Infinite Evolution

Chapter 887

"Do it!"

In Chu hang, when Chu madmen and Yin Hu were fighting with those sea strongmen, angel and others standing on the wall were also ready to fight.

Their task is very simple, that is to provide fire support to Chu hang and others. So when the tianweihai people and the chumanian people opened their distance and launched a long-range coverage attack on the chumanian people, angel and other people finally made a move!

"The thunder of annihilation!"

The first one is always Zhang Xie who has thunder power and Dharma. With the sound of his angry voice, a strange thundercloud suddenly appeared on the top of those Tianwei sea people. Then endless thunders broke out from the thundercloud and poured down.

Different from abilities, human beings have different attributes. Because the sea people live in the ocean, the vast majority of abilities and attributes tend to water attributes. But the attack of thunder attribute has a great restraining effect on them!

Only with the sound of a series of violent thunder, the thunder light that came from the sky also hit the sea people's army, and then exploded, turning into endless lightning spreading around. In the past, the weaker sea people turned into coke almost in an instant, and those sea people in Tianwei were inevitably affected, flashing thunder light all over, and their bodies became paralyzed.

"Electromagnetic field!"

Different from Zhang Xie, who attacks fast and thunderous, Yang Ling's mechanical abilities and power system are not strong enough, but they are changeable and treacherous.

At this moment, Yang Ling made a light drink according to the principle of the energy and magnetic field of the ice city, then an electric light rushed to the top of the head of the Chu Madman and Chu hang at an extremely fast speed, and quickly spread out, turned into an energy shield, and protected them.

Boom boom boom!

At the next moment, the energy attack launched by the sea clan is blocked by the electromagnetic force. Although there are so many hands-on people and so powerful that the electromagnetic shield is not blocked for a long time, and then it is destroyed by the energy supply pouring out like a storm, but after the weakening and blocking of the electromagnetic field, the remaining energy attack is not enough to cause too great threat to the madman and Chu hang!

What's more, there is a Chu Feng!

"Space warp!"

Only when the countless energy attacks broke through the energy magnetic field and continued to pour down, Chu Feng's eyes also flashed a cold awn after the lens, and then snapped.

In a flash, the space around Chu Madman and Chu hang seemed to be distorted by some force, and a strange ripple appeared, at the same time, the whole picture and scene were distorted and changed.

At the next moment, those energy attacks that poured down were also affected by the distorted space. They were heavily bombarded around the madman and Chu hang, not only did not cause them much damage, but also let the madman and the sea people around Chu Feng suffer from the disaster of fish in the pond. They were so bloody and covered with corpses!

While taking advantage of this confusion, angel also completed her own energy storage and gave out a coquettish drink: "Yan of Zhuque!"


Then, a flash of light golden flame suddenly erupted from angel, and in the middle of the sky condensed the shape of a rosefinch, making a long cry.

At the next moment, the puffin shadow, which is more than 100 meters long and glittering with light golden flame, also spreads its wings and flies to the top of the sea people. At last, it explodes and becomes covered by a little fire and rain.

The fire rain is not strong, but it is extremely strange. Even if the sea people are only touched by the fire and rain, the places they touch will burn quickly. How they struggle, roll, and even gather the power of water elements to suppress, will put out the flame. Even the flame seems to have the power to devour energy, so it burns more violently.

In a flash, under the cover of thunder and fire rain, the huge sea army also became like a human purgatory, with casualties rising and more bodies on the ground.

However, the strength of these sea people is not weak. Even if they are not enemies of the Chu Manian and others, they still bring great pressure to them. Even the Chu Manian and Chu hang are all wounded by the sea people's heaven power. If not for the wood system of the madmen of Chu, which can continuously devour the power of life fusion and heal their wounds, and they also have the universal medicine body protection, they will be forced to return to the ice city even if they are already injured.

"Well, it seems that they need some help to reduce their pressure! "

seeing this scene, the black devil who hasn't shot all of a sudden clapped his hands, then flashed a black streamer in his eyes, and said in a cold voice: Devil forbidding - corpse and puppet reincarnation!"


As the voice of the black devil falls, a black fog emerges behind him, and a ferocious, terrifying and huge monster emerges!

This devil is the former life of the black devil, which is his current killing method - the hell devil, Mephisto!

Due to some contradictions, the relationship between Mephisto and the black devil is not very harmonious, so he is also suppressed by the black devil, unless it is necessary not to let him out. At this moment, it's not easy to come out once, and to see such a spectacular killing scene, the bloodthirsty and furious Mephisto also immediately gave a sharp smile, and then waved his hands and shrieked.

With the strange howling of Mephisto, a strong black light suddenly surged out of his body and turned into a black fog, which immediately covered the battlefield and integrated into the remains of the sea people and the sea people.

Under the shadow of the black fog, the wounded sea people began to deteriorate, corrupt, even wither and collapse at a very fast speed. Those with weak strength are often just a little skin injury, which will cause the whole body to wither and collapse completely in just a few seconds due to the deterioration of the injury, and turn into flying ash fragments and die. However, those high-level sea people with strong strength and tenacious vitality, even the Tianwei sea people, will have a great decline in their recovery ability, thus their strength will be damaged.

However, the black fog is only the beginning of the black devil's attack on the living!

At the next moment, we can see that the bodies of the sea people shrouded in the black fog, as if they were affected by some kind of force, began to shake, wriggle and even melt into one. Soon, one by one, their bodies were twisted, as if they were made up of various sea people's corpses, with many feet and hands, and even a few weird monsters with heads climbed up from the ground, and then launched a crazy attack on other sea people.

What's terrible is that these monsters, which are made up of corpses, have extremely terrible power. The strongest of them, the monsters that integrate the corpses of Tianwei sea people, have even erupted into a force comparable to that of Tianwei sea people. In addition, they have no key points at all, so even if they can't use the elemental force, they can only fight with their bodies, which still poses a huge threat to the Tianwei sea people!

And likewise, with the emergence of these, the pressure of Chu hang and others has suddenly decreased a lot.

As for Yin Hu, he may be the most relaxed one of these people. He has the real field and is protected by the Chu maniac and Chu hang. The general sea people can't get close to him at all. As for those energy attacks from a long distance, under the influence of his real field, they often turn into nothingness in the middle of the way and can't cause any harm to him!

At the same time, Yinhu is going out with all his strength to kill those evil eyed tyrants who have been suppressed and have no one battle power. Soon, in just a few minutes, all 30 evil eye tyrants were killed by Yinhu, and all the troops were destroyed!

"Three minutes and forty seconds, nice work!"

Seeing the last evil eye tyrant fall into Yin Hu's hands, Chu Xun estimated the time, and a satisfied and happy smile appeared on her face.

It seems that since this period of time, the big guys have not been slack at all, and their strength has been greatly improved. Especially angel and black devil. One of them, with the help of the power of the rosefinch, let thousands of high-level sea people in the central area bathe in the fire and get injured in succession with a single blow. The demonic forbidden technique released by the black devil is also very powerful. It not only further aggravates the injuries of the sea people, but also creates those weird corpse puppets, which helps the Chu maniacs and others to share a lot of pressure.

In this way, it won't be long before everyone can break through the fasting space. It's only a matter of time before they even reach the divinity level?

However, Chu Xun didn't know. Just as he watched the battlefield and was satisfied with the progress of the strength of Chu madmen and other people, all that happened in the battlefield also spread to the eyes of mosquito and blood demon and other people far away from the sea floor through a pair of eyes.