Infinite Evolution

Chapter 891

Looking at the sky completely broken, into black ashes scattered empty corpses and cages, the battlefield suddenly quieted down.

All of us didn't expect that the guy who appeared in such a weird way, as if he had a great winner, was killed by the black devil in a flash, and even the body couldn't be left behind.

This intense visual impact almost makes people can't believe what they see!

And just like the shock of the battlefield, the body of the emperor, the emperor and the mosquito blood demon all slightly shocked, and their faces also appeared unbelievable.

Although they all know that the black devil may not be as simple as it seems on the surface, they did not expect that the other side was so powerful!

Especially the emperor Hai, she vaguely remembers that in the last battle, this guy was almost abused as a dog by Lucifer. How could it be so terrible that he disappeared in a few months!

"How much strength has this guy recovered?"

At the same time, mosquito blood evil eyes also flash a trace of wonder.

He didn't expect that the parasitic puppet he made could not even stop the fear demon, so he could not test the strength of the other side.

Of course, he also knows that the black devil is probably bluffing. He killed the parasitic puppet in an instant only when all the forces broke out, so as to frighten him and make him dare not to move easily.

However, as the dark devil said, the nature of the wormlin emperor is cunning but not strong enough. In the case of the injury and the failure to find out the details of the dark devil, he really dare not appear in front of the once master of the burning hell and fight with him.

What's more, there is also a god level strong man on the other side!

So after a moment's silence, he took a deep breath, and then said to the nearby sea emperor, "order to attack the city in an all-round way, and use the numerical advantage of the sea people's army to kill these guys alive!"

He has decided to be careful in everything. It's up to him to use this war to recover his strength!


Hearing the order of mosquito blood, the emperor immediately returned to his mind, then picked up the special communicator from Atlantis in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "the forward troops listen to the order, attack the city in an all-round way, and destroy the city at all costs! At the same time, the follow-up troops speed up and rush to the battlefield! "


Before the invasion, the Atlantis under the emperor had implanted communication devices in some of the sky strongmen of the sea army. So at the same time that the emperor issued the order, the order had been received by the Tianwei sea people.

Then, with the roar or roar, the sea army, which had been hindered by the killing of the madman Chu and the fire suppression of angel, speeded up and rushed towards the ice city!

Strangely, in the process of these sea clans rushing forward, it seems that they have been stimulated. Their eyes have become extremely scarlet and crazy, and even their breath has improved a lot. The momentum of the impact has become even more amazing!

The sea people suddenly became furious and fierce, which immediately made Yinhu, chufrenzied people and chuhang feel great pressure. They found that these sea people not only improved their strength, but also became more crazy. They would rather be killed with one blow, pay the price of their lives, and hit them hard!

At the same time, they also found that the vitality and resilience of these sea people seemed to become more powerful. Some of the Haizu that they could kill only with three-thirds of their strength. Now they have to use at least 50% of their strength to kill them. Otherwise, even if they are severely damaged, these Haizu will still have a strong fighting force!

For a time, madman Chu and others began to get a little embarrassed, even repeatedly injured. After all, the number of these sea people is too much, and they are fearless of death, which is undoubtedly a huge trouble for them who need to fight closely!

"I didn't expect that the things you injected them were very useful..."

Watching the crazy Chu people and others under the crazy attack of the sea people began to become embarrassed, and the calm and calm mosquito blood demon also smiled, and said to the emperor on one side.

"Some little things..."

In the face of the praise of the mosquito, the emperor did not show much joy, but nodded softly.

No matter it's mosquito blood, or he, or the emperor of the sea, they don't pay attention to the life and future of these sea people. So they infused these sea people with the elixir of water, and at the same time, they infused them with a kind of battle elixir unique to Atlantis civilization.

This kind of fighting potion can burn their potential, stimulate their strength, and make them stronger and more fearless. But it also has serious side effects. Once the potential is completely exhausted, even the strong vitality of the sea people can't support the backfire brought by this terrible overdraft. Finally, the body will collapse and fall on the spot.

But what does it matter?

"Teacher fakuang, please bring them back. Now that the evil eye tyrant has been eliminated, let me do the next thing! "

At the same time, seeing the madman Chu and others injured under the crazy attack of the sea people, Chu ten day's eyes set, then took a deep breath and said to Chu Feng in a deep voice.

Later, he looked at the black devil who was still in the sky, emitting the strong breath, as if overlooking the ground battlefield, and frowned.

The next moment, he seemed to find something, and then he continued to say to Chu Feng, "and the black devil, please bring him here with the teacher!"

"No problem!"

Hearing Chu Xun's words, Chu Feng nodded, then narrowed his eyes, and with a slight stroke of his right hand, he shouted in a cold voice, "space traction - return!"


In an instant, a blue streamer came out from the Chu Feng, and then, like breaking the water surface, it tore the space in front of him into a huge space crack.

At the same time, a blue light suddenly shines from Chu hang, Chu Madman, Yin Hu and black devil. Later, I saw these figures disappear on the battlefield in an instant and return to chuxun's side.

"My grass, have these sea people made drugs? They have become so fierce!"

After returning to the city wall, the blood covered madman Chu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then the light and shadow on his body disappeared, and the huge and incomparable tree man in the distant battlefield turned into a green light and returned to his body.

And not only the Madman of Chu is so embarrassed, even Chu hang and Yin Hu are also extremely embarrassed, all covered in blood. He even breathed heavily, obviously consuming a lot of power.

I can't help it. Those sea people are just too crazy and terrible.

It is reasonable to say that because of the lack of understanding of the elemental power, the sea people can't burn their potential and power like human beings, and burst out the strongest and final power. But at the moment, these sea people don't know what to do, just like the human beings who have burned their own powers and vitality, they all exude a kind of terrible power and momentum, and become more crazy at the same time.

What's more, the number of Hai ethnic groups is too much. They are trapped in the encirclement of the army of Hai ethnic groups. They seem to be trapped in a terrible quagmire. They are hard to move, and the pressure is soaring, so they are finally in such a mess.

Among the several people who participated in the war, only the black devil seemed to be the most relaxed. At the moment, he still kept the strong's unique relaxed expression and a faint smile. Looking at the battle in front of the ice city, he remained calm and unpredictable.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. I'll kill that guy in a second!"

Looking at the mysterious black devil with a smile on his face, Chu hang, who was beside him, also came back to his senses. Then he clapped him on the shoulder and said with some complaints: "but since you are so strong, why don't you use this power before? If so, we don't have to fight in the heart of the earth Why? "!

However, in the middle of the conversation, Chu hang seemed to find something, and a trace of surprise appeared on his face.

Then he took a look at his right hand, which had just patted the black devil on the shoulder.

Palm, covered with blood!