Infinite Evolution

Chapter 882

Haizu is indeed worthy of the title of the most powerful clan in the last world, even though they lost their lives in the battle of haijiaocheng, and then in order to open the "wormhole", they consecutively sacrificed tens of millions of Haizu soldiers, causing heavy losses. But they still have the largest and most terrible army on earth under the support of strong fertility.

Especially after getting the full support of Atlantis, the sea people injected the "medicine from the water", thus breaking away from the constraints of the sea water is even more powerful. It became even more terrifying and overwhelming.

Only in a day and night, the army of Haizu, like mountains and seas, occupied all the coastlines of the human territory except the area of Haijiao City, and launched a comprehensive attack on the inland area.

Compared with the sea people, the number and average quality of human beings are far inferior, not to mention the poor cities in the coastal areas. So in the face of the crush of the sea people's army, these cities are like sand sculptures on the beach, which have no room for resistance at all, so they are completely destroyed by the sea people, and the chickens and dogs will not stay.

With the increasing number of destroyed cities, the news of the invasion of the sea people is finally inevitably transmitted in the human domain. For a while, people in the region became frightened and frightened, and large-scale migration broke out in all cities relatively close to the sea. People began to leave their homes, desperate to the deepest inland migration.

After all, although the hometown is hard to leave, and the migration is dangerous, but in any case, it is better than staying and waiting for death!

In this way, the invasion of the sea people has become more smooth. The human cities and strong people along the way have not been able to hinder them in half. On the contrary, the zombies and mutants who have little intelligence have brought some troubles to the sea people because of the concept of territory.

But, after all, it's just a little trouble!

In this way, after breaking through the coastal areas, the sea people are still moving forward irresistibly, and their direction is the highest ruling center of the human domain - the city of the sky!


In the conference room at the top of Babel Tower, the people of Cape Town and the Supreme Council gathered again.

And this time, it's less than a week since the last time they met because of discussing the event of angel coming!

"According to the latest information, Haizu destroyed two more cities and 13 satellite cities in the previous eight hours. Fortunately, due to the timely evacuation, there were not too many casualties!"

The speaker took a deep breath and said with a dignified face: "but what's more important now is that in terms of the current direction of the sea people, they are obviously heading for the city of the sky. And at their current speed, in five days at most, their forward force will officially arrive at ice city! "

"These damned sea people come to make trouble at this time!"

Hearing the speaker's words, Zhao Guobin, with a ferocious scar on his face and a grumpy temper, couldn't help smashing a fist on the conference table, and then said with a gnash of teeth: "otherwise, we should take the initiative to attack, enter the sea bottom, and kill the emperor. Once there is no emperor, there will be no leader of the sea people, and then there will be no war! "

Zhao Guobin is a little grumpy, but he is not confused. Having experienced the period of Cataclysm, and once served as the leader of Zhou Yulong's fighting team, he still has some experience and opinions on fighting. And this method he said is not wrong. If before, as long as they eradicated the sea emperor, the sea people would be in a mess, or even start internal strife, so as to resolve the crisis.

But what they don't know is that the real leader of the sea people is not the sea emperor, but a god level power, mosquito blood demon, which is thousands of times more terrible than the sea emperor!

"I'm afraid this method is not feasible!"

However, hearing Zhao Guobin's words, the doctor on one side shook his head and said: "yes, with our current top-level strength, it is not difficult to kill the emperor. But only if you find the emperor. "

At this point, the doctor paused a little, and then continued, "didn't you find that this time the Emperor didn't come out in person? This means that the emperor is also afraid of our high-level strength. And in the case that the emperor cannot bear it, who is sure to find the emperor who can be integrated with the sea in this vast ocean? "


Hearing the doctor's words, Zhao Guobin was shocked for a moment, and then moved his eyes to Chu Xun's body.

He remembers that this "Uncle" also has deep attainments in the field of water system powers. Besides the homologous skills taught by brother long, it's no problem to find out the emperor of the sea?

"If the emperor goes to hide, even if I can find him, it's not something I can do in a day or two. At that time, I'm afraid that the whole territory will be destroyed under the sea people's army. "

However, Chu Xun shook his head at the moment, and then said with a slightly dignified look: "and don't forget, now that there are so many sea people coming ashore at one time, it is obvious that the sea people and the Atlantis have probably reached an alliance. In this case, we have to deal with not only the emperor of the sea, but also the emperor you said! "


Hearing the name "Huang", the doctors who had dealt with Huang showed their dignified color, and Zhao Guobin's eyes were heavy.

At first, he died because of the emperor!

"It's not about the emperor's strength, but it's certain that he has the power of time, which is enough to pose a fatal threat to many of us."

Chu ten day slightly paused a meal, then continued: "what's more, if we send the top-level forces to search for the traces of the emperor in the sea area, in case the emperor and the emperor go against each other and attack the Haijiao city or even the sky city when we go to the sea area, how should we deal with it?"

"Then what do you mean?"

Hearing Chu ten's words, the doctor on one side suddenly frowned, and asked in a voice: "don't you just sit back and ignore?"

"Of course not!"

Chu ten narrowed his eyes, and then said in a cold voice: "I see that the sea people have bypassed our Haijiao city this time, chose to directly invade the hinterland of the human domain, or even go to the city of the sky, the purpose of which is nothing more than to pick up the soft persimmon. After all, in their opinion, Haijiao city has me, my father-in-law, all the powerful people, and maybe even invite the emperor of birds to help them. If they want to bite hard, they are afraid that they will be as frustrated as they were last time. "

Speaking of this, Chu Xun gave a little meal, and then his eyes became sharp: "since the current battle plan of the sea people is to pick up the soft persimmons, we just need to let the sea people know that no matter in Haijiao city or in the city of the sky, they can't take the soft persimmons. At that time, they will naturally change their direction and look for the softer persimmon! "

"Oh, you mean, fight back, hurt them, and then induce them to deal with the southwest?"

The people present were all intelligent people. When hearing Chu Xun's words, most of them had some understanding. The speaker, with a bright eye, said excitedly, "this is a good way. In this way, we can also use the power of the sea people to delay the southwest Alliance for some time!"

"But, if you do this, will you kill and hurt too many innocent people..."

However, at this time, angel, the kindest in heart, could not help saying: "the sea army can't attack the city of the sky, but for other cities and the people of those cities, it is just like a disaster. If we can't wipe them out, destroy them in one fell swoop, or beat them back and let them continue to ravage, then people from the sky city to the half human domain of the southwest alliance will suffer as well... "

Angel can be said to have been raised in the palm of her hand. Although she has faced many hardships and battles of life and death, and even killed many enemies by herself, her heart is still soft and pure. She could not help but feel a bit sad when she thought that the whole human kingdom would be surrounded by wars because of this war.

"For the sake of the future of mankind as a whole, some sacrifices are inevitable!"

Compared with angel, the doctor's heart is much colder and harder, so as soon as angel's voice fell, the doctor shook his head and said: "Qi'er, don't worry about this, you know? If it's normal, we will try our best to save people and reduce losses, but this time, we can't do that! "


At the doctor's words, angel's heart trembled slightly, as if there were scenes of countless human beings dying miserably under the fangs of the sea people. She wanted to say something, but looking at the decisive eyes of all the people present, she finally said nothing.

Maybe that's the only way

And all of this, after all, I can only blame myself for not being strong enough. If you are strong enough, even strong enough to defeat angels, then you don't have to make such a choice and sacrifice.

However, when angel was in a sad mood, a strong and warm hand was placed on her shoulder, and then Chu Xun's voice came into her ear: "don't be so sad, things are not as bad as you think. This time, it's a great ordeal for those people, but it's also a rare opportunity! "


Hearing Chu ten's words, angel immediately raised her head in surprise and looked at Chu ten. She did not know what Chu ten's opportunity meant.

"To fight with angels, to be honest, we are not completely sure, and we are even ready to sacrifice the whole earth, are we?"

At this moment, Chu took a deep breath, then looked around at all the people and said, "since then, we have been thinking of moving people from the human realm to my second world. Because of various complicated reasons and the fear of zombies, the evacuation can only be carried out on a small scale. "

Speaking of this, Chu Xun paused a little, and then his eyes became serious: "but this time, the invasion of the sea people is to help us clear these obstacles. Now these people have lost their way. If they don't want to die, they can only follow our arrangement. Even if someone wants to make trouble or something, we can use the law of war to make an example and not cause too much trouble. "

"On the one hand, because the angel closed the space around the earth, they didn't have to bear the seven sins anymore