Infinite Evolution

Chapter 877

"Southwest alliance news? What the hell is falling dragon doing? "

Hearing the words "Southwest alliance", Chu Xun frowned at once.

In the past, what he hated most was the savages and the zombies, but now what bothered him most was the southwest alliance.

It's not how much the southwest League has caused them, but the attitude of the southwest League makes him headache.

The southwest alliance occupies almost half of the territory of human beings, but their attitude has been ambiguous.

At the same time, they tried their best to invade the interests of the Supreme Council, captured the powerful members of the Supreme Council and the human domain with Nuwa series of potions, and even killed many cities in the southwest alliance with Atlantis, creating a monstrous killing.

On the other hand, they helped maintain the stability of the human realm at the critical moment, and even tried to destroy the return of the emperor, so that they finally broke up with the Atlantis.

So neither Cape Town nor the Supreme Council can understand the attitude of the southwest alliance. And before determining their attitude, the Supreme Council could not rest assured of them, nor could it really send troops to exterminate them.

I can't fight, but I can't believe!

In this way, the southwest alliance is like a thorn in the heart, which makes Chu and others headache.

"He's not playing tricks, he's playing tricks!"

Yang Ling also knew what Chu Xun was having a headache, so he shook his head and said: "Dilong began to promote Christianity in the southwest alliance crazily, and started to establish the Holy See, and also called himself Pope. It seems that they want to use religion to brainwash and control the people. "


Hearing three words of Christianity, Chu Xun frowned subconsciously.

It's not that he has any prejudice and dislike for this religion, but because the anger and others belong to the reincarnation of fallen angels, which makes him pay more attention to Christianity, the God and heaven that Christianity believes in.

After thinking about it, chuxun shook his head again and said, "but he's naive, isn't he? It's not easy for the end world people to have their hearts as strong as iron, but they are selfish and want to brainwash them with faith! "

After the catastrophe, no one tried to control people's hearts with religion, but after the initial effect of the catastrophe, there was no effect.

The reason is very simple. The cataclysm and the cruel reality let the vast majority of people have been completely disappointed in God, and after countless bloody battles, their minds are also extremely tenacious, and they only believe in strength and themselves, if they want to make them work for faith, it's better to directly use the crystal core to make them work!

"No, he did!"

However, at the next moment, Yang Ling's words surprised Chu Xun: "according to the return of the spies placed by the Supreme Council in the southwest alliance, it seems that the fallen dragon really has a divine power. He not only does things like miracles, but also the whole person's temperament becomes extremely charming. With absolute power, he soon gets a group of devout fanatics! "

Speaking of this, Yang Ling's face also showed a strange color, saying: "what's more strange is that according to the return of the spies, many of the free strongmen and power lords were not religious, but after a close talk with them, they became the most devout believers of the dragon. According to what they said, it was the falling dragon that made them appreciate the glory of God and witness the greatness of angels... "


If the Christian and papal names just make chuxun pay attention, then the name "angel" is a name that makes chuxun afraid, even nervous.

As far as he knows, the forerunner of the seven sins, namely the fallen nine angels, is the most wanted one in heaven. If heaven has a blacklist, there is no doubt that these guys are from one to nine.

Now that these fallen angels have been reborn on the earth, the ability of heaven may not be able to trace them to the earth!

Therefore, the creation of Christianity by this fallen dragon, and the miracles and glories displayed by it, are probably related to this angel!

Think of here, Chu ten day eyes a coagulate, then take a deep breath, way: "Yang Ling, help me to connect seven sins, with emergency frequency!"

The angel matter cannot be underestimated. If there is an angel behind the fallen dragon, or even heaven, then he will consider whether to continue to cooperate with the seven sins or not!

After all, it's heaven!


Looking at Chu Xun's solemn eyes, Yang Ling was slightly shocked, but nodded his head, then closed his eyes and began to connect the signal of corpse field.

Now Yang Ling is almost a super robot that can be transformed, especially after getting the technology of Atlantis, he has further modified his body. It may be difficult for other people to communicate with the corpse area, but for Yang Ling, there is basically no problem.

So it didn't take long for Yang Ling to shoot out a brilliant light again, which condensed into a holographic projection picture.

In the picture, the roar is still coming. At the same time, some traces of smoke can be seen around. Later, the cold face of anger also appeared in the picture, and then to the picture, some impatiently shouted: "what's the matter, quickly say!"


Looking at the smoke marks on his angry face, and the embarrassed look, Chu Xun was stunned for a moment. Obviously, he didn't expect that his anger would turn into this.

But now the most important thing is the "angel" thing, so Chu soon came back to God, went straight to the point, asked in a voice: "angry, I ask you a thing, please be sure to answer me seriously."

Speaking of this, Chu Xun paused a little, then his eyes became fierce and serious: "tell me, will your reincarnation be detected by heaven? Or, more simply, will angels come to earth because of you? "

"Why do you ask?"

When it comes to angels, the angry, impatient face suddenly appears dignified, and then frowns.

"Damn it, you didn't tell us the truth!"

Although anger didn't answer the question directly, Chu Xun saw the clue from the dignified look of anger, and then couldn't help cursing and saying, "why do I ask you this? That's because the fallen dragon has established Christianity in the southwest alliance, not only as a pope, but also as a miracle! "

Speaking of this, Chu Xun's voice also became more angry: "and one of the miracles is to let people see the glory of God and the greatness of angels!"

"Falling dragon!"

Hearing Chu Xun's words, his angry face suddenly became more dignified. At the same time, he said to himself: "no wonder that there are always people who are powerful in the area of corpse recently. After being captured alive, they found that they are all people of the southwest alliance, so it is..."

"Angry, you are so careless!"

Hearing the angry words, Chu Xun immediately became more angry, and then couldn't help swearing angrily: "do you know that it's an angel, and behind it is the heaven world, and you have brought them here. Isn't it death seeking?"

Speaking of this, Chu couldn't help waving his hand and said: "I'll tell you now, our alliance is now broken. We can't fight against heaven for the sake of you now, and we don't have that strength. So sorry, we won't play with you! "

"No need to apologize. We should apologize!"

However, at this time, the voice of desire came out suddenly in the picture, and then the figure of desire also appeared in the picture.

Compared with the projection picture Yang Ling brought before, desire is much more confused at the moment, even the hair is in a mess, as if it was really split by thunder, even with a little smoke. But at the moment, her face was slightly blackened with a thick apology and dignified color. Then she took a deep breath and said, "I apologize to you, not only because we lied to you before, but also because now we are on a boat, so either we protect the boat together, survive the crisis, or we can only sink together with the boat!"