Infinite Evolution

Chapter 855

After returning to the Bodhi world, Chu Xun felt that his Bodhi world had changed.

Compared with some illusory Bodhi world before, the Bodhi world at this moment is more concrete and real.

More importantly, the Bodhi world now has its own pillar, and this pillar is the bodhi tree!

At this moment, Chu Xun can clearly feel that the root of the bodhi tree has spread to every inch of the earth in the Bodhi world. At the same time, the branches and leaves of the bodhi tree also support the whole sky of the Bodhi world. Under the communication of the bodhi tree, the whole Bodhi world has become stronger, giving him an indestructible feeling.

Chu Xun knew that only with the bodhi tree, the Bodhi world is the real Bodhi world!

In a sense, his Bodhi world has reached the level of divine kingdom in terms of quality, but due to lack of energy, it has not completed the real transformation. Once he has accumulated enough spiritual power, the Bodhi world will complete the final transformation and become a real Buddhist country!

At that moment, even if Chu Xun only relied on his own Buddhist accomplishments, he was able to compete with the God level strong!

However, unless you enter the Yin world and devour the spirit with the tiger soul knife, it's not easy to improve your mental strength. So soon Chu Xun suppressed the excitement and excitement in his heart, went to the bodhi tree, and carefully observed the chaotic clock with light five colors.

Compared with the previous ones, the size of the chaotic clock is smaller now, only two-thirds of the size of the slap. But at the same time, under the five colors shining, Chu Xun was surprised to find that the patterns of Pangu Kaitian, the sun, the moon, the stars and the earth fire, the geomancy and so on on on the chaotic clock seemed to be alive, and began to move continuously, as if demonstrating to Chu Xun the process of the ancient Kaitian and the initial determination of Hongmeng.

However, maybe it's because these things are not comprehensible by Chu Xun now, so the next moment, Chu Xun is afraid to see that Pangu on the chaotic clock leaps out, holds a huge axe and cuts at him.

That kind of extreme axe meaning that even heaven and earth should be cut off together, invincible and unbreakable, almost let Chu's soul be broken.

Fortunately, it was only a mirage after all. When Chu Xun felt that his soul was about to be split up by Pangu, and his breath was suffocating, the mirage suddenly disappeared, and the chaotic clock was still standing quietly under the bodhi tree.

But this time, Chu Xun did not dare to observe the pattern on the chaotic clock so carefully.

"Just that axe contains the mystery of Pan Gu's opening up the world. It's good for you to remember that feeling!" And at this time, a little cold, but also some immature voice, but suddenly from Chu ten days mind rings.

"Who is it!"

The voice that rings suddenly in the mind, let Chu ten day frighten.

But in his Bodhi world, how could anyone, besides the system, be able to communicate to his spirit without his awareness?

But soon, Chu ten day then reflected, then looked at the chaos clock cautiously, some hesitated to ask: "just now, is you talking?"


In response to Chu Xun, there was a little impatient and disdainful swearing.

However, hearing the swearing, Chu Xun was not only not angry, but also excited and happy.

It's not that he is vile, but the change of attitude of the chaotic clock is really very important.

You know, before chaos clock almost completely ignored him, even didn't even scold him, directly regarded him as the air.

At the moment, although chaos clock scolded him, it was a good thing compared with the completely ignored attitude before. Not to mention, the chaos clock just passed on the mystery of Pan Gu's opening up the world to him through the illusion.

Does this mean that from now on, the chaos clock may be willing to help him?

"Don't think too much. I pass on the meaning of opening up the world through Pangu. One is that you are the successor of Pangu, and the other is that you have paid back your previous human feelings!"

However, at this time, the chaos clock seemed to detect Chu Xun's idea, and the cold voice sounded again: "since then, you and I don't owe each other, so don't bother me if you have nothing to do!"

"Yes, yes..."

Although the attitude of chaos clock is a bit arrogant and a bit big, it can't be helped. Who can call someone else one of the three most powerful inborn spiritual treasures after Pangu opened the world? A bit of style is also appropriate.

After all, the last master of the chaos clock, however, controlled the whole world and created a generation of demon emperor in the myth of demon emperor!

However, in the face of the inhuman warning of chaos clock, Chu Xun still has no disappointment, but a little more secret joy.

He listened very clearly. Chaos clock said don't bother him if you have nothing to do.

Does this mean that if there is a big event, the chaotic clock will not ignore it?

Think of here, Chu ten sees chaos clock again.

This time, it seemed that the chaotic clock that could penetrate Chu's thoughts did not speak again. I don't know if I am too lazy to pay attention to chuxun, or if I acquiesce to chuxun's idea

But Chu ten days also know, this kind of time do not continue to entangle, otherwise it is easy to become self defeating. Later, he retreated quietly and left the Bodhi world.

"Well, what a cunning fellow!"

And see Chu ten days leave, chaos clock also slightly tremble, send out a cold hum.

Later, the whole Bodhi world was restored to silence again.


After returning from Bodhi world, Chu Xun saw angel at first sight.

Angel was obviously still worried about Chu Xun's state, so he didn't practice in seclusion, but was waiting for Chu Xun to return from Bodhi world.

"You look so happy. Everything should be done?" Looking at chuxun's happy face, angel's worry finally disappeared, and then asked with a smile.

"What can he do? I'm the only one!" Hearing angel's words, before Chu ten could speak, the cardinal on her shoulder murmured with complaints.

However, she just dared to whisper. After all, if we don't say that there are Xuanwu and white tiger standing beside Chu ten, just that strange scene left him with lingering fear.

What can make them unable to control their original power by the Holy Spirit family is absolutely not small!

Obviously, there are more and bigger secrets in Chu ten's body than they imagined!

This man can't provoke!

Not to mention that he has destiny crystal!

Thinking of this, Zhuque suddenly felt that he should change his attitude. If you are honest and respectful, maybe this person will help her to get some destiny crystal or other good things for her master's sake. Then

So at the next moment, Zhuque's attitude immediately changed without hesitation, not only no longer like the proud and charming, poisonous tongue before, but also some Flattering?

"This, Lord Chu Xun..."

After hesitating for a moment, Zhuque said timidly, "since Chu Xun has healed the mental and spiritual wounds, it is not far from mastering the power of the world and repairing the body. But I have a suggestion. Do you want to listen to it? "

"What advice?"

Hearing Zhuque's words, Chu Xun immediately became curious.

Although it's said that this bird is a bit proud and charming, it's a descendant of the Holy Spirit who has accepted the inheritance of the Holy Spirit. Even if she doesn't digest all the information, what she knows is not comparable to chuxun.

So her opinion is definitely worth listening to.

"Cough, this suggestion is about the power of chuxun adults to repair their bodies and control the world."

Zhu que glanced at Chu ten, and then said, "Chu ten's body was almost broken by the force of the world, which is a great crisis for Chu ten, but also a great opportunity. Because in fact, the kingdom of the Lord Chu Xun is not cultivated by himself like other gods, so the control and integration of the power of the world are far less than ordinary gods. "

Speaking of this, Zhuque paused a little, and then continued: "but this time, the power of the world is a chance to make up for the gap. As long as chuxun takes advantage of this opportunity to gradually integrate the world power into his body and use the world power to wash his body, then your body's integration and control of the world power will be improved a lot. "

"What do you mean?"

Hearing Zhu Que's words, Chu ten day suddenly some Leng.

"I mean, let adult Chu Xun not rush to defuse the power of the world in his body, but let his body recover slowly. After all, you have recovered your soul injury now, and all kinds of internal forces are no longer disordered. Even if you don't control it deliberately, the speed of recovery will be ten times faster than before, a hundred times faster! " Hearing Chu ten's words, Zhuque said again: "in this way, it will be very helpful for the future development of Chu ten's adults!"

"I see. Thank you for your warning. Just do it." Hearing Zhuque's words, Chu Xun hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

After his mental strength returned to normal, he did feel that his body was healing faster, so that he would not be far away from the day of healing. Although he didn't have much time, in order to avoid this kind of situation that he could not adapt to and control the world, leading to his almost explosive body, it is necessary for him to keep this time.

But in this way, the next days of chuxun are boring.

He has tried to learn new laws and knowledge by using the secret scriptures of zuwu before, but because his body is disturbed by the power of the world, the inheritance of zuwu can not be carried out at all.

Does it mean that he was so dazed for the rest of his life, waiting for his recovery?

Chu Xun had a headache. He didn't know what to do to pass the time. In the distance, a dark shadow like a pillar of heaven suddenly attracted his attention.

Yes, he still has such a problem to solve!

Looking at the dark shadow like a giant pillar supporting the sky, Chu Xun's eyes suddenly brightened, and a trace of excitement appeared on his face.

If you can control that thing, then the next battle and catastrophe will help a lot!