Infinite Evolution

Chapter 898


In the second world, Chu 's figure suddenly appeared on the top of Babel Tower.

At this moment, a fierce hum is also constantly sounded from the palm of his right hand, and at the same time, a bright blood light is constantly emitted from the crack of his fingers, as if something is struggling in his palm, trying to break his palm and escape from the heaven!

"I want to run in my world?"

Feeling the huge force from the palm and the strange force that seems to be able to activate his own blood and make his whole body blood boil, Chu Xun's eyes suddenly snapped, and then he clenched his right fist.

In an instant, the whole world seemed to vibrate, and all kinds of colorful brilliance came from four sides and integrated into the palm of his right hand.

With these colorful energy brilliance converging, the blood essence, which had been frantically struggling in the palm of Chu ten's hand, seemed to be shackled by some terrible force, with a sudden tremor, and then the resistance also weakened a lot.

"It's the blood essence of the insect king family!"

Feeling that the resistance from the palm weakened, Chu 's eyes brightened, then took a deep breath and opened his right hand.

But in the palm of his right hand, he is lying quietly with a crystal clear and flowing light of red light, which is very gorgeous.

However, the beauty is only the appearance of the blood essence. When Chu Xun looked at the blood essence carefully, he could see the crystal clear blood essence, as if there were thousands of creatures wailing and suffering faces. In addition, he seemed to be influenced by the blood essence again. His whole body was full of blood, which seemed to break out!

"I want to be weird!"

Feeling this strange feeling reappears, chuxun's eyes suddenly become colder. At the same time, the five colors around the blood suddenly brightened, which completely suppressed the light red light on the surface of the blood essence.

Then, the strange feeling finally disappeared.

"What should I do next? Devour the blood essence directly?"

After using the power of the world to completely suppress the blood essence, Chu Xun did not immediately devour the blood essence, but slightly frowned.

I don't know why, he always feels something wrong.

It's reasonable to say that as long as the royal family in the insect kingdom is not stupid, it's natural to guess that they will definitely intercept the blood essence, but why does he still have to gather the blood essence so plainly, so that he can have a chance to take it away?

Is that guy taking the enemy lightly? Or on purpose?

However, it's just a drop of blood essence. Now in his kingdom, what can that guy do?

Chu Xun is a cautious man, and he also believes in his intuition. So although he can't understand the danger in the blood essence no matter what he thinks, he still has no impulse, but he tells the system the question in his heart, hoping to get the answer from the system.

Unfortunately, although the system knows a lot, it is not really omniscient. The blood of the insect king family comes from the six winged Black mosquito, and this kind of creature is extremely cunning and special. Even the system only knows that they fly very fast and are good at controlling the blood, but others are difficult to know.

"I don't believe it. I can't even get a drop of that guy's blood essence!"

At last, chuxun made his own decision.

After all, it's in his kingdom, and even if the other side is powerful, it's impossible to turn over the sky with only one drop of blood essence!

So after taking a deep breath, Chu Xun also swallowed the drop of blood essence directly into his stomach, and urged the power of [ferocious insect body] to devour the blood essence's bloodline and power.

"I can't help it!"

What Chu Xun didn't know, however, was that just as he swallowed the blood essence of mosquito blood demon into his stomach, he was far away in the sea, and the mosquito blood demon with his eyes closed suddenly cocked up the corner of his mouth, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

And behind him, the six winged giant mosquito, which is composed of blood light, also abruptly waved its wings, making blood light!

Obviously, mosquito blood demon still has a strong control over the blood essence which has been incorporated into the kingdom of God by Chu Xun. With the blood light of the six winged giant mosquito behind him, Chu Xun used the power of the world to shackle, and the drop of blood essence that was swallowed into his abdomen suddenly burst into a dazzling blood light.

Later, the drop of blood essence unexpectedly changed strangely. In the blink of an eye, the blood essence will have a long mouth with sharp edge like a needle, a long, slender and long stride, and three wings with thin wings like a cicada's wing!

This drop of blood essence turned into a mosquito!

However, it's even more bizarre. At the next moment, the mosquito even swipes with its sharp long mouth. Then, the five colored streamers outside the mosquitoes, like foam, were completely ripped up by the blood light coming out of the mosquito's long mouth.

In this way, the mosquito transformed by this drop of blood essence recovered its freedom in chuxun's body!


Chu Xun was very clear about his body condition, so he felt the abnormal change of blood essence in his body and the destruction of his prison built by the power of the world, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

He never thought that the guy's blood essence could change into such a touch!

What's more, the mosquito's long mouth is so sharp that he can't even be trapped by the power of his own world!

This is terrible!

"Hahahaha, stupid human beings, we are the only ones who devour the blood essence of others. How dare you swallow the blood essence of your own prince even if you are just at the level of divinity and have not reached the immortal level? It's beyond my control. I'm looking for my own way. Ha ha ha! "

And when Chu Xun felt that the drop of blood essence in his body changed into a mosquito, and he got out of trouble, a voice full of sarcasm suddenly rang from his mind: "if you don't swallow the blood essence into his stomach, my prince will still have no way for a while, but now, hahaha, use your blood essence and your soul to make the prince's tonic! ”

with the sound full of sarcasm from Chu Xun's mind, the six winged Black mosquito transformed by blood essence suddenly waved its wings, and then its body was full of blood. Under the influence of the blood light, Chu Xun's blood became uncontrollable and began to rush to the six winged Black mosquito.

In the face of the blood, the six winged Black mosquito devoured it with its long, sharp mouth. With the continuous flow of blood, Chu Xun also felt that he was getting weaker and paler.

After all, he still miscalculated!

Unexpectedly, the royal family of insect kingdom can control the blood essence on the earth!

Obviously, this blood essence is just a bait for fishing, and he is the fish that bites the hook!

The purpose of this guy is not those sea people or human beings at all, but himself!

"No, I can't wait to die!"

Although the heart is full of shock and regret, but Chu ten days will never allow this blood essence to suck themselves dry. At the next moment, he will also fully mobilize the power of the world. All of a sudden, a stream of Colorful streamers emerged from all over the second world and poured into his body in an attempt to destroy or stop the drop of blood essence!

However, none of this is of any use!

I don't know if it's because the royal family in the insect kingdom has a special blood vein. After the drop of blood essence was integrated into Chu ten's body and began to devour Chu ten's blood essence, it seemed that it was completely integrated with Chu ten. So the power of the world pouring in from the outside world can't affect the six winged Black mosquito at all!

"Hahaha, it's useless, give up!"

"Our family was born in the blood of Pangu. It can be said that it is a part of the source of thousands of blood. As long as it is put into the body by our family's blood essence, no matter how capable you are, you will never be able to expel it!"

"Obediently, let me drain your blood essence. Maybe I will save you a life when I'm in a good mood, just turn you into a blood slave!"


As if aware of Chu's struggle and unwillingness, mosquito blood evil once again issued a burst of excited and arrogant laughter.

He could feel that Chu Xun's blood essence contained unimaginable power. As long as this guy's blood essence is swallowed up, then the benefits he gets are not even comparable to that he eats a million ordinary people!

And once he gets this power, he will be able to recover from his injury. At that time, any mephitos will definitely be in his pocket!

Think of here, mosquito blood evil mood also became more excited!

Today is really a good day!

However, just when the blood essence of mosquito blood demon was devouring the blood in Chu ten's body, and Chu ten was about to be completely sucked up, a few tiny strands of blood suddenly burst out of Chu ten's nearly dry body, and then, like countless chains, they were locked on the six winged Black mosquito which was transformed by the blood essence!


Aware of his blood essence abnormal, mosquito blood Sha suddenly shuddered, the original confident and proud smile on his face also disappeared, instead, it was unbelievable!