Infinite Evolution

Chapter 883

"Taking advantage of this opportunity to move people?"

Hearing Chu Xun's proposal, all the people in the room showed their deep thoughts and pondered.

"I think this proposal is feasible!"

After a while, the speaker nodded and said: "according to the collected information, now those refugees are converging in the direction of ice city and sky city, so that we can save the most troublesome process of population gathering in the original migration plan, just transfer the gathered refugees to the second world."

Speaking of this, the speaker also turned his eyes to Chu Xun and said, "but in order to speed up the migration, I'm afraid you need to go to the city of the sky!"

"Of course, and I'm going to place aliens and Kalam beasts to defend the ice city, so as to give a head-on attack to those fierce sea people!"

Hearing the speaker's words, Chu ten day smiled and said: "as for the things after the migration, there is no need to worry about it. There are nearly ten million abnormal people coming to the scene, who can't make any trouble."

"In that case, that's the decision!"

Since Chu Xun and the speaker agreed to the decision, there was no reason for everyone to object. What's more, they are not hard hearted. If they really want to watch the homeless refugees being chased and killed by the sea people's army, they can't bear it.

Now that we have a way to make the best of both worlds, it's no better.

Thus, the largest migration in human history began in the smoke of war.


Man land, ice city!

As the largest city under sky city, ice city has now become the last shelter for refugees migrating from coastal areas.

Refugees from the direction of the sea, because they are not qualified to enter the city of the sky, have gathered in this huge ice city. And the continuous flow of refugees also made the originally spacious and huge ice city extremely crowded.

For these refugees, the Supreme Council also made some resettlement. Just because there are too many refugees and there is not enough shelter, the Supreme Council can only arrange these refugees to live in the temporary housing built by the local people. And in the absence of enough nuclei and money to buy food and clean water, these refugees can only rely on a small amount of food and water regularly and quantitatively distributed by the Supreme Council for daily progress, living conditions can be said to be extremely difficult.

But even if living conditions are so difficult, these refugees have no idea of leaving the ice city. They have gone through too many dangers and seen too many deaths. I don't know how many refugees like them died under the tusks of the zombies and dangerous creatures along the way. Many of the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled were overtaken and annihilated by the sea army behind because of the slow evacuation speed. So for them at the moment, it's the best luck to be alive. As for the living conditions, they can't care so much now.

However, as more and more refugees came in, there were riots in the ice city. What makes people feel somewhat speechless and cold is that these riots did not break out between the ice city rulers and refugees, but were caused by conflicts between refugees and refugees.

The reason for the outbreak of the riot is very simple, that is, there are too many refugees pouring into the ice city!

In addition to the refugees who were destroyed by the sea people and had to evacuate towards the ice city, even the residents in some cities closer to the inland area were worried that the sea people's army would shift its route and attack their cities if they could not capture the ice city and the sky city, so they simply evacuated in advance and moved towards the ice city Come on.

In this way, the ice city is equal to bearing the population pressure of most of the personal areas. Under such terrible population pressure, even the vast ice city is congested day by day. Even those resettlement houses are in short supply. Many people can only sleep on the street. As for the food and water originally allocated to the refugees, they have to cut and cut again because of the inconvenient transportation and the fast consumption of storage.

In this case, the refugees in the ice city began to worry. They are worried that the ice city will be overwhelmed by more and more refugees, and eventually even be completely dragged down, leading to the loss of shelter for their first entrants. So under the leadership of some powers, the refugees who first entered the ice city began to form a group, trying to prevent the new refugees from entering the city, crowd them out, and even kill them along the way, in order to reduce the population pressure on the ice city.

At this moment, the dark side of human nature begins to show!

However, where there is oppression, there is resistance. Soon, those refugees who have been ostracized, assassinated and sniped have joined forces to resist. Therefore, before the arrival of the sea people, a large-scale internal strife broke out frequently inside and outside the ice city. At the same time, more and more refugees died because of the internal strife, which even filled the ice city with a gloomy, bloodthirsty and grumpy atmosphere.

And this is just a corner of the dark side of human nature!

With the frequent infighting, the security in the ice city is getting worse and worse. The stronger refugees begin to take advantage of this chaos to bully the weak refugees. Take their food, drink water, even insult them, insult them. Let a good ice city become a chaotic city full of doomsday atmosphere.

If it goes on like this, the ice city may have been destroyed in the internal strife and chaos of these refugees before the arrival of the sea people.

This point, even Chu ten and others did not expect. They didn't think that just because the goods didn't have time to transfer, they reduced their living quota a little bit, plus the guidance of some selfish and dark sides of human nature, as well as the role of some rumors, it would lead to such a bad situation!

Human nature, sometimes it is too terrible!

But fortunately, before the situation was really bad enough to be irreparable, the Supreme Council and Chu Xun and others also made a decision to start to suppress the chaos in the ice city.

In fact, the means of bullet pressure is very simple, that is killing!

The robbers are dead!

The murderer dies!

The rapist dies!

Larceny, well, it doesn't have to die. It depends on the plot, but it's also a chopping hand at least!

In the turbulent times, we should use the important code. Chu Xun and others are very clear that we must not let the situation of the ice city go on bad, or it will even affect their migration plan. So this time, they also made a tough move!

Overnight, the leaders of those thugs were killed one after another, and many gangs committed crimes were wiped out. And those who dare to ambush refugees outside the city have no good end. What's more, after these people were killed, their heads were cut off and piled up in a tower at the gate of the city. The bloody Capitol tower, together with the newly erected wartime decrees beside the Capitol tower, has completely turned the atmosphere of the ice city for a while, and the public security has also reached the level of staying indoors at night!

Of course, it's not enough just to crush. After the killing, Chu Xun personally used the particularity of the kingdom of God to transport enough materials to the ice city. And the distribution of food and water for the refugees has also been restored, even better than at the beginning. Although it is not enough to eat, at least the refugees are hungry.

The refugees lost their reasons for the riots even though they were still more or less dissatisfied. But as the saying goes, if you are not afraid to compare goods with goods, you are afraid to compare people with people. Compared with those who died in the sea, zombies, mutants, or the bad luck in the pressure, they seem to be very lucky!

However, even so, a repressive atmosphere is brewing in the ice city. Because it is found that although the problems of food and water have been solved, the population pressure of ice city is still rising. Now there are more refugees every day. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that the whole ice city will become more and more uninhabited!

At this critical moment, a circular resounding through the ice city solved this problem to a great extent.

According to the contents of the circular, the refugees in the ice city learned that the Supreme Council had never given up the idea of finding a new place to live. After years of research and search by the Supreme Council, they finally invented space transition technology and found a suitable planet for immigrants.

Now, through the space gate built in the ice city, they can go to the new planet suitable for them to live in, so as to get away from the dead end, the terrible zombies, the mutant creatures and the sea people.

Of course, for the vast majority of refugees, they don't know what space transition technology is, but they know that the Supreme Council is powerful, or even almost omnipotent. So after a propaganda campaign, some of them also believed the words of the Supreme Council, and then, according to the arrangement of the ice city, they began to enter the transmission gates that appeared in the major gathering places of the ice city one by one according to the order, and went to the so-called new planet.

Of course, there are still some people who remain skeptical. However, after proving and lobbying by some people who enter and then return from the new planet, these people also dispelled their doubts, and then entered the new planet with excitement according to the ice city arrangement.

Of course, the so-called new planet is actually the "second world" of chuxun.

However, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles and to complete the migration as soon as possible, the Supreme Council made a cover to move the refugees in first, and then deal with the subsequent affairs. At the same time, Chu Xun also moved the alien creatures and people in the second world to a corner of the second world. Before the migration, he would not contact these refugees, causing unnecessary conflicts and panic.

After all, no matter who comes to a new planet and sees those strange monsters, they will be full of hostility and tension, or even directly do it!

When the population of ice city began to move rapidly to the second world of Chu ten, the latest news came from the scout in front. The front of the army of the sea people has reached a place less than 1000 kilometers away from the ice city, with 12 hours at most, they will be in the city!

A war to decide whether persimmons are hard or soft is about to start!