Infinite Evolution

Chapter 886

Although the evil eye tyrant is not a real celestial being, due to the special structure of his body, as long as he has enough crystal nucleus to support him, he can play a cover attack that is comparable to the celestial power, or even worse than the general celestial power. And the power released by 30 evil eye tyrants is far better than the destructive power exerted by 30 ordinary small sky powers. It can be called terror.

But at the same time, the sea people also understand the weakness of the evil eye tyrant, so in order to ensure the safety of these evil eye tyrants, in order to prevent human beings from using beheading tactics, they sent powerful people to kill these evil eye tyrants. The sea people not only sent a large number of sea people who are good at defense to protect them, but also placed a whole number of ten day level sea people, Protect these evil eye tyrants with a one-to-one strategy.

"Be careful!"

"Enemy attack!"

"Kill these humans!"


In the face of such close defense, sneak attack is almost impossible. So almost in the moment when Chu Madman, Chu hang and Yin Hu appeared around those evil eye tyrants, many Tianwei sea people who were guarding around those evil eye tyrants found their traces and shouted loudly. Qi Qi rushed towards them.

"You stop them, I'll deal with the big eyed monsters! And try to stay away from me! "

Looking at the Tianwei sea people, who are all half human and half strange, and even maintain the appearance of giant sea people, Yinhu's eyes suddenly flashed a chance to kill them, and then accelerated abruptly, rushed to the tyrants with evil eyes, and shouted: "where I am, everything has become vanity. Real world - open! "


With the sound of Yin Hu's shrill voice, a strange and bright white light suddenly erupted from his hands, and then covered those evil eyed tyrants like a ripple!

And with the white light covering, the weird energy beam was still shooting continuously. The evil eye tyrants who attacked the ice city by covering were suddenly suppressed all the energy. Although the light in the strange and huge eyes flowed, they could no longer release the terrible attack!

It has to be said that Yinhu's real power is the biggest killer for a tyrant like the evil eye who attacks completely by energy and whose accomplishments are far inferior to his biological weapons!

In fact, not only those evil eye tyrants, but also the Chu maniacs and Chu airlines around Yinhu have been affected to varying degrees. However, their accomplishments are even better than Yinhu's. In addition, Yinhu can relatively control this power after promotion to heaven position, so the impact on Chu maniacs and Chu Airlines is not too serious.


All the elements were suddenly suppressed by Yin Hu. The tyrant with evil eyes suddenly gave out a cry of panic, and waved his slender tentacles to fight against Yin Hu, trying to make the final resistance.

However, such resistance is doomed to be futile and ridiculous!

At the next moment, Yinhu's hands were waved, and two long narrow bronze blades were condensed directly in his hands. Then he jumped up and killed those evil eyed tyrants. Where he passed, the tentacles of those evil eyed tyrants were just like chopping melons and vegetables. They were easily cut off by him, which could not hinder him at all.

What's more, it seems that the tentacles of those evil eye tyrants who were cut off by his bronze long knife were still eroded by some strange power. Not only the proud recovery ability didn't play a role, but also the wounds were rapidly blackened and dried up. Finally, the blackened and dried up parts spread to the whole body of those evil eye tyrants, making them look like the dead ones for many years Dead wood general, completely broken, into black ash scattered on the ground!

The power of killing!

This is the power that Yin Hu inherited from the inheritance of ancestral witches!

And the power of killing, combined with his real power, makes him a real element killer!

"Stop him!"

Seeing the tyrant of evil eye fall down one by one under the slaughter of Yin Hu, the Tianwei sea people and the surrounding high sea people all gave out a burst of rage or roar, and rushed towards Yin Hu.

"Ha ha, you are mine!"

However, at this time, a big figure with full green light suddenly stopped in front of these Tianwei sea people, and then a long roar: "wood of the Dharma phase, now!"


After a long time of cultivation, the Madman of Chu not only made further progress in cultivation, but also became more terrible in the power of Dharma phase, and even changed in essence. With the sound of his shrill voice, a bright green light also broke out from him. At last, it became a huge, towering tree hundreds of meters high behind him.

No, it's not just a giant tree, it looks more like a giant tree man!

Because the body of this huge tree is also moving with the action of madman Chu!

At the next moment, with the thumping of madman Chu, countless vines and branches burst out from the towering tree. Then the branches of the vines gathered into a huge fist, which hit a mutated turtle heavily!


The next moment, in a loud roar, the mutant tortoise with huge size, amazing defense and strength close to the sky position was punched through the back armor by the huge fist from the huge tree branches and vines. Even the whole body was deeply hit underground because of this terrible force.

However, this is just the beginning!

After that, a very strange scene happened. The tortoise's back armor was broken by the huge boxing from the giant tree. After it ran through the body, even a drop of blood didn't slip out of the ferocious and huge wound, even with the flesh and blood and body began to shrink and curl up. Finally, in a blink of an eye, the tortoise was completely sucked up and turned into a broken shell and fell to the ground.

"Hahaha, cool!"

After killing the mutant dragon turtle with one punch and draining the blood essence of the mutant dragon turtle with the power of the wood method phase, the crazy man of Chu also gave out a burst of excited laughter. Then, with one wave of his hands, the wood method phase behind the two rushed Tianwei sea people also gave two punches. In a loud roar, the two were originally killed by him The wounded Tianwei sea people smashed into meat sauce!

"Madman teacher, become stronger!"

Seeing this scene, Chu Xun, who was watching the battle in the distance, nodded his head slightly, and there was a flash of praise in his eyes.

Although he also agglomerated the wood Dharma phase, he was not as good as the Madman of Chu in terms of the utilization of the wood Dharma phase because of his miscellaneous learning. When he uses the method of wood to fight against each other, he either lets the method of wood send out his own strength to fight, or integrates the strength of the method of wood to fight. But the Madman of Chu is different. Although he has not integrated the Dharma of wood, the whole man and Dharma are connected in a very special way. Therefore, when fighting with him, not only the enemy's attack, but also the heavy attack accompanied by the Dharma of wood should be taken care of!

This is equal to that, every time madman Chu takes a shot, he will cause several times of damage, and it will make people more difficult to parry and resist!

Compared with the fierce killing methods of Chu maniacs, Chu Hang's killing methods are much quieter and fiercer!

At this moment, Chu hang seems to be a black ghost. His figure appears from time to time, constantly shuttling between the enemies, and where he passes, there will suddenly appear a deep and narrow scar on the harm of the sea people.

Then, among those scars, there will be a sudden explosion of terrible power. That power is like a meat grinder, which immediately breaks the flesh and blood bones of the wounded sea people into mince, which is deeply damaged.

What's more, the shadow behind the sea people will stand up strangely and attack them crazily after being hit by Chu hang. Although these shadow puppets are not as powerful as the noumenon, they can still bring huge, even fatal threats to the sea people when the noumenon is severely damaged!

So soon, under the joint efforts of Chu Madman and Chu hang, those strong sea people have been resisted!

However, they were in a tight encirclement after all. After discovering the terrible melee ability of Chu Madman and Chu hang, the Tianwei sea people calmed down. Many sea people even used their talent to stand in the distance and launch a fierce attack on Chu Madman and Chu hang!

All of a sudden, the energy brilliance containing the terrible power of heaven level also crossed the sky, just like the rainstorm, towards the cover of Chu madmen and Chu Hang who are killing those sea people!

And from the light and rain of such dense and horrible energy, even with the strength of Chu Madman and Chu aviation, they may not be able to retreat from the whole body under them!

But fortunately, they are not fighting alone at the moment!

Behind them, there are a group of strong and reliable comrades, brothers!