Infinite Evolution

Chapter 892

"Black devil, you......"

Looking at the red blood in the palm of his hand, Chu hang seemed to think of something. When his face changed, he would scream out.

At this time, the voice of the black devil, which was slightly trembling and hoarse, suddenly began to ring from the minds of all the people present.

"Don't look alarmed, or it's all over!"

"Now, I say, listen!"

"The guy who just appeared is a puppet controlled by the royal family of insect kingdom by parasitism of blood essence. This guy must have found my identity. He came for me. But these blood sucking mosquitoes are cautious and suspicious in nature, and my previous life has some reputation in the world, so he dare not show up in person. First, use this puppet to test me! "

"Just then, I used forces that I should not have and could not have used. Although I killed the parasitic puppet, now my body has been severely backfired and nearly collapsed. You see now that I'm in perfect condition, it's just an illusion I made with magic! "

"Now, I can be sure that the Insect Kingdom Royal family is still watching me in some way, so do not show any horse feet. Otherwise, it's all over... "

The black devil obviously used some means of demon world, so although he still kept a confident smile and didn't show any difference at the moment, his voice came out of people's mind quickly and solemnly.

"The royal family of insects! Damn it, it must be the sea emperor

All the people here are not stupid people, so when they heard the words of the black devil, they figured out a lot of things, at the same time, they immediately suppressed the shock in their hearts, and they kept smiling.

Even Chu hang, whose palm was covered with blood, quietly put down his right hand and clenched his fist to cover the blood in his palm so as not to expose the broken account.

"What should I do now? What's the strength of the royal family of insect kingdom? "

When pretending to be calm, Chu Xun also uses his mental power to communicate with the black devil.

"The royal families who are qualified to leave the insect world, in fact, have reached the divine level or above!"

The black devil still kept a light smile, but the voice sounded in Chu's mind became more solemn and serious: "only the real strong of the Insect Kingdom Royal family will generally stay in the insect kingdom, or belong to the middle and high level of the insect kingdom. However, only those royal families who have just advanced to the level of divinity and started to carry out rite of adulthood can be rewarded to the lower level of the earth. And from some of the breath I just felt, that guy's breath seemed to be floating and weak. If I'm not wrong, he should have been injured, and the injury is not slight! "

After all, the former life of black devil is the famous fear God Mephisto. Now, although his strength is greatly reduced due to the reason of reincarnation, his experience and experience are still there. So after contacting the sea emperor's younger brother and the blood cage, he probably figured out something.

"Another God?"

Hearing the words of the black devil, Chu Xun's heart sank slightly.

In just a year, there are five gods in this small earth, including him, Narcissus, Zhou Yulong, the angel and the Insect Kingdom Royal family. Not to mention, there are seven deadly sins and others, as well as the man in front of him who was reincarnated by mephitos, the God of fear and the Lord of burning hell!

In the past, any God level power can easily rule the earth, or even destroy the earth. But now there are so many powerful gods. I'm afraid that the situation will become more and more uncontrollable!

What's more, because of the black devil, this insect kingdom royal family has a strong hostility to them. They didn't win much against an angel, plus this guy

"Now the only thing we can do is, according to the original plan, bring the evil water to the East, and lead the sea people and the Insect Kingdom Royal family behind the sea people to the southwest alliance." When Chu Xun's mood became extremely dignified, the voice of the black devil sounded from his mind again.

"Is the plan still useful to this day?"

Hearing the words of the black devil, Chu Xun felt a little moved in his heart, and then through spiritual contact, he asked, "you don't mean that the royal family of the insect kingdom came for you. Since you are here, he shouldn't give up easily and transfer the attack route?"

"He will, because with the prudence of his family, he will not take risks easily until he has absolute assurance."

The black devil obviously has a deep understanding of the mosquito blood evil, so at the next moment, his confident voice also rings from Chu ten's mind: "I didn't quite understand before, why the sea people would use the circuitous strategy this time, now I finally understand. Because the injury of the insect kingdom royal clan is not healed, he wants to use the blood essence of the war dead sea clan and human beings to restore his own strength. "

"Because a strong man of his level, who can make him heal for a long time, must have something to do with his soul. While the blood essence of the sea people is vigorous, but the soul is far less powerful and quintessence than that of human beings, so he needs not only the blood essence of the sea people, but also the blood essence of human beings! "

At this point, the black devil paused a little, and then said in a solemn voice: "although the puppet of that guy who was parasitized by blood essence was destroyed by me, his blood essence must not be so easy to destroy. I estimate that his blood is now integrated into the blood of the battlefield and begins to assimilate and absorb the essence of these blood. Once he has absorbed enough, he will call back the blood essence to restore himself. "

"So next, he will definitely order the sea people to launch a crazy attack, in order to kill human beings as much as possible and collect the blood essence of the strong human beings."

"And you, Chu Xun, must always pay attention to the battlefield, and use the power of the world to intercept the blood essence at the moment when it appears. In this way, the guy will surely lose his wife and lose his soldiers. However, we can only shift our front and go to the southwest alliance to kill and absorb the blood essence of those creatures to heal ourselves! "

"Remember, that guy is a god level power. His blood essence is far from the shackles of ordinary forces, and only the power of your world can stop him! If you can't stop him, let his blood essence return to his body with the life blood on the battlefield, and let his injury recover further, then he may not do it according to our plan! "

"So, Chu ten, next, you are the real key!"


The black devil said his inference in a series of ways, and then he didn't speak much more, even his eyes were slightly dimmed, and the mephitos behind him, who turned into a killing method, also turned into a light, and integrated into his body.

Obviously, his injury has been very serious, and he can only further integrate the killing method and use the power of mephitos to suppress his injury!

"I see. Don't worry about healing!"

Looking at the dark devil's eyes, but still holding on to show a strong demeanor, Chu Xun slightly clenched his fist, then took a deep breath, and the eyes became very sharp.

If the dark devil is right, then it is the most important step to stop the return of blood essence.

This step is not only related to the success of their plan, but also related to his own strength can be further improved!

Don't forget, that's the insect kingdom!

The blood of the royal family in the insect kingdom is the fourth blood winged Black mosquito (also known as the six winged Black mosquito) among the top ten strange insects in Hongmeng. The power contained in its blood is absolutely no less than that of the Tsar family!

What's more, this insect kingdom royal family is still a god level power, and its blood strength is not the same as that of the newly hatched descendants of the Czar!

As long as he can take the blood essence of the Insect Kingdom Royal family, he can use his own power to devour it. At that time, he will surely get great benefits from the blood essence.

Even if he is lucky, he may use the blood power derived from [blood pool black mosquito], the blood power derived from the Tsar family, and the power derived from the five element insect in the golden phage body, combined with his [ferocious insect body] advanced from the insect body power, to summon the real ten marvelous insects of Hongmeng!

At that time, even if he meets a real angel, he may not have the power of World War I!

Thinking of this, Chu Xun's heart also made a decision, and then moved his eyes to the battlefield again.

At this moment, the sea army has approached five kilometers below the city wall, which means that it has entered all the city defense weapons, and the attack range of those powers and aliens on the city wall.

"It's time!"

Determined that the enemy had entered the attack range of all people, Chu Xun's eyes also showed a shred of fierce killing machine, then took a deep breath and shouted to those aliens and human powers on the wall at any time: "everyone listen to the order, attack with all strength, and kill these damn sea people for me!"


Hearing Chu Xun's order, the aliens and powers who had been waiting for a long time on the city wall also snapped at the same time, gathering their own powers, and launched an attack on the sea people who had made a crazy breakthrough.

At the same time, the city walls and the city defense facilities in the ice city were all started. Countless crystal core guns, artillery, and even missiles were fired together. In a series of violent roars, the flames and energy light were set off all over the sky, forming a terrible rain of death, and going towards the crazy sea people!

Boom boom boom!

At the next moment, the whole area 10 kilometers in front of the city wall is covered by terrible flames and shock waves. Those sea people who rush to the front are almost immediately turned into flesh mud by the terrible fire gathering attack. Even the corpses are burned and evaporated by the fire, and there is no corpse left!

But the biggest advantage of the sea people is the quantity, not to mention that they have been controlled by the potion injected by the Atlantis. So even after such a terrible blow, these sea people still don't have any fear and retreat, but continue to launch a strong impact on the ice city.

At the same time, the giant mutant tortoise, just like a giant siege and crash, took a heavy step, covered with terrible firepower, and hit the ice city wall step by step!

A feast of death, composed of destruction and fire, was finally opened under the order of Chu Xun!