essence of the sea and alien.

Therefore, after swallowing that drop of blood essence, Chu Xun also felt that his body had undergone a germ plasm transformation. Once he had the power to control his own blood after the war in the corpse kingdom. At the moment, with the integration of genes of the six winged Black mosquito, his power of controlling blood has been greatly enhanced!

Now, he can control his own blood as easily as he can control the power of elements. Even if the blood has been separated, he can still control it easily!

In addition, Chu Xun also faintly felt that he had gained more power from the gene of the six winged Black mosquito. However, it will take a lot of time to try how much power we have gained and how strong it is!

But now the most important is not this!

Think of here, Chu ten day eyes a coagulate, then clenched own fist, disappeared on Babel Tower.

At the next moment, his figure also appears above the broken wall of the ice city.

At this time, the battle outside the ice city has come to an end.