Infinite Evolution

Chapter 884

Perhaps because of the calculation of occupying the human territory in an all-round way, the sea people's army adopted a strategy of gradually encroaching on the territory and clearing away the wild. They often kill all the human beings and threatened creatures along the way until they have the whole area under control, and then move on.

Of course, this kind of speed will not be very fast, so it also gives ice city and people a little time to breathe and prepare.

However, it's still necessary to come. With the strength of the Haizu army, it doesn't need to waste too much time to clear all the threats and obstacles along the way. So before the ice city can completely transfer the refugees to the kingdom of God in chuxun, the vanguard of the Haizu army will be ready to attack the city.

According to the information from the scout in front of us, most of the main forces of the sea tribe can be divided into four categories due to the fact that there are many powerful arms that are not suitable for land operations and have limited combat power.

The first is a reptile such as the mutant sea snake and the mutant turtle. Because of their physical structure, they can also play a strong fighting force on the ground. Moreover, they are often large and are the main force to attack cities and pull out strongholds.

The second one is some mollusks headed by the variation octopus. After breaking away from the limitation of sea water, these mollusks have almost no decline in their combat power. In addition to their terrible power, tenacious vitality and regeneration ability, they are also the king of the sea army.

The third group is arthropod headed by variation crabs and giant shrimps. The strength of these arthropods may not be comparable with that of the former two arms, but they are the largest in number, and they are covered with thick shells, have huge power, and even are very good at crawling. So they are not only the cannon fodder of the sea army, but also the largest arms of the sea army.

As for the fourth category, it is very complex. It is a group of integrated armies that can fight creatures out of water. Among the legions, the most terrible one is the sea ghost, which is highly poisonous and can be invisible. Along the way, I don't know how many human cities are quietly invaded by these ghostly creatures, thus ushering in the doom of destruction.

However, the sea people are not stupid. They also know that the ice city is different from every human city they have ever met. They also know that the human side must be prepared. So this time, they didn't send the sea ghost force as a forward to attack the ice city as they used to. Instead, they gathered a large number of main forces and spread towards the ice city!

Obviously, they want to take advantage of the quantity and quality advantages of the Hai army to defeat the ice city from the front!

But they didn't know. This time, they made a wrong calculation.

Because when they thought that many of the strongmen of Haijiao city were still guarding Haijiao City, Chu Xun took Chu hang and others to the ice city through the space channel built by Xu Di between Haijiao city and sky city, and prepared to attack these Haizu head-on.

This time, because only to deal with the sea army, not against the sea emperor and the emperor, so Chu ten only took Chu hang and other people stationed in the ice city, ready to fight. As for the doctors and others, even the bear children are still in the kingdom of Chu for cultivation, hoping to gather their ancestral witchcraft as soon as possible, so as to further their own strength.

After all, their real enemy is not these sea people, but the "angel" who comes to the southwest alliance and has unpredictable power!


"This time, the sea people's movement is not small!"

Standing on the huge and incomparable wall of the ice city, Chu ten looked at the sea army gradually appearing in the far distance, which was oppressed by darkness. His eyes narrowed slightly, and a sharp killing machine flashed in his eyes.

In recent days, dozens of cities of different sizes and hundreds of satellite cities have been destroyed under the clutches of these sea forces, and millions of human beings have fallen. The thought that millions of human beings died because of these sea people, and there was no body left, Chu Xun's heart couldn't help feeling a burst of anger!

These sea people must pay for their killing!

Later, chuxun clenched his fist slightly, and then said to angel and others behind him: "my body is not completely recovered now, so I can't fight easily, so I'll give you to deal with the powerful ones of xiahai nationality. As for the ordinary army of Haizu, let me solve it. At the same time, I can take advantage of this time to try out the real strength of the alien army! "

"Chu Xun, why don't you send all the aliens out directly to destroy the sea people from the front?"

Hearing Chu ten's words, Yin Hu, who was standing behind him, frowned at once, and asked in some confusion, "in that case, we should have less trouble?"

"Because our goal now is not to destroy the sea people, and our biggest enemy is not these guys coming out of the sea!"

Hearing Yinhu's words, Chu ten day turned around, then looked at Yinhu and fan Yao beside him, and he could not help but feel a sigh.

At the beginning of the war in the heart of the earth, among the twelve Branches of the earth, in order to protect fan Yao and Chu ten, the wind burned itself and died. And Chenlong and zimouse also died in the next battle, leaving only Yinhu, the most special and powerful, and fan Yao, who was protected by others, to survive.

However, after that war, Yin Hu's strength has also been improved a lot. Although he has not yet entered the level of Zhai Tianwei, after several real battles, people have found that his unique "real power" can make him immune to the influence of Zhai Tianwei's law world, so that he has the power to fight against the strong Zhai Tianwei.

As for fan Yao, she had a long talk with her in Chu ten day, and told her about the reincarnation of Yin world. When fan Yao knew that it was possible to see the wind again, fan Yao also regained her spirit, and became more diligent than anyone else, and began to practice crazily.

Because she wants to be strong and live well. Because of this, she can have a day of rebuilding the wind!

And it's worth mentioning that one person survived in the battle. That man is Lucifer. As Zhou Yulong's former comrade in arms, brother, was also one of the keys to victory in that war, and Lucifer was also protected by all. However, after the war, Lucifer was taken away by Zhou Yulong. Since then, Lucifer has never appeared again. I don't know how it is now.

Thinking of this, Chu shook her head, put aside the thoughts in her mind, and then said, "yes, if I send all the aliens, plus the kalames, I can easily destroy these sea people and even drive them back to the sea, but what will happen?"

Speaking of this, Chu Xun paused a little, and then continued: "I tell you, that's the result. The dead people died for nothing, and the sea people either shut down and cowered in the sea area, or put all their eggs in one basket and regard us as the biggest enemy. Then all the sea people, together with the emperor and the sea emperor, launched a counter attack, and we will have another vicious battle. Even if we win, we will lose a lot! "

"Chu Xun is right, so this time, we will fight against the sea people, but we can't fight against the sea people!"

Hearing Chu Xun's words, Yang Ling beside him nodded and said: "in this way, we can't attack in an all-round way, we can only defend passively. At that time, if the Haizu can't attack the ice city and find it hard to get tangled up, and at the same time they are unwilling to retreat, they will only shift their front and move towards the direction of the southwest alliance. "

Speaking of this, Yang Ling's right hand flicks slightly, then condenses a holographic projection picture directly in front of the public. In the picture is the map of human domain, and there are some parts covered in red on the map. The coverage is from the sea area to the ice city, which is obviously the place occupied by the sea people.

"Look here. This is a map I made according to the latest information. Did you find out? This time, the sea tribe is a real all-round invasion. They have cleared all human forces along the way with the tactics of strong walls and clear fields. In this way, they are obviously ready to swallow the whole human territory at one time. In order to cut off our back road and supply line, even if he can't attack us, as long as he occupies other places, we will run out of food sooner or later. "

Yang Ling pointed to the red part of the map and said, "so I reckon that even if the sea people can't attack the ice city, as long as they are not scared, counseled, and beaten so that they feel hopeless, they won't retreat, just as they would bypass the ice city and fight against the southwest alliance."

"That's right. Then we can test the depth of the southwest alliance through the sea people!"

Hearing Yang Ling's words, Chu ten day narrowed his eyes and said coldly in his voice, "maybe if we are lucky, we can still see the war between the emperor and the sea emperor, and what other angels there are!"

"I see!"

Hearing Chu ten day and Yang Ling's analysis, people who had some doubts also nodded their heads and understood their thoughts.

Boom boom!

At the same time, a series of fierce roars suddenly came from afar, and then, it was seen that the sea people army, which had gradually spread towards the ice city, also accelerated directly and launched a charge towards the ice city.

And just as these sea army began to speed up their advance and launch their charge, Chu Xun, who had a sharp eye, suddenly saw some troops that were not compatible with the sea army from the middle position of the sea army.

Looking at those huge and weird creatures, chuxun squinted.

At the same time, Yang Ling beside him seems to have found those creatures, and then a ray of electric light flashed in his eyes, and then he said in a deep voice, "be careful, these sea forces are mixed with the war biological weapons of Atlantis - heavy kalaan beast!"