Infinite Evolution

Chapter 869

"Three rivers..."

Looking at the bloody river that suddenly appeared in the sand sea, the sand's immortal heart suddenly shuddered.

If the appearance of the other shore flower made him a little flustered, then the appearance of the three way river made him afraid.

Santu river is the largest river across the two Yin realms. It emits endless Yin Qi and has endless power. Even the blocking power between the two Yin realms cannot hinder the flow of the three river.

According to the legend, the three way River, which contains endless Yin Qi, is the source of the two Yin realms. No matter the Fengdu emperor of Yin Cao prefecture or the Pluto king of the Dead God, they have tried to control the three way River and take the powerful power of the three way river for their own use.

But in the end, the actions of the two great emperors of the Yin world ended in failure. After so many years, the three rivers still flow quietly in the two Yin realms, as if they are not moved by any force.

But at this moment, this man even summoned the three rivers from the Yin world to the Yang world!

How on earth did he do it!


At the time when the sand is not destroyed and shocked by the emergence of the three-way River, the three-way river flowing out of the flower sea on the other side is becoming more and more turbulent and turbulent. At last, it even turns into a circular River in the violent sound of the current, and all the angry people are surrounded.

At the next moment, the three rivers surrounding the angry people also rose to the sky, turned into a strong blood curtain wall, and faced the sand waves that poured out unstoppable!

And in the bloody curtain wall, one by one, the grudges with ferocious and painful faces also emerge. They scream at the same time, and at the same time, they are blooming with faint white light, and they are ready to meet the attack of sand waves.

Later, the surging sand wave and the bloody curtain wall full of resentment finally hit each other severely.

Boom boom boom!

Covering the sky and blocking the sun, the terrifying sand waves with great momentum, after bombarding the river water on the three roads that rose up in the sky, immediately sent out a series of violent roars like waves crashing on the bank, and even the whole heaven and earth seemed to tremble because of the violent collision.

But at the same time, a very strange scene happened.

But I saw that the seemingly unstoppable terror sand wave, after beating on the blood water curtain wall composed of the three rivers, was blocked by the faint white light blooming from the body of the spirit of complaint. Then, these sand waves began to collapse and pour under the violent impact, and finally continuously integrated into the three rivers.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that the surging sand waves are blocked by the curtain wall composed of the three rivers, I hide in the distance to watch the battle, and my heart sinks again.

Obviously, the magic of the three rivers is far beyond his imagination. Even the overwhelming and unstoppable sand waves appear so fragile before the seemingly not too solid blood curtain wall. Even without any sign of breaking through the blood curtain wall, they are easily blocked!

However, he also saw clearly that the reason why the three rivers could block his endless sand waves was not because of the strength of the people who condensed the three rivers, but because the three rivers themselves contained endless Yin Qi and powerful spirits.

Just now, the sand wave was not so much blocked by the mysterious man as by the ghost in the river!

Think of here, sand can not help but also issued a angry drink: "wait for me to fill your three way River, then see what else you can do!"

When the voice fell, the yellow sand in the whole desert seemed to be mobilized by some powerful force, and began to flow towards the bloody curtain wall and the three rivers under the bloody curtain wall.

Obviously, we hope to use the endless yellow sand in the millions of square kilometers of desert to fill up these three rivers!

"Want to fill the river with sand? Ha ha, you have miscalculated! "

However, seeing this scene, anger did not show any anxiety or panic, but there was a sneer on the corner of the mouth.

Later, a more strange scene appeared in front of the crowd. It seems that the three-way river is not too wide, but at the moment it seems that it has become deep and bottomless. No matter how much yellow sand is pouring in from all sides, the three-way River still maintains the rapid flow speed and the color of blood red, let alone being filled, there is no sign of being affected at all!

"What a naive child!"

At the same time, the laziness standing beside the anger also slightly raised the corner of his mouth and smiled.

The three rivers summoned by anger are directly connected with the three rivers in the Yin kingdom. Want to rely on this area of yellow sand to fill the three way river? This is a joke!

The reason why Chu Xun was able to use the power of "destroying the earth" to break the three-way River in the Bodhi world last time was that the killing angel at that time deliberately kept the power. The three-way River summoned did not connect with the three-way river body of the Yin world, which belongs to the passive water, so it can be easily cut off!

But now the situation is totally different!

"How could this happen?"

At the same time, Sha bumie also found out how to fill the three rivers, and then his heart became more dignified.

Finally, he couldn't help asking again, "who are you?"

Before, he did not pay attention to the angry people, but after he saw their strength and the horror of anger, the flower on the other side and santu River, he finally attached importance to or even feared these mysterious enemies.

Although their breath is not too strong, but I don't know why, at the moment he felt a severe sense of crisis!

"Oh, I want to talk now?"

Hearing the angry cry of Sha bumie, he sneered angrily: "but it's too late. I don't want to talk about it now!"

At the beginning, the reason why anger was willing to have a good talk with Sha bumie was that he was even willing to cede part of the corpse territory to Sha bumie, so that he would not continue to ravage the corpse territory. That was because he knew that Sha bumie was a god level descendant of Tsar, and he was not willing to waste too much energy on him, so as not to affect their decisive battle with the angel.

But up to now, he has noticed from some clues that the sand is not as powerful as they think.

In addition, he was really enraged by Sha bumie's arrogant attitude, so at the moment, he didn't want to talk about it any more, just wanted to teach the little bug a good lesson!

What's more, empress Sha is an unstable factor after all. He offended today. If we don't cut him off, we will cause them a lot of trouble once he recovers!

"It's not good to provoke anyone, go and provoke him!"

At the same time, hearing the angry words, Gu Huang, who was absorbed in watching the cartoon, suddenly raised his head and murmured: "I don't know if this guy has the smallest heart..."

"What do you think I can do for you?"

Although he was careful, he also had his own pride as a descendant of the czar. Being ridiculed so much by a group of guys who didn't even gather in the kingdom of God, his anger suddenly burned completely, and then an angry roar also rang out throughout the desert: "today, you will pay for your arrogance!"


With the sound of sand falling, the yellow sand of the whole desert began to shake violently and float.

At the same time, in the nearby flying dust, a figure in armor slowly appeared, flashing a thick yellow light all over, and walked towards the angry people step by step with heavy steps.

The strange thing is that with the approaching of the figure in chongkai, the space around the angry people began to twist. At the same time, the sky, which was still blue at first, gradually became yellow in the twisted space, and even drizzled slightly.

No, it's not rain!

The next moment, anger and others suddenly found that this patter from the sky, not raindrops, but some small grains of sand!

Looking at the sky suddenly changed, and the constant rain, the angry eyes flashed a dignified color, and the voice cold spit out two words.

"Kingdom of God?!"