Infinite Evolution

Chapter 873

"How did she come out?"

"Shit, it's this little lunatic!"

"Damn it!"

"What is this?"


Looking at the little black figure falling from the sky, all the people in the room were stunned, especially the sand that was originally full of fear and was ready to flee was not destroyed, but even more surprised.

Because the thing that fell out of the door of the broken heaven did not appear in his memory and knowledge from the Tsar!

What's more, it's a doll!

Yes, the shadow from the sky is just a doll, and a rag doll full of patches!

The doll looks only 30 centimeters tall, with long, tangled blonde hair. In terms of appearance, the doll should be a "female" because she at least wears a skirt, but the skirt is also full of patches.

At a glance, the doll looks very rough, even as if it has been mended many times. There are several very rough stitching marks on her face. Even the left eye is no longer an eye, but a large old-fashioned button instead.

It looks like a child of a poor family who accidentally picked up a doll without left eye and then sewed a button instead.

In addition, the lower part of the doll's body is more bizarre, because her lower body is not a leg, but a conical sharp base similar to a top. Different from the doll's ragged clothes and appearance, the base looks very smooth and sharp, as if it is made of some rather hard metal.

In a word, such a strange appearance, combined with the baby's sharp and crazy laughter, immediately raised a sense of creepiness.

"Ah ha ha ha ha, my favorite host, is it surprising to see Alice, very happy, very like it?"

In the process of falling down, it seems that the doll also found the anger below. All the left right eyes suddenly showed a strong color of excitement, and gave out a crazy laugh again. Then the body accelerated strangely and shot towards the anger on the ground!


The falling speed of the doll is so fast that even the anger can't be dodged, so it was directly attacked by the doll, and then it was severely hit on the ground in a loud roar, setting off a lot of dust.

"Ah ha ha ha, master, how do you feel weaker, ah ah, there is a hole in your body!"

At the next moment, in the flying dust, the baby's screams and shrieks came out again. Then, the anger and the figure of the baby appeared in the eyes of all the people again.

But at the moment, the angry chest has been pierced by the sharp cone-shaped lower body of the doll, and the doll grabs the angry body, shakes and screams: "ah ah, what a big hole, what a terrible, what a terrible, master, do you ache or not ache?"

"Enough, Alice!"

I felt the sharp pain coming from my chest. I took a little smoke from the corner of my angry eyes, and then I gnashed my teeth and said, "come down, and how are you coming out?"

The impact of the doll did not cause too much damage to his body, but caused tons of damage to his mind.

Lipika is such a fool. Is he a pig? How can he let out this little madman!

"Ah ha ha ha ha, of course it's a boom. It's blown up!"

Hearing the angry words, the doll again gave an exaggerated laugh, then danced his hands with white gloves, and cried proudly and excitedly, "the big fool of Lipika, he must have never thought that Alice would blow him up with a bear bomb in the back, hahahaha!"


At the words of the doll, the faces of the angry people suddenly became more ugly.

Sure enough, it was this little madman who attacked Lipika and even blew up the gate of heaven, just to escape and play!

What's more, although the gate of heaven can be reorganized, it can't be done in a short time.

That is to say, they can only rely on this little lunatic next!

"Eh, you don't seem happy?"

Seeing the expression of the angry people suddenly sink down, the doll seems to have found out something wrong, and then stops laughing, tilts her head, and says: "what did Alice do wrong?"


But when he heard the doll's words, he bit his teeth in anger and shook his head.

He knew that once he said something serious, or said that this guy did something wrong, then this little lunatic would

"No, you must be angry. You look terrible!"

However, before he could finish speaking angrily, the doll shook his head violently, then whirled wildly on the ground like a top, and cried out in a shrill and panic voice, "Alice made a mistake, Alice is not a good child, Alice is a bad child!"

However, after a few turns, the doll suddenly stopped, and the expression on her face changed strangely. Then she gave a sharp smile again: "but it doesn't matter. Alice can sing. Alice sings to you, and you'll be happy! "

Sure enough!


Hearing the words of the doll, the faces of the seven sinners and others turned pale and screamed at the same time. But before they could scream it out, the whole world became quiet, as if all the voices had been deprived!

No, there's another voice!

That's Alice's song!

It's so hard to hear, it can't even describe the level of the song with words!

"Cheerleading, lovely Alice, ah ah, clever Alice, she has beautiful big eyes, long hands, and beautiful little sharp feet..."

"As long as you like Alice, Alice will play games with you. If you hate Alice, Alice will sing for you!"

"Cheerleading, if you don't like Alice's songs, then Alice will turn you into sugar!"

"If you like Alice's songs, Alice will play with you forever!"


For almost a moment, a shrill, non rhythmic, yet disturbing song came to the ears of all the people present. It's strange that seven sins and others have no expression when they hear this kind of hard to hear extreme song, as if they totally ignore the ugly degree of the song.

"What bullshit song, die for me!"

But seven sins can bear this kind of noise torture, but it does not mean that sand can not be destroyed.

He didn't feel the powerful breath from Alice, or even the spirit of the Kingdom, which means that the doll can't be a god level power no matter how weird it is!

In addition, there was no doll in his father's memory, and then he thought of the ugly expression of angry people. He immediately made a judgment. This strange doll must be just a disgusting little guy. In terms of strength, it is absolutely impossible to compare with the power of the king of iniquity, or even to be his own opponent!

Otherwise, why are their expressions so ugly!

So, under the stimulation of this ugly song, the sand that has made a judgment can't extinguish and roar, waving his axe again, and rushing towards the place where the angry people are.

He has had enough of these people's mystification!

What about the nine fallen angels in the legend? Now it's just a waste that hasn't agglomerated the kingdom of God. If you can kill them, you can even exchange a huge reward with heaven!

At that time, my elder brothers will be trampled under my feet. And I will become the most trusted and valued descendant of my father!

But it turns out that the dream of immortality is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Because he guessed a little wrong!

The expression of angry people is so ugly, and there is no such doll in Tsar's memory. That's because even the anger in the peak period dare not let the little madman out, so as to avoid irreparable consequences!

And those who have seen this little madman often have only two endings. Neither of these two endings can let these people disclose the secret of the existence of the little madman.

So, looking at Sha bumie and roaring, when rushing towards the doll, a look of sarcasm and pity appeared on the faces of the angry people.

This guy is dead!