Infinite Evolution

Chapter 889

With the more and more violent screams, the breath of Haihuang's younger brother became stronger and stronger, and even a strong blood light began to diffuse from him.

"This guy..."

Seeing this scene, the sea emperor suddenly appeared in his eyes a strong color of envy.

It's important to know that the royal blood essence just given to her brother by mosquitosha is very precious, and it also contains the power of divinity level. Both the quality and quantity are far from the ordinary things. Just because of the nourishing of the royal blood essence, her brother's body is also being strengthened constantly at the moment, and his strength is even crazy and soaring. I'm afraid that in a short time, he may even be stronger than her!

Thinking of this, the emperor was more jealous and felt a strong sense of crisis.

She did not understand why mosquito blood evil suddenly gave such precious royal blood essence to her brother. Is it because of her poor performance that she is ready to let her younger brother replace her and become the new emperor of the sea?

"It's worthy of the title of" infinite insect ". I envy this growing ability!"

It seems that mosquitosha didn't notice the abnormality of the emperor, or he didn't care whether he was dissatisfied. At the moment, he is focusing his eyes on the brother of the emperor, and at the same time, he can't help but give out a burst of exclamation.

[infinite insect] otwa is a very special kind of insect in the insect world, which has a unique ability of absorption and growth. In theory, as long as they are given enough resources, they can even grow from being born to a sub God level in just one day, that is to say, the strong one equivalent to the fasting heaven level!

Just like the sea emperor's younger brother, if he is replaced by a general Zerg or creature, he is afraid that he can't bear the mosquito blood, which contains the blood of God level power. If he swallows it forcibly, he will only explode and die. But the Otawa people are different. Even the blood essence or supplements with stronger strength can be absorbed quickly, and there is no risk of death due to explosion.

Of course, there is a big defect of the otwa family, that is, their understanding of the power of law is far inferior to other Zerg. So unless their own understanding of the rules has reached the level of cohesion of the kingdom of God, even if they get rich resources, they can only reach the level of fasting in the level of cultivation, and the extra strength will be strengthened by them.

Because of this, the otwa people tend to have a strong body far beyond the current level of cultivation. Even in the insect world, the head of the naotwa clan once set up the position of only fasting, but killed a "miracle" of the God level Zerg with his body which was far superior to the God level strong.

The wailing of Haihuang's younger brother lasted for a whole minute before it stopped, and as his wailing stopped, his breath finally stopped rising.

It's just that his appearance and temperament are totally different from before. His body has soared to more than three meters high, and his muscles are as high as concrete. And in this high base of muscle above, there is also a flow of bright red light, as if it contains some terrible explosive force in general!

At the same time, in the face of his once weak brother, the emperor also felt a huge pressure and crisis. She knew that although her brother was far inferior to her in law cultivation, he was much better than her in physical strength. If she fights, she's afraid she won't win!

"Elder sister, I seem to be stronger than you now!"

Haihuang's younger brother seemed to realize this, and then a proud and excited smile appeared on his face. He clenched his fist and said in a strange tone: "in this way, I can help you deal with more things. I think you will be very happy! "

This is almost a naked provocation and usurpation of power!

"Of course, my dear brother!"

Looking at his brother's arrogant and provocative expression, the sea emperor bit his teeth and then squeezed out a smile.

She knew that now she was no match for her brother. What's more, she's not sure whether she wants to support her brother to replace her, so she can only bear it now and dare not have any unbridled.

"Ah, your brother and sister have a good relationship."

Looking at this scene, mosquito blood evil light smile, and then turned his eyes to the Haihuang's brother, said: "xiao'ao, since you accept my power, now you can carry out a task for me."

"Your Highness, please give me an order. I will go through fire and water!"

When he heard the words of mosquito Changsha, his brother, who was a little arrogant at first, suddenly fell down on his knees, respectful and submissive. At the same time, he was a little nervous waiting for the order of mosquito Changsha.

He knew that he could not be given such a strong power for no reason. So the next task, I'm afraid, will be very difficult!

But up to now, he has no choice but to complete the task with all his strength. And he is sure that as long as he can perfectly complete the tasks assigned by Moshe Changsha, he will be appreciated and even reused by Moshe Changsha. At that time, he wants to replace her sister and become the emperor of the sea, which is just a matter of ease!

"It's not a difficult task. It's just a task for you to deal with a guy who hasn't cohered the kingdom of God or even reached the fasting space in the newspaper."

With a faint smile, the mosquito blood demon flashed a cold light in his eyes, pointed to the black devil in the holographic projection screen in front, and said: "I will use the secret method to bring you and that guy to a blood cage that I have temporarily opened up, and your task is to defeat him or even kill him, OK?"

"So simple?"

Hearing the words of mosquito blood, Haihuang's younger brother was shocked, showing a trace of surprise.

You should know that after the integration of the divine level royal blood essence, although he is still very poor in the understanding of the law, even the general fasting position, but his physical strength has reached an amazing level. He has confidence, even for the emperor of Shanghai, he has a great victory!

And now, his task is to deal with a human who is not even able to fast in the intelligence?

It's too easy, isn't it?

Think of here, the sea emperor younger brother heart immediately felt a burst of ecstasy.

Is it true that his royal highness really wants to reuse him, so after giving him strength, he just gives him a relatively easy task?

Later, Haihuang's younger brother kowtowed his head immediately and said in a deep voice, "please rest assured, your highness, I will finish the task!"


However, just when Haihuang's brother was excited, Haihuang was slightly relieved, and a ray of sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

If the information was useful, he would not have lost so badly!

Judging from his Royal Highness's serious appearance, that human being is not as simple as it seems. What's more, there's the demon forbidden, hehe

Although the strength of the race is relatively low, there is no information and appearance of mephitos in the memory handed down by the emperor, but the devil forbidding operation of the emperor is still recognized. A human being can understand the demon prohibition of demon civilization. Can this guy be a simple generation?

"Well, I'll wait for your good news!"

Hearing the words of Haihuang's younger brother, the mosquito Changsha smiled at once, then waved his right hand and whispered: "blood cage, open!"


With the sound of mosquito blood demon and the wave of his right hand, the space around him was destroyed by a brilliant color of blood. It was completely broken and cracked, forming a huge space crack, directly devouring the sea emperor's younger brother.

The strange thing is that at the same time, on the wall of the ice city, a blood light suddenly appeared, and then exploded, destroying the surrounding space, and breaking out a strange attraction, releasing the demon ban on the wall, attacking the sea people's army, the black devil was swallowed up.

At the next moment, the countless remains of the sea people burst in pieces on the battlefield. A stream of blood surged to the sky. Finally, a huge cage of blood was built in the middle of the air, taking blood as the ground, blood as the prison and blood as the top. With the emergence of the blood cage, the sea emperor's younger brother and the black devil, who had been swallowed by the space crack, suddenly emerged in a flash of blood brilliance, and finally they were trapped in the blood cage!

The battle of the cage, it's on!