Infinite Evolution

Chapter 853

No one knows that when the world of Bodhi in chuxun was reborn, even the bodhi tree revived and grew into a towering tree, new changes took place in his Bodhi world!

I saw that when the bodhi tree and the Bodhi world were reborn, the fire of nirvana in the Bodhi world was fused and disappeared one by one, and the whole process of Nirvana was about to end, a five color brilliance suddenly burst out from the bodhi tree like a giant pillar in the sky.

At the next moment, the five colors of brilliance converged rapidly and became a small copper clock. Then, the copper clock moved gently, and made a sound of clear bell.



With the sound of a bell, the Bodhi world, which was already calming down, was once again caught in a storm!

Then I saw that at the moment when the bell rang, all kinds of colorful brilliance began to surge out from the bottom of the copper bell. It seems that the five color brilliance has an unspeakable and terrible power of attraction. Suddenly, the Bodhi world of Chu ten day and the fire of Nirvana around it began to pour into the copper bell under the power of this power of attraction!

The silent chaotic clock body finally moves under the temptation of the fire of Nirvana!

With the emergence of the suction caused by the chaotic clock body, it can be seen that the fire of Nirvana all over the sky seems to form a fire whirlpool, constantly "drilling" into Chu ten's body, with great momentum, which can be called earth shaking, indescribable!

"Ah ah, who can help me stop him?"

In the sky, I felt the rapid passing of my own strength, and the fate crystal in my body began to dissolve rapidly, turning into the fire of Nirvana and integrating into chuxun's body, and Zhuque immediately screamed painfully.

That is her destiny crystal, her strength!

"What's the matter?"

At the same time, angel's face changed suddenly when he saw the spectacle of the raging fire pouring into Chu ten's body.

If the previous nirvana is flowing into Chu ten's body, then the present nirvana is like being swallowed up by a black hole, and is sucked into Chu ten's body crazily. This scene is obviously abnormal!

What's more, there is a bleak call from the sky!

"I don't know, but we'd better watch it change!" Xuanwu followed Chu ten for the longest time, and knew more or less the magic of Chu ten. So at the moment, Xuanwu is the calmest one to see this amazing phenomenon.

"Wait!" At the same time, the white tiger nodded.

He also witnessed how many times Chu ten struggled out of the desperate situation, so he also trusted Chu ten's ability. Now, it seems that there is nothing strange and painful about Chu Xun. In this case, let's wait.

As for the rosefinch in the sky?

It can be seen from this guy's energetic scream that she shouldn't have any problem in a short time. In this case, please bear with me first

Therefore, in the crowd and the yelling of Zhuque, Chu Xun swallowed more and more fire of Nirvana, but he still seemed to fall into a deep sleep, keeping a calm and peaceful expression, motionless, nothing unusual!

"Help me, I can't do it!"

A few minutes later, the crystal of destiny in Zhuque's body was completely exhausted at the last moment, and her body began to shrink gradually. Meanwhile, the scream became a little scared and powerless.

In just a few minutes, the huge power in her body from destiny crystal will be swallowed up, and if it goes on like this, what Chu ten swallowed is her original power!

At that time, let alone take advantage of this opportunity to become stronger. I'm afraid it's hard to keep strength.

Can it be said that it will even be beaten back to its original shape? Because of the exhaustion of power, the spirit is destroyed!

"No! No I don't want to die, I'm still young! "

Think of here, the mid air of Zhuque also crazy struggle. But she couldn't control the power in her body at all, so she could only let the power in her body turn into the fire of Nirvana and integrate into chuxun's body!


Seeing this scene, Xuanwu and Baihu also realized the seriousness of the matter and were ready to help Zhuque. But not only can't they find a way to break the suction, but they just got close to Chu ten's, and they were blown away by an inexplicable force, which could not affect Chu ten's score at all!

At the moment, the body of the rosefinch has even shrunk by two-thirds!

It won't be long before he will be beaten back to his original form, or even the spirit will be destroyed!

"Fire with wood!"

However, at the moment when Zhuque was dying and Xuanwu and Baihu were very anxious, a sword light suddenly broke through the void and flew to Zhuque at a very fast speed.

Then, the sword light exploded and turned into a green dragon, and the green dragon snapped, opened his mouth, and spewed out a green light into the body of the cardinal. With the integration of the green light, the red sparrow, which was on the verge of death, was also on the rise, and its body shape was finally stable, no longer shrinking!

"Green dragon!"

Seeing the appearance of green dragon, white tiger and Xuanwu immediately exclaimed. The former shows a hidden hostility while the latter shows a little respect.

After gaining the integration of original power and opening the treasure house of inheritance and memory, they all changed more or less, becoming more like the Holy Spirit.

"What are you waiting for? Help!"

However, hearing the exclamation of white tiger and Xuanwu, Qinglong roared anxiously: "Chu ten's internal suction is too strong, and Zhu Que and I can't carry it. Lend us the power quickly!"


Although there are disputes within the Holy Spirit family, and they even look at each other badly, they still share the same spirit, life and death at the critical moment. So when I heard Qinglong's words, even the white tiger, who was hostile to him, did not hesitate to take a drink and started to help with Xuanwu.

"Make water with gold!"

I saw that with a fierce drink similar to tiger roar, a red and gold light also came out from the white tiger and integrated into the Xuanwu body. At the same time, Xuanwu also raised his head high and aimed at the blue dragon in the sky and shouted: "water makes wood!"


At the next moment, waves of water burst into the sky and merged into the body of Qinglong. With the integration of water and light, the green light emitted by the green dragon has become more intense.

Wood makes fire, fire makes earth, earth makes gold, gold makes water, water makes wood.

This is the rule that the five basic sources of the universe are derived from each other. As long as the five basic sources are together, then we can go back and forth, and the source is endless, even the birth and evolution of all things.

At the moment, although there is no key source of soil system, which can not form the five elements of reincarnation, it is fortunate that the four elements of Jinshui, wood and fire can be single progressive and complement each other. So now, with the help of white tiger, Xuanwu and Qinglong, the red sparrow, which was on the verge of death, is also full of fire, and its breath has skyrocketed more than a hundred times!

However, if the chaos clock wants to repair itself, the power it needs is only provided by a few spirits who have not yet fully grown up. Soon, the white tigers found that their help not only failed to fill the bottomless hole in Chu ten's body, but also led them into the abyss. Their strength could not be controlled at all, so they could only continuously enter Chu ten's body!

If it goes on like this, all four of them will die because of exhaustion of power!

"How could this happen!"

At this critical moment, the owner of Qinglong, that is, the bear boy, arrived here at a very fast speed. Looking at him as if he had formed a supply chain and constantly delivered his strength into chuxun's body, he was very embarrassed. Even the Four Holy Spirits, who were in great danger, suddenly showed surprise on his face.

Before he was completely closed, Qinglong realized the crisis situation of Zhuque through the unique perception of the Holy Spirit family, and came here at the first time. Soon, he also noticed the abnormality of Qinglong according to the connection with Xuanyuan sword, so he had to stop closing and hurry to see the situation.

But unexpectedly, he saw this scene just after he came here!

"Master, quickly find a way to break the connection between us and Chu ten, or we will all die!" Seeing the bear child, Qinglong cried out in a hurry.

"Break contact?"

Hearing Qinglong's words, the bear child frowned slightly, then nodded, and said: "be careful. When the contact is interrupted, you can withdraw as soon as possible, because I can't guarantee how long you can stop my brother!"

Said here, the bear child's eyes also flashed a trace of dignified color, then stretched out his right hand, aimed at Chu ten, and said in a deep voice: "the law of time - freezing!"