Infinite Evolution

Chapter 852

Some people have said that when people are dying, their minds will automatically recall all the things they encounter in their lives, just like the movie rewind.

At this moment, Chu Xun is experiencing similar things.

Under the fire of Nirvana, Chu Xun felt as if he were in a world of fire. All you can see, except that fire is fire, and all you can feel, except for the heat, is the extreme pain that the flame burns the soul.

This kind of extreme pain almost made Chu Xun lose his sense, leaving only the instinct of wailing.

But after all, Chu Xun is also a strong man who has experienced countless painful torments and baptisms. The tenacity of his will is beyond ordinary people's imagination. So although the terrible pain made people hate to give up their reason and sink in this way, Chu Xun still fought against this kind of pain with the will as strong as steel, and reluctantly kept a trace of his reason.

I don't know whether it is because of the severe pain that the illusion occurs, or because the spirit of Chu ten is being burned by the fire of nirvana. In a word, there are countless pictures in his memory in front of Chu ten's eyes. What scares him is that he finds that these memories belong to him. At this moment, they seem to be burning with the burning of his spirit and soul, and they begin to disappear one by one.

Memory is the most important existence for a person. Because only memory exists, you are still you, and the disappearance of memory also means that you are gradually disappearing and dying.

At this moment, Chu Xun found out in fear that, with the memory images emerging in front of his eyes being covered and burned by the fire of Nirvana, those memories that originally belonged to him began to lose gradually.

Gradually, he forgot where he came from.

Gradually, he forgot his name.

Gradually, he forgot his destiny.


Little by little memories began to leave chuxun, and with the gradual passing of this memory, chuxun's emotions began to be slowly deprived.

Soon, he was no longer afraid, because he had forgotten how to fear!

Soon, he no longer worries, because he has forgotten how to worry!

Even he forgot how to be happy and how to be sad!

However, while the memory and emotion were gradually deprived, Chu Xun kept an emotion and a memory in his mind!

This is his strongest obsession!

What he would not give up!

That's love!

"Don't forget, don't forget to die..."

In chuxun's hysterical frantic cry, angel, bear child, chuhang, Yang Ling, Zhang Xie, chufrenzied man, chufeng and so on, the faces of the people who are important to chuxun also emerge in chuxun's mind. These people's voice, appearance and appearance give Chu ten the greatest strength, so that he can maintain his last memory and emotion!

They are still waiting for him and trusting him!

Don't forget, don't forget to die!

"What an amazing will..."

While Chu Xun was in the fire of Nirvana and roared wildly, he turned into a giant bird that covered the sky, and a bit of surprise flashed in the eyes of Zhuque who spewed out the fire of nirvana.

It also did not expect that Chu Xun had such an amazing will and obsession!

This guy, although annoying, is really admirable

In this case, there is no need to reserve any more!

Come on, nasty guy!


At the next moment, the bird suddenly made a long cry, and then the fire of Nirvana became stronger.

The intense fire of Nirvana even distorted the space where Chu Xun was, making him seem to be in the unreal and real. At the same time, angel, who was close to the fire of Nirvana, could not help but feel an indescribable burning sensation. Under the covering of the burning sensation, her eyes began to hallucinate!


But at this time, a blue light suddenly surged down and wrapped angel. Then the water separated the burning sensation, and the illusion in front of angel disappeared.

"Master mother, don't get too close. Now the stinky bird may not be able to control the range of Nirvana fire!" After using the power of water system to protect angel, Xuanwu also jumped up, and finally fell on angel's shoulder, with a solemn voice.

"Then Chusei?" Only the aftershocks left angel in a state of illusion. It is conceivable how terrible the power of the fire of nirvana is. Thinking of this, angel's eyes suddenly appeared a thick color of worry.

"Master mother, don't worry. The master's will is very tenacious. If he can't survive the fire of Nirvana, I can't think who can survive the fire of Nirvana!" Looking at angel's worried look, the white tiger on one side also came over and comforted angel in a harmonious voice.

But at the same time, white tiger and Xuanwu look at Chu ten's eyes full of worry!

Since ancient times, the fire of Nirvana has almost been used by the Zhuque family, rarely by the outside world, and even if it is used, there has never been such a situation that it needs to be ignited by external forces.

That is to say, this test is full of many uncertainties. Even white tiger and Xuanwu are not sure if Chu Xun can survive this test!

"Ah ah ah!"

While angel and others were looking at Chu ten with great nervousness, Chu ten, who was burned by the fire of Nirvana, also sent out a series of inhuman screams again.

At the same time, the fire of nirvana in the Bodhi world of chuxun also burns more and more fiercely. Finally, under the fire of Nirvana, the Bodhi world of chuxun began to collapse, burn, collapse, and finally turn into a little golden light and disappear!

His Bodhi world, under the fire of Nirvana, not only did not repair, but also completely collapsed!

Fortunately, Chu Xun's consciousness is almost broken at the moment, so the collapse of Bodhi world just makes him scream more crazy.


However, when the world of Bodhi in chuten accelerated to collapse and more and more areas collapsed, and finally only a small piece of land where the original bodhi tree was rooted was left, a very small, light sound like a tree seedling breaking the earth suddenly sounded in the world of Bodhi in chuten.

At the next moment, I saw the tiny, tender, dying and almost dead saplings of bodhi tree. Under the fire of Nirvana, they seemed to be nourished by some kind of power and began to break through the earth and grow at a very fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, the saplings turn into small trees, and then grow into big trees from small trees.

In the end, the trees are towering and shining with golden light!


In a moment, the bodhi tree, like the giant pillar supporting the sky in the ancient myth, supports the whole Bodhi world. At the same time, the dense branches and leaves begin to shake slightly. Then, in the sound of branches and leaves shaking, the bodhi tree also bloomed with golden light.

This bright golden light seems to have the power of making a breakthrough and recasting reincarnation. With the light of the golden light, the void covered by the golden light began to recast the earth. At last, the collapsed part of Bodhi world began to recover at a very fast speed!

Bodhi world, reborn from fire!

"It was a success!"

At the same time, watching in the fire, no longer scream, at the same time, the face also restored peace and calm, and even a little golden Chu ten, the skylark also relieved, and then a happy heart.

The quality of the destiny crystal is very high. So far, he has only burned one crystal, and there are four.

That is to say, he could take advantage of this opportunity to take the remaining four destiny crystals for private consumption. Anyway, at that time, he said that it was all used up, and there was no way for others to take it!

With the help of these four destiny crystals, she will surely raise her strength to a considerable height in a short time. At that time, hehe, no matter the big stupid turtle or the evil tiger, we will wait for her lesson!

Ha ha ha ha!


However, before the joy in Zhuque's heart broke out completely, a sharp energy buzz suddenly started from chuxun.

At the next moment, Chu Xun, who is in the fire of Nirvana, turns into a black hole and starts to devour the burning fire of Nirvana with an exaggerated speed!

At the same time, Zhuque is also afraid to find that the fire of nirvana in his body seems to have lost control, and began to flow towards Chu ten day!

What's the matter!