Infinite Evolution

Chapter 851


Hearing the words of Zhu que, Chu Xun could not bear it, and drank out the cold voice.

Xuanwu FA Xiang is a kind of anti heteromorphism, which can be said to be his faithful partner who accompanied him from the beginning of the end of the world to the present. If you want him to teach Xuanwu a lesson for such a disgusting guy, he can never do it.

Moreover, the attitude of the rosefinch made him very unhappy. Big deal, the soft one can't do it. The hard one will do it!

He has a lot of experience in how to teach such a bear boy a lesson!

"You, you turned me down!"

Being rejected by Chu Xun without hesitation, Zhuque immediately cried out in an atmosphere: "don't you want to restore your spiritual world? Do you really become a waste? "

"Master, don't worry, this guy is just alarmist!"

However, before Zhuque could continue to threaten, Xuanwu interrupted him, and then said to chuxun, "although these stinking birds are very annoying in character, they attach great importance to kindness. It recovers in the master's hands, which can be said to be a great debt of kindness to the master. So as long as the master mother gives an order, it will not really refuse even if it is not happy. "

At this point, Xuanwu paused a little, and then continued: "what's more, it has no reason to refuse. The destiny power contained in the destiny crystal is extremely precious. Even if it is only used as the fuel of the fire of Nirvana, it will also get great benefits in the process of burning, even the cultivation will soar. It's an irresistible temptation for her who has only one soul and little power left. "

"You stupid turtle, you dare to break me down. I'm so angry!"

All the details were torn down by Xuanwu. Zhuque was furious. He wanted to fight with Xuanwu. However, considering that the power of Xuanwu is too much stronger than it, and its attribute is sumac, so Zhuque is just shouting at me all the time, and has not really rushed to it.

"What are you two doing? Now the situation is not clear, the crisis is not removed, you even have leisure to quarrel! "

While Zhuque and Xuanwu were quarreling with each other, a blood light came out of chuxun's body, and then turned into a white tiger that was all white and full of sharp and fierce spirit. As soon as the white tiger appeared, he raised his head and gave a cold drink to the quarreling Zhuque and Xuanwu.

"White tiger!"

Seeing the white tiger roaring, Zhuque and Xuanwu are silent.

Among the five holy spirits, Kirin is the leader in comprehensive strength, and then the green dragon and white tiger are a little weaker, while the Zhuque and Xuanwu are a little weaker.

In other words, the status of white tigers is actually higher than that of Zhuque and Xuanwu. More importantly, the white tigers are often the most fierce and bloodthirsty. So even Zhuque and Xuanwu are afraid to be unbridled in the face of white tiger.

In fact, let alone Zhuque and Xuanwu. Even Qinglong and Qilin have a headache about this guy who launched Biao to do anything!

"White tiger, your body?"

Looking at the white tiger's whole body, which was white, but covered with blood and stripes, Chu Xun was stunned for a moment.

Why haven't you seen for such a long time? It seems that Xuanwu and white tiger have changed a lot?

Does it all have to do with the projection of the spirit that was integrated into them?

"The original power contained in the projection of the Holy Spirit is integrated into our soul, which not only strengthens our power, but also completely opens the soul inheritance of the Holy Spirit family for us."

Looking at Chu Xun's confused appearance, the white tiger squatted down and said: "now, we are the real Holy Spirit. It's just that cultivation and soul are too weak... "

Speaking of this, the white tiger again moved his bloody eyes to the Zhuque, and his voice became colder: "what are you still waiting for? You want me to beg you? Or do you want my master to teach me a lesson? "

"Oh, no, no!"

The magic power attached to the fierce and powerful spirit of the white tiger immediately makes the nature proud and charming, but some timid Cardinals shiver. Then they fly to Chu ten's face slowly with a completely different attitude, and then say with a flattering tone: "this Lord Chu, I'm ready. As long as you lend me the crystal of destiny, I can light the fire of Nirvana and help you to baptize the spiritual world! "

"You're not going to steal or eat alone?" Thinking of the bad appearance of Zhuque before, Chu Xun immediately frowned and asked hesitantly.

"Rest assured, master, with its current strength, it is impossible to digest the destiny crystal even if it swallows it in a short time." At this time, the cold voice of the white tiger rang again: "so, we have time to teach him a lesson and let him spit out what he swallowed!"

Later, the white tiger's eyes were once again locked on the Suzaku's body. In the blood pupil, the meaning of your threat and warning was self-evident: "do you mean it? Little rosefinch

"Yes, yes, I dare not do that!"

Looking at the threatening eyes of the white tiger, Zhuque shivers again and nods like a chicken pecking at rice.

At the moment, let alone the pride of the Phoenix family, he looks like a quail!


Seeing this scene, angel could not help laughing. Then it seemed a little embarrassed. After a dry cough, he said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you go on!"

In her opinion, the rosefinch is like a wild little princess who plays with temper. But she didn't expect to meet a more fierce one, so she naturally stopped playing the flag and drum.

"In that case, let's start!"

At the same time, Chu ten also gently shook his head, and then handed the destiny crystal in his hand to the front of the Suzaku.

However, before he could react, Zhuque opened his mouth and swallowed the five destiny crystals in his hand.


Seeing that Zhuque swallowed the crystal of destiny, Chu Xun was stunned immediately, and then a cold color flashed in his eyes.

This guy, how dare he rob?

However, at this time, the body of Zhuque seems to have been affected by some kind of force. It swells up and then soars to the sky. It becomes a super giant bird that has been spreading its wings for more than several kilometers and almost completely covers and burns the whole sky.

At the next moment, the super giant bird suddenly grew up, aimed at Chu ten, and spewed out a flash of light golden color, but it seemed to have some transparent flame!

The flame, like a pillar of light, came down from the sky and enveloped Chu ten in an instant. Strangely, the flame seemed fierce and terrible, but in fact, it didn't seem to have any temperature. Even the clothes and hair on Chu ten's body didn't ignite, but it just kept integrating into Chu ten's body.

But at this moment, Chu Xun, who had not been damaged, suddenly widened his eyes, and then couldn't help but utter an unprecedented shrill scream!

It turns out that the flame is not his body, but his soul and spirit!

At this moment, his Bodhi world, which has turned into scorched earth and is full of cracks, is suddenly covered by this strange flame, and is burning. But under the burning of the light, Chu Xun found that his Bodhi world had disappeared inch by inch.

And the spirit and soul burn together, the pain that goes straight into the soul is far more than the sum of all the pain that Chu Xun has ever suffered, which immediately makes him lose all his sense, leaving only the instinct of howling and screaming!



In Chu ten day, because of the fire of nirvana of the cardinal, he burned his spirit and screamed. When he was in agony, there was a slight hum in the deep cave somewhere in the second world.

Then, a light green light mixed with a little golden light emerged in the dark underground cave, and gradually condensed into the shadow of a green dragon.

Surrounded by the shadow of the green dragon, a young face, even with a young youth, is meditating and practicing with all his strength. At the same time, he was surrounded by a simple long sword, and the light in the cave, as well as the shadow of the green dragon, emerged from the long sword.

"It's the fire of nirvana of Zhuque. It seems that your elder brother has found the fuel to light the fire of Nirvana!"

The green dragon, like a python, encircles the bear child. At the same time, the faint neutral voice also rings: "now, it's up to him to see if he can get through the burning pain of Nirvana fire. If we can get through it, then everything will be fine. If we can get through it, then we will fall short of success. Even the spirits will be destroyed! "

"Don't worry, brother, he will survive!"

However, when he heard Qinglong's words, the young man did not open his eyes, but with a confident expression, said lightly, "because he never let us down!"