Infinite Evolution

Chapter 856

"What a miracle building!"

Looking at the huge building, which is as high as the sky pillar and can't be seen by the naked eye, Chu Xun couldn't help feeling.

The tower of Babel is divided into 333 storeys, with a total height of 3333 meters. Because after occupying and destroying many living planets, Atlantis, like the locusts in the universe, have regarded themselves as the God above, so they call Babel Tower the tower of heaven, which means to connect with the sky.

In addition, Babel Tower is a space vehicle for Atlantis to travel between stars, and a place for people to practice the rite of passage. So Babel Tower has another name of trial tower in Atlantis civilization.

In a word, this is the most important building in Atlantis civilization, and also the foundation of Atlantis civilization inheritance!

In the same way, the tower of Babel contains the power of terror and technology to destroy a planet. At the beginning, if Zhou Yulong and other people didn't react quickly and arrive at Babel Tower in time, they would be afraid that the earth's core energy would be consumed by Babel Tower and the earth would be destroyed.

And this ability to devour the earth's nuclear energy is only one of the many capabilities contained in the Babel Tower!

It can be imagined that if the tower of Babel can be controlled, then what benefits Chu ten will get from it!

"It's hard to imagine that this is a spaceship!"

And when Chu Xun felt and surprised again because of the grandeur of Babel Tower, a voice full of amazement also sounded from his side: "judging from some equipment and instruments inside Babel Tower on that day, the technology of Atlantis people is different from that of our earth in many places. They rely more on gene technology, so many of them are on the equipment A device similar to a gene Unlocker. In general, if you want to crack and control the instruments in Babel Tower, you only need to have Atlantis gene. "

Here, the voice paused a little, and then continued: "and I'm afraid that these gene unlockers are also locked or authorized. Only a few special Atlantis can unlock or unlock the authorization, so it's more difficult to control the spacecraft!"

Speaking of a young man who looks about twenty years old, he is holding a hand-held computer and scanner like instrument. The instrument is emitting light waves to scan and analyze Babel Tower.

But it's strange that if you look carefully, you will find that the instrument is actually integrated with the young man's arm, as if it is "grown" from the young man's body.

"Brother huasa, don't be modest. As long as it's a machine, no matter how hard it is to handle it, it can't stop you, can it? " Hearing the young man's words, Chu Xun waved and laughed without any concern.

Yes, the people around him are Yang Ling who has many nicknames such as "brother huasa" and "brother Octopus" and "human Doll". Chu thinks that although the strength is good, it's less than 1% of Yang Ling's in terms of machinery. The so-called technology industry has a special focus, so it's up to experts to solve the problem of Babel Tower.

"Warning you, don't call me a showerhead again!"

Hearing Chu ten's words, Yang Ling's corner of the eye immediately drew slightly.

At that time, brother huasa's nickname was almost the shadow of his life, so every time he heard someone call out this nickname, he felt that some part of his lower body was a little strange, and there was an impulse to water the flowers

"OK, octopus." Looking at Yang Ling's strange expression, Chu Xun laughed and said, "OK, stop inking. Let's get ready to enter the tower. By the way, you should be able to go in directly from the top. If you go from the bottom, you will be in great trouble. "

Babel Tower has a whole 333 floors. Chu Xun doesn't want to climb it one by one. And he also heard that doctors and Zhao Guobin and others said that each floor under the Babel Tower is a trial level. If you go from the bottom to the top, you need to break through the whole hundred levels to reach the top level.

"Before that, I had collected and investigated the information about Babel from the doctors."

However, hearing Chu Xun's words, Yang Ling shrugged his shoulders and said, "then I found that if I guessed right, Babel Tower should have a self-defense device. If it is a level-by-level from the bottom to the top, Babel Tower will default the intruder as the experimenter, and the overall defense mechanism will not be fully opened. But if you break in from the outside or use the power of space, all the defense mechanisms of Babel Tower may be activated and activated. Even if these defense mechanisms can't stop us, they will bring us a lot of trouble to crack Babel Tower next. "


Chu ten day tiny one Leng, cannot believe ground asks a way: "when saving my father-in-law at the beginning, we are not strong break, also did not see what happened?"

"Don't forget that Babel Tower was also frozen by eternal ice at the beginning. Even if there is a defense mechanism, it can't be activated." Yang Ling shook his head and said: "of course, this is just a corollary, but I think, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, let's go back to the way doctors used to be. I think, with our current strength, that checkpoint can't stop us at all. It's like a one-day tour of Babel Tower. "

"Yes, I also want to know what my father and they had gone through." At the same time, angel nodded, with a complex look in her eyes.

At the beginning of the battle of doom, countless powerful people of mankind fell into the tower of Babel. So now they go back to Babel Tower, which is also a kind of sacrifice to the sages.

"Well, let's go in." Yang Ling and angel both said so, and Chu Xun would not refuse. He nodded, then with Yang Ling and angel, broke into the first floor of Babel Tower.

Atlantis people are very high-end in the use of space technology, which has the most full performance on the tower of Babel. After entering the first floor of Babel Tower, Chu Xun and others found that the internal structure of Babel Tower was much more spacious than they looked outside, and even the word "boundless" could not be used to describe it.

And just a few seconds after they entered the first floor of Babel Tower, the sound of air rushing from the first floor began to ring. Then, a white fog began to emerge from the first layer, and from light to thick. Under the fog, a strange sense of spatial dislocation emerged from the hearts of Chu and other people, as if the distance between them was constantly lengthening.

"I didn't expect that Atlantis could use space technology to this extent? It's no wonder their father-in-law said that when more than a thousand of them came into Babel with a full 400000 army, they didn't feel any blockage. " Feeling the strange space power emerging around, Chu Xun's face also showed a trace of surprise.

According to Zhou Yulong and doctors, the space inside the Babel Tower is almost unimaginable, and even each floor can accommodate more than one million people. Because of this, the whole Atlantis people can live in the Babel Tower and travel in the interstellar space.

In terms of science and technology, Atlantis people are about to reach a physical level!

However, it is only on the physical level!

"Space, curing!"

The next moment, Chu ten eyes will flash a glimmer of condensation, and then the power of space burst out. In an instant, a brilliant blue light came out of him and swept around him.

In this blue light, the original continuous extension of the changing space has also been solidified, and the dense fog has been swept away. At the same time, a flashing light blue space door also appeared in front of Chu ten and others.

"This should be the short space door to the upper floor, right?"

Looking at the light blue space door, Chu smiled and said, "let's go. I want to see if there are any other surprises for us."

"Let's go!"

Hearing Chu ten's words, Yang Ling and angel nodded slightly, and then followed Chu ten to the blue gate.

But at this time, Yang Ling suddenly thought of something, then stopped and said, "Oh, by the way, according to the doctors, the test of the first floor should not only be the power of this space, but also..."

Shua Shua Shua!

However, before Yang Ling's voice fell, a dark door appeared on the wall around the first floor, with a number of at least 1000. And after the secret door opened, a monster with different shapes also shot out of it at an extremely fast speed, and rushed towards Yang Ling and others.

"Yeah, that's it, biohybrid!" Seeing these monsters, Yang Ling also laughed.