Infinite Evolution

Chapter 881

The people in haijiaocheng didn't think that the first attack was not the southwest alliance, but the Haizu!

What's more surprising to them is that the Haizu did not attack Haijiao as they used to, but adopted a circuitous policy and launched an invasion from other coastal locations. What's more, the vanguard troops they sent in this invasion were born with the ability of invisibility. They were able to integrate with the surrounding scenery. There was no sound in the action, but at the same time, they were highly poisonous, as deadly as the ghost mutant jellyfish!

It has to be said that the sea ghost is indeed a very terrible creature. Especially when they lose the restriction of the sea water, they are more like an invisible assassin when they go ashore. Without careful precaution, the strength of those coastal cities is only three or four levels, and the Sentinels at most four or five levels can not find the traces of these terrible assassins in advance.

And when they find the sea ghost, the feast of death and killing has already begun in their city!

Overnight, just overnight, six coastal cities and dozens of satellite cities were completely destroyed by the sudden attack of the sea people. And more importantly, it's just the beginning. After clearing some coastal cities, more and more sea people began to land from the coast and invade inland areas.

However, the strange thing is that these sea creatures have bypassed the Haijiao City, which was nailed to the front line of the coast, and even avoided it far away, as if they left the city behind!


"Why not attack Cape Town?" Deep in the sea, he asked coldly when he learned the general plan of the battle.

For him, Zhou Yulong and doctors were his biggest enemies. It was because of these people that they were so embarrassed that they even lost the Babel Tower, the place of inheritance.

When he knew that mosquito blood evil was ready to launch a general attack and occupy the world, the emperor was also full of expectation and excitement. He hoped to destroy Haijiao city as soon as possible and take revenge on Zhou Yulong. But at this moment, he knew that the mosquito blood ghost did not want to move Zhou Yulong and Haijiao city at all, which immediately filled his heart with indignation and disappointment.

"A few days ago, I devoured some human blood essence and soul, and learned some interesting slang from them. Well, for example, persimmons need to be picked up by soft kneading. Have you heard of this? "

Maybe it's out of the appreciation of the emperor. The attitude of mosquitos towards the emperor can be said to be very tolerant. So even in the face of the emperor's question, he still kept that kind of strange and evil smile on his face. Then he took a cup of scarlet liquid and took a sip and said, "well, I don't think you've heard of it. To put it simply, my goal is to occupy the planet, not destroy it. Do you understand? "

"What does it have to do with playing Cape Town?" Hearing the words of mosquito blood, Huang immediately frowned and asked.

"How about more patience? You are too impatient!"

He shook his head, then said with a smile, "as far as I know, the humans on this planet are very interesting. Before that catastrophe, their own evolution had almost completely stagnated, even started to regress, but on the contrary, they have developed such powerful and destructive technological weapons as nuclear weapons, and even spare no effort to manufacture and improve such weapons, so that in the future, if they want, they can even easily destroy the planet. "

At this point, there was a flash of blood in the eyes of the mosquito blood demon, and then he drank the scarlet liquid in the cup and said lightly: "I need this planet as my 10th colonial planet, so I can't force them to use this destructive weapon completely. And in order to avoid this, I have to give them a glimmer of hope! "

"You mean Cape Town is that hope?"

Hearing the words of mosquito blood, Huang Ruo understood, but his brow was still locked, and he asked, "then why can't the Supreme Council be the hope? As far as I know, the supreme ruler of mankind should be the Supreme Council, right

"No, no, no, that was before!"

Mosquito blood Sha shook his head, smiled slightly, and said: "the great world, the strong are respected. According to the data, the strength of Cape Town has far exceeded that of the Supreme Council. So if we destroy Cape Town, then the Supreme Council will feel irresistible and lose its last hope, and may even want to destroy the planet together. "

Then he continued, "but if we destroy the southwest alliance and the Supreme Council first, the situation is different. As you said, the Supreme Council has been the supreme ruler of human beings for a long time, so their nuclear weapons must surpass Cape city. As long as they are destroyed, the number of nuclear weapons that can be used by human beings will be greatly reduced and the threat will be much smaller. At that time, we will be able to deal with Cape Town with less worries! "

Seeing that the emperor seemed to be dissatisfied, he immediately patted him on the shoulder, and then continued: "and I've thought about it. According to your description, the Babel Tower disappeared after Zhou Yulong broke the seal. In other words, the disappearance of Babel Tower is probably related to Cape Town. When we wipe out the Supreme Council and the southwest alliance and cut off the back road of Haijiao City, if we threaten their lives or even the whole human life, the people of Haijiao city will return the Babel Tower to you. After all, according to the data I collected, although human beings are usually selfish, they are often willing to sacrifice when it comes to the survival of the entire race! "

"All right!"

As for the Babel Tower, the emperor had nothing to say but nodded.

But at the same time, his fear of mosquito blood is deeper now. This guy seems to be young and arrogant, unrestrained and unruly, but he is extremely cautious. He can't even be described as an old-fashioned man. He is really a terrible guy.

With such ingenuity and ability, it's no wonder that this guy can stand out from the fierce competition of the Insect Kingdom Royal family and have the divine power!

But the next moment, the emperor seemed to think of another thing, and then frowned and asked, "but I have another question, why do you start with humans, not zombies?"

"Oh, that's because the blood of the zombies is smelly. It's too hard to drink. Hahaha!"

Hearing the emperor's words, the mosquito blood demon burst out laughing, and deliberately made an expression of disgust, as if it was true that the blood of the zombies was too smelly, so they would start with humans first.

However, when he said this, his eyes flashed a fierce and cold look.

In the insect world, the Tsar and the insect king are enemies of each other, fighting for many years, so they are very familiar with each other's breath. But not long ago, he suddenly felt that the immortal spirit of the sand suddenly appeared on the edge of the corpse field, then suddenly weakened and disappeared.

According to his judgment, the reason why the sand can't be destroyed is that he was hurt when fighting with him, so he would sneak into the corpse Kingdom and absorb the blood, soul and earth power by devouring the territory of the corpse Kingdom and the creatures above. But judging from the fleeting and greatly weakened spirit of the kingdom of God, Sha bumie was afraid that he would encounter a stubble. As a result, he not only failed to recover his strength, but also suffered a big loss and could only run away in a panic.

He thinks that his current state and strength are at most five to five in comparison with the indestructible sand. So in order to avoid repeating the sand immortal mistake, he decided to start with the human domain first, then recover his strength by devouring the blood essence and soul of the powerful people in the human domain, and finally deal with those guys in the corpse domain!

After all, those guys in the corpse Kingdom, even if they are strong enough, will not reach the immortal state from the point of view of the situation that the sand can not be destroyed and retreat. As long as he recovers his strength, even if he does not reach the immortal level, there is no problem to deal with these people by virtue of his racial talent and the card given to him by his father!

At that time, when he ruled the whole planet, he would be able to find out why the sand did not die, and also know why the sand did not die!

In a word, no matter why he came here, he must destroy his actions and even get what he wants first!

He had a premonition that once he got that kind of thing, he would get great benefits, even unlimited future!