Infinite Evolution

Chapter 872

In the vast world, almost all the higher races can use the power of blood to pass on knowledge and memory to their offspring. So although Sha bumie did not experience the age when he fell into the "rebellion" of angels, he still understood how terrible it was for these great people who once caused a bloodbath in the world and even severely damaged the power of heaven!

It's no exaggeration to say that even his father dare not have any carelessness when facing these people.

As for the little guy like him, let alone, maybe the other side can crush him completely just by moving his fingers



Sand is worthy of being a strong man who stands out from many battles and tests. Its reaction and mind are far beyond ordinary people. It was not long before the anger gathered out of the gate of heaven that the sand could not extinguish, and the fear in his heart became doubt.

Normally speaking, with the nine abilities of falling angels, even if you sneeze and move your fingers, you may be able to kill yourself.

So why do they spend so much time now, even condensing the killing angel, the heaven gate that once awed the whole world?

Unless, their current strength is not as strong as he thought!

It must be!

At the beginning, they were destroyed by God himself. Even if they didn't really die, their strength must be few now!

He still has a chance!

Thinking of this, the pupil fire in Sha bumie's eyes also suddenly flourished, and his whole person also jumped up again, waving his long axe, and rushed towards the anger that had just condensed out of the gate of heaven!

In any case, the killing angel must not be allowed to open the legendary gate of heaven!

"Everyone, it's time!"

Looking at the long axe waving, with endless sandstorm, like a salon rolled up, the sand swept by is not extinguished. The angry eyes slightly coagulated, and shouted: "my brothers, I, killing angels, need your strength!"

"I, the enchanting angel, will lend my strength to my brother!" Hearing the angry words, the jealousy that was attacking those salons suddenly sprang up and Jiao drank.

In a flash, a light green light came out of her body and became the shadow of the tree of good and evil, which was integrated into the gate of heaven!

"I, angel of desire, will lend my strength to my brother!" Almost at the same time, the desire also drinks, suddenly seven golden energy light balls emerge around him, and they also blend into the gate of heaven at a very fast speed!

"I, the twisted angel, am willing to lend my strength to my brother!"

"I, the angel of light, will lend my strength to my brother!"

"I, rebel angel, would lend my strength to my brother!"

"I, the pervading angel, am willing to lend my strength to my brother!"

"I, without angels, would lend my strength to my brother!"

At the next moment, the emperor, greed, laziness, pride and gluttony are all shouting. Then, they saw a bright energy shining out of their body, and at a very fast speed, into the gate of heaven!

After being infused with the strength of guhuang and others, the gate of heaven, which was a little dim and not too solid, suddenly turned black and became very solid. What's more, the white light in the crack of the door is becoming more and more bright and dazzling, as if to shine the world completely white!

"Thousands of miles of yellow sand, the axe of destruction!"

Seeing this scene, the sand that has been approaching to the front of anger will not be extinguished, and the heart will also be tightened. Then he will shout loudly, wave the long axe and cut in the direction of anger!

In an instant, the sand grains of the whole yellow sand world seem to be affected by the power of this axe. Countless yellow sand rises from the sky around, and then condenses into a huge, even indescribable, huge axe with a length of several kilometers and a thickness of incomparable, just like a giant mountain.

At the next moment, the axe cut through the air, with fierce wind pressure and roar, and cut in the direction of the angry people!

At the same time, the ground under the feet of angry people began to crumble and collapse, and the core energy emitting cold and frightful low temperature also broke out, toward the cover of angry people!

This is the most powerful axe now!

In any case, he could not let anger open the terrible gate of heaven!

"Come out, my most trusted hand, the king of iniquity, Lipika!"

However, looking at the yellow sand axe with the momentum of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, as well as the core energy flowing from all directions and feet, the angry face still remained indifferent or even cold.

Then, with a sharp wave of his hands, he shouted!


Click, click, click!

With the sound of angry and shrill drink, the gate of heaven in the middle of the sky suddenly shook violently, and made a strong energy buzz. At the same time, the door of emptiness finally opened. A dazzling way, enough to light up the whole world of white light, from the gradually opened door of the kingdom of heaven surging out!

Boom boom!

At the next moment, in the opening of the gate of heaven and the endless brilliance, the huge axe with the potential of destroying the sky and destroying the earth chopped into the gate of heaven, and broke out with a loud roar.

At the same time, the shining light from the gate of heaven seems to have some terrible power, which suppresses all the core energy gushing from the underground, so that it can't hurt the anger and other people at all!


The roar was loud, and the axe that was cut at the gate of heaven seemed to be hit back by some kind of great force. It was suddenly shot, and then it broke up in the middle of the sky, turning into endless yellow sand scattered from the sky, like a pouring rain.

However, it's not so easy for the axe of sand immortal. When the axe was opened and shattered, the gate of heaven also flew thousands of meters. At the same time, countless cracks appeared on the black door frame, as if with a little more power, it would be completely broken!

But after all, it's still a little weak!

At the same time, the tiny crack of the door finally opened. Then, a tall man in a white robe, a quill pen in his right hand, a thick black book in his left hand, and the figure with four pairs of white wings gradually emerged from the strong light emitted by the crack of the door One step, as if we are going to walk out of this gate!

"Scribe, king of iniquity, Lipika!"

Looking at the four winged figure bathed in white light, the face of the distant sand immortal suddenly became extremely ugly.

According to his inheritance and memory, this man with a quill pen and a book is the most powerful and trusted hand of killing angels. There is a terrible existence with the titles of "copying" and "king of iniquity" - Lipika!

According to the legend, this man is not only the servant of the killing angel, but also his clerk. Those who kill angels will be copied on the book by him. Once they get on the black book, even the God who is as strong as the world will die!

Of course, most of them were killed by this "king of iniquity" Lika. Only a few super powerful people will be killed by angels themselves!

It can be said that almost half of the fame of killing angels is due to the king of iniquity!

But with the "falling" of the killing angel, the king of iniquity, Lipika, disappeared. Everyone thought he was dead, but unexpectedly, this guy didn't die, but he escaped a disaster in the gate of heaven!

In this case, the situation is terrible!


However, as the king of iniquity was about to walk out of the gate of heaven, a sharp, crazy, and immature laughter suddenly sounded from behind the gate of heaven. Then, I saw dozens of little bear dolls suddenly appear on the body of vaika in the "king of iniquity"!


The sudden appearance of the little bear doll and the sharp and crazy laughter made the anger and others who had been as if they were winning the game change color, even exclaimed in unison.

Especially the anger with cold face all the time, but now the face becomes the most exaggerated, even the corner of the eye twitches slightly, as if remembering something terrible!


At the next moment, the little bear dolls attached to the "king of iniquity" on Vica's body suddenly exploded like bombs, bursting into endless flames. And under the explosion of the little bear doll, the gate of heaven, which was originally full of cracks, finally couldn't bear it.

With the explosion of the heaven's gate, the "king of iniquity", who had already stepped out of the heaven's gate with half his foot, shivered all over his body, turning into a little bit of glory and disappearing. But at the same time, a small black figure, but from the broken sky door down, and while falling, but also issued that crazy and sharp laughter.

"Ah, ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Lord Alice, I'm finally out. Hahahaha!"