Infinite Evolution

Chapter 870

It has to be said that Sha bumie is indeed a decisive man.

Although he didn't feel the majesty of the kingdom of God from the angry people, he did not hesitate to use the kingdom of God which he didn't want to use easily after discovering the strangeness and horror of the other side flower and the three way river.

Because he knew that in the face of these unknown enemies, the wisest way he could do was to give up the original idea of saving power, and instead go all out to kill them with his strongest strength, without giving them any chance to breathe.

Otherwise, God knows what kind of cards these people will open and what kind of abilities they will show!

At this moment, under the influence of the power of the world, anger and others have been brought to the immortal kingdom of sand - "yellow sand world".

"The kingdom of God of the descendants of Huangsha is as boring as ever..." Looking at the endless yellow sand world and the dusky yellow sky, the emperor finally put down the cartoon in his hand, and then a complex emotion appeared in his eyes, I don't know what he remembered.

However, at the next moment, the emotion in guhuang's eyes disappeared again, and he also picked up the cartoon in his hand and looked at it with interest again, as if the grim situation had nothing to do with him.

At the same time, in the heavy rain, the sand also stopped its own pace, and then stared at the anger, as well as the seven sins around the anger, and said: "welcome to my yellow sand world, and here will be your last burial place!"


With the sound of the immortal sand falling, a group of monsters composed of yellow sand began to emerge from the endless sand sea, and then came to this side.

At the same time, the sand falling from the sky seems to have been affected by some kind of force, and began to gather into a yellow sand sharp arrow in the middle of the sky, aiming at the angry people and so on!

And this is just the beginning. While calling out countless sand monsters and condensing the sand rain into arrow rain, the sand also suddenly stretched out its right hand and held it tightly. In a flash, countless yellow sands began to condense into his palm, and finally turned into a heavy and sharp axe!

This guy, obviously, is ready to do it by himself, all out!

"I guess it's true. You're hurt, and it's not light!"

However, in the face of such a dangerous situation, his angry eyes suddenly narrowed, and then he smiled: "the Czar is the best at the consumption tactics, and now you actually choose this kind of hard hit and hard to kill. Obviously, your injury is not light, and it is estimated that it will not be too long, so you decide to fight fast!"

Speaking of this, the angry suddenly sniffed hard, and then his eyes were slightly cold: "and I seem to smell a familiar and disgusting smell of blood here. I think the person who hurt you should be the enemy of your czar family, those stinky mosquitoes!"

"This guy Who is it... "

Hear angry words, sand does not extinguish that is like the pupil of demon fire general slightly shakes.

He didn't expect that this guy could judge his situation on the basis of this clue!

This depends on not only keen observation, but also amazing experience!

And why is the cultivation so inferior for a person who has such experience and can mobilize the power of the other side flower and the three way river?

For a time, the doubts of the sand are more intense.

"Not much time, but enough for me to kill you!"

But we also know that this is not the time to think about these problems. So the next moment, he will be in the heart of shock and doubt all pressure down, and then a cold drink, and rushed to anger!

Sand, sand!

And almost at the same time that the sand doesn't go out, the arrow rain, which is suspended in the sky and condensed by the sand rain, also accelerates abruptly, with a loud sound of breaking the air, it topples towards the angry people and so on. At the same time, those sand monsters from all directions also launched a charge in the middle of the sound of sand friction.

"Hum, the flowers are blooming and the waves are surging!"

Looking at the sand from the shooting, and the sand monsters and arrow rain from the following sand, the angry eyes became dignified, and then he shouted loudly.

In an instant, the change in the sea of flowers on the other side was suddenly complete, and God spread out his scarlet thin, slightly curved petals like arms. Then, the petals began to extend at a very fast speed, and burst out like a ribbon toward the sand and the sand monsters.

At the moment, it's not just the flowers on the other side of the river, but also the three rivers that rush to the sky again, and go towards the sand, the sand monsters, even the arrow rain in the sky like the torrential flood.

Boom boom boom!

The flower petals on the other side of the river, and the three-way river rising from the sky, obviously have extremely terrible power. With the sound of a loud roar, the arrow rain and the sand monsters covered by anger and others were almost whipped and crushed by these petals in the blink of an eye, or directly rushed away by this huge wave. They couldn't get close to anger and others at all!

However, these forces can stop the sand monsters, the arrow rain, but they can't stop the sand that has the full strength of the war!

"Destroy the sand Axe - break it for me!"

I saw that the huge waves and the petals of flowers on the other side were coming towards the sand, covering and twining, and the pupil fire like the ghost fire was suddenly rising. Then I gave a loud drink, waved the long axe composed of yellow sand in my hand, and went forward to chop it!

The environment and attributes of the kingdom of God are often the most suitable for the Lord of the kingdom of God to fight, and this yellow sand world is no exception. The sand that controls the power of yellow sand by nature is immortal. In this world, it can break out unimaginable terrible fighting power.

With his axe, the yellow sands in all directions seemed to have been signed by some kind of force, converging in front of the sand at a very fast speed, and finally converged into a huge yellow sand axe, which magnified hundreds of times, and cut heavily on those petals and three rivers!


In front of the axe that gathers the power of the world and its own strength, the huge waves and the petals of the flowers on the other side suddenly seem to be vulnerable, and they are directly broken by the axe. And after breaking the three-way River and the other bank petals, the huge yellow sand axe still went on beheading towards the angry people!

Obviously, the divine power is not so good to resist!


Feeling the terrible power contained in the axe, the angry face slightly changed, and then after a sharp drink, he withdrew without hesitation.

He hasn't been impulsive enough to fight hard with this sand!

The others of the seven crimes did not slow down either, and almost at the same time, they also withdrew. At the same time, the axe, which is formed by the endless yellow sand and gathers the immortal sand and the world power of the yellow sand, finally fell heavily, beheaded in the place before the angry people.


This axe can be called the axe that destroys the sky and the earth. With the huge axe that is hundreds of meters long, the ground covered by the other side flower and the three-way river water is also directly cut off by this axe. Countless other side flowers are broken into pieces. The circular river formed by the three-way river water is cut off, almost cut off!

And this is just the beginning. While this axe is cutting the earth, a blue and blazing energy brilliance is suddenly gushing out of the cracks cut by the axe, and it spreads around at a very fast speed.

The blue light obviously has a terrible low temperature. Almost everything is frozen in the blink of an eye. Even the flower on the other side and the river of santu River are doomed, gradually frozen, and finally completely frozen in the ice.

Even the spirits in the three rivers seem to be affected by the blue light at the moment. They are frozen together with the three rivers and keep the appearance of pain and fear!

"Damn it!"

Seeing this scene, I was retreating rapidly, and I could not help but scold the anger that I avoided the blue light.

He forgot that in addition to being good at controlling the power of the yellow sand, the Queens also have the ability to control and even refine the energy of the earth's core!

The core energy that they inspire with all their strength can not only freeze the body, but also freeze the soul after being strengthened by their blood power. Its power can be called terror!