Infinite Evolution

Chapter 880

Wula City, is a city located at the border of human domain, close to the sea.

As it is close to the sea, the city of Wula will also be directly baptized by the cold sea wind, which will cause the city to be covered with ice and snow, with extremely low temperature. To be honest, before the end of the world, it would have been a polar climate, not suitable for people to live in.

But in the end, it was one of the few cities that could be called a paradise.

Because although Wula city is close to the sea, it is separated from the sea by a large area of radiation caused by a nuclear explosion. Although after many years, the radiation in this area has almost disappeared, but the area is still barren, and even the water source is seriously polluted.

Because of the existence of this radiation area, even if the sea people who need water urgently invade the coastal cities, they will subconsciously avoid here. In addition, the extremely low temperature here has a great impact on the low-level zombies and mutants, making them move slowly, so the residents of Wula city can hunt them better.

Of course, the most important thing in Wula is their specialty - Wula grass!

Wula grass is a very special plant. The reason why Wula grass is special is that it not only has such wonderful functions as promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, enhancing blood gas and recovering injury, but also has strong fecundity. It is the most important material for making healing medicine. What's more, it's strange that, although it has a strong fecundity, it's also quite harsh on the breeding environment, so it can only be produced in such a cold and bitter place as Wula city.

There are not too strong enemies, and then they have their own specialties, so although the city of Wula is a little cold, the residents here still have a comfortable life.

However, they did not know that from today, their comfortable life will be gone forever.

Wula City, city wall.

As the city of Wula has not been in real crisis for a long time, the walls of Wula are not full of sentinels like other cities, but only a few dozens of people are doing the most basic work of alert.

It's just how big a city is. Even if Wula city is built on the top of a hill, there are cliffs on three sides, and only one side can enter and leave freely. It's difficult for dozens of sentinels in this area to complete control. So it's not so much that they are sentry, it's more that they act like they want to reassure the people in the city.

"What a cold day!"

On the wall of the city, a big man with beard spat on the wall of the city. Then he raised the bottle in his hand to a young man who appeared to be a little young, and cried, "come, girut, have a drink to warm yourself?"

"No, uncle puck, I still need to watch. I'd better stay awake!" The young man shook his head and refused the big man's kindness.

"What kind of sentry has it been for years? When did something happen to our city of ulah?" Hearing the young man's words, the big man with a beard burst out laughing. Then he joked to the other big men who were drinking around the bonfire: "you see, a rookie is a rookie. Hahaha, he is always nervous!"


"Puck, stop laughing at this kid. He's blushing!"

"Hahaha, yes, a rookie is always so timid!"

At the big man's words, the others laughed.

Only the young man seemed to pay no attention to the fun of these big men. He just narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at a dark distance, and then said in a low voice with words that he could only hear: "no, I do feel the danger. It may not be very good tonight..."

Almost no one knows that this young man is actually a rare two line ability. In addition to the common strong system deformation ability "werewolf", this young man has a rare ability called "danger perception".

This kind of ability is usually associated with the ability, and it is not obvious at the beginning, so it can only strengthen the sense of danger, so even the young man does not know that he is a two-line ability.

But today, he felt a severe and deadly sense of crisis in his heart!

The kind of pressure that made him almost suffocate and heart beat made him dare not relax and feel extremely dignified.

However, other people don't know the tension in young people's heart at the moment, and young people also know that before things happen, no matter how they remind these people, they will only be regarded as "rookie's tension". So the only thing he can do now is to wake up and give an early warning before the danger comes.

"This boy..."

Seeing that the young man was still very dignified and nervous, the bearded man shook his head helplessly, and then he was too lazy to take care of the young man again, and began to warm up around the campfire with several other people, and chatted freely.

As the young man thought, they didn't pay attention to the warning and dignified appearance of the young man at all.

But the youth still did not make any redundant response, in his heart more and more intense sense of crisis constantly reminds him that the danger is approaching rapidly!

"What is that!"

Finally, a moment later, the young pupil suddenly shrank and saw a light in the darkness far away. But because the light was so weak and far away, the youth could not tell what it was.

"Werewolf, change!"

At the next moment, the young man snapped and directly opened the power. Under the power's blessing, the young man quickly grew the long hair similar to the Wolf creature, and his eyes became sharper.

Finally, he saw what it was!

"Sea serpent, sea serpent!"

Looking at the huge monsters in the distance wriggling in the dark, covered with scales and eyes like a fire, the youth could not help screaming.

"Are you crazy? How can there be sea snakes? That ghost can't be so far away from the coast, let alone across the radiation area!" Hearing the young man's shouting, the bearded man immediately stood up and shouted angrily.


However, before his voice fell, a nearly transparent tentacle suddenly wrapped around him, and then his body also jerked, then sent out a series of sharp screams, and convulsed violently.

One second, only one second of the world, that strength in the third order or so of the beard big man then curled up on the ground, no breath of life!

At the same time, more and more transparent tentacles emerged from the air, and then shot towards a group of guards on the wall.

Poop poop poop!

Soon, sentinels too late to respond were caught in the tentacles. But one of the Sentinels, caught in the tentacles of the moment, suddenly snapped up: "burning, fire shock!"


Although these sentinels are lazy, they are also fighting in the end of the world. They have experienced countless battles, so even if they died, they also broke out their last strength. Accompanied by a loud roar, the shrill sentry turned into a bright fire and exploded, lighting up half of the night sky.

Under the impact and light of the fire, some soft monsters with almost transparent bodies, long tentacles and sharp stings also appeared in the eyes of the young man!

"Sea ghost!"

Looking at the strange appearance of the monster, the young man's face suddenly showed an unbelievable look.

Due to their close proximity to the sea, they also downloaded information about various sea races from Cape city in case of emergency. This young man usually pays more attention to this aspect, so he recognizes the identity of this kind of mollusk at a glance.

However, he could not understand why the sea ghost, which could not live away from the water, would suddenly appear in their city!

Can we say that the sea people have found a way to live and fight on the land without the sea water?

Thinking of it, the young people are filled with panic and despair. He wanted to scream, he wanted to scream, but at this moment, another tentacle wrapped around his neck. Then, the intense and painstaking pain made him twitch wildly, and finally curled up on the ground.

Young life, falling down!

And this is just the beginning of the killing!

This killing, however, is the opening ceremony of the most tragic war ever on earth!

No one thought that this war related to the fate of the earth and the future, even in the case of all people not prepared, began!

And the first shot is not the southwest alliance, but the sea of terror that has been helped by Atlantis technology!