Infinite Evolution

Chapter 857

The biochemical hybrid beast is a very distorted product of Atlantis civilization.

In the Atlantis civilization, individual freedom is magnified infinitely, so almost every Atlantis is unrestrained. For them, as long as they can get the freedom and happiness of the soul, they will not be punished even if they do something very disgusting and barbaric, even if it distorts the morality.

What's more, because of the fear of restraint, there is no so-called marriage system in Atlantis. So they are also very confused in the aspect of "sex", not only between people, but also with their own biological weapon, Kalam beast. And because Atlantis are genetically strong, they can produce special offspring after crossing almost any race.

In this way, some biochemical hybrid animals were born. The Atlantis didn't care about these biochemical hybrides at all, so they put a large number of biochemical hybrides in the tower of Babel to sleep, and when necessary, they used them as cannon fodder for trial training, for those Atlantis who participated in the rite of adulthood to practice.

From this, we can see the bad habits, distortions, metamorphosis and cruelty of Atlantis!

In short, this is a terror race that can sacrifice everything and destroy everything for the sake of happiness and happiness!

So, after seeing these biochemical hybrid animals, Yang Ling will laugh. However, although he had a smile on his face, his eyes were shining with cold light and blazing murder.

Such disgusting things, just like their masters, are not worthy of being born in the world!

"Electro optic cannon!"

So the next moment, Yang Ling also waved his hands, and then a gun tube with strong electric light extended from him, firing at the biochemical hybrides that came from the fire!

After continuous improvement of cultivation, Yang Ling has not only been able to operate the machinery, but also can reverse integrate the machinery into his own body, let himself have the characteristics of the machinery, and improve and strengthen it.

At the moment, his so-called electro-optic cannon is a combination of high-level cannon and his electrical system rules, with extremely powerful and terrible destructive power.

Boom boom!

With the sound of the guns, a group of shells gathered to the extreme, and the "shells" with the fatal arc flashing on the edge also surged out of the barrels of Yang Ling's body, and then fell into the herds of biochemical hybrid animals.

All of a sudden, those electro-optic shells exploded, and then there was an endless arc, sweeping around. Under the strong electric light sweeping, those biological animals whose strength is no more than level 4 or level 5, or level 5 or level 6 at most are like the dead grass in front of the fire. They are destroyed by the terrible electric current in an instant, turned into coke, and finally exploded into powder and scattered on the ground.

With just one strike, countless biochemical hybrid animals were wiped out. Even those behind the dark door were also shot by Yang Ling with a lot of electro-optic shells, which destroyed the biochemical hybrid animals behind the dark door.

"Nice job!"

Seeing this scene, Chu ten day immediately smiled, then extended a thumb to Yang Ling.

Disgusting things like this should have been completely destroyed!

After killing those biochemical hybrid animals, Chu Xun and others also continued to move forward and started to move up the level through the short distance transmission gate.

Like the first floor, there are a lot of enemies and monsters on each floor of Babel Tower. However, the monsters on the next floor are different from those on the first floor. They are no longer entities, but are condensed by the energy mimicry system in the Babel Tower. So even though they have been cleaned up by doctors and others, as long as the Babel Tower is not exhausted, these monsters can be reborn to deal with the next "trial" Practise.

However, the strength of these monsters is not very strong, which may cause a great threat to the human army before the end of the world, but for the present Chu ten and others, it is not even trouble. So next, Chu ten and others will be like a broken bamboo, began to break through the numerous gates of Babel Tower one by one.

However, although they are easy to pass through the checkpoint, there is no joy on their faces, only pity, sorrow and heaviness.

Because along the way, they saw too many human bodies!

At the beginning, 400000 army and thousands of human powers attacked Babel Tower, but only Zhou Yulong and other people escaped from Shengtian. You can imagine how many people fell in this Babel Tower at the beginning.

In particular, there are many people who are even killed by the explosion of nuclear energy, so they still have the expression of fear and struggle before death. Looking at the countless corpses, Chu ten and other people's mood has become more and more depressed, the anger in the heart is also burning more and more intense!

These Atlantis, damn it!

And when Chu ten and others broke through three hundred stories, the scene before them also changed.

In the ten layers of 301-310, Chu Xun and others saw extremely special scenes such as forest, fire sea, ocean, desert and Jinshan. According to some information provided by doctors and others, these ten layers were once garrisoned by some of the strongest in Atlantis. However, these strong players have also fallen into the final battle, so on the contrary, these passes are the best.

After passing these three hundred and ten levels of tests, Chu and others finally came to the resting place of Atlantis.

In the space between 310 and 330 floors, there are countless resting instruments like silkworm chrysalis. Among these dormant instruments lie Atlantis who look like human beings, but are generally much more handsome.

According to Yang Linghe's system scanning, there are 12 million dormant instruments in the 20 layers, that is to say, there were more than 10 million Atlantis people dormant here. If it wasn't for the fact that the Atlanteans themselves were studying a taboo force of element fusion that led most of them to fall into a state of emergency dormancy and can't participate in the battle of doom, I'm afraid that the outcome of the battle of doom has already been rewritten.

However, through scanning, Chu ten and Yang Ling also found that they were shocked. That's because Atlantis' dormancy instruments are so advanced that they even use some kind of technology in the Babel Tower, so although the people in these instruments and instruments have been frozen by the earth's nuclear energy, in addition to all the unlucky eggs that were affected and died in the final battle, nearly ten million other Atlantis still retain the breath of life!

That is to say, these Atlantis are not dead!

Finding this, Chu ten, Yang Ling and angel also looked at each other, and then felt a chill coming from behind.

Fortunately, it was Chu Xun who took this Babel to the second world. Otherwise, once the Atlanteans recaptured the Babel and awakened nearly ten million Atlanteans in the Babel, the average strength and technology of Atlantis surpassing that of human beings would be destroyed in case of human beings!

You know, under the influence of the nucleus of life and a corresponding set of biotechnology, almost every Atlantean is a powerful power. In addition to their biological weapon, Kalam beast, an Atlantis can be regarded as two, three or more powerful powers!

And even if it's Chu ten, they can't defeat tens of millions, even tens of millions of powers!

"Fortunately, it seems that God is still on our side..." After a sense of fear and fear, Yang Ling immediately responded, hesitated for a moment, and said, "these Atlantis must not stay, or they will suffer a lot."

Speaking of this, Yang Ling's eyes also flashed a fierce light: "these damned guys, let us human beings suffer from the disaster of almost extinction of race and species, even the earth is almost destroyed as a result, and it's time for them to pay the price!"

At this point, Yang Ling is ready to start, will be in a dormant state of all the Atlantis destroyed.


However, at this time, Chu Xun stopped Yang Ling, and then a cold and cruel smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "it's too cheap and wasteful to kill them like this. Since these guys are not dead, let them use their lives and strength to make up for their crimes against humanity! "

Speaking of this, Chu Xun's right hand also slightly waved, and then a black light suddenly came out from his side, turning into a huge beast, covered in black armor, and roared to the sky.

This giant beast is the queen of alien!