Infinite Evolution

Chapter 875

"What the hell is this!"

Looking at the poker soldier who has changed from fifty-four playing cards to a stiff looking one with patterns such as hearts 5 and spades 10 on his body. He is thin but tall, and holds a sharp spear or sharp sword and huge shield. The pupil in sabendun's eyes shrinks for a moment.

Especially when he saw the two monsters standing beside Alice with clown's looks on their faces, but they were ferocious and terrifying, making people feel creepy, his heart sank suddenly.

What are these poker soldiers?

This terrible doll, what are the means in the end!

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha, playing cards, playing card soldiers!"

Alice can't help thinking so much. She is like a madman who hasn't played for a long time. She cried excitedly.

"Poker, poker, poker..."

At Alice's command, the poker soldiers all made a dull cry, and then stepped forward to the desert fake body which was agglomerated by the sand.

The speed of these poker is not so fast, the thin body is not so strong momentum, but the uniform voice, pace, and the dull expression make life a strange sense of creepiness.


But Sha bumie has no way back now. Looking at the approaching poker army, the flame in his pupil shrinks, and then he shouts out: "kill purgatory!"

Poop poop poop!

With the sound of the immortal sand falling, countless spears and blades made of yellow sand came out of the sand and stabbed the poker army. At the same time, the rain from the sky also condensed into the net of yellow sand or the arrow of yellow sand and went to those poker soldiers.

All of a sudden, with the sound of a dull sound, then the thin poker soldiers have been pierced by sand spear, sand blade or sand arrow. But it's strange that even though these poker soldiers are pierced, they can still stride forward as long as they are not completely torn.

When torn up, the poker soldiers turn into a broken playing card. But the next second, those broken cards will be reorganized into poker soldiers again and move on.

However, fortunately, these poker soldiers seem to have a terrible regenerative ability. Their strength and defense are not so strong. Even after being trapped by the yellow sand net, they can't break the net immediately. At the same time, the sand under their feet has also been transformed into quicksand under the influence of the sand, and they are gradually devoured!


Seeing that the poker soldier was so vulnerable, Sha bumie was stunned.

How can the playing card soldiers summoned by the dolls, who used more and more horrible means, be as vulnerable as children's games?

Is this doll poor?

Thinking of this, Sha bumie's eyes suddenly brightened.

Yes, no matter how powerful the doll is, it's just a guy without the kingdom of God. It can't have endless power to use. These poker soldiers may be just the means he used to bluff!

As long as these poker soldiers can't deal with their desert fake bodies, they can kill these terrible enemies bit by bit by virtue of the world power of the yellow sand world and their ethnic talent!

This time, however, the sand is immortal and wrong.

"Ah ah ah ah, Alice's Poker soldier, I can't beat it!"

Just as the poker soldiers were trapped by the sand net and gradually swallowed up, Alice's body suddenly turned violently and gave out a scream of panic.

And just when Sha bumie thought that Alice was really panicked, Alice stopped spinning again, and then she burst into a sharp smile: "ah ha ha ha ha ha, but Alice still has a base card, Trinity and Trinity!"


With Alice's voice falling, a poker soldier with red heart three and spade three on his body, holding a long gun, also sprang up at the same time, full of thick black awns, and one after another, stabbing at the sand net that trapped them.


In a flash, the black awns of the two poker soldiers melted into a bright gun shadow, directly breaking the sand net in a loud roar. Then the poker soldiers got out of the trap and walked forward again.


Seeing this scene, Sha bumie was shocked at once, and a sense of foreboding emerged.

These poker soldiers seem to have some kind of strange and terrible combination of attack. Just like the two poker soldiers joined forces, the released strength has increased at least three times!

But now is not the time to be surprised. At the next moment, those yellow sand fake bodies who are immortal will all join in fighting with those poker soldiers.

Under the blessing of the power of the world, the combat power of these yellow sand fake bodies has become extremely strong, even in the case of one-on-one, it is far from the ability of these poker soldiers to compete. What's more, the number of these yellow sand fake bodies is very large, so soon those poker soldiers were killed and defeated.

Even if Alice orders those poker soldiers to go out in pairs and use the technique of joint attack again, it's not the opponent who can't kill these yellow sand fake bodies!

If it wasn't for those poker soldiers who can't kill in any way, even if they are completely smashed, they would be rebuilt immediately, even if the sand doesn't kill, they would have been wiped out.

"Ah ah ah, it seems that the pair is useless!"

Looking at the defeated poker soldiers, Alice suddenly screamed, and then laughed sharply again: "it doesn't matter, I have, ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, three three three four, bring five and six, the plane is coming!"


Hearing that Alice's words, Sha bumie was shocked.

Before only two poker soldiers broke out three times the strength, now eight soldiers


Sure enough, at the next moment, three soldiers with three marks on their bodies, three soldiers with four marks on their bodies, and two soldiers with five marks and six marks on their bodies also sprang up at the same time, wielding their sharp blades, and attacked in a sound of "Poker".

In an instant, a bright black light surged out, like a strong wind sweeping leaves, which directly destroyed two yellow sand bodies that had not been able to dodge, and turned them into sand grains.

"Ah ha ha ha, so happy, so happy!"

But it was only the beginning, and the next moment Alice screamed again, "four sevens, blast!"

"Poker, poker!"

Later, I saw four poker soldiers with "7" characters on their bodies, who also jumped up at the same time, and then melted into a black light, and rushed into those yellow sand bodies that could not be destroyed by the sand at an extremely fast speed, and then exploded!


In a flash, a black light exploded, at least a dozen desert fake bodies could not be completely destroyed because of dodge.

See this scene, the heart of the sand is cool!

What kind of monster is this? How terrible it is!

But soon, he found another thing, that is, the four poker soldiers with the "7" character mark, after turning into black light and exploding, never appeared again. Does this mean that just that move is a one-off move?

If so, he may have a chance to win.

But why, this doll can obviously consume his yellow sand soldiers little by little in the way of eight people joining hands before, but now it just wants to fight in this way of dying together?

Is there anything else in it?

"Four threes, four fours, four fives, whatever, let's go with me!"

What Sha bumie didn't know was that there was no other secret. The only reason was that Alice was tired of playing. So next moment, Alice screamed regardless.

Suddenly, in addition to the two cards of big ghost and little ghost, all the poker soldiers also gathered together, turning into a black light and exploding in those yellow sand fake bodies, setting off a shocking yellow sand and a violent shock wave. And when the yellow sand and shock wave disappear, all the fake bodies of the yellow sand on that scene have been completely annihilated!

"Damn it, I want to see how many poker soldiers you have!"

However, the disgusting place of the descendants of the yellow sand is endless at this moment. At the next moment, the desert begins to condense the yellow sand bodies that are immortal. At the same time, the cold voice of the immortal sand rings again.

"Ah, there is no more. In order to break through the gate of heaven, Alice's strength is only a part of it. These poker soldiers will not be able to use up. It will take a long time to reply."

However, when she heard the cold words from Sha bumie, Alice explained them solemnly, and then she burst out a sharp laugh: "but it doesn't matter, Alice has big ghosts and little ones. Ah ha ha ha, Wang Fan! "


Different from other poker soldiers, the two big ghosts and little ghosts did not make a dull poker call, but together made a loud roar, then sprang up, turned into two black lights, and finally turned into a ferocious monster as high as 20 meters, with a strong black fog, holding two giant machetes.

The next moment, the monster also jumped into the sand immortal yellow sand fake body, and then hacked wildly.

The monster has great power and strong defense. Even if the sand doesn't destroy the yellow sand's fake body, it can only pierce it, but can't tear it up. And the wound that runs through this area can't affect the giant monster's action at all, or it won't be long before it recovers.

But this monster's attack can directly split the yellow sand fake body after chopping. The attack power is terrible, which can be seen from this!

At the same time, Alice began to wave her hands quickly, shouting: "bear toys, deep fried!"

With Alice's voice falling, he suddenly flew out of his hands a lot of cute little bear toys that were only the size of a slap. These little bear toys are like living things. When they land on the ground, they run at a very fast speed and run towards those desert fake bodies that are immortal.


Seeing these little bear toys, Sha bumie was shocked again.

He didn't forget what blew up the gate of heaven.

It's the bear toy!

Thinking of this, Sha bumie immediately started to gather the yellow sand barrier or launch an attack, trying to block the progress of these cubs. But what shocked him was that the cub not only ran very fast, but also moved in space in a short distance, so it couldn't be stopped at all!