Infinite Evolution

Chapter 888

At the deepest part of the sea, the mosquito blood demon, the sea emperor and the emperor are looking at the holographic projection picture emerging in front of them, with different looks on their faces.

In the holographic projection picture, it is the scene in front of the ice city.

Looking at the sea people and evil eye tyrants who were easily killed by the crazy people of Chu and others, the sea emperor suddenly saw a deep surprise in his eyes, and then exclaimed unbelievably, "how can their strength grow so fast! It's impossible. A few months ago, they still...... "

"Don't look down on those people!"

However, before Haihuang's voice fell, the emperor on the other side interrupted him, and then said coldly: "although these human beings are dirty, dirty, selfish and despicable, you have to admit that the growth speed of some of them cannot be inferred by common sense. In those days, we underestimated these human beings, and we have come to this end. "

The sea emperor's exclamation made the emperor involuntarily think of those things that happened during the catastrophe.

In those days, the Atlanteans were so invincible and superior that they did not pay attention to human beings at all, but regarded them as the raw materials for extracting the power of soul and life. But I didn't expect that in just a few years, these human beings had risen completely, and even ended up being buried by these human beings, and ended up in this sad situation!

Therefore, since then, the emperor will no longer look down upon any human being, and will not be surprised by any "miracle" that happened to these human beings!

Because he knows that this complex and changeable, fragile and powerful race is best at creating miracles and making impossible possible!

However, in the face of the dialogue between the emperor and the emperor, the mosquito blood demon did not respond. His eyes, just one from the picture of Chu ten and other people's body swept, and finally stayed in the body of the black devil, eyes also flashed a strange light.

In fact, what he was looking at at at the moment was not the black devil, but the Mephisto behind the black devil!

"Is this the appearance of Mephisto, who was framed and betrayed by his subordinates and had to escape from the top three demons of the burning hell with the body of the spirit?"

According to the knowledge of blood and soul inherited from the ancestors of insects, mosquitos quickly recognized the identity of Mephisto and squinted their eyes.

Mephisto, the most powerful demon in the burning hell at the beginning, is not inferior even in strength compared with his father, Chongzu. But in the end, he was betrayed by some of the most trusted demons, and finally completely disappeared, leaving only a trace of immortal soul.

From then on, he could almost be sure that this guy was the infernal God who once escaped from burning hell!

Think of here, mosquito blood evil eye also appears a glimmer of excitement immediately.

If this guy really is murphytos, then it is a huge treasure for him, and irresistible temptation. You should know that if you can devour the soul of mephitos, he will not only get huge benefits, but also get huge rewards from burning hell and heaven.

You know, Mephisto used to be terrible, killing countless faces and angels. Even now, heaven has a great reward for him. What's more, this guy is the thorn in the eye and the thorn in the flesh of the current Lord of burning hell, so burning hell also offers him a huge reward!

It can be said that Mephisto is a huge moving treasure house!

However, Moshe xuesha is a calm and careful person after all. Although he is very excited at the moment, he knows that the more excited he is, the more cautious he is in the face of huge benefits. Because after the huge benefits, there are always huge risks!

Over the years, he has seen many strong men, even his brothers, who, because of some interests, ignored the danger, and finally suffered great losses, and the spirits were destroyed.

After all, the other side is the once famous hell devil, even if it's just a ghost, he can't be underestimated!

What's more, his injury has not fully recovered!

Think of here, mosquito blood evil spirit takes a deep breath, repressed the impulse that hands personally in the heart. Then he turned his eyes to the emperor and said, "xiao'ao, do I remember you have a younger brother?"

"Yes, your majesty!"

Hearing the words of mosquito blood, the emperor's body trembled slightly, and then immediately made an answer.

But at the moment, there was a doubt in her heart. She couldn't understand why the mosquito's blood demon would suddenly mention the problem.

"Well, call it over. I have a task for him!"

Looking at the sea emperor's slightly puzzled eyes, the mosquito blood evil spirit smiled slightly and said: "don't worry, it's a good thing!"

"Yes, your majesty!"

As for the order of mosquito blood evil, the emperor dare not violate it, so soon she asked her younger brother to come here as soon as possible.

Not long ago, a man with a big body, but a little immature appearance, and only eight steps of breath, even the young people who were less than the heaven also came to the front of the emperor and others.

This young man, who looks less than 20 years old, is actually the brother of the emperor. Just because of some special reasons and the lack of resources, his brother's waking time is not too long, and his strength is quite limited, even his position has not been reached. To be able to change into a human form is entirely due to race talent.

Because of this, the emperor never sent him out to fight. Of course, the Emperor didn't give him too much resources to practice. Because most of the Zerg are selfish and cruel, just as the sea emperor grew stronger and eventually backfired on his father's previous generation, the sea emperor absolutely does not want to one day repeat her father's mistakes and be replaced by her own brother.

"See your majesty!"

This is the first time for Haihuang's younger brother to see the mosquito blood demon, but he has already learned the identity of the mosquito blood demon from Haihuang's mouth. So standing in front of the mosquito, his body trembled involuntarily.

Facing the Zerg prince whose strength and blood are ten million times better than him, his heart is full of awe and fear.

"Don't be restrained, let alone afraid. I'm not a very fierce person."

Looking at the young man who was kneeling on the ground and trembling slightly, he smiled and said, "well, I call your sister xiao'ao, I'll call you xiao'ao. By the way, xiao'ao, I ask you, do you want to be strong? "


Without any hesitation, Haihuang's younger brother replied.

Of course, he wanted to be stronger, but the emperor never gave him this chance or enough chance, so he has not even made a breakthrough in heaven. But now the chance suddenly fell in front of him, and he naturally wanted to take good care of it.

"Well, for the sake of your sister's dedicated work for me, I will give you a chance to become stronger, but you will also complete a task for me. And if you can't accomplish this task, then you have to die! "

Looking at the resolute color emerging from the young face in front of him, mosquito blood evil suddenly smiled and said: "of course, if you dare not, you can also refuse!"

"I accept it!"

Haihuang's younger brother hesitated for a moment, and finally bit his teeth and said in a deep voice, "it's my honor to be able to work for the emperor's adult. I'll go through fire and water. Even if it's broken, I'll finish the task for the emperor's adult!"

He knew in his heart that although the mosquito blood evil spirit seemed to be gentle, it was actually cold and cruel. This can be seen from the fact that some high-level sea clans tried to fight against and overthrow the emperor because they were dissatisfied with the emperor, but they were personally attacked by the mosquito Changsha, who sucked all the blood essence and devoured the soul.

So although mosquitosha said he could refuse, he knew that he had no room to refuse.

And he didn't want to refuse!

He wants to be strong, strong enough, even better than his sister!

"Well, in that case, I'll give you some of my blood essence. As for how much you can absorb, it's up to you! "

Mosquito blood Sha was obviously very satisfied with this reply, so at the next moment, he smiled a little, and then waved his right hand, shooting out a few drops of red congealing from his fingers, and even flashing red light, like ruby blood, into the body of the sea emperor's younger brother.

Ah ah!

For a moment, the sea emperor's younger brother felt only a terrible force integrated into his body, and then his whole blood seemed to be completely ignited as a result, causing him endless pain and madness.

At the same time, a strong breath began to diffuse from the body of the sea emperor's younger brother, and quickly climbed, becoming more and more strong and more terrible!