Infinite Evolution

Chapter 871

The power of the God level strong is really terrible, especially in the God level strong who has entered the kingdom of God, it can only be described by the word "terror"!

Only with a single blow, the sand will destroy the flower sea on the other side, and even freeze the surging, weird and powerful three-way river!

What's more, because the angry people are now in the immortal kingdom of sand, and they have not yet united the kingdom of God, so all their strength will be suppressed by the power of the world. Especially the three-way river water from the Yin world has been greatly suppressed by the power of the world. Its power is not as good as before, and it can't break the ice of the core energy!

This is the huge gap between the God level strong and the non God level strong!

And the destruction and freezing of Huahai and santu River on the other side also means that anger and others have lost the two strongest cards in their hands. All of a sudden, those yellow sand arrow rain and sand monsters also rushed towards them crazily again!

But what's more terrible is that the sand can't be destroyed. At this moment, he has waved his long axe again and chopped heavily in the direction of anger. Later, it was made up of endless yellow sand, nearly a kilometer in length. Like a magnificent peak, the yellow sand axe rolled in the direction of anger with the action of the sand!

Seeing the power of the axe just now, anger will not fight hard, but he can only retreat again, trying to avoid the attack!

Bang bang bang!

However, at this time, three shots suddenly appeared, and then three beams of energy containing the power of death burst out, hitting the immortal body with extremely fast speed!

Greed, gun of death, fire!

Boom boom!

However, it is very difficult for the gun of death to pose any threat to the sand that has entered the kingdom of God and has the power of the world to protect itself.

With three loud noises, the death beam exploded after hitting the armor on the sand immortal body. Apart from leaving several dents on it, it did not cause any damage to the sand immortal.

"Seven commandments of desire - sleepiness!"

Seeing that the greedy attack was invalid, the desire on one side turned slightly, and then shouted loudly.

All of a sudden, seven golden light balls gathered around him, and then came together, turning into a huge golden light ball and pounding on the sand immortal body.

Then the golden ball suddenly expanded, like a bubble, completely wrapped the sand inside. And with the package of the golden light ball, Sha bumie's body is also slightly quivering, and the pupil fire in his eyes is also beginning to be clear and uncertain, as if it has become a little confused.

This move is the result of desire condensing a strong mental force, and has a strong effect of trapping enemies. But she trapped the soul of the enemy, not the body!


However, when the sand is trapped by the golden ball, it seems that the sand monsters from all directions are suddenly affected, and suddenly roar to the sky. As like as two peas, the body of a sand monster began to twist and deform rapidly, and finally became the same as the sand.

"The secret of soul? Yes, but it's useless to me! "

At the next moment, the sand formed by the sand monster made a sneer, and then he waved his right hand again, and then a long handle axe of yellow sand gathered in his hands.

In this yellow sand world, every sand and every sand monster is his separate body. Even if desire trapped him, his soul scattered among other sand monsters can immediately replace the previous main consciousness, and then gather the power of the world to become a new self!

This is also the most disgusting place for the tsarists!

If the desert is not destroyed, they will be almost immortal!


However, before the newly condensed sand could be destroyed, a figure suddenly appeared behind him, then opened his "big mouth" and swallowed the sand!

Yes, just swallow it!

The man who appears behind the sand immortal is just gluttony. At this moment, his mouth has expanded to an incredible extent. He even swallowed the sand immortal directly. Later, his belly began to wriggle and twist quickly, as if something was struggling in it!


However, it's not so good to get into the gluttonous stomach. No matter how the sand struggles, the gluttonous is not moved, and even burps.

At the next moment, a sand monster not far away is deformed again and turned into the shape of immortal sand.

But at this moment, the sand is obviously completely enraged. As soon as the cohesion is completed, it can't help shouting: "I want you to die ugly. Kill me at the earth eating Salon!"

You need to know that although he can constantly gather his body, almost immortal, he still feels clearly the pain and nausea that his body was engulfed by overeating before, and then gradually dissolved. So at the moment, he just felt humiliated and wanted to tear up these damn guys right away!


With the sound of sand falling, the yellow sand around is surging again. Then, the sand at the foot of the gluttony suddenly broke open, a shape like a dragon, but more ferocious. The monster composed of yellow sand also directly broke through the sand and came out, opened its mouth, and was about to swallow the gluttony into its stomach!


However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appears in the monster's big mouth, and then with a wave of his right hand, a huge bone spear condenses and directly gets stuck in the monster's mouth, making the monster's big mouth unable to close.

Later, the man also caught the gluttony, then the figure disappeared with the gluttony, and finally appeared not far away.

The rescuer is the bone emperor!

But at the moment, guhuang has put away the cartoon, and at the same time, his expression has become serious, even with a light sadness and loneliness in his eyes.

He threw the gluttony aside, and then forgot that the sand would not be destroyed in the distance. Then he said lightly, "the desert will not be destroyed, the Tsar will not die. We are now in his kingdom. Unless we destroy this kingdom, he will not die!"

Speaking of this, guhuang also turned his eyes to the distance and successfully avoided the anger of Sha bumie's just axe. He said in a deep voice: "don't waste time, and then drag it down. We will die before he breaks down. Cyra, use that move!"

"Abraham, it's you..."

Looking at the expression and words are different from before, the eyes extend to hide the sad and lonely bone emperor, the angry face slightly changes, then sighed, and said: "I know, before I see her again, you will not be willing to disappear..."

"Don't worry, I'll stay just to see her. It won't affect him in any way."

When he heard the angry words, the bone emperor, or rather the twisted angel, shook his head gently and said, "now, he is the twisted angel, and I, only Abraham!"

At this point, guhuang seems to be reluctant to say more. He sipped his lips, then looked at the sand in the distance that was obviously frightened by their conversation, and then said: "and now is not the time to talk about this, Sheila, oh no, you should be angry, ready to gather everyone's strength and open the door of heaven!"

"Well, everybody, lend me your strength!"

Hearing the words of emperor Gu, his angry face changed again, then he bit his teeth and shouted: "the gate of heaven - now!"

With the angry voice falling, six groups of light wings twinkling with black and white light suddenly appeared behind him. At the same time, his pupils became extremely dark, and at the deepest place, there was the pupil light like a butterfly.

At the next moment, a killing butterfly begins to appear out of the sky, flying around in anger, and gradually converging into a huge black light door full of various patterns and patterns. In the light gate, there is a faint gap, in which there is a bright white light, dazzling and dazzling!

"Kill Pluto, the gate of heaven, you are the killing angel Cyra!"

"And you are Aberdeen the twisted angel!"

"You are the legendary fallen Archangel!"

At the same time, the sand also finally responded, and couldn't help sending out an incredible scream.

He has inherited the memory and knowledge of the Czar, so he is also clear about the power and horror of the fallen nine angels.

And before the angry and bone emperor's conversation, coupled with the killing of hell butterfly and the gate of heaven, finally let him confirm the identity of angry people!

So, in shock at the same time, he was also very scared!

Why, the nine fallen angels, whose spirits have been destroyed in the legend, appear here!