Infinite Evolution

Chapter 878

"What do you mean?"

Hearing the words of desire, Chu Xun's eyes suddenly became cold, and then he said in a deep voice, "are you threatening me?"

Chu thinks that desire is threatening him with the safety of the earth. After all, with the strength of the corpse Kingdom and the seven sins, if you really let everything go, even if you can't defeat the angel who doesn't know the details, then you can take the whole earth to bury before you die!

So after a cold drink, Chu's eyes became even colder: "don't forget, I also have my own kingdom. Even if you can destroy the earth, I can still live with you

"I'm sorry. I may have misunderstood you. I wasn't threatening you just now, I was telling you a fact! "

Looking at Chu Xun's cold and hostile eyes, desire knows that Chu Xun must have misunderstood himself. Then he shakes his head and says seriously: "you don't know heaven, not to mention angels. Angel is a kind of being merciful and kind to the believers, but cruel to the heretics. God's imprint and discipline in their blood and soul will enable them to eradicate the infidels at all costs, and will not give the infidels any chance to turn around and make a comeback. "

At this point, the desire slightly paused, and then he continued with a dignified look: "it's better to kill 100 million people by mistake than to let go of one. This is their code of conduct. It's the same for the average infidel, not to mention the fallen angels who once ruled heaven! "

"You mean, even if we break up with you, they won't let us go?"

Hearing the words of desire, Chu Xun's face changed slightly, and then he said in a cold voice: "I can't always hide if I can't provoke it. I can't hide in the kingdom of God if I don't involve in your affairs. Isn't that ok?"

"I said, you don't know angels!"

However, at the next moment, the words of desire made Chu Xun's face more ugly: "we have reached the immortal level of cultivation. As long as our believers are still there, we can rally the power of faith to come back to life. Therefore, in accordance with the angel's practice, in order not to give us any chance, not only the human beings and zombies in the corpse field, but also the intelligent creatures on the whole planet and even the planet itself will be destroyed by the angel as a potential threat! "

At this point, desire can't help sighing and saying: "and even if you have the kingdom of God, do you think angels will not guard against this? To tell you the truth, now the whole space around the earth is blocked by the angel. So even if you hide in the kingdom of God, if you can't get out of this space, you will be found by him sooner or later, and then cleaned up by him as a potential threat! "

"Damn it!"

Although desire did not give any evidence, Chu Xun believed most of the words about desire. Because after recovering the spiritual world, he also tried to enter the Yin world again, looking for the soul of the wind and others, but finally found that the door of the Yin world could not be opened in any way, as if it was closed by some force!

Obviously, it is the angel in the mouth of desire that closes the door of the Yin world!

"That's enough. Don't look so upset. If it wasn't for the guy who killed the inner earth world for you, how could we do our best so that the breath leaked and was found by the angel? "

Looking at Chu Xun's unhappy appearance, he was angry and could not help it. He snorted coldly: "besides, how strong do you think that angel is? If he was strong enough, he would have cleaned up the world. How could he use the power of faith to restore his strength? Besides, we also have a base card... "


Just then, a loud roar came from afar again, even making the ground shake violently.

And the loud roar also made the original upright angry eyes slightly puff, even the voice became a little empty: "so anyway, our winning face is not small..."


Hearing the words of anger and desire, Chu Xun was suddenly silent.

To be honest, he didn't want to be the enemy of the super demon civilization like heaven, but now it seems that he has no way back

After a moment of silence, Chu asked again, "what's your plan?"

"What else can I do? Just try to strengthen myself and wait for that guy to come to me!"

Hearing Chu's words, he angrily left his mouth and said: "what we need most now is time. The longer the time is delayed, the more strength we will recover. If it is delayed for ten years and eight years, well, it should not be possible, but anyway, the speed that the guy becomes stronger is certainly not faster than us!"

At this point, the anger slightly paused, as if thinking about something, and then continued after a few seconds: "but that guy probably also wants to get this, so once he recovers to a certain extent, he will try his best to deal with us."


Hearing the angry words, Chu frowned: "don't forget that behind each other is the whole heaven. Procrastination, you are not afraid to procrastinate, and the result is the arrival of the army of heaven? "

"I'll answer that."

Hearing Chu Xun's words, the desire that is best at grasping people's hearts suddenly said: "although angels are controlled by God and abide by rules, the old man of God did not deprive angels of selfishness in nature in order to improve their competitiveness and combat effectiveness. And in heaven, there are several bounties for us, which are too big for you to imagine. So unless the angel is not sure at all, he will never inform heaven, but will choose to kill us by himself! "

Here, there is also a flash of light in the eyes of desire, and then continue to say: "from the perspective of the cultivation that the angel can close the earth's space, his cultivation and victory must be more than ours. In this case, I can guarantee that he will not inform heaven, but will choose to take the credit alone! "

"I hope you're not mistaken!"

After listening to the words of desire, Chu Xun finally made a decision, then took a deep breath and said: "I can't make a decision on behalf of the whole human domain about the angel. I need to go back and discuss with my father-in-law and the speaker. We will inform you as soon as we have the result. "

Speaking of this, Chu Xun's expression also became extremely serious, and then he asked in a voice: "but I want to know, how much do you win now?"

"If we are the only one, only about 30% will win!"

Hearing Chu Xun's words, the angry expression became serious: "but if you add in, the odds will be at least 50%! And the longer you delay, the higher the odds will be! "

"Fifty percent?"

Hearing the angry words, Chu narrowed her eyes and said, "if it's 50%, it's worth fighting. I hope you didn't lie."

Speaking of this, Chu took a deep breath, and then said, "well, I have to go first to discuss this matter with my father-in-law and the speaker. Wait for our news."

Finish saying, Chu ten days then motioned Yang Ling to interrupt to talk.

"Did you say they would agree to join forces?" See the end of the call, corpse domain, anger slightly frowned, to the desire around him asked.

"They will!"

Desire smiled and said: "no matter Zhou Yulong, Chu Xun or speaker, they are not the kind of people who will bet their own destiny on others. What's more, Zhou Yulong's former life is also a God. He must have heard about the style of angels and heaven. "

At this point, self-confidence appeared on the face of desire, saying: "so, I'm sure that they will definitely choose to cooperate with us!"

"I hope so. Otherwise, even with our strength, that little guy may not be the opponent of that angel!"

At the words of desire, anger nodded slightly, but there was a complex look in his eyes.

One thing, he and desire did not tell Chu ten, that is, if the enemy is only the angel, then their victory is indeed 30%, plus Chu ten and other people's words are indeed 50%!

But the problem is that the other person is not just an angel. Behind this angel, there is the whole southwest alliance, as well as the newly established Holy See and Christianity!

Once the angel has absorbed enough power of belief and even used the art of blood sacrifice, their victory will be reduced. Even if they join hands with Chu ten and others, they may not reach 40%!

But they have no way out.

And Chu ten they also have no way back!

In this case, why should he tell the cruel reality to Chu ten and other people and blow their morale?

Whether it's 30% or 40%, who can say that they will lose as long as they fight hard?

When I think of it, my angry eyes become very firm and fierce.

It's just an angel. In those years, how few angels died in his hands?

Since you want our life, you can bet your own!