Infinite Evolution

Chapter 876

"Hoo, the body has recovered more than half..."

In the second world, at the top of Babel Tower, Chu Xun slowly opened his eyes, and then looked at the body that was almost healed and no longer bleeding, showing a trace of satisfaction.

After a few months of rest in the second world, his body has gradually digested the residual world power. Although it has not fully recovered, at least it is not the blood flow.

At the same time, he can also feel that as the power of the remaining world is absorbed and digested by his body, his connection with the second world becomes closer and his body becomes stronger.

Perhaps, this is the so-called break and then stand.


While Chu Xun was satisfied with his recovery, Yang Ling suddenly went to the top floor, and then said strangely, "they have just sent an urgent message about the seven crimes. I think you need to know that."

After devouring the flesh and blood of Zhou Yulong, condensing the last golden phase, and then using the five elements to control the world power of the second world, Chu Xun also made great progress in the control of the second world. Although he can't use the power of the world wantonly due to his injuries and relatively fragile body, it is enough to build a stable space gate to Haijiao city.

In this way, people in Cape Town can also enter the second world for cultivation. There is no need to stay in Haijiao city as before, for fear that the news is not clear and the fighter plane will be delayed, so some experts must be stationed in Haijiao city just in case.

Because of this, Yang Ling was able to receive the news from the outside world at the first time and pass it on to Chu ten day.

"Urgent news of seven sins?"

Hearing Yang Ling's words, Chu ten day's heart suddenly tightened, then frowned, and his eyes also became solemn: "what happened, could make them so nervous?"

You know, according to the agreement between them and the seven crimes, only matters of life and death are eligible to send emergency messages. Once the emergency message is received, whatever Chu Xun and Zhou Yulong are doing, even when they are closed, they must immediately interrupt them and pass the message on to them, so as to prevent the aircraft from being delayed and a major disaster.

And from the seven sins and other people's war in the heart of the earth, even Chu Xun himself is not sure that he can defeat these guys with endless cards. So, what happened, even let seven sins and others send the so-called urgent message?

"You don't have to be so nervous. It doesn't seem like a big deal..."

Looking at Chu Xun's dignified and nervous appearance, Yang Ling's face became more strange. He faltered for a second, then shook his head and sighed, "well, I don't know what happened. See for yourself..."

Speaking of this, Yang Ling also waved his right hand, and then a light and shadow came out of his hands, turning into a hologram.

The person in the picture is a pure and beautiful girl who looks very comfortable and pleasing to the eyes. This girl and Chu ten are old acquaintances, because she is the desire of the seven sins!

But at the moment, the face of desire seems to be a little wrong, a little nervous. At the same time, she is still looking left and right when she sends the message, as if she is on guard for someone to appear suddenly.

At the same time, through the sound coming out of the picture, Chu Xun can even vaguely hear some faint sharp smiles and explosions, but maybe because of the distance, he can't really hear them.

"People, my next message is very important. Please listen to it and pay attention to it, and remember to forward it to everyone!"

"In the future, if you see a doll beside us, or even send this doll to fight, you must not be surprised. And no matter what this doll does, whether it's fighting or singing, or even accidentally hurting your people, you should never show any color, otherwise there will be a big problem. "

Desire in saying these words, the face also emerged a little helpless and tired color. But before she could speak, a sharp laugh suddenly rang from afar, and more and more close.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha, Alice is here to catch you. Alice plays hide and seek best!"

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha, you must be hiding here. Let me blow you up, bear bomb, up!"


"Ah ah ah, it's not here. Eh, what is it?"

"Ah ah ah, master, come out quickly. Help! Someone has been blown up by Alice..."

"Hum, it's cruel not to come out. This guy is going to die!"

"No matter, Alice is going to continue playing games. Hahahaha, Alice is coming to you..."


Along with the shrill to nervous laughter came the loud explosion and the faint wail. Hearing these sounds, the expression of desire became more intense immediately, and then sped up in an urgent and low voice.

"In a word, you must remember those words I just said, and do them, or something will happen."

"Well, say sorry in advance!"


When talking about this, a small black shadow suddenly appears at the back of the picture, and then a sharp laugh rings from the picture again: "ah ha ha ha, Lord desire, Alice has found you!"

"Don't try to run, bear bomb, catch her!"

"Damn, I didn't want to run!"


Finally, in the helpless cry of desire, a cute little bear doll suddenly jumped to her at a very fast speed.

The next moment, the cubs explode together, creating a fire, and in the bright fire, the whole picture suddenly dies


Looking at the broken picture, Chu Xun was completely paralyzed.

He finally knew why Yang Ling's face was so strange

What was that doll like?

The enemy? But listen to what desire says, it should not be the enemy. But if it's not the enemy, how could it be recklessly sabotage, or even blow up the desire?

"Chu ten, do you want to pass on this video to all people as you wish?"

After a moment's silence, Yang Ling took a slight flick at the corner of her eyes and asked, "if it's forwarded to all people, they think we're making a fuss, right? But it's just a doll... "

"No, as desire says, to all!"

However, after hesitating for a while, Chu Xun shook his head and made a decision, saying: "the seven sins are all born after the angel. As the top powerful person who once awed the whole world, it's not surprising that anything happened to them. Well, although this doll is really weird... "

Speaking of this, chuten paused a little, and then continued: "and more importantly, this time the message was about desire. She can be said to be the most normal person among the seven sins. If it's guhuang, we can't listen to her, but we can't ignore her instructions... "

"Well, I'll pass the information on to everyone later!"

Hearing Chu Xun's words, Yang Ling nodded, then turned the voice, and said: "I just counted the conversion rate of Atlantis has reached 30%, the total has exceeded 3 million. It is estimated that in another four months, we will be able to convert all Atlantis into aliens."

Speaking of this, Yang Ling gave a little pause, and then continued: "at the same time, the transformed aliens have begun to work. Under the bloodline certification, they can operate some facilities and devices that I can't crack with their own authority, so now the breaking rate of Babel Tower has reached 60%. Although some of the core functions are still unavailable, they have already After that, we can mass produce low-level Calamari animals and try to make the core of life. "

"Well done!"

Hearing Yang Ling's words, Chu Xun's eyes brightened slightly.

Although the fighting power of the middle and low-level Calamari animals is far from that of the aliens, even the dinosaur aliens in chuxun are not as good as that of the aliens, they are better than the ones with low manufacturing cost and fast manufacturing speed, and most of them have long-range attack capabilities. Once a sufficient scale is gathered, a strong covering fire can be formed, which will surely play a significant role in the battle.

In addition, the research and development of the core of life is extremely important. It can not only improve people's physical strength and recovery ability, but also develop people's potential and even protect people's soul. With the core of life protection, even when encountering mental attacks, it can also play a good defense role.

So after hearing Yang Ling's news, Chu Xun would be so excited.

However, when Chu Xun was excited by the good news Yang Ling had brought, Yang Ling suddenly thought of something, then patted his head and said, "by the way, there is another news from the southwest alliance!"