Infinite Evolution

Chapter 890

"How could this happen!"

The changes on the wall shocked Chu ten and other people completely, and even their faces were in a state of horror.

You need to know that the ice city is protected by the energy field now. Who on earth has the ability to tear up the space on the city wall directly without destroying the energy field and catch the black devil in the blood cage?

What's more, the blood cage is obviously made of the blood of the sea people, but even with Chu Xun's perception ability, he can't perceive where the blood of the sea people is coming from and where the power to break the space above the wall comes from.

So, where is the mysterious strongman who secretly attacks?

And who is he!


"Blood cage?"

However, when Chu ten and others were shocked and horrified by what happened in front of them, murphytos, who was behind the black devil and the black devil, gave out a scream almost at the same time, and at the same time, his face also showed a look of shock.

The two of them, one is the authentic purgatory God, and the other inherits the same memory and inheritance, so when they see the strange cage in front of them, they immediately come up with the corresponding memory and information.

Because of this, their hearts are full of shock and horror.

This ability to tear space and turn blood into a cage is clearly one of the best means for mosquitoes in the insect world. How could it suddenly appear here?

Is it said that the Insect Kingdom Royal family has come to the earth?

Thinking of this, both the black devil and murphytos focused their eyes on the strong man with big body and red light. Then, like mephitos, he shook his head in unison.

It's not him!

The competition among the royal families in insect kingdom is extremely cruel. Generally, only those who have created their own divine Kingdom and truly achieved the divine rank can be qualified to leave insect kingdom and go to other realms for their own rites of adulthood.

But in front of this strong man, although he exudes the spirit of tyranny and terror, he has never reached the level of God. What's more, because of their special lineage, insect royalty are usually slim, handsome, evil, charming and weird. How could they be such a wild man with five big and three rough looks!

"As long as I kill him, I can replace my elder sister and become the most valued subordinate of his royal highness!"

At the same time that the black devil and mephitos stared at the big man, the big man also stared at the black devil, his eyes were flashing with fierce murders and a faint look of excitement.

His future, at the moment, is all in front of this human body!

As long as we kill this man, his future is bright!

Boom boom!

All of a sudden, a flash of bright fire and thunder came from the wall of the ice city, heavily bombarded the blood cage, making a loud roar. And then, the burst fire and thunder light also devoured the blood cage.

"Is it a success?"

On the ice city wall, angel, Yang Ling and Zhang Xie, who jointly launched the attack, also appeared dignified. After the initial shock, they immediately responded and launched their most fierce attack, hoping to break the strange blood cage and let the black devil free again!

Unfortunately, their attempt failed!

It didn't take long for the fire and thunder to disperse, but the blood cage appeared intact in the eyes of all the people. On the contrary, the black devil in the cage and the big man turned pale, as if they had been attacked by some force.

At the same time, the black devil in the cage also took a deep breath, and then he said in a deep voice: "don't try, everyone. This bloody cage is made of the blood essence of these war dead sea people. Its strength is extraordinary, and it's not so easy to break."

At this point, the black devil paused a little, and then went on: "and the man who agglomerates the cage has a special ability. After the cage agglomerates, the guy on the opposite side and I are integrated into the cage. Even if you can break the cage forcibly, we will fall together with the collapse of the cage. So unless I kill him, or he kills me, we can't leave here! "

"How could there be such a terrible trick!"

Hearing the words of the black devil, the shock color on the faces of Chu ten and others became more intense. If only a cage can let two people fight with each other until the end of their lives, then once they are trapped together, they will not kill each other?

"Don't worry, it's not as terrible and inexplicable as you think!"

Although the black devil stared at the enemy in the opposite direction, he seemed to have guessed the concerns and shock of Chu Xun and others, then narrowed his eyes and sneered: "this move is very special, and it can even be said that it is completely related to the special blood line of the performer. So if you want to use this move, one of the prisoners in the cage must have the blood essence of the performer, or the performer himself can enter the cage. As long as you kill the man with special blood essence in the cage, the cage will not break itself. "

Speaking of this, the black devil's eyes also emerged a fierce killing opportunity, and then stared at the eyes of the big man in front, sneered: "I am right, you from the Insect Kingdom Royal family!"

"I'm not mistaken!"

Strangely, as the voice of the black devil fell, the eyes of the sea emperor's younger brother suddenly turned red, and a kind of evil spirit smile completely inconsistent with his face and temperament appeared on his ferocious face. At the same time, the pondering voice of mosquitosha suddenly came out of his mouth: "I didn't expect that his highness mephitos, one of the five giants of demon civilization, who once ruled the burning hell, would fall into this situation. It's just that I don't understand. Is it murphytos or the real God of fear

At first, mosquitosha thought that the killing method behind the black devil was the real mephitos. However, he controlled the younger brother of the sea emperor through the method of blood essence parasitism. When he faced the killing method behind the black devil and the black devil, he found that both of them had the same breath. So he inevitably had some doubts in his mind

These two people, who is the real God of fear!

"As expected, it's the royal family of insect kingdom!"

The black devil didn't answer the mosquito's words, but his heart sank.

If the Insect Kingdom Royal family comes to the earth, the battle between them and the angels will undoubtedly have a huge change. What's more, the other side is obviously coming for him. If he can't deal with one of them well, I'm afraid it will bring them huge trouble immediately!

Even to kill!

When he thought of it, the black devil's eyes became fierce, and a look of disdain and arrogance appeared on his face: "yes, I am mephitos. Look at you like this, I think you want to make my idea, right? In that case, why did you send such a parasitic double instead of coming out on your own? "

Speaking of this, the black devil seemed to think of something. Then he patted his head and made a sudden appearance, saying: "Oh, I remember, you blood sucking mosquitoes are the least courageous. So, before you determine my strength, you dare not appear in front of me in person, only dare to send such a small minion to test me, right? "

"It's worthy of being the God of fear. You guessed it right!"

Hearing the words of the black devil, the sea emperor's younger brother, who was controlled by the mosquito blood evil spirit, suddenly froze, then he smiled again: "then, your highness, can you tell me how your strength is now?"

"Want to know my strength? Ha ha, if you try it yourself, you will know! "

At the words of the mosquito blood demon, the black devil also laughed, and then the disdain on his face became more intense: "as for taking such a small parasitic double, I want to try to find out my strength? Haha, I can only tell you that you are still too young and naive! "

At this point, the black devil also raised his right hand, and then from top to bottom, gently stroke, mouth cold drink out: "demon forbidden - abyss cut off!"


With the voice of the black devil falling, a black light suddenly surged out of his fingertips, like a sharp sword. From top to bottom, it directly cut the brother of the sea emperor in two!

No, not just the emperor's brother!

Even the blood cage surrounded by the black devil was cut off by the black light of the black devil. At last, it was engulfed by the strange black light, turned into black ash, and dissipated together with the corpse of the sea emperor's younger brother!

Just one move, it will kill that strength even better than the sea emperor's terrible strong!

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned!

Is this the real strength of the black devil?

This guy, he's been hiding all the time?

It's terrible!